When I Look at You
Edited 7/6/22.
A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing.
"Mat, I- I don't know about this. There are a lot of people in there." Marshall peeks in at the group of extras posing as promgoers. "I know we talked about this- and I know we shouldn't have to keep hiding it, but-"
"Slow down, Li- breathe for me." Paul's tone is gentle. "I get why you're nervous. With all the protests and things like that- tensions are still a little high. At the same time though, now that it's actually pretty acceptable for us to be together in public, there's no reason why we should keep hiding."
A pair of large hands fiddle with Marshall's bow tie before moving to straighten out his white button-up. He fiddles with the straps of his suspenders in practiced nervousness. His eyes are looking down at polished leather shoes accented with a pair of high black socks.
The surrounding area is illuminated by fairy lights hanging off of multiple fake trees. Wooden doors leading to the inside of the high school set are closed. Brightly hued flashing lights can be seen through glass windows. People are talking and laughing; but it sounds muffled against the quiet background score from the orchestra.
Golden eyes lift and trace over Paul's similar outfit. Marshall focuses on a couple of buttons in his field of vision.
"Come sit with me for a moment."
He's pulled over toward the edge of the stage. The vampire plops down with his legs dangling off of the side. His palms sit flat against the floor, and he looks out at the audience with a tense expression. His full attention is brought to Paul when he sits down too.
The younger male's posture is lax. He leans back with his own palms resting on the floor as well. Brown eyes are pulled up toward the balcony seats—as if Paul's looking toward the night sky rather than the ceiling of the theater. His feet are crossed at his ankles, and he kicks them back and forth in a set cadence.
It's quiet as the orchestra continues playing softly.
"You're nervous that people won't accept us. I get that. But listen, Li." Paul looks over with an easygoing expression. "Most of the people in there are the ones who helped make this possible. Us being together, implementation of the new integration laws, people getting their basic rights- all that happened because we were all able to band together as a common people. As a unit. I know it seems scary because there are always going to be haters- and it's okay to be wary. But don't you think you should give yourself the chance to enjoy the fruits of our labor? I fought tooth and nail for you, baby doll. And you did the same for me- and Letitia- and a lot of other people. All this started because you wanted to fight for change. Well, things are changing."
Marshall slumps a bit. "I know we fought for this. I know we've done a lot of good things. It's just- I don't know. I'm- I'm nervous. Not about being seen with you or anything like that- I'm nervous about what people will say. This is going to be the first time that I've ever flaunted a relationship. I just- I don't know what to expect."
"People flaunt relationships all the time, baby doll. And you know what happens? Nothing. Friends and family will tease and poke fun, yeah, but it's usually all good natured." Paul's expression remains calm as he looks back out at the audience. "If you really don't want to do this- if you're really not ready- we don't have to. We can go back home if you want. I don't mind. But let me just say this. Even if you aren't ready, I'll love you just the same."
"You will?" Marshall finds himself tearing up.
"Course I will, Li." Paul leans over and pushes his partner's glasses up into his hair. "Have I ever told you what I see whenever I look at you?"
"A handsome face with a cute ass is your usual response."
A genuine chuckle is given in response to the statement. "Well, while that's completely true, I mean in a serious way."
"Then, no."
"...When I look at you, Li, I see a future. I see a partner- a friend. Someone I can trust. Someone I want to continue fighting for. So, regardless of what people may think of us, just know that I'll never stop fighting for you. For us. Because I love you- and I want this to work no matter what anyone else has to say about it."
A pair of hands cup either side of Marshall's face. He leans into the touch unabashedly. A shy grin claims his features as well. He brings his attention upward and meets a beautiful set of brown eyes. They're gentle. Surrounding light makes them appear even more rich and saturated.
It's at that moment that he realizes Paul's previous lines were much more than just acting.
"I love you too, Mat," Marshall says with a quiet voice. "And I think-- I think that's what I needed to hear. If you're really open to trying this... I'll try my best too."
The two rest their foreheads against one another. Their noses barely make contact. Brown eyes look between golden ones before moving to take in the sight of a pair of inviting lips. Hands against pale cheeks become just a bit tighter. Just a bit warmer. Movement is so slight, it could be missed if someone were to look away.
Before either male realizes what's happening, their lips are meeting for an almost-kiss.
"Oh, finally- there you guys are!"
Marshall and Paul separate, turning in the direction of the new voice.
Coming out of the double doors are Rebecca, Julia, and Carlos.
Rebecca is clad in a lavender knee length dress with frilly sleeves. Julia is wearing a black strapless dress with a pink sash. Carlos has on a pair of jeans, skater shoes, and a simple black button-up with matching suspenders.
