"That, is a female?"
In the village square, the Knights held back the crowds as Márafea, Thranduil, Glorfindel and Haleth awaited the prisoner. Still wearing her rangers garb, Haleth rubbed her neck, the bruises still visible. To the side of them were Barliman Butterbur and several other residents of Bree, both men and hobbits alike. The crowd parted as Elladan and Elrohir dragged the prisoner, his hands bound behind his back, and threw him down before Thranduil and Márafea. His face was covered in dried blood that had come from his nose, and both eyes were blackened.
The prisoner looked at them both and laughed, "I see you will be killing me now."
"You are to be tried for your crimes. If we find you guilty, you will be sentenced and punished," replied Thranduil.
"With what am I charged?" asked the prisoner.
"We charge you with attempted murder and being a worshiper of Morgoth," said Márafea.
"By what authority do you charge me?" he demanded.
"We charge you in the name of King Elessar of The Reunited Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor," said Márafea.
The prisoner laughed, "And where is this King Elessar? I see no King, just a girl and her Elf Pet." Thranduil glared and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.
"You speak so of the Vice Regent and her Co Regent husband, who are king and queen in a realm of their own. They are here in the name and authority of King Elessar," said Glorfindel.
"Then why don't they go back where they came? We have no need of King Elessar and his servants poking their noses in our business," said the prisoner.
Some bystanders sniggered, "King Elessar is our rightful King, he is descended from Elendil himself, Queen Márafea is his Royal sister, she is also of the line of Kings and King Thranduil is her husband, your traitorous words condemn you," said Haleth.
"Wardress, the only thing I admit guilt to is the fact you still breathe, but that will be rectified soon enough," said the prisoner defiantly.
"So you confess to attempting to murder Wardress Haleth, prisoner," said Thranduil.
"I only confess to failing in my mission," replied the Prisoner.
"I think we can accept that as an admission of guilt," said Thranduil.
"And the last charge?" asked Márafea.
"I will not deny my Lord Melkor, he is all powerful and one day he will return, restore his servants and destroy you and yours and I will be there at his side!" the Prisoner taunted. There was silence from the crowd, followed by a fearful murmuring. Márafea and Thranduil looked at each other. She took a deep breath, then addressed the crowd.
"Citizens of Arnor, good people of Bree. You have heard the vile testimony of this prisoner. Not only does he not deny his crimes, but he speaks of them with pride. It would seem his guilt is proven and yet I would still have the good people of Bree proclaim his guilt or innocence." She looked at Butterbur and those with him. "What say you? How do you find the prisoner?" Butterbur and his fellow Breeman huddled together for a short time, then Butterbur turned to Márafea.
"Vice Regent, we the folk of Bree find the prisoner guilty," he said.
The others with him said, "Aye," and nodded their heads.
Márafea then fixed her eyes upon the prisoner. "You have been found guilty, not only by the citizens of Bree, but also by your own words. The sentence for your crimes is death. Is there anything you wish to say before the sentence is carried out?"
The Prisoner shrugged. "I go to join my Lord Melkor and await his vengeance upon you."
Márafea shook her head and came close up to his face. "You think you will go to your Lord? It is my Lord, who will greet you when you leave this world, send him my regards," she whispered. She stood again and turned to Haleth. "Your blade, it has not yet tasted blood," she said.
"Do you wish me to carry out the sentence, I will not flinch?" asked Haleth.
"No, the sentence is for me to carry out. But my, but your blade is in need of blooding. Who you lend it to me?" asked Márafea.
"It would be my honour, Vice Regent," said Haleth, handing over her blade. The Knights moved the crowd back further as Márafea stood before the prisoner.
"You would look into my eyes as you take my life," said the prisoner arrogantly.
"And you will see my Lord through mine, for I am his instrument," said Márafea.
Suddenly the prisoner's face turned pale, "No....... please...... mercy," he stuttered.
"Too late, sentence has been passed," replied Márafea, removing his head effortlessly. The head landed near some curious hobbits who immediately leapt back into the crowd. There was silence and a little fear amongst the crowds. Márafea wiped the blood from Haleth's blade, then handed it back to her. "It is now ready to be used against the enemies of Arnor, may its name be earned when plunged into the heart of a traitor." She then turned back to the crowd. "Citizens of Arnor, good people of Bree, let it be known far and wide that Bree is officially under the Arnorian authority of King Elessar. And may you all prosper under his benevolence, my husband and I shall travel north soon to retake Annúminas and return it to the Dúnedain people. May what happened here today serve as a message for those who would oppose King Elessar and his rightful representatives. The King has returned, Long live Arnor! Long live King Elessar!"
The Knights and Elves echoed Márafea with shouts of "hail King Elessar! Hail to his Regents! Hail Arnor!" and slowly the Breefolk joined them. "You are getting rather good at this," whispered Thranduil.
"We are winning their minds, but I think hearts will take some time," replied Márafea.
"A fearful respect of authority does not hurt either, my Queen," whispered Thranduil.
