✏️ Winter Drew ✏️
"Days pass by and my eyes stay dry, and I think that I'm okay, 'til I find myself in conversation, fading away"
✏️ Name: Winter Drew | 윈터 드루
• Nicknames: Win, Snowflake
✏️ Age: 20
• Birthday: December 15th
✏️ Gender: male
• Pronouns: he/they
✏️ Sexuality: bisexual
✏️ Species: human
• Powers: N/A
✏️ Nationality: American
• Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
✏️ Ethnicity: Korean
"These days I'm becoming everything that I hate, wishing you were around but now it's too late"
✏️ Height: 5'7
✏️ Weight: 140 lbs
✏️ Face Claim: Choi Beomgyu (Beomgyu of TXT)
✏️ Body Modifications: one piercing in each ear
✏️ Eye Colour: dark brown
✏️ Hair Colour: black
"Oh, I'm a wreck without you here. Yeah, I'm a wreck since you've been gone. I've tried to put this all behind me. I think I was wrecked all along"
✏️ Personality: Winter is a quiet person who tends to keep to himself. He's naturally quite untrusting of others and is pretty paranoid, so he's not all that easy to get along with. Due to this, he tends to keep his feelings bottled up as well — he's really secretive and doesn't like to talk about himself. He can be a bit blunt with people and has a rather cold exterior. It's hard to get him to open up, but if you do manage to break down his walls, he's really just a sweet boy who's scared of getting hurt. All he wants is somebody he can trust and rely on.
✏️ Theme Song: Wrecked - Imagine Dragons
✏️ Trivia:
• He's selectively mute and has been that way ever since he was 9 years old due to witnessing something traumatic (you gotta rp with him to find out what it is 👀)
• He speaks American Sign Language, though he usually carries around a pad of paper with him to write down what he wants to say, since not many other people do
• He uses writing as a way of letting out his feelings, and he's pretty good at it too. He has written all kinds of poems and short stories. Don't ask him to share any of them with you, though, because he won't
• He loves playing video games, especially old ones like Tetris or Pac Man. It's his favourite thing to do next to writing
• He paints his nails often, though he also picks at them a lot, so they're usually chipped and messy looking
"They say that the time will heal it, the pain will go away. But everything, it reminds me of you and it comes in waves"
✏️ Scenario: You thought that bullying was really only a problem in grade school — that most people would mature by the time they reached college and know better than to do that kind of stuff once they were adults. But you were wrong apparently, because there was this group of frat boy jerks who would constantly pick on this one poor boy you knew — Winter Drew.
They'd always tease him for being mute, push him around, and call him names. He never fought back, and no one ever did anything about it either. Most people at your school thought Winter was a weirdo, so they just didn't care enough to step in and defend him. You never bothered either, until recently.
You were walking down the hallway one morning, heading to your first class of the day, when you happened to run into Winter and the group of bullies that always picked on him.
One of them was holding a notebook of some kind, way above Winter's head, taunting him with it. Every time he'd jump up to reach for it, one of the others would shove him back.
"Come on, weirdo. If you want it back, all you have to do is say something. It's not that hard." The bully holding the notebook, who appeared to be the ring leader of the group, said.
Poor Winter looked so upset, continuing to pathetically try to jump for the book, only to get shoved. This time, he got shoved so hard, he was pushed onto the ground, landing on his butt. You felt so bad, watching this go down. You couldn't be a bystander anymore, you were seriously contemplating stepping in and helping him out.
What do you do?
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