As expected, Jungkook picked me up on my first day of school. I didn't have a choice anyways since our parents are basically the ones in charge of us.
We arrived at a prestigious looking school. This must be it.
Well, kinda looks passable.
"Shall we go, Princess?" Jungkook offered his hand for me.
I took it and hopped out of the limo. As soon as we entered the building, the hallway was immediately filled with students who were staring at us and whispering things.
"Omg, is that her?"
"That's Princess Lisa, right?"
"She's so pretty!"
"Oh poor girl."
"Must be a shame. I pity the Princess."
"She's pretty. Too bad, Jungkook's already—"
"Sshhh! She'll hear you!"
I furrowed my brows as I kept on hearing the word 'pity' beside my name from all the whispering. As far as I can see, they look more pitiful than I am.
I glanced at Jungkook who is just holding my hand while dragging me to the classroom.
We arrived at the classroom not too far. And as soon as we entered, all the eyes were on us. Then Jungkook pointed at the empty seat at the back.
"Take a seat." He said coldly and left me there, taking his sit on the other row with his friends.
This fucking douche bag thinks he can treat me like a trash when there are no paparazzi's are around.
I smirked and followed him. His friends watched me as I walk towards their direction.
"Y-Yah, Jungkook. Your sister's walking towards us." A filthy looking creature who happens to be Jungkook's friend whispered to him. But I heard him anyway.
Jungkook turned around and saw me standing now, beside him.
"What are you doing here? Your seat is over there." He pointed at the empty seat at the end of the row, farthest from him.
I smirked, "I want this seat." And I pointed at the seat beside him.
"E-Excuse me, Miss. ut this is my seat." Another friend of Jungkook pops in.
"But I want it." I glared at him.
He just gulped in response and looked at Jungkook, hoping to escape my glare.
Jungkook sighed and stood up, "The seat is occupied. You can't be causing a trouble on your first day here. If our parents find out..."
"If you don't make me sit beside you, I'll definitely make sure our parents finds out about this." I smirked.
I saw roll his eyes and clenched his jaw, "Fine."
He turned around to face the guy who owns the seat, "Taehyung, can you sit somewhere else? She wants to sit here."
This Taehyung guy sighed in defeat, "I'm not doing this for free, Jungkook." And took his things, transferring to another seat.
"The seat's all yours. Now, stop pestering me." And Jungkook sat back on his chair.
I smiled in victory and finally took the seat. It was the perfect time when the teacher finally arrived.
"Goodmorning class!" The teacher greeted us.
It wasn't long when she finally noticed my presence beside Jungkook. She smiled at me and she eyed back to the whole class.
"So you guys already met the new student. Would you like to come in front and introduce yourself?" The teacher asked me.
I stood up, not answering her and immediately went infront to introduce myself.
"Hi, My name is Lisa, Jungkook's fianceé." I ended.
I stared at the class and furrowed my brows in confusion. We look like 20 students. They have a few chairs and a few students too. Is this school usually have 20 students in each class? Because there are only nine girls, including me and the rest are boys. What the hell?
A girl raised her hand, "What makes you deserve the elite's class?"
I noticed this girl's features and I think we're going to get along. Her cat eyes and fierce attitude spits exactly the same as mine.
Another hand raised, "What do your parents do?"
Then another one, "Is Jungkook really your fianceé." And that was followed by a few chuckles.
"C-Class, I don't think that's appro—"
I held the teacher's shoulder and told her it was okay. Because some ignorant pests seemed to be lost do not know where they belong.
I kept a stern smile on my face, "Let me do the introduction one more time, for you."
I cleared my throat.
"I am Lalisa Manoban, the only daughter and the youngest among the Manoban Royal Family. And yes, I am Jungkook's fianceé." I ended.
The class became silent.
I gave them my warmest smile before slumping down on my seat, next to Jungkook. Jungkook looked at me as he shook his head in disappointment.
The class went on as I smirk on myself whenever I feel those sticky stares behind me.
I think I just got all their attention, huh?