"What're you still doing out here? Party's been a blast so far," Carlos adds with a smile.
"Just trying to calm down some nerves," Paul answers as the couple rise to their feet. "I think we're ready to head inside now."
"Or," Julia chimes in with a knowing smirk, "how about we bring the party out here?"
Right on cue, the orchestra switches up.
Slow, soft music picks up both in volume and tempo. An upbeat rock and roll tune begins playing at the same time that the extras come bursting out of the double doors. People of all shapes and sizes run out with faces full of joy and glee. A recently empty stage becomes engulfed in a sea of singers and dancers.
Just like that, the final musical number is set in motion.
A routine which has been practiced and polished for months is run through without hesitation. Kicks, twirls, shimmies, leaps, and flips happen when they're supposed to. Vocals from the main cast are belted with a different type of excitement than there was in prior rehearsals. Stage lights make everything feel warm and vibrant; and it adds to the overall energy coming off from every single member of the production.
When the second half of the song comes in, the entire cast begins singing as a collective unit. Instrumentals shift to be more appropriate for the gospel-like sound, but the upbeat intensity remains.
Marshall comes out of a multiple rotation spin with a swing of his arms. He turns around and is met with Paul. The vampire can't help but laugh when he's pulled into a dip position.
Music and singing continues to go on. Lights continue to glow in multiple colors. But it's all ignored as the two look over each other's features.
Marshall finds himself melting at the genuine expression on his husband's face. A beat barely passes between the two as they finally meet for a kiss. They hear the audience go completely wild. The sweet gesture only lasts for a few seconds before they part.
Marshall is pulled out of his dip position. Hand in hand with his partner, both males run toward the very front of the stage with the other main cast members and extras behind them. They walk down two steps while a few other people begin spilling out onto the main floor.
With a final change in instrumentation, Marshall is lifted. He's set down on one of Paul's shoulders with said male supporting his imprint with a hand on his side. The vampire braces himself with a single hand on his mate's other shoulder.
For a final pose, Marshall lifts his free arm up into the air with a large smile, whereas Paul raises a fist into another direction with his own grin. Everyone else stops in a series of differing poses. They face the audience with nothing but happiness and excitement in their features. The group pose is held as the orchestra finally cuts out.
It's only silent for a moment before the room erupts in loud applause. The cast continues to hold their collective pose, relaxing after a short time.
Marshall clasps hands with his husband as everyone walks back on stage. Everyone bows in appreciation for the people who came out tonight. When they rise, the cast members give waves all around the room. Golden eyes immediately find both packs, as well as the Olympic Coven in the audience.
Everyone is clapping and cheering. Everyone is smiling. It's... nice.
"Thank you all so much for coming out!" Daniel cheers as he comes to stand with his cast. "We appreciate this heartfelt send off to Unity. It was one of our most ambitious projects, and we're happy to see such a positive turnout! We're very grateful to everyone who has shared about the show online- everyone who has recommended it to their friends and family- everyone who has just decided to be here. Seriously, thank you all so much. Before we let you all go though, we have one last message from our first lead, Elijah Cane- who was played by Marshall Lahote. So please, give him a hand!"
Said male accepts the microphone given to him, as well as the applause from the audience. A bashful smile comes onto his face. His nerves are settled by a warm arm snaking around his waist. The gesture doesn't go unnoticed, and multiple people in the audience coo and squeal in response to it.
"Hello, everyone! We appreciate you coming out tonight. As both an actor and a person, I just wanted to thank you all for being here." Marshall looks around the room before continuing. "During the duration of our previous off season, one of our cast members, as well as a dear friend of mine, unfortunately passed away. Some of you may know him- Brad Romero- as Arthur from one of our previous shows, Unlikely Companion. Due to his passing, Unity has been done in honor of Brad and everything he worked for-- everything that he was. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much for enjoying the show. I know he would've loved it."
The microphone is handed back to its original owner as the audience rings out in applause once again. Marshall finds one of his hands taking hold of his Barcelona pendant. A kiss is placed onto the crown of his head, and it makes the ache in his chest subside for now.
A few more waves and blown kisses are given. A final bow is also presented before the stage's curtain is closed.
Multiple actors and extras high five each other in response to having such an exciting last show. Daniel makes sure to give his sincerest thanks before allowing everyone to head on to get changed.
Marshall receives genuine hugs from Carlos, Rebecca, and Julia; the group having become closer as friends. Tight embraces and high fives are also given to Paul as a means of fully welcoming him into the Forks musical theater family.