At Midnight, Márafea and Thranduil departed the Prancing Pony. They left with a company of Hurscarls, Arnorian Knights, Borion, Haleth, Elladan and Elrohir. The company left via the Western gate. The intention was to turn northward at the crossroads. But as they reached it, they were ambushed by a Warband of Dunlendings. They were fierce and many in number, surrounding the company as they made their assault. The company fought hard to put down their assailants, but it was not until a company of Dwarves who were passing came to their aid that they could finally overcome the Dunlendings.
Thranduil dragged a surviving Dunlending, throwing at Márafea's feet. "A gift for you, my queen, not my usual trinket, I am afraid." Elladan and glanced at Elrohir, a concerned look upon his face. Márafea grabbed the prisoner by the hair and held her dagger against his neck.
"Who are you and who sent you?"
"Hail Melkor!" the Dunlending replied.
"Very well," said Márafea and calmly sliced his throat. Elladan looked at her in surprise. "We've no time to question him or enough warriors to send him back to Bree for interrogation. Whoever sent these Dunlendings means to delay us. Our people are in danger, I fear, we must press on with all haste. If anyone tries to waylay us, kill them." Márafea and Thranduil approached the Dwarves.
"looks like we were late to the party," said one. He had a dark grey beard with little silver rings adorning it. "Off to the Haven's are we?" he asked.
"What business is it of yours?" asked Thranduil.
"Only, few heading for the Havens dress for battle," said the Dwarf.
"How very perceptive of you," said Thranduil sarcastically.
"Where might you be headed?" asked Márafea.
"You...you ..... spoke.....our father tongue," said the Dwarf. Márafea removed her hood, her silver eyes and matching streaks of hair glowed in the moonlight, there were murmurs from the band of Dwarves.
Márafea held out her hand, "Apologies, we are most grateful for your aid, my husband.....,"
The Dwarf winked and shook her hand, "Is an Elf my Lady, don't worry, we will not hold it against you,"
Thranduil glared at Márafea, "I only sort to protect our mission, my Queen."
"Queen, eh? Not too many Elven queens in Middle Earth these days, though you are no Elf, Lady. You appear to be of the ranger folk, though your eyes and hair say otherwise," said the Dwarf.
Márafea smiled, "I am indeed a Dúnadan, my name is Queen Márafea of Eryn Lasgalen, but I was born Anberenien Daughter of Beren of the Royal House of the Scepter now the Royal House of Telcontar. This is my husband, King Thranduil of Eryn Lasgalen. We are here in the name of King Elessar to act as his regents and to begin the restoration of the Kingdom of Arnor."
The Dwarf looked at Thranduil suspiciously, "I thought King Thranduil was of Mirkwood, he who held my Kinfolk captive. He turned to Márafea, you are a strange woman indeed and I do not mean just those eyes of yours."
"Mirkwood is no more, the taint has gone from the forest and all is green and beautiful again. As for any ill will between my people and yours, much healing has taken place of late, thanks to my queen," said Thranduil.
"Why King Thorin and King Bard visit our halls often and we visit their kingdoms too," replied Márafea.
"I am called Glendi son of Threndi of the Blue mountains. My people and I were on our way to trade in Bree. But as you can see, we are more than capable with our axes."
"And we are grateful you came upon us when you did, perhaps it is providence that we have met. My company are travelling North to lead Dúnedain in retaking the lost city of Annúminas, we would welcome your axes if they are for hire, there are still Orcs and other creatures amongst the ruins that will need to be purged," said Márafea.
Glendi looked up at her and stroked his beard, "If the coin is good, count us in, we are here to trade after all."
"And what does a Dwarf's Axe cost these days?" asked Thranduil.
"What are you offering Elven King?" replied Glendi.
The three of them came to an amount that was agreeable to both parties and the Dwarven warriors sent their women folk onto Bree to trade as planned. Márafea smiled at Thranduil, "It seems we are to take Dwarves into our service, their axes will be of great use to us."
The Dwarves bid their womenfolk, elders, and young folk farewell as they continued their journey to Bree.
"I am coming with you, Uncle," said a young Dwarf.
"You hold your tongue lass, I promised your father I would keep you out of trouble. Go with your aunt to Bree," said Glendi.
Márafea looked at the young Dwarf, "That axe looks sharp. What is your name?"
"Fimas is the name m'lady, as for the axe, I forged it myself. It is sharp and hungry for adventure," said the young Dwarf proudly.
"Then you are most welcome as long as your uncle is agreed," said Márafea.
Fimas turned to Glendi "I am old enough, brave enough and strong enough as any warrior and what do I care for a husband. I've no desire to sit in the mountain raising young."
Glendi shook his head, "You're a girl, you have no business forging an axe save for your husband. But knowing you, if I don't let you tag along, you will only get yourself into trouble of some other sort. You can come, but stay out close to me and don't put yourself in unnecessary danger. You females will be the death of us all."
"Aye Uncle I shall," replied Fimas.
Thranduil smirked, "that, is a female?"
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