Chapter Eight
Prince Rolland, also known as the Prince of Darkness, was right there in front of us.
"Van, where are we? What are you doing? Why did you make me leave Mom behind? We have to go back for her, we have to!" Lilac screamed. She, like everyone else, could not see in the darkness created by the powers of the king and prince. But for some reason, I could see through. I didn't linger on that though. There were more important things to focus on at the moment. I shushed her, harshly as I stared right into the eyes of Prince Rolland.
He stared back at me. The cold, distant look in his frosty eyes send a chill down my spine. There was nothing human in those eyes. He must've seen the clarity in my eyes and understood that I wasn't blinded by his magic because he started moving towards me.
Frantically, I tried to pull Lilac and myself away from this monster, but to no avail. We were trapped in the frenzy of bodies as people tried to escape. What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? Think, Savannah, think.
Calm yourself.
I broke away from my panicking. There it was again. The voice and thoughts in my head that were not mine. Am I going insane? This really isn't a good time for me to go insane.
You're not crazy. There will be time to explain later, but right now you need to get away from Rolland. He's seen your face. You must run.
Gee thanks, voice in my head, I thought I needed to invite the psycho prince to a tea party or something.
Suddenly, I felt a cold hand grip my shoulder. I shivered as I turned around and was face to face with Prince Rolland once again. This is it. This is where it ends. Without thinking, I shoved Lilac into the crowd. She shrieked as she fell into the stampede and was almost trampled. I saw her crawling away, calling for me. I hope that she, at least, survives this day. I slowly turned back towards Rolland. If I was going to die, I at least wanted to die with dignity. I found comfort in the fact that I would see my mother again.
To my surprise, Rolland didn't kill me. Instead he started dragging me towards the exit.
"Let me go!" I scratched and kicked at him, but his grip was iron clad. My nails didn't even leave a mark on his skin. Nothing worked. "What are you doing?"
Unsurprisingly, he didn't answer. The closer we got to the exit, the more desperate I got. I kept trying to attack him, but nothing work. Tears began slipping down my cheek. "Help! Please someone help me!" The thought of being kidnapped by the prince was even more frightening than being killed by him.
Please someone save me. I could really use a miracle right now.
Put both your hands on Rolland's arms.
Oh great, the voice came back. Wow, so helpful.
Quit the sass and just do as I say, Savannah!
Oh, okay, I guess I could try feeling the prince up. Yep that'll really save me.
Savannah! Now!
I decided to listen to the voice, because why not? I'm at the point where I'm willing to try anything. I put my arms on the prince's shoulders and gasped. His skin felt like ice. The coldness burned my fingers.
Without warning, the entire square became filled with light. People gasped and cried out in joy as their vision began to clear. But their joy was short lived as it became too bright to see. Everyone began to shield their eyes. The smell of burning was in the air. Was there a fire? I screamed along with the rest of the square. What has the prince done now?
It became stronger and stronger, until I finally realized that both the burning smell and the light were coming from me. I didn't know what to do so I just screamed louder. The rush and excitement started to get to me and the crowd started spinning as I swayed on my feet. My eyelids felt heavy and my legs began to shake. I closed my eyes and let oblivion take hold of me.
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