Alex woke up early morning and by 5 am she was dragged around here and there by Gabrielle , Maria and Porsha ( the person who helped her with hair and make up , sort of like a personal make-up and hair stylist). But no worries after all Alexandria was used to this since a young age. Almost by 7 am . She was done getting ready with the help of the three...
And in the room of the 7 guys the same was happening they too were woken up by 5 am and multiple maids Nd butler's were coming and going helping them get dressed. After the 7 were done it was almost 7: 30 am
By almost 7: 30 the royal family was at the dining area for their break fast and Alex was really happy to have food together with her family after a long time. And by this time the 7 guys were also escorted to the table and all 7 if them were nervous as hell. But they couldn't choose which was more nerve wrecking talking and impressing the king and queen of Spain or talking and impressing the mom and dad of your soulmate.
After the ceremony
V & Jk were getting ready for horse riding and getting into the outfits tht Maria and brought them on Alex's wish.. after changing they went to the Western Gateway were they were supposed to meet. Of course they had to ask quite a lot of palace workers and officials but they found their way. And when they reached there they saw Alex standing there looking really beautiful as always and besides her were three majestic horses a pure white one , a pure black one and a chestnut one.
Al: oh you guys are here come on let me introduce you to the horses. So this (pure black,) is Midnight , and this (white ) is snow flake , and this ( chestnut) is Hazel. Midnight and Snow flake are the fastest and most energised horses. Of the entire Europe as of the recorded horses. All 3 of them are kind of like my own horses since these three though they look really good now were among the weakest horses when they were bit younger so none of the officials wanted them but I always loved horses so I kinda took care of them and made sure they were groomed and sometimes did it myself , and took them on rides trained them and now though many guards want them only i can choose who these horses carry they only obeys them whom I ask them to obey. But don't worry you guys will be safe since your my Soulmates and animals have greater sense when it comes to these things so they will know they can trust you. Also Kookie can take Hazel since we are gonna race . So I'm gonna take Midnight and you can take snow flake
V: so your gonna take him and I'm gonna take her ?
Alex: actually the opposite. I'm gonna take her and your gonna take him since midnight is female while snow flake is male.
V: oh ok now come on let's go
They 3 ride for a while until they reached a river...
Alex: so if we go straight this path we will reach a huge green valley and at the end of the valley there is a beautiful and tall water and through the side there is a path which will lead to the top of the waterfall. So we will start from here the first to reach the top wins. And Kookie I hope you remember the route we will be waiting for you near the bottom of the water fall.
Jk: ok but next time I wanna race too .
Alex: sure next time I'll ask a guard to give you their horse.
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