Lunch break came and I gathered all my things to prepare. I saw Jungkook taking his bag and went with his friends, leaving me. He was about to leave the classroom when I immediately took my bag and ran towards him.
I held his arm to stop him, "Where are you going?"
"Lunch." He answered and removed my hand on his arm.
I bit my lips and looked at his friends behind him watching us. I can't afford to get humiliated. He's obviously leaving me behind for those shit heads.
I smiled at him, "Okay. Eat healthy." I cupped his face, making him take a step back.
I pulled away and waved goodbye. He just furrowed his brows at my sudden action. I watched him leave with friends as I internally cuss at him inside my head.
You fucking wait and see, Jeon.
I turned my back on the class and observed the other students. Especially the girls. I need to build a strong popularity here.
I wondered my eyes and they automatically fell on that girl who asked if I was deserving to be in this class. She also have a blondé bimbo and a sharp looking girl beside her.
"Bingo." I smirked.
I immediately went to them as they gathered all their things inside their designer bags that just probably costs a carpet in the palace.
"Hey." I greeted the three. They all turned their heads to me.
The blonde immediately took my hands as she gasped, "Omg, I was trying to control myself earlier! But seriously, I can't believe we're on the same class! It's an honor, your highness!"
An easy prey.
I smiled at her, "Please, call me Lisa."
She blushed and tightened the grip on my hand, "I'm Rosé! I'm so sorry. You're just so pretty! Ugh! I've been all over your instagram and I can tell, you're really living the princess life! Those gowns, omg! I'd kill to see you wear it in person!"
Okay, maybe she's a bit too much.
"Y-Yeah. Thanks." I forced a smile.
"I'm Jisoo. Sorry for my friend, Jennie here. She's just like that sometimes." The sharp looking black haired girl spoke.
I tilted my head and looked at this Jennie girl, still glaring at me like I'm some kind of a cat bullying her dog.
"So your name's Jennie. Hi, I'm Lisa." I gave out a smile.
She just rolled her eyes at me and stood up to face me, "Look, Lucy. If your looking for a friend. It ain't us. It's the best when it's the three of us. Now, scram."
Rosé held Jennie's arm, "Hey, don't be rude." She whispered.
I smiled, "It's Lisa, actually. And you're right. I am looking for friends since I am new here. Have you heard Ariana's 7 rings?"
Jennie furrowed her brows at me, "What does that even have to do here?"
"I always buy matching diamonds for all of my friends." I shrugged.
But Jennie just scoffed, "Do you think being in this elite class has nothing to do with my level of comfort in living?"
She took a step closer to my face, "Listen, we don't need money. My mom owns the brand of the bag you're wearing right now. While my dad owns the biggest manufacturing company in the entire universe. That makes us on the same level. So don't you make me call you a Princess."
I raised an eyebrow, "Whoa, okay Chanel Princess. I never intended this conversation to be a competition. I was trying to be nice and all. But I guess, you can't stand having much better and higher person than you."
"Excuse me?" She squinted her eyes.
"Your mom owns Chanel? Who do you think is sponsoring your mom's business? Where do you think did I get this bag from?" I asked her.
She became quiet.
"It would be nicer if our parents finds out we're friends, right Jennie?" I smirked.
She gulped, "Whatever."
"H-How about we go and have lunch together?" Rosé butted in.
I smiled, "That would be great."
We finally arrived at the school cafeteria and as expected, all eyes were on me again.
"Omg, she's with the Asian Mean Girls."
"They'll prolly bully the princess."
"Omg, she looks good together with Jennie's friends."
Do I look that pitiful to them?
I looked down at my self and I stared down at my gucci black shoes. I'm sure I don't look like trash myself, I'm a model, for god's sake.
"Sit here." Rosé tapped the seat beside her.
I smiled at her and sat, "Aren't we gonna order?" I asked.
Jennie scoffed, "I'm sorry, your highness but this cafeteria is self service. Do you even know what that means?"
