Trade Off
Her soft breathing and the creaks of the old floorboards was all he heard as he carefully laid her down on the old couch. Her small body curled up, a peaceful expression on her freckled porcelain face.
"Are you sure she's the one, Rose?" he mused, looking over at his longtime friend, the woman he saw as his sister. She nodded, "Absolutely. Did you get the doppelganger?" "Yeah." the man answered, taking one last glance at the sleeping woman before leaving to get the other kidnapped brunette.
Rose glanced at the smaller vampire, then left the room. Moments later the man returned with another brunette girl. This one was human, and almost the spitting image of Katerina Petrova, aka Katherine Pierce. The only difference was the hair.
"What.. do you want?" the doppelganger slurred, only half-aware of her surroundings. "Shh.." the man cooed, she winced, "Please.. I'm hurt."
"I know. Just a taste." he smirked, veins arose around his excessively bloodshot eyes, he lent down to bite the injured doppelganger, "Trevor! Control yourself!" Rose reprimanded, the man, Trevor, rolled his eyes, "Buzzkill." and left.
"What do you want with me?" the human questioned Rose, who gaped at the brunette, "Oh my god... you look just like her." "But I'm not. Please, whatever you-"
"Be quiet!" Rose hissed, cutting the girl off, this startled the first brunette awake.
She let out a soft groan, holding her head as a throbbing pain reverberated through her skull. Rose frowned, whilst the human ignored her. "But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this."
"I know who you are." Rose replied, handing a blood bag to the recently awakened woman, "I said be quiet."
"What do you want?" Elena inquired, irritated, Rose slapped the human hard enough to knock her out, "I want you to be quiet." "That escalated quickly." the other woman mumbled, earning an amused laugh from Rose.
"Can't you get us out of here?" a now awake Elena questioned, glaring at the smaller woman, "Unfortunately, I can't. The vampires that took us used something that prohibits my abilities." Mirella answered, rubbing her temples, 'I really need a drink.' she thought.
Elena scoffed, "Fine. I'll find a way out myself." "Do as you please." Mirella hummed, relaxing into the oddly comfortable couch, she listened to Elena's footsteps as her eyes drifted closed.
Silence hung in the air, making the tribrid let out a content sigh, deciding a little sleep would help rejuvenate her.
Unfortunately her peace hadn't lasted too long, because not even ten minutes later Rose and Elena returned. Mirella's headache only grew as the doppelganger kept interrogating the vampire.
"But why me?" the Gilbert teen questioned, making the tribrid roll her closed eyes. "Because you're the Petrova Doppelganger. You're the key to breaking the curse." Rose stated, glancing at Mirella as she sat up. The latter had realized she wouldn't get any rest so long as she was in the same house as the doppelganger.
"The curse? Like the sun and moon curse?" the smallest woman mused, deciding to participate. If she wasn't going to get any peace, she might as well get information. Rose nodded, which Elena took as her cue to talk.
"What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse." "No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice is what breaks it." the vampire informed, Elena visibly swallowed, "The sacrifice?"
"The blood of the doppelganger. You're the doppelganger. Which means, in order to break the curse you're the one who has to die."
Elena and Mirella tensed, they may not like each other, but Stefan and Damon love her, and that was what made Mirella's heart break.
"What is she doing here then?" Elena inquired, motioning to the other brunette, who looked to Rose with curiosity, which made said woman sighed, "She's the tribrid. The Originals have been looking for her for centuries."
"Whatever for?" Mirella mused, tilting her head in an adorable fashion that made Rose smile. "Don't know. For some reason you're special to them." Trevor mused, leaning against the back of the couch.
His sudden arrival startled Mirella, who yelped whilst simultaneously falling off the couch. Rose and Trevor chuckled at her. Elena rolled her eyes, "Shouldn't it be impossible for people to sneak up on you?"
"Look, I may be the tribrid, but that doesn't mean I'm some all powerful being that knows everything and can be like.. hyper-aware all the time." Mirella mused, "I mean, I got like super drunk last night, and my drink was spiked with vervain and witch hazel. While vervain is a bitch, witch hazel is like a super sedative for witches and to hell hounds, it's like cat nip to cats. Which is actually kinda amusing. There was this one time my brother pissed me off so I threw witch hazel at him and he was practically bouncing off the walls for hours. It was quite amusing."
Trevor laughed at her ramblings, but the sound of a car door shut them all up.
"He's here." the man began to panic, Mirella pulled herself up as Elena decided to hide herself behind the strongest of the three immortals.
"This was a mistake." Rose shook her head at Trevor, "No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me."
"No!" Trevor exclaimed, "He wants me dead, Rose!" "He wants them more." she assured her best friend, "I can't do this. You give them to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here."
"Hey! What are we?" Rose snapped, pulling him close, she touched her forehead to his, "We're family, forever." he murmured, relaxing ever so slightly, yet he was still tense. Mirella felt her heart break at the sight, a bad feeling swelling in her chest as a knock grasped their attention.
"You're scared." Elena pointed out, Mirella rolled her eyes, "No.. really?" she muttered sarcastically, Rose ignored them, "Stay here with them and don't make a sound."
Mirella looked at Trevor as Rose left, "I don't know who this is, but I promise I won't let him hurt you." she spoke gently, her soft accented voice made the younger vampire relax, he nodded as a silent thanks, to which she smiled at.
Elena shot a look to Mirella, who ignored it as she clenched and relaxed her fists. She may be weakened, but that didn't mean she was defenseless, it just meant she'd use up a lot of energy.
Her vibrant purple/orange hues drifted from Trevor to the brunet man who entered the room with Rose. He's wearing an expensive and sharp suit, and shiny black dress shoes. Instantly his gaze lands on the doppelganger.
He rushes over to the human and the tribrid. "Human.." he mutters after catching her scent, "It's impossible. Hello there."
What shocked him more than the human doppelganger was the tiny woman beside her. His brown hues widened as he inspected her, from her long curly dark brown hair to bright sunset colored eyes.
"You're the tribrid."
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