Pervious- open or accessible to reason, feeling, argument, etc.
My eyes shot open and I quickly pushed Zoe away. I could see the outline of her face in the darkness and she didn't seem to be getting the memo. "I umm... I can't do this, I'm sorry." Apparently those drinks weren't quite strong enough because I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. I straightened my shirt, "Wait, why? Is this because of that freak girl? The one with the purple hair?" Her words were meshing together in a long slur. Anger rose in my throat as I realized she was talking about Emy.
Yes, it's about Emy. It's because she is pretty much all I can ever think about now, "No, what? God no, Emy is my... she's my friend. I have a girlfriend." Aria, oh God. She might as well of broken up with me. It had been weeks since I last spoke to her. Lots of weeks. "Oh my God, you obviously don't care that much about her." Zoe scoffed and started pulling at my shirt. I had to admit the feeling of human contact was nice... but it wasn't right. Not with her. She was drunk and not thinking right. It would basically be taking advantage of her.
"I do, though. I... I lo- I care about her a lot." I pushed her hands off of me. "I'm sorry I've got to go." I pushed passed her and then through the door. It took me about 2 minutes to find my way out of the house. I didn't know where I would go or even how I would get there, but I began to walk.
It felt nice outside, there was a nice summer breeze and the stars seemed to be mighty friendly with the darkness around this time. I could walk pretty straight and I thought that maybe somewhere in my brain, I knew where I was going. It took a lot of work to think about anything at all really, but that didn't stop me from thinking about what just happened. Why was Emy this inescapable thought in the back of my mind all the time? I barely even knew her, I didn't even know what her favorite color was. Aria's favorite color was blue. Light blue.
Aria seemed to be slipping further and further away... and honestly I didn't mind as much as I thought I did. It was her choice, not mine. I tried to get through to her but it was her fault for not talking to me. Maybe I didn't love her as much as I thought I did. I hadn't lied to Zoe, I did care about her. I just wished she would give me some closure.
I looked up from the sidewalk and my dirty shoes to find myself at the park. I couldn't quite remember my way home and no one else was around. I didn't want to call my mom, because she would kill me if she found out I was drunk. I just wanted to rest. My eyes were getting hard to hold open and all my thoughts were running together. I sat myself down on a park bench and searched myself for my phone. As I pulled it out to try to text my mom, I realized it was no use. I could barely see any of the letters and my head was becoming so heavy. At this point, I didn't care if my mom would be worried about me I just wanted sleep.
Laying down on the park bench, I was a bit too tall to fit perfectly so I hung my legs off of the side. It wasn't the most comfortable sleeping position but it would do. I closed my eyes and fell quickly asleep.
"Oliver!" My eyes seemed to be stuck together and it took great effort to pry them open. The light was much harsher than usual and it hurt my eyes. "What?" I questioned the unknown voice that had taken me away from my peaceful state of darkness and content. "Oliver get up, you look like a hobo." I knew that voice. I slowly let my eyes adjust as I really looked at the person standing above me. Her hair fell around her bare face and her dark eyes glared worriedly into mine.
"Emy?" I questioned. Was this a dream? I reached out to see if I could touch her. I was met with her grabbing my arm and squatting down next to me. "Yes Oliver. Get up, I thought you were dead or something." I smirked despite the throbbing in the back of my skull. I couldn't tell if it was from the drinking or the hard wooden bench. "You were worried about me. How sweet." She scoffed and let go of my arm, pushing me into a sitting position. She was wearing the same tank top and leggings I saw her in last weekend. I smiled as I noticed I could see a little bit more of the tattoo on her shoulder blade every time she ducked her head or turned slightly.
"Whatever, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She stood up quickly and her cold personality returned as she began to walk away. "Wait! Emy." Ow. "I umm... I uh, do you have any ibuprofen?" Oh, good job Oli. That's the way to do it. Ask a girl for ibuprofen and she'll fall right into your arms. Her stare was killer as she turned around to look at me. I stood and tried to close a little bit of the gap she had formed between us. I was a good bit taller than her and she had to look up to be able to look me in the eyes.
"Ibuprofen? Are you hung over or something?" A look of disgust crossed her face and I suddenly really wanted to lie. But I didn't, "Maybe. Please, I- oh crap. It's Saturday isn't it?" She nodded crossing her arms. "I have work at two. What time is it?" She looked at her watch, "It's one. Go home, Oliver." I didn't even think before answering. "No... I mean, I can't. I mean... I just..." I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to tell her that I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to explain that if I went home, I would feel the hatred of my father and the fear of my mother when all I wanted to feel was relief.
I thought maybe she sensed something was wrong when she sighed saying, "Come on." She started walking away and it took me a moment to comprehend that she meant to follow her. Walking beside her was hard, she had short legs but she walked way too fast. Maybe I was just out of shape but I couldn't keep up. "Thank you." I said calmly trying to look at her. She wouldn't look at me.
"I mean really, thank you. Jesus slow down would you? I'm already out of breath." I said chuckling. She didn't listen. She seemed to be angry, her hands were in fists and she refused to look anywhere but straight ahead. "Emy. Emy!" Ow. She flinched and then stopped in her tracks. Her scarily calm eyes focused on me and for once I felt like I could almost see what color they were. I breathed deeply and for some reason, I placed my hands on my hips. Maybe hung over Oli was sassy Oli. "What is wrong with you?"
Her teeth were grinding together and she seemed to be attempting to scoop out my soul through my eyes. "What's wrong with me?" Oh crap. I might as well just sit down and cry. "What. Is wrong. With me?! You are the idiot who got drunk last night at some stupid party because you're just like everyone else in this town aren't you? You don't care about anyone or anything else but yourself. Oh and God knows how much you cared about the girl you probably took advantage of. But now you're asking me for help because I'm the nearest person who can keep you from getting in trouble with your parents. Oh, by the way, your pants are unzipped. Cute boxer briefs."
I was most likely going to have a bruise on my chest from where she poked me so hard so many times. There may also be one on my ego. Her words made me half way sad and half way angry. "Hey, now that's completely unfair! I admit I made a stupid mistake getting drunk but that's not because I don't care about anything. I didn't have sex with anyone because I thought about..." You. "I thought about how she would feel in the morning. So stop acting like you know me because you don't. You don't know me at all and I don't know you. So I'd rather not get into my entire life story before I get my ibuprofen and coffee... please."
She started walking again. "Come on." She mumbled again almost inaudibly. When she couldn't see me, I looked down to see my plaid underwear making its appearance. Apparently Zoe had unzipped my pants. My face grew hotter as I zipped them up and fell into step next to Emy. We said nothing for the rest of the walk.
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