Hello, darlings!
This chapter will be more of a filler until I can get to another high point in my plot, but I hope it will be as golden for you guys, as always :D
Once everyone was situated at the table, Jimin's and Yoongi's clothes and hair finally straightened out, a calm silence came over all of them, the sound of food being chewed and silverware rubbing up against the dinner plates infesting the atmosphere.
That was, of course, until Jimin interlaced his fingers with Yoongi's pale ones, nothing but care and reassurance in his gentle and loving eyes.
Ms. Kim noticed this small act of intimacy and smiled, knowing from Namjoon telling her that the two were also a couple in his group of friends.
The woman held her grin in place as she shuffled her elbows on the surface of her table-top, joining her palms together after a moment and emitting a low hum, "So, Yoongi, is your back feeling any better?"
At the question being asked, Yoongi began to gag a little bit on his mouthful of pizza, Jimin having to pat his back as his reflex choked it back up his throat while Taehyung tilted in his chair as he nearly passed out from stifling his laugh.
Yoongi let a few coughs exit his baby pink lips, clearing his throat so he could try to gain some sort of ground in this awful situation, "O-Oh, I think it feels better, Ms. Kim."
"Well, that's wonderful, I'm glad the pain reliever Jimin had on him helped a great deal for you," she grinned with a nod, taking a sip from her glass of ice water as the rest of the boys around her, except the couple attempting to hide their love fest, snort quietly in amusement.
"It's really too bad, though, that the pain reliever won't help out with the slight limp Yoongi has," Jungkook smirked above the rim of his cup of juice, swiping out his tongue to lick along his bottom lip.
Yoongi's eyed narrowed and he glanced down at his plate to ponder about how he was going to handle this predicament without running out of the house, Ms. Kim snapping back his attention when she started speaking. "Oh no, how did you get the limp, Yoongi-ah?"
He pressed his lips together and looked next to him at Jimin for an answer but the boy just nodded his head with a sly grin, instead fixing his vision to Namjoon's mother so he could stutter out his made-up excuse, "Um... I r-run track."
"That would explain the limp, running really works out the ligaments, I did that in high school," the woman replied and Yoongi hummed with a scowl as he worked another bite of pizza into the cave of his mouth.
Taehyung snickered down at his thighs before setting fiery eyes of mischief on Yoongi across from him, eventually looking towards Ms. Kim to add onto the lovely conversation going on currently. "But thankfully, Yoongi hyung practices many precautions to guard against an injury such as that, including going to gym class with Jiminie over here."
Hoseok let out a little giggle and perched his head on top of the jut of his palm as he gazed at the very pissed off Jimin and embarrassed Yoongi parallel to him, "Jimin loves to help out with hyung's flexibility, Yoongi finds it especially helpful when he stretches him nice and slow as to not loosen him up too quickly."
"And Jimin is so agile with his hands in showing him what to do, finding every little crevice that makes Yoongi ache," Jungkook supplied, nodding with a grin as he saw how Jimin had to clench a fist to keep himself from strangling the younger.
"Jimin also is a wonderful masseuse for rubbing out the kinks in Yoongi's muscles. What kind of oil do you use to keep his skin so supple?" Hoseok chuckled deep in his throat after uttering this question, Jimin rolling his eyes with a tongue in his cheek.
Jimin cleared his throat and locked his and his boyfriend's hands together again, squeezing Yoongi's to make him feel better. "I prefer to use thick oil when I massage Yoongi, just to be sure that the slide is smooth and painless, just how he likes it."
Yoongi blushed when his partner ended his explanation, mainly because of the fact that Jimin fucking winked at him out of the corner of his eye, but he managed to pull himself through it and build further onto that little piece of information. "Um, y-yeah, when I'm really sore, Jimin gives me a deep massage. Those feel r-really good."
"Oh, I forgot about those." Taehyung sniffed the air once, his chest expanding outwards with the breath before biting the inside of his cheek, "Jimin rubs so deep at times that Yoongi screams out of delight and agony all mixed in one, and it's just so amazing. Jimin's fingers truly are magical."