Afterwards, the couple break away from the group to begin changing out of their costumes.
"I'll meet you outside your dressing room. Okay, Marshmallow?"
"Gotcha, Tiger."
Marshall walks into his designated space and switches on the light. He's met with a bouquet of roses and sunflowers; similar to the one that he got when Paul came to the debut of Unlikely Companion. Chuckling, the vampire picks up the note attached to one of the stems.
It reads: 'Didn't think I'd forget to give you flowers, did you? Nice job tonight, as always. You've been great. Thanks for being supportive of me in this new endeavor. I'm looking forward to sharing the stage with you again in the future. I love you Marshmallow. —From Hubby.'
"You sweetheart," Marshall mutters to himself.
He caresses one of the soft rose petals. His gaze is brought up to the mirror. A passing glance is made at winged eyeliner before being brought down to a familiar choker.
The vampire is brought back to when he first got the necklace as a gift in this exact room. The memory makes him feel all warm and fuzzy.
Marshall revels in the butterflies swarming his body while changing.
He switches out his costume for a pair of gray joggers, a purple formfitting crew neck, and his black sneakers. He pouts when considering whether or not to take off his makeup but ends up leaving it since it's minimal. His leather jacket is slid on before the bouquet is grabbed. The flowers smell nice, a faint watery scent accompanying floral sweetness.
Marshall cradles them in one arm when turning off the light. He exits the room immediately after.
At the same time, he catches his husband exiting his dressing room as well. Paul mimics his imprint's clothing except for a pair of black joggers instead of gray ones.
"Got your gift I see.~"
"You spoil me, Tiger."
"Good, that's the intention."
The couple share a laugh as Marshall is pulled into the younger male's side. They share a quick one armed hug before making their way over to the exit.
A hand shields the flowers when the door is opened. The surrounding wind is a bit harsh. It smells like it might snow soon.
The vampire gives a polite 'thank you' when he's led outside. He comes face to face with his family members crowding their own vehicles. Everyone is talking to each other, but they pause when the Lahotes fully come outside.
"You guys- that was amazing!" Esme cheers with pure glee.
"Seriously, who knew you could actually dance, dude." Jared sticks his tongue out at Paul.
"Oh, har har." He deadpans before chuckling. "I had a particularly skilled teacher to show me the ropes, thank you."
Marshall stops for a moment and laughs. "I may be getting compliments now, but he hated me when we first started conditioning. Had to build him from the ground up in order to start doing those split leaps."
"Eeeeh- don't remind me."
Everyone bursts out into comical laughter.
Marshall notices Seth taking some selfies with the group in the background. The former takes it upon himself to make a silly face by puffing out his cheeks while flashing his go-to peace sign. Paul catches on and does an equally silly face by poking out the tip of his tongue and crossing his eyes.
Next thing they know, the Cullens are watching with actual amusement as the pack members start having a who-can-do-the-weirdest-pose contest. It makes the wolves look like they're trying to recreate strange Renaissance paintings.
Afterward, some more family oriented pictures are taken with Marshall's prior coven mates. He accepts a hug from Rosalie and is surprised when she offers one to Paul as well. The older vampire is even surprised by his own actions when he leans into Alice's frame as they take a picture with Jasper. Since Bella and Edward are home with Renesmee, they offer their own forms of congratulatory statements over the phone.
Overall, it's a jovial atmosphere that wasn't completely expected to happen with how tense things have recently been. Still, it's pleasant to know that it's possible for everyone to get along so well if given the opportunity. The new ability to openly mingle with each other doesn't automatically mean everything is fine, but it's progress.
"So" —Rosalie bumps her brother's shoulder— "Paul says you two are heading out for your honeymoon the day after tomorrow. Excited?"
"Of course- I don't go to Europe very often, so when I do it's something to get hyped about," Marshall answers. "Out of the places we're going though, I've only ever been to Italy- and even then, I haven't been to Amalfi Coast. It's going to be a new experience for both of us. If it goes as well as Bora Bora did, then we're in for a real treat."
Rosalie giggles. "Sounds like you are."
Silence overtakes the two as they watch everyone interact from afar. They catch Paul horsing around with Jared and Jake.
The sight makes Marshall swoon.
He catches his partner's gaze. Paul flashes a wink before continuing on with his family members.
"...You really love him, don't you..?" Rosalie asks.
"With everything that I have."
"I'm glad- and I actually mean it this time. I've never seen you look at anyone like that before."
"That's what happens when given the opportunity to fall in love with your soulmate."
"Yeah, I suppose so."
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