Chapter 3 - Skye
Skye spent the trip on the jet (well, after he was amazed by all the advanced technology in said jet) reading up on current events on the tablet Agent Coulson had given him. He didn't have security clearance for a lot of the details, and he didn't feel like hacking in to get said details with Coulson watching him so closely. He was able to catch up on the basics of what was going on.
He read about the Tesseract, the Asgardian behind it all and the team being assembled to deal with the threat. The jet was heading to Shield's helicarrier, where Skye would be properly introduced to the rest of the team.
Skye reviewed the footage again and again. Something seemed off. He was having trouble placing exactly what it was. So when Coulson got bored watching Skye watch the same clip over and over again and turned his attention away, Skye dug a little deeper. A few taps, a bit of magic, and he found footage that gave him more information.
The clip he found was shortly after Loki arrived, when he used the scepter to mind control the bow and arrow guy... Skye should learn his name. Eagleye? No, that wasn't it. Hawk something... Agent Barton, Hawkeye, whatever the fuck that name was supposed to mean.
As the scepter connected to Barton's chest, magic spilled from it, electric blue, ice blue as it took over Barton's eyes and mind. That magic was powerful, more powerful than even a god of Asgard, even the Master Magician of Asgard, should be able to wield on his own.
There was more to it, but Skye was out of time. The jet was landing and Coulson was turning his attention back to Skye. Skye quickly exited out of the clip he'd been watching. He made no move to give back the tablet, though. He figured the information in it would be helpful when he had time to dig into it further.
Coulson raised an eyebrow, but didn't question Skye or demand the tablet back. That earned him some points in Skye's book. It seemed the Agent didn't care quite so much about the rules, as long as Midgard wasn't taken over. Skye could respect that. "Are you ready?" Coulson asked when the jet landed and they both stood from their seats. Skye could tell that Coulson was falling into the same trap so many others did: treating Skye like a child (or at least like a college-aged teenager) due to his looks. Skye didn't bother fighting him; it usually helped when he needed to show his power if he was underestimated first.
Skye inclined his head "I am," he agreed easily. He would be meeting some of the most powerful people on the realm, but he wasn't intimidated. He was an Alpha and he had plenty of power on his own, even if he didn't flaunt it.
He held onto the tablet as he followed Coulson off of the jet. There were all sorts of military men around. Skye ignored them. They weren't important to this mission. He could feel the power gathered inside the helicarrier. That's where his real work would take place. He continued to follow Coulson until they were on the bridge. It was clearly the base of operations. Attention turned to Skye as the pair entered.
"You're bringing kids in on this mission?" A voice asked disapprovingly. Skye looked at the speaker and his mouth nearly dropped open. Captain America. The Captain America. He was a living legend. Skye knew his story well.
Skye nodded a polite greeting to the Captain. "I'm older than I look, sir, and I have the qualifications to help with this threat," his voice was polite, his usual generic Midwestern accent back in place.
He shook Cap's hand and introduced himself. Introductions went all around: Agent Romanoff (don't mess with her, she can kick your ass without breaking a sweat or a nail), Bruce Banner (shy Omega doctor with an Alpha-anger-monster inside of him waiting for the opportunity to smash everything in sight), Coulson, Fury, Maria Hill. All powerful players, all with the same goal of stopping Loki.
Before the work truly even got to begin, Loki was spotted in Germany.
Something seemed wrong about the whole situation, something was off, but there wasn't time to consider that, as Skye was on the jet with Cap and Agent Romanoff to bring Loki in.
"Time to prove your words, Skye," Nat said as Cap pulled his helmet on.
Skye smirked. "That will not be an issue, Agent Romanoff," Skye replied easily. Though it was hard for him to fight the urge to address her as 'Lady'. His mother had taught him court manners. It was hard to hide them, when he was otherwise being so very much himself.
His magic shimmered around him and it felt amazing to let it out properly for once. His college clothes shimmered to his armor: lightweight leather armor with metal to protect his chest and metal gauntlets, along with sturdy boots. His sheaths appeared on his belt and Skye drew the blades simultaneously, spinning them, testing their weight, before resheathing them. The blades were identical short swords, the length between a dagger and a proper sword. They were beautiful, elegantly crafted, and completely identical, except for one thing: one was crafted of Asgardian steel, the other of Jotun ice-steel.
"I'm ready," he informed the others. They had tried to hide their awe and surprise, but failed. They clearly hadn't known what to expect out of Skye, but clearly, he was exceeding their expectations.
"Let's go," Cap agreed and the pair moved into battle. Nat would give them air support.
"There are no men like me-" Loki was finishing his speech as the pair approached.
Skye noted again that something was wrong, something off about the god who was drawing so much attention to himself.
"There are always men like you," Cap announced from the crowd.
Skye watched, waiting for his moment. It hadn't come yet. Not quite. He studied the god and finally realized what it was. This taking over the world, this posturing, this show, it was something an Alpha would do.
But it was all posturing. He could feel Loki's power, could feel his psychic scent. That was an Omega. There was no way in all nine realms that an Omega would choose to act like this of his own free will.
For a moment, just an instant before Loki began to fight with Cap, for just a single moment, Skye caught the truly damning thing: Loki's eyes were that same ice-blue of the mind controlled. It was only a moment before illusions were back in place, dimming the blue glow. But it had been there and Skye had seen it.
He knew three things as he joined the battle:
1) Loki was being mind controlled
2) Loki was an Omega being forced to act like an Alpha
And most important and damning of all when Skye had caught Loki's psychic scent:
3) Not only was Loki an Omega, but Loki was Skye's Omega
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