Note: So I made major edits to my original rendition of the Forever Bond that you guys witnessed in the main story. I'm sure you all can recall how that was, but as a reminder: the Forever Bond happens because of the intense emotional and mental decline Paul and Marshall have to go through following Brad's death and Marshall's desertion of his coven - a series of events so traumatizing that the Quileute spirit residing inside Paul panics because of Marshall's genuine belief that he shouldn't be alive coupled with Paul's inability to live in a world where Marshall doesn't exist. Paul's wolf spirit intervenes to give them both a purpose to continue living, thus forming the Forever Bond.
But that's not how it was originally supposed to go.
My initial plan for the Forever Bond was extremely different: it was only supposed to be realized among the wolves, meaning Marshall wouldn't have gone through the imprinting process himself; Paul would've gotten the more intense glimpse into the future, along with a few other things I don't want to spoil; and since the pack members could hear each other's thoughts, they would've felt and witnessed what Paul was seeing when experiencing the Forever Bond. And it wasn't supposed to happen because of a traumatic event or anything like that. For Paul, it would've happened when he finally realized that he'd push many important, life altering things away just to be with Marshall.
I don't want to go into too much detail here, so let's get started!
To love someone was to find beauty and worth in every little thing they did. To love someone was to cherish them on their good days and appreciate them even harder on their bad ones. To love someone was to willingly give over one's heart with no holds barred—because, without the need to ponder, there was an understanding of it always being in safe hands when within their delicate grasp.
To love someone was to adore them from up close and afar; to find happiness in their happiness; to come to life when witnessing their beautiful smile.
And if there was one word to accurately describe was beautiful.
A clear sky shifting between vibrant pink and purple couldn't compete. A golden sun half hidden by the undulating horizon line wished to be so captivating. A wide ocean tinged with a warm hue of glistening orange would forever be envious.
Because Marshall stole the show simply by existing.
He walked along the coastline with a plastic bucket swinging from one hand. Each slight movement caused recently procured shells to scrape against each other. Bright light passed through the flimsy material of a handheld container, revealing how it was almost completely full.
A smooth, oval-shaped rock had been picked up a few minutes ago. Storing the keepsake away in his pocket caused Marshall's swimming trunk waistband to hang a bit lower on one side. The asymmetrical change caused a portion of his right hip to dip out of his pants. A sharp edge from hard bone only emphasized the toned muscles of his lower abdomen.
Since he was shirtless, it was easy to witness each defined curve, hill, and dip that ran along his torso. Flawless skin was given life by the presence of familiar, intricate tattoos running along slender hands, strong forearms, and a few which were speckled along his bicep and inner triceps. The stunning royal blue of his realistic wing designs accentuated the alluring curvature of his spine.
Paul was tempted to reach out; to caress such an enthralling piece of walking art.
He didn't want to interrupt his imprint's shell scavenge, though, and opted to stay put on the thin blanket being used for their picnic.
Other pack members were sitting nearby. They were all clad in their own forms of slightly damp swimwear. Towels had been placed beneath them to keep their surroundings dry. Crossed legs had styrofoam plates perched on top of them. Mouthwatering delicacies consisting of cubed melons, sliced strawberries, peeled oranges, and bundled grapes were traded over hearty laughter. Plastic cups filled with soda, flavored beer, or champagne were clinked together in a celebratory toast to friendship.
Paul glanced at the large group, a small smile on his face, before moving to observe the sand grains near his feet.
Alone, he allowed his mind to wander.
He thought about how close everyone had gotten over the last couple of months.
About how much life was finally starting to look up again.
About his attachment to Marshall.
Paul knew he was in deep. He had been since that very first night at Bobby's place. He could tell, as soon as he saw Marshall's charming smirk across the bar, that nothing would ever be the same again.
There wasn't a clear indication, however, of what exactly that would mean for the future.
In the past, Paul wasn't one for romance. He didn't see the appeal in forming a bond with someone, only to have it ruin a perfectly good companionship with stressful expectations; especially since they differed from person to person. He didn't see the appeal in staying tethered to one person when his personal wants for intimacy changed on a daily basis. Worrying about someone else's well-being seemed like a demanding job he didn't feel like having. The only person who deserved his genuine love, care, and attention was himself. Everyone else acted as temporary placeholders for him to have some fun whenever he felt like it.
Then Marshall arrived—a literal offering from the heavens presented by the Quileute Tribe's wolf spirits themselves.
Barely comprehending the full intensity of their bond, aspects Paul didn't care for became parts of his life he couldn't take for granted.
Being tethered to Marshall was a blessing. Seeing him every day was a gift. Having him as a lifelong companion, both as an imprint and a husband, was the pure definition of what it meant to be living a dream.
No one could overshadow him.
Which...was a thought that struck Paul with blinding clarity.
