| 07 |
~ Banks Woods ~
Lance does leave me alone.
The next day, I thought he would at least come and get his afternoon coffee but that didn't happen either.
He doesn't come the next day. And the next. And the next. A whole week passes.
Caleb keeps questioning Kaylee and me about it, but we either shrug or tell him to shut the fuck up and do his homework.
Lance's friends don't visit either since I yelled at one of them.
I knew they weren't gonna stick around once the carnival was over. Caleb misses them and keeps insisting to go to their restaurant. I can't exactly tell him that they have no reason to see us anymore. He'll get hurt and I don't want that.
So I just snap at him, "No one has as much free time as you."
He huffs, scowling at me before dramatically walking away, clutching his heart. He pauses in front of an older lady sitting on a table. "She thinks I have no job!" He fake cries, wiping a hand under his eye. "At least I have a heart. Isn't that enough to survive this cruel world?"
While the lady cracks an amused smile, I roll my eyes.
My mood remains sour the whole time. I'm the one who told Lance to give up and leave, so why am I ruining my mood now that he actually listened to me? Am I bipolar? If I turned out bipolar then I owe Caleb fifty dollars because he keeps betting that I am.
I'm not bipolar. I'm just...confused. Because I don't know why I keep feeling this way. Why can't my emotions ever just cooperate with how I want my life to go? It's honestly tiring and sad.
There was this tug in the deepest part of my brain that wanted to agree to Lance's date, and take care of the consequences later. I don't think it's even about the date anymore. What if I'm still shackled to the past, stopping myself from letting go? What if I'm still constraining myself because of what happened before?
"You've been wiping that table for four minutes now. It was already clean."
Kaylee's voice brings me out of my thoughts. I glance at her. She's raising an eyebrow at me with a hand on her hip.
I stop wiping the table and stand up straight. "I got lost in my thoughts." I murmur, walking back to the other side of the counter.
She follows me. "Want to spill everything to your one and only friend?"
"It's just financial stuff." I lie.
She raises an eyebrow again. "Uh huh. You sure it isn't because a certain someone isn't visiting the cafe anymore?"
"Fine, it might be because of Ronald. We're gonna end up with rotten eggs and milk if he doesn't come and make us use them anymore—"
"I wasn't talking about Ronald."
I avoid her eyes. "I have no idea who you're talking about then."
"Banks. Baby. Do you really think I'm that stupid?" She glares.
I sigh.
"I've seen and experienced things no one else has before."
"You're only twenty-four." I rub my forehead.
"If it's bothering you that much that Lance isn't visiting anymore, then go to his office yourself and meet him."
My eyes widen. "I'm not doing that."
"Why not? You know where his office is, right?"
I nod. "But I'm still not going. What will I even do after going there?"
"Demand. Ask him why he stopped meeting us. Ask him why he suddenly started ignoring you. Make him listen to you."
I lean against the counter, sighing. "I'm the one who told him to leave me alone."
She pauses. "What?"
"He tried asking me out again and I made my words final."
Her eyes remain open as she stares at me.
For some reason, a heavy weight crushes down on my chest. It congests me and I nearly tear up. Why am I this pathetic? Why am I so scared? I shouldn't be bothered anymore. Past is past.
But for me, it never seems to be like that. The past is trauma. The past is full of looming shadows creeping into the present no matter how much light I try to shine on it.
"Honey." Kaylee's soft voice reaches me. She moves towards me and places a hand on my arm. "I know what you went through is bad. I know you're scared. But you can't give up on opportunities like this. Life is full of risks and what ifs but that doesn't mean you have to take precautions all the time."
This time the tears do fill up my eyes. I try blinking them away.
"It's alright to be a little adventurous and reckless sometimes."
"I'm scared of losing myself." I whisper. My voice might come out choked if I talk right now.
"You won't. You've been strong this whole time and you're doing amazing. I can guarantee one hundred percent that Lance is nothing like that dipshit motherfucker whose name I don't wanna take."