"Of course, Jennie. But you see, I grew up in a much higher level of living from yours. So excuse my behavior." I spat.
"You fuc—"
"I'll tell the staff to adjust the service for you, Lisa." Jisoo butted in.
"Oh wow. What authority do you have to do that?" I asked.
"My mom owns this school. While my father owns all Academical Departments." Jisoo answered.
I nodded, "Pretty much more than a rich kid."
"Thanks." Jisoo smirked.
"Well, let me excuse myself. I'm gonna go to the ladies room." I stood up.
Rosé suddenly stood up too and clinged onto my arm, "I'll go with you!"
"No thanks. I can go on my own." I smiled at her.
She raised an eyebrow, "You're just new here, Princess. Do you know where the ladies room is?"
I stood frozen. Fuck, she's right. And one more thing, I'm not very good with directions.
"Figures." She spoke again and dragged me out of the table.
We were about to get past the table when I suddenly bumped into someone.
But what made me shriek was when I felt a cold liquid pouring down my uniform.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"
The short haired girl whom I bumped into started bowing and apologizing to me as she tried to wipe off the stain on my uniform with her filthy handkerchief.
I slapped her hands away from me, causing her handkerchief to fall on the floor. The place where she actually belongs.
"Don't you fucking touch me!" I shouted at her.
The castle maids can't even let a single drop of filthy dirt on me, while this girl just poured it all on my body.
"I-I'm really sorry." She bowed again.
Rosé immediately took a hankerchief in her pocket and handed it to me. I took it and wiped off the remaining dirt on my uniform.
But it'sbitching and it won't come off.
I threw Rosé's handkerchief on the short haired girls face. She caught the handkerchief and wanted to give it back to me but I glared at her.
I took off my coat and threw it on her face, rather hard. I should've threw it harder.
"Pay for it." I glared at her.
Rosé gasped, "P-Princess, she's just a scholarship grantee."
"That figures her awful poverty look." I looked down at her and upwards. I rolled my eyes right after.
The short haired girl bit her lips and suddenly glared back at me, "I also bought the juice for my recess. It was the only thing I can afford here. And bumping into you was an accident. Talking about how awful I look and downgrading me wasn't necessary."
I raised an eyebrow, "Do you even know who you're talking to? Look around you. You don't belong here, in the first place."
"Just because I'm poor doesn't mean I don't have the right to live my dream." She spat back.
"Talk back on me one more time and I'm making you pay this double." I pushed her hard, causing her to stumble down on the floor.
"Now be a good pet and pay this." I took my coat again and was about to throw it to her face when a hand suddenly held my wrist.
His deep authorative voice didn't excape my ears. I looked up to my side and saw Jungkook giving me a death glare.
I suddenly felt shaken. For the very first time.
I feel like I'm seeing a serial killer who's about to behead me with a fucking chainsaw.
"J-Jungkook." I muttered under my breath.
He pushed my hand back to me, almost making me stumble down but Rosé held me.
I didn't even noticed the students already gathered around us, watching the commotion.
But what shocked me most was when Jungkook went to the short haired girl and helped her stand up.
He fucking held her like she was the most delicate vase in the fucking universe.
"Are you hurt?" Jungkook asked her.
The girl just shook her head 'no'.
"What the fuck is going on here? Get away from her, Jeon!" I shouted at Jungkook.
Jungkook glared at me and suddenly took his wallet from his pocket. He rumaged through his wallet and threw a bundle of money in front of me, smashing it on my feet.
"There. Go buy yourself a new uniform." He spat at me and walked away, dragging the girl with him.
"Oh my gosh, did Jungkook just did that to her fianceé?"
"I told you. The Princess is so unlucky."
"Gosh, that was humiliating."
"Isn't Jungkook her fianceé? That was embarassing."
"Jungkook just ditched her with another woman! Omg."
"I'd kill myself if I was her."
I stood frozen, hearing more whispers around me. More humiliating words that Jungkook caused.
That fucking bastard.
I clenched my fist, "Let's see who kills herself first."
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