He hadn't really considered the idea before; of Marshall working his way to priority number one above literally everything else. Of Paul caring about his lover more than even himself. The imprint bond changed many parts of his life, sure, but one thing Paul used to be firm in was of romantic attachments never meaning more than friendly or familial ones. They would always remain separate, on different pedestals to keep one from having to win against the other. He never wanted to have to choose between them, so there was never an attempt to even consider doing so.
Still, with Paul's unconditional love continuing to grow every time he saw Marshall, as the wolf watched the vampire frolic along the beach with glee, he finally admitted...
If there ever came a time to choose between them, he would...
He would leave the pack; leave the tribe; leave behind all of his friends and family; abandon everything he ever knew...if it meant getting the chance to experience a life worth living with Marshall.
Because, honestly, the only thing Paul cared about keeping for the rest of his days...was Marshall.
The only person he couldn't live without...was Marshall.
The only person he'd want to spend eternity with was Marshall.
An unexpected warmth radiated throughout Paul's chest, swarming to other parts of his body. Goosebumps erupted across his skin. Every single hair stood on end. It felt like electricity was running through his veins and filled him to the brim with anticipation.
At first, he wasn't sure why he was feeling this way.
But then his eyes drifted upward.
Marshall was facing the ocean now. A slow pace brought him closer to soft waves crashing against wet sand. A faint breeze picked up, blowing silky strands in multiple directions.
Paul watched in shock as his lover's hair started growing. Short pieces of wavy black were elongated with each refreshing push of salty air. They glided down his neck, pooled over his shoulders, fell past his ribs, and stopped right below his hips.
His body morphed into a taller, more muscular build. Tattoos swirling on different parts of his body changed shapes, sizes, colors, and languages. Smooth skin fluttered between its normal state and a dazzling, shimmering display of bright sparkles.
Marshall looked back, peering over his shoulder.
His eyes were a saturated red with enough vibrancy to put rubies to shame.
The vampire's appearance was staggeringly different, but it was still him.
When the sky above seemed to shatter like a broken mirror, images akin to his likeness with minor differences to each one's appearance showing in large fragments, it was still him.
Each persona put forth a separate version of Marshall in a multitude of scenarios: running with his arms spread out in a grassy field, spinning in a circle to soak up the sun's rays, marveling at a giant piece of rainbow cotton candy, petting and kissing a domesticated fox, sitting on a loveseat with his feet pulled up and a Chinese romance novel in hand.
There were scenes of him performing on a lit up stage with a boy band, lecturing at a museum with tourists following in the background, topping off pastries with a helping of fluffy whipped cream, leading a group of young kindergarteners around a petting zoo, bewitching a seated audience by slender hands gliding along the keys of a grand piano, cartwheeling across the living room before falling into a heap of foam pillows.
There were dozens of instances being witnessed as they floated around Marshall's form.
A sole trait noticed in every depiction of him was a gorgeous, breathtaking smile.
Paul realized he wasn't witnessing a mirage to warn him of the inevitable end of his romance with Marshall someday. It was, instead, a visual representation of events to come. A glimpse into the wonderful moments of a shared future. Of...
The same relationship.
The same partner.
An eternal promise.
A bond to transcend lifetimes.
Paul felt silent stares burning into him from afar. Since he'd witnessed such a profound series of representations of his lover in this and many other lives, it was a no-brainer to imagine the rest of the wolves had seen it in mind too. Having a connected consciousness made it possible to hear their baffled thoughts alongside his own: Did that really just happen? What triggered it? You must be feeling so much. Congratulations! That was insane! Who knew such a profound connection could happen between you two? What a rare occurrence. You really do love him, huh?
Are you going to tell him?
Paul could, but he probably didn't need to.
Marshall was smart. His keen perception would most likely allow him to figure it out on his own in due time.
Acting like nothing had changed would be impossible. Their relationship would be even closer now than it was before. Paul wouldn't be able to contain himself or his emotions now that he knew Marshall actually was his no matter what happened.
Then again, if Paul spilled the beans, he could only imagine how validated his husband would feel—to know he truly would never have to be alone again. To know he'd always have his companion there to walk down any and every path he took.
To know he'd be loved, cherished, and admired in every life if their current one ever came to an end.
Paul placed a hand over his chest to calm his racing heart.
He aimed to put one over his cheek to shield his blush, but a softer, smaller palm beat him to it.
The world was back to normal. As was Marshall. His bucket of seashells was resting against the wooden picnic basket. He was sitting on his knees in between Paul's legs. An inquisitive head tilt was paired with fluttering eyelashes.
"You're spacing out a bit there, Tiger. Everything okay?"
An unsteady voice was given strength by a gentle clearing of the throat. "Yeah. More...more than okay, Honey Bun."
"Mm. Good to hear."
Marshall's grin reawakened before he leaned forward to press his lips against Paul's.
And if the Forever Bond hadn't already sealed their shared fate, this kiss certainly did.
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