"I know Lance isn't like that. But it isn't about that. It's about him giving up on me in the future because I'm such a mess. I can barely take a compliment without remembering how my parents abused me."
Kaylee's face drops further. She gathers me in her arms and I don't protest, letting my head fall onto her soft shoulder. I didn't realize I needed a hug.
"You're not a mess, Banks." She pats my back. "You're just too hard on yourself. You're far from a mess. You're fiercely independent and a very stressed girl. I'm only suggesting you to loosen up a bit. You don't have to get serious with Lance. If he decides to give up on you then it's his loss. But that thought shouldn't stop you from going for it."
I close my eyes at her words. They're soft and soothing and this hug that she's giving me, it's so warm and comforting. Damn, I really needed this.
Normally, I say no to any form of physical affection but I guess every person does require it at some point or the other.
"I'll...try." I choke out.
She pats my hand, prolonging the hug for a few more moments before pulling back. "I can't have my employee become a nun out of nowhere. Who am I gonna talk sex with?"
"I still really wish it wasn't me."
"Shut up. You love hearing about my sex life."
"I really don't."
"Turn that look around, Missy. I'm gonna tell you the story of how I originated the Tiger-Monkey position."
"What the fuck?"
I'm taking a customer's order when Kaylee comes bursting into the Cafe with a wild look on her face. She was supposed to be cleaning the windows outside so why is she rushing towards me now, pushing everyone out of her way?
"What happ—"
"You need to see what's happening outside!" Her eyes are wide and excited. She looks like she's about to pass out. Or combust. Or both. "All of you run outside and take a look at what the hell is going on!"
Everyone shoots her a confused look—including me. A few get up eagerly to go see.
"Kaylee, what's going o—"
"Just go see, will you?" She bounces on her toes.
When I'm slow to walk around the counter, she grabs my arm and yanks me behind her, running out the door. Jesus.
I'm about to tell her to chill out but then we're standing outside and the sight that beholds me has my mouth dropping open.
Nearly a hundred people are gathered outside, making a huge circular space for another group standing in the middle. The group is wearing a Barney costume with two of them holding up a sign that says, 'Here's to convincing Banks Woods'.
"What the hell?" I gasp.
A loud sound slices through the crowd and I realize it's the whirring of a stereo speaker. Music starts playing from somewhere while the people wearing Barney costumes get into position.
"You're insecure. Don't know what for."
"Is that a One Direction song?" Kaylee squeals, jumping excitedly.
My eyes widen when the Barnies break into a dance, pointing a finger at me. "Baby, you light up my world like nobody else!"
The crowd gathered around them whip out their phones, recording and screaming at them in delight. The song belts out throughout the whole street. Our cafe is near an intersection on the road, and with the crowd that gathers around, cars are forced to stop and watch.
"You don't know, Oh-Oh!" The barnies jump, pointing their fat paws at me. "You don't know you're beautiful!"
Kaylee yells out the lyrics along with them, dancing and jumping. Not just her. Everyone in the crowd who are a One Direction fan, scream and yell. It's like a concert with so many people.
Something lands on my shoulder and I turn my head to look. It falls on my nose, my arm and my other shoulder. My lips part when I realize it's rose petals.
They keep falling and I look up to see two men standing on the roof of the cafe, flinging the rose petals out in the air. I hold my hands up to feel them, and feel that they're real.
I have literally no idea what's happening at this point.
"I did not give them permission to be up there but okay I guess." Kaylee giggles, squealing joyfully.
The crowd gasps and cheer when the Barnies do a backflip in sync, before landing on their feet and point their paws at me. "That's what makes you beautiful!"
I can't move an inch. My body is literally paralyzed. Someone needs to pinch me. I can't believe Lance did this. I seriously can't believe this. I was only being sarcastic about the Barney costumes and One Direction, but he actually took it seriously. God, he's insane, isn't he?
When the song comes to an end, all the Barnies lower down to one knee, pointing their paws at me. The Barney at the very front, reaches up and takes off the costume's head.