"You know, I have a certain when it comes to smoothing out the tightness in Yoongi's muscles. I first order him to tell me exactly where the pain is coming from and then I press directly on that point and circle my massaging down deep into the muscle that's tight. This is normally where Yoongi starts to scream, as Taehyung said. With me, once I find that sweet spot, there's no going back." Jimin grinned dirtily, unlatching his hand from Yoongi's own and grappling onto his inner thigh instead, causing Yoongi to flinch in surprise and squeak.
Hoseok grunted and nodded furiously, tongue coming out to catch the drop of water at the edge of his lip from his glass that he drank from prior, "I once had Jimin massage me and I nearly fell to the floor with how wobbly my legs felt."
"Same, sweetie, but with my case, I couldn't form words for a full thirty minutes. It numbed my senses from how good it felt," Taehyung responded to his boyfriend with a smirk and Jimin let out a small huff of exasperation as he bit another chunk from his slice of pizza.
"Oh my god, really? I can't even do that with my personal massager," Jungkook giggled, his smile wide and eyes crinkling at the ends as he rolled his head to the side.
"Namjoon can with his," Seokjin smiled knowingly at the younger next to him, referring to his 'massager' as himself in all actuality.
The younger being spoken to flushed a muted pink as he darted his eyes around for a possible solution to what he could reply with, finally coming up with something with an enlightened hum, "Yeah, Jin hyung got me one for my birthday, it works absolute wonders, especially for a full body massage."
Ms. Kim swallowed her gulp of water, tossing an ice cube around the walls of her mouth as her lips pinched together into a purse, as well as her eyebrows with confusion, "You got Joonie a personal massager for his birthday, Jin?"
The older man nodded and smiled with his gums showing as he held Namjoon's suddenly fidgety hand under the table, "Why, of course, I noticed how stressed he was with upcoming tests, and I could help seeing him in so much grief, so I decided on giving him a little source of output for that strain."
"And it worked miracles, I'm sure, when I saw Namjoon after that, he couldn't sit right for a week," Jimin chortled, glancing towards the couple before averting his gaze to Ms. Kim, eyes full of mirth and joy for the subject at hand.
Ms. Kim's eyebrows met together for a moment, looking towards her child and the boyfriend next to him who had an all-too bright of a smile for talking about a massage, "May I ask why my son couldn't sit right for a week after using the tool Jin gave him?"
"Only because he was flying up high in the clouds, that is," Taehyung answered quickly, slightly nervous now that she actually wondered why her son wasn't able to do such a simple task.
"Well, I'm glad that Namjoon could feel better after that, I know how horrible stress feels when something important is coming," she grinned bluntly, switching her harsh stare from the two at the corner to elsewhere in the room.
"I believe that it's time that we go up to my room, guys, I'm really full," Namjoon bit his lip, standing up after a moment and looking towards his mother to be excused before he did anything.
She smiled and extended an arm forward to place her hand on top of her son's and Namjoon held his breath out of being so anxiety-stricken, "You guys go up there and enjoy yourselves, it was a long day today and you all need good rest."
Namjoon nodded with a slight smile, walking calmly away from the table once his mother retracted her hand and sat back in her chair, letting out a long sigh once he and the others were out of sight.
Ms. Kim grinned as she watched her son go, she knew for a fact that a personal massager wouldn't cause her child to be unable to sit right for a week, but she also knew that Namjoon was at the age of exploring what felt good to him and that it was completely normal.
She could accept that, for the most part.
That other part was that he also was growing up and she couldn't believe how big he has grown since he was a baby, she sometimes felt she could shed a tear from how much she was present for to experience with him.
"Holy shit, that was nerve-wracking," Namjoon whispered once he pretty much jogged into his bedroom, shutting the door behind all of them as they all found seats inside the complex once more.
"You fucking assholes, I had to cover my ass because of your bullshit about our sex life, of all things," Yoongi pouted out of defiance, hitting his boyfriend in the arm when he smirked and chuckled into his fist.
"Hey, it's not like it went that bad, Joon's mom didn't outright find out that you two fuck so hard that Yoongi screams," Hoseok laughed, knocking his head back against a soft pillow on Namjoon's bed, pulling Taehyung against his hips and kissing his shoulder gently.
