Chapter 1 - Skye (2012)
Skye had been on Midgard all of their life. They still didn't feel like they belonged. And they didn't belong, not really. Skye had already been alive for centuries. They had seen the rise and fall of civilizations, watched as the Midgardians grew and advanced. They had become more accepting in certain aspects over the years, at least in some places of the world, but Skye still had to be careful.
Not everywhere was accepting that they were genderfluid. They also had to hide that they didn't age like the Midgardians. And their magic and abilities. There was so much to hide. Skye was used to it, but tired of it and they were so lonely.
Alphas weren't supposed to be alone for so long. It could drive an Alpha crazy, especially with no Omega of their own to ease their emotions.
Skye had gone off on their own once they could pass for an adult. They kept in touch with their parents and saw them as frequently as was safe. The Midgardians would notice three people who didn't age normally far easier than two, or Skye alone. The age of technology was helping Skye keep in touch, but it wasn't truly keeping the loneliness at bay.
The problem was that Skye still didn't know what they wanted to do with their life.
Currently, Skye had taken male form. He was taking classes at a university in New York, trying to find something that sparked his interest to do with his life. There were only so many options for careers for an Alpha, especially an Alpha with as much power as he had. Usually, Alphas of his caliber went into the military, law enforcement, law firms. None of that appealed to Skye.
He hefted his bag on his shoulder and started to leave his dorm to head to class. He paused long enough to check his reflection in the mirror. He had to be meticulous to make sure his illusions were properly in place. It wouldn't do well to be discovered just because he wasn't being careful. He wore his white hair longer than was usual for a male, but with his black roots and brows, piercing ice-blue eyes, and his aura, there was absolutely no doubt that he was an Alpha. His skin was pale, his body built and muscular, he looked the perfect specimen of an Alpha in his early twenties. The look appeared more 'bad boy' than 'effeminate', which was what he was going for.
He left for class, still pondering what he was going to do next. He had to be so careful. He knew he was being watched now, anyone with abilities were after Iron Man had revealed himself a few years ago, after Thor had come to Midgard.
The government was watching. Skye kept himself out of trouble, but he knew that trouble was just waiting around the corner from him.
Around the corner indeed.
As he turned the corner outside his dorm to the classroom buildings, he caught sight of the conspicuous man in the suit. The man was trying to be inconspicuous, but Skye noticed him immediately. Skye paused in his tracks, evaluating the situation. He scanned the crowd and spotted more men in suits pretending to not be watching him.
The government usually hid a little better when they were watching people, which meant something was truly wrong.
He gathered himself and his wits as the first man approached. He was an Alpha, he was older than anyone here and had more power than all of them combined. He could destroy his cover and get out of this situation, but he wouldn't do that until all other options were eliminated.
"Mr. Erikson?" The man greeted Skye. Well, fuck, he definitely knew who Skye was and was looking for him in particular. "Or is it Miss today?" And he knew Skye's genderfluidity. Great.
Skye inclined his head, shifting his stance slightly to be ready to fight if necessary. "Mr., today," he replied amenably. The man was making it look like a casual conversation, the other students didn't pay them any mind. Skye would follow that lead until it became necessary to do otherwise. He was trained not to draw attention. "Who's asking?"
The man pulled out a badge. "Agent Coulson of SHIELD. We need you to come with us. There's a situation we need to discuss,"
Skye was wary, beyond wary. The badge was official. He hadn't heard of this government agency, but that didn't really mean anything. He noticed the other suit men had come closer. "And if I refuse?" He asked, so carefully, so politely, so courteously.
Coulson gave him the same sort of polite look in return. The one that spoke of danger and overt over politeness. It was all a show, an act to keep looking innocent in front of the students, the people who weren't a part of this. "Then we will have to assume you are part of the situation and not a part of the solution,"
Threat received. They would attack him, arrest him, worse. He could probably get away from it, but these men clearly knew who he was and at least some of his abilities. It wasn't time to play his cards yet.
"Then let's discuss your situation, Agent..." Skye wasn't happy with being strong-armed into talking to the government, and he let it be known with his words and tone, but he would play along.
For now...
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