My heart stutters when Lance's face comes into view. His golden hair is messed up and sticks up in every direction. He's grinning widely, breathing hard. He holds up a hand and catches a mic thrown in his direction.
"Banks Woods." He speaks into it, making my eyes widen. Awareness and nervousness attack me from every corner as he directly addresses me. "You told me you'll consider a date with me if I got my own personal boy band wearing Barney costumes and sang One Direction while showering you with a million rose petals."
The crowd cheers.
Lance flashes me a smile. "I've done everything in your list. These people are my friends and colleagues making them my own personal boy band. We're wearing Barney costumes and sang a song by One direction. We collected exactly one million rose petals and showered you with it. Will you now go on that date with me?"
The crowd hushes. I feel a hundred pairs of eyes on me, waiting for my answer. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. I can't move. I can't think. I'm still in shock that Lance actually went through all this!
No man in their right minds would take my sarcasm this seriously and go through it. No man would allow their pride to be hurt by dancing in a fucking purple dinosaur costume. But Lance did. I don't even understand why. Why would he put so much effort?
Whatever the reason, he actually managed to warm my heart. A hint of gooey sickness takes over me which doesn't sound good, but actually feels nice.
I stare at his earnest eyes and the grin spread across his face that looks part-confident and part-anticipation.
I bunch the fabric of my clothes on my sides in fists, hesitating.
A billion insecurities and hatred threaten to rise up in my mind. I force them down, trying to think calmly—which isn't happening with a hundred people staring at me.
'Life is full of risks and what ifs but that doesn't mean you have to take precautions all the time.'
Kaylee's right. I may have been shutting off my brain from having some fun. Not everything will end in a heartbreak. Not everything will end with trauma.
It's going to be alright.
I can do this.
And if I couldn't, then at least I tried.
Yeah, that's it. It's alright. It's going to be absolutely alright.
It's just one date.
Taking in a deep breath, I nod, rolling my lips into my mouth.
Cheers break out from everywhere as if Lance asked me to marry him instead of just going on one date. He himself looks relieved and happy, holding up a fist of triumph that looks silly as fuck with the Barney costume.
"Oh my God!" Kaylee engulfs me in a hug, squeezing me hard.
A tiny bit of bewilderment envelopes me but I let myself smile, forcing the awkwardness away.
"Double dates, here we come, Imouto!" One of the Barney's yell, sounding a lot like Theo.
"No." The two men on the roof snap and it dawns on me that they're Castle and Xander.
Lance jumps from his spot and jogs towards me. I'm caught off guard and almost burst out laughing when his huge dinosaur tail swings side to side behind him with the bulging stomach bouncing with every step. It oddly looks cute. His messy hair flops on his head.
"I promise you won't regret this." He smiles at me, still looking out of breath with a red tinted face.
My smile dampens when I remember something. "You said you'd leave me alone."
"What?" He blinks.
I fist my hands. "You said you'd finally leave me alone."
"I meant I would leave you alone for a period of time until I can arrange all this. Who said it was easy counting a million rose petals? We had to make sure none of them would rot too by the time we prepared everything."
"There are exactly one million rose petals?"
He nods, glaring at all of them lying on the ground. "I smelled like roses for the entire week. I slept with roses and woke up to roses."
My expression softens. That's very...considerate and...sweet. Fuck, why do I feel like I'm melting?
I clear my throat. "I guess you finally have your date now."
"Fuck, yes!" He grins.
I want to ask him why did he go through all this for me. I haven't done anything special or different for the past few years so how come suddenly there's this man who's so stubborn to get a 'yes' out of me, and went this far to make me say it?
A Barney comes running from behind and I have the same reaction of being caught off guard, but this time I don't feel like laughing because of the thoughts plaguing my head.
The Barney throws it's tiny arm across Lance's shoulder's but realizes it can't reach around that far, so he settles for punching Lance's bulging cotton stomach instead.
He then turns towards me. "Damn, you really have some seriously high standards. Making Lance do all this just for going on one date. Preach, Banks!"