Namjoon sat at his desk and flipped through the journal that was sat atop of it absentmindedly as he listened to the talking behind him, "I know how you feel, hyung, now my mom probably knows that I have sex toys and I'm not as much of a virgin as she thought I was."
"Well, what did she really expect? If I had nine inches to spark up my life, I wouldn't just leave that seat empty, fucking hell." Jungkook shrugged with a quirk of his lips as he swallowed, swaying back and forth in his chair.
"I know, it's just that I don't want to disappoint her, she's the only parent I've ever had sticking with me through it all, and on top of that, she doesn't criticize me for how I actually want to live my life." Namjoon breathed, eyes glassy with sorrow as his bottom lip quivered a bit.
"Now, don't you cry, baby boy, you know that she would never be disappointed with you," Seokjin remedied, bringing Namjoon into his lap on the bed as a salty tear drop flitted down his cheek.
"I know, b-but her views on s-sex are still very traditional a-and I don't th-think she would understand how I got rid of my virginity so early, she told me that she had h-hers taken away from my dad on her wedding n-night," Namjoon spoke, face now in his partner's shoulder as he wept quietly, Jungkook playing with his hair and scratching at his nape. "And it's not like I can help it, r-really, I get so horny s-sometimes that I get mad at myself because I can't c-control the urge."
"Honey, you know very damn well that none of us in this room can control our urges. For fuck's sake, I jerked my best friend before getting with Yoongi," Jimin added, breathing out a sigh and Namjoon nodded against the broad plane of Seokjin's chest, indicating that he feeling better with their encouragement.
Jungkook hummed and nodded with assurance of Jimin's statement, "And he is the definition of a slut, Namjoon, and I just love to have a dick in my mouth. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. You like big dicks, there's nothing wrong with that either, sometimes we all need a good pounding after a hard day, I know I do. That's why I have like twenty sex toys from various people in my life."
"How did so many sex toys? You're not even legal yet," Yoongi wondered, confusion riddling his face as he waited for a true answer from the boy.
"Most are from my brother after he had 'the talk' with me, others are from blowjob buddies who got denied of sex," Jungkook nodded understandably, licking his lips as he looked down at the floor beneath his shoes.
Jimin hummed and chewed the inside of his cheek, curling his lips in the process, "Your brother? What is he doing now?"
"He's in rehab," Jungkook said simply, the rest of them having their eyes nearly bulge out of their heads at the solution to Jimin's question.
"How the fuck did he get in rehab?" Seokjin asked, his look of curiosity growing by the minute.
Jungkook laughed a bit and his throat thrummed deeply, "Well, he suffered some emotional trauma after getting into debt after college. So after going on a bad drug trip, he broke into a bank at night and looted practically all of their precious metals."
"Wow, that's kind of impressive in a way," Taehyung grunted, driving a hand through his hair as he listened for the continuation.
"Yeah, according to my family, it was the event of the century. Now at family reunions, some of my distant family come up and go, 'Oh, you're the criminal's brother?' One time I got pissed and I shot back, "Oh, you're the asshole I'm related to?" I got scolded for my language, but I didn't have anything to do with what my brother did," Jungkook scowled, picking at his fingers and licking his teeth.
Hoseok cooed and let out a breath of sorrow, "Ah, that's too bad, sweetie."
"It's also at those family reunions that my brother comes over. After the incident, my family bolts down all the furniture and treasures in the house so he won't walk out with them. Now he ransacks the fridge every year to steal all the good shit. One time he found out what my aunt prepared for dinner and stuck a steamed carrot down his pants," the younger added, crossing his arms over his broad chest as he sighed with a smile.
"Goddamn, I need to go to one of those events," Jimin laughed as he threw his head back and slapped his thigh.
Hey, my dears!
So this is a bit more information about Namjoon and Jungkook, as Jungkook is more of a back-character in my story since he showed up later.
I hope you enjoyed reading because I loved writing it for you
Have a lovely day/night because you make me smile
Love you~
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