I open my mouth to interject, but the Barney starts talking again.
"It felt so good doing this! It honestly reminded me of how things are earned instead of being handed it to you because you're infuriatingly sexy. I mean, I'm not pointing fingers—" he points his tiny purple arms towards himself "—since I'm such a good boy. But you get what I'm saying?"
"Theo?" I raise an eyebrow.
His hands drop. For a beat, he simply stares at me with those creepy Barney eyes, before removing the head to show a disappointed looking face surrounded with thick strands of messy dark hair.
"Seriously, Imouto? After all we've been through and done for you, you can't even recognize my voice?"
"I was just confirming."
"Sure. Sure. Lie all you want! I've shaken my ass for you twice and this is what I get in return!"
I sigh. "I'm sorry."
"That's not how you make up to a future potential stripper." He glares.
"You're not. Becoming. A stripper!" Castle yells from above.
"Mind your own damn business, Flower Girl." Theo yells back.
Castle drops a flower basket on Theo's head.
Lance shakes his head, smiling.
Theo kicks the basket away, running his hands through his hair. "Lance, why don't you disperse everyone and I'll fill Banks up on my stripper fantasies."
"Stripper fantasies?" Kaylee perks up.
"Mmhmm." He nods.
"I have a few fantasies myself. I even created new sex positions."
Dear God.
"Seriously?" His eyes widen. "You and me." He points towards himself and her. "Inside. Right now! I need to be educated. Banks, come along!"
"I'd rather bleach my entire being than—hey!"
My words are cut off when Kaylee and Theo throw their arms around me, dragging me inside the Cafe.
Distantly, I hear Xander ask Castle. "Are they going to have a fucking threesome?"
~ Lance Astor ~
I've never sweated in my entire life while planning a date for a girl.
My forehead hurts from wrinkling them so much. I've got this one and only shot at impressing her and getting her to agree on a second one.
She doesn't make it easy. Not at all. And that is what pushes me forward to do better.
I have no clue why I'm this attracted to her. Okay maybe, I do have some clue. The fact that she reminds me a lot like Olive might be one.
When Banks first barged into the alley, pulling Caleb's ear, an entire sense of deja vu hit my chest. She stood with this protective stance in front of him even though I'm damn sure she doesn't know how to fight. The fact that she would risk herself to protect her brother from that thug who was double her size.
Her fierce protectiveness reminded me a lot of Olive at that moment. So much that I couldn't help but stare. I was physically unable to do anything. All these random emotions were hitting me out of nowhere.
Then Banks broke that trance when she punched my nose.
It hurt like a bitch. Okay, so maybe she does, somewhat, know how to fight.
But after, when I looked at her again, all traces of Olive disappeared and it was just her. Banks. Fierce and guilty and defensive. She looked so goddamn gorgeous through my bleary eyes that were watering because of the broken nose.
Then she drove me to the hospital and looked smug when I nearly screamed for my life. I should've known she couldn't drive. I brought that one down on myself.
I spin around in my chair to look at a family picture hung up on my office wall. Olive stands with me in the middle, smiling at the camera in her own shy way. She's completely different from Banks, but she still had the same protective instincts when it came to me.
Olive, like me, was the sunshine of the house. But while I was the loud, annoying sun that gave everyone a headache, she was the calm, gentle light that warmed up your cold hands.
That's how my parents described us anyway. I don't see why people would get a headache to be around me. That's the fucker Theo's job.
Banks is more like a silent dark cloud who's on the verge of raining thunder down on you.
I still don't know much about her but I'm hoping to change that.
Olive always told me to not hold back when you're gut feeling tells you something. My gut feeling tells me to hold onto Banks.
What's success without a few failures, right?
Now that she finally agreed, I can't think of anything to do. I mean what does she really like? What are her secret likes and comfort? Where am I supposed to not take her in case she has a phobia or something.
Shit, I hope she didn't have a Barney phobia. I knew she was being sarcastic but I still did those things to show her how serious I am.
Rubbing my forehead tiredly, I get up from my desk and walk towards the door. It's nearly the end of work so I'm free as a bird. Before Dad has a chance to catch me, I swiftly lock up my office and rush towards the elevators.
Once I'm outside into the loud busy streets, I loosen my tie and unbutton the top of my shirt, letting myself breathe.
Driving my car, I reach the restaurant where the fuckers work at.
Usually, people go home or to the club right after they're done with work, but for me, it's become a habit of seeing my friend's faces and annoying the fuck out of them.
It all started two years ago when I stumbled into their restaurant on a dark day, right after Olive's funeral. I spent seven hours just staring at my cup of tea, dead to the world. Then Theo approached me, blabbering about some shit, and since then I've been inseparable from my friends.
I walk into the restaurant, sliding my jacket off and draping it over my forearm.
The smell of food floods my nose, and the chatter of people fill into my ears. My shoulders loosen up at the familiarity of this place. Theo is at the register, taking orders with that huge ass annoying grin. Xander is carrying trays to the customers and Castle is probably in the back kitchen, preparing more food.
I don't even make it halfway to the register when a rag hits my face. I catch it before it lands on the floor and glare at the motherfucker, Xander.
I come here to meet them out of my honest pure heart and this fucker just makes me work instead.
Still glaring, I throw my jacket at Theo who catches it without breaking eye contact with a customer. He stuffs my jacket in a drawer before taking out an apron and throwing it to me.
After tying up, I wipe a few tables that Xander points towards. At least this helps me think calmly for a bit about Banks and the date.
Few hours later, the restaurant closes and I'm sitting with my friends in a booth, sipping lemonades made by Castle.
They smell like spices and drinks and oily food, looking tired and exhausted as fuck.
"Why don't you people hire another waiter?" I ask.
"No one qualifies." Castle mumbles, wiping sweat on his nose that collected beneath his glasses.
"This dipshit doesn't want anyone to ruin his perfectly organized kitchen." Theo glares at him.
He shrugs. "True happiness is a clean kitchen."
"A clean kitchen is a bitch to take care of." Xander grumbles.
"Maybe if you don't make a mess to begin with then you won't have to go through extra measures to clean it." Castle gives him a pointed look.
"Geez, mommy. I'm so sorry." Theo rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, Mommy. Don't be so hard on us." I smirk.
Castle rolls his eyes. "Shut up, you fuckers."
"Mommy, I got a star sticker on my homework today. Will you make me some cupcakes?" Theo continues.
"Mommy, I scratched my pinky finger. Can you kiss the pain away?" I hold my finger to Castle.
"Shut the fuck up!" He grumbles, slapping my hand away.
Theo and I laugh while Xander smirks.
There's a moment of silence between all of us as we lose ourselves to our thoughts, quietly sipping our lemonades.
After I beat, I ask. "How does anyone ever find the perfect date for a girl?"
Xander shakes his head.
Castle shrugs. "I don't have to think about that."
Right. He's engaged to his high school sweetheart.
Theo raises an eyebrow. "Thinking about Imouto?"
I nod. "I have no idea what she likes."
"Just ask her." Castle pushes his glasses up his nose.
I shake my head. "I don't want to seem lacking in any way. She already rejected me a couple of times."
"Then ask Kaylee." Theo suggests. "I'm sure she knows a lot about Banks."
"That's actually a good idea." I sip my lemonade, nodding. "Let's head there now."
"Now?" All of them widen their eyes.
"Yup." I get up from my chair, shrugging my suit jacket back on. "The sooner I know what Banks likes, the sooner I can prepare for it."
They all groan but move to collect themselves and stand up.
"Wait, why do we have to fucking go with you?" Xander frowns.
"So all of you can help me. Obviously." I make a 'duh' face.
"Yeah, Xan." Theo copies my face. "Keep up, will you?"
He rolls his eyes at us.
We did not end up meeting Kaylee.
Instead, we kidnapped Caleb.
Well it's not exactly kidnapping if he came with us willingly, but the place we selected to meet would beg to differ. It's the back of an alley. Banks will kick my head off if she finds out that I brought her brother to another alley.
"Wait, hold up." Caleb blinks at me with wide eyes. "You asked Banks out and she said yes?"
"I know, right? Finally."
"No. No." He shakes his head. "When did this happen?"
"This morning. Didn't you see?"
"Yeah, we had a whole flash mob!" Theo grins. "We showered Banks with a million rose petals and then my buddy here asked her out to a date. Where were you?"
"At school."
"Oh right, I forgot you're still a kid." He mutters.
"So you're taking Banks out on a date?" My smile falters when I see the look Caleb is giving me. It's not happiness or excitement like I expected. If I didn't know him any better, he looks worried or even scared.
"Yeah, I am."
He stuffs his hands deep in his pockets, a little furrow appearing between his eyebrows. He's silent for a while before opening his mouth. "So what now? Why did you guys bring me here?"
"We need help. I have no idea what Banks likes."
He tilts his head in thought. "She loves screaming at things. She loves yelling and swearing every two seconds. She absolutely cannot sleep without abusing a random poor object—or me. She literally can't go a day without pulling my ear or kicking me."
I blink. "That does not help me in any way. Is there any place she really wants to go or likes going to?"
He shrugs. "Not that she told me. She usually doesn't have time to go anywhere. We do go out sometimes, but we only walk around the city and buy street food. That's once a month."
"So Banks has no favorite place?" Theo asks.
"I mean we moved here only three years ago from our Aunt's house, so there hasn't really been a time where we explored any new places."
"You guys have an aunt?" I ask.
He nods. "Yup. She is a super mega bitch. I'm glad we moved out of there. I mean we were more stable at her house since her husband earned good, but I'd rather go homeless than live with her again."
"Why? What did she do?" Castle furrows his eyebrows.
He shrugs. "She always kept targeting Banks for some reason. Anything happened, she used to blame her, and if she got mad, she used to call Banks ugly and worthless. She used to flick my forehead hard every time I did something and always called me names. She had this evil cat too who hated us. It was the worst living with her."
"She sounds nasty." Theo scrunches his nose.
"She smelled nasty too."
"Is there anything else about Banks?" I ask.
He narrows his eyes. "Dude, if you think I'm gonna snitch on my sister then you're dead wrong."
At least I tried.
"Unless you give me fifty thousand." He adds.
I shrug, pulling out my phone. "Sure. Do you accept E-payment?"
"Lance." Castle slaps my chest, glaring at me.
"Wait, you're actually giving me fifty grand?" Caleb widens his eyes.
"Caleb, be a good brother." Castle tells him before looking at me. "Think how Banks would feel if she found out you're paying her brother to get information about her."
"Right." I deflate, sliding my phone back into my pocket.
"You fuckers completely moved away from the point." Xander says in an annoyed voice.
"Right. The date. You might have some clue as to what she likes. You're her brother after all."
"Honestly, the only time I've seen her relax is when she's drinking her chocolate milk on the couch."
Theo whistles, lowly. "Imouto has no life."
"Shut up." Castle mumbles.
"She doesn't really." Caleb lifts a shoulder. "She's really busy all the time." He bites his bottom lip, looking down. "I wish she didn't have to work that hard."
"Life can be tough before it gets better." Castle places his hand on Caleb's shoulder.
"Would you say Banks has an adventurous side?" I ask.
He shrugs. "She used to. Now she's cautious and careful and all that shit."
A smile forms on my lips as an idea sparks in my mind. "I think I know how to loosen her up."
So sorry for the late update! I knew I shouldn't be making promises of publishing a chapter everyday during my exam month. That's totally my fault! Let's change that promise to about two chapters per week? Once my exams are over, I'll try to get the remaining book out within a week.
What are your thoughts on the book so far?? I hope the Barney thing wasn't too weird!
Words: 4,800
Date of publishing: 28th May 2024
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