Talk of the Future
Edited 6/20/22.
A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.
"Alrighty, thanks again, Bobby."
"It's always a pleasure serving you guys. I'll see you around- and let me know how your break goes!"
"Of course! Take it easy, man. We'll see you!"
Eager waves are given to Bobby as Marshall and Brad make their way out of the bar. With Romero leading, the two friends pass by a few tables. Nods are given to other bar patrons as well. Some people wave back in response, offering their own verbal farewells. Loud music loses its intensity when the exit door is propped open.
Both men are greeted by the pungent scent of fresh rain. It's carried by a gentle, warm breeze. A hint of blooming flowers also lingers in the air. Puddles sit undisturbed on nearby sidewalks and random sections of the parking lot. The surrounding cars are wet. Water droplets appear multicolored as they reflect bright, tinted lights.
"We're lucky it stopped raining. Means I don't have to go home soaked." Brad pats his friend on the shoulder. "Hopefully the weather in Barcelona will be better. Dude, I'm super stoked for this season's vacation time!"
"Yeah, same here." Marshall smiles. "How long are you going to be gone?"
"Two weeks. Yasmine wants to do one of those disconnected vacations. You know, the ones where you don't bring electronics with you. It's meant to make the trip more enjoyable since there won't be any added distractions. I'll still have my phone on me, of course, but I kind of like the idea of getting away from technology for awhile."
"I get that. Just make sure you guys are careful."
"Course," Brad replies, offering a signature yet playful toothy grin. "So where are you and Paul going?"
"We're heading out to Bora Bora first thing in the morning. We have a private rental just for us."
"Mhmm. I think it'll be fun. Neither of us have been there before, so it'll be cool to experience something new together."
"You've been doing a lot of that since you guys became an item." Brad's eyes soften. "He really does help bring out the best in you, you know. I've never seen you this happy."
"Paul kind of just has that effect on me. It's... different with him. Life, I mean. He's been helping me get out of my shell a little more. It means a lot to me- having him. With this being my first relationship, I have to admit that I'm glad I waited so long to get serious with someone. He's just one of a kind."
"You really love him, don't you?"
"Yeah." Marshall places a hand against his cheek to shield a phantom blush. "I really, really do."
Hazel and gold meet. Faint streaks of red and blue from fluorescent signs reflect in their irises. Brad's unspoken feelings are revealed in his facial features. His expression reveals happiness and compassion. A certain glint in his eyes is hopeful, shedding light on a genuine appreciation for how much Paul has been helping Marshall.
It's sweet that the vampire has such a dependable support system; both in his lover and his best friend.
"Oh-" Brad takes his phone out of his pocket. "Sorry to cut this short, Marsh, but I have to get going. My flight leaves tonight at 11."
"No worries, dude. You're good."
Marshall is engulfed in an expected hug. He breathes in the comforting scent of vanilla. It makes him hold onto Brad a little tighter.
Their embrace conveys a plethora of emotions. Excitement, glee, tranquility. There's also a bit of sadness as well.
"Gonna miss you, man," Brad says. His voice wavers toward the end of his confession. "I know we won't be apart for long, but still. I'll miss hanging out with you."
"Well, you let me know when you come back. Paul and I are only going to be out of the country for a few days. For the rest of our vacation, I'll just be at home. When you're back in town, we'll go out for drinks again- catch up a little bit. How's that sound?"
"Good to me."
The two release their hug. Marshall watches as Brad approaches his small car. The front door on the driver's side is opened. It only takes a moment for the vehicle to come to life. Its front headlights illuminate the damp bricks of the bar's exterior.
Brad stands up to his full height with his hand braced against the door. "I'll see you, Marsh. Love you."
"I love you too, man. Safe travels."
Brad offers one more quick grin before climbing into his car. He pulls out of the parking lot with ease. A short honk from the car horn is used as a gesture to say goodbye. Marshall picks up an arm and waves back in response. He stays in his spot until his friend disappears from sight.
Sighing, he climbs into his own vehicle. Setting a new R&B album on shuffle, the vampire plops his phone into the cup holder immediately to his right. Windows are cracked open. Thick, muggy air encompasses his car's interior. Another pleasant whiff of rain is savored before the drive back to La Push commences.
When exiting, Marshall is greeted by the light smell of baking bread; or something akin to it, at least. It's an alluring fragrance that makes him hum in approval. He treks up the stairs of the front porch, wiping his feet on the outdoor welcome mat.
Running water hits his ears as soon as the door is opened. He's hit with Paul's divine scent. Marshall is also hit with an unexpected heat against his cold skin. It's warmer inside than normal, but it's still a pleasurable temperature. It's homey.
He sets his shoes down in their designated spot on the rack. The door is closed behind him. Undivided attention draws to a rather cute scene in the kitchen.
Paul is covered in a faint coating of flour along the lengths of his arms. He's washing his hands in the sink. Beside him are a few miscellaneous baking items: an egg carton, some milk, a whisk, a half empty bag of sugar, and a large bowl. The sweet smell from earlier is amplified, and it's immediately noticed that something is currently baking in a muffin tin.
"Hey, Honey Bun." Paul's voice is heard over the running sink water.
"Hello, my love." Marshall walks forward, wrapping his arms around his partner's waist. A chaste kiss is placed onto a clean section of his arm. "What're you making?"
"Trying my hand at custard cups. It was a bit messy but still fun to do. I'm hoping they'll come out good."
"Smells nice. If you need some pointers after, my culinary expertise is available."
Paul chuckles. His laugh reverberates throughout his body. It sends delicate vibrations against Marshall's skin.
"I finished packing and put the suitcases in the dining room. A taxi is scheduled to pick us up around 5 tomorrow. It's going to be an early morning, but I'd rather grab a bite at the airport than eat and go after."
Marshall nods his head in understanding. Instead of moving, he decides to get more comfortable.
He nuzzles his face into a soft, apple scented cotton shirt. He revels in the gentle beating beneath his ear. His hands rest against firm pecs, a few fingers sitting above a thumping heart. Golden eyes close, and a moment is taken to just... breathe.
Paul's movements are careful as he doesn't want to disturb his boyfriend. Aside from quiet humming, he's silent while washing the dishes. His fingers have become pruney with how much time they've spent submerged in water. Tiny wisps of steam frolic away from the running faucet. It's the only sound between the couple until the oven's timer goes off.
"I got it, honey."
Marshall pulls away from their embrace. He grabs an oven mitt, carefully taking out the muffin tin. It's set onto a metal rack to cool.
The vampire glances over a toasty brown color popping from the bright yellow of the custard cups. Homemade pastry holding everything together looks flaky. It seems purposeful though. The dessert smells of melted sugar instead of burnt syrup, which is a good sign. He can tell that great care went into making these prepared cups.
"They look pretty good, Tiger." Marshall sets the oven mitt down. "Got a pretty golden brown color. They smell sweet. Nice job."
Paul soaks up the compliment with a large, dorky grin.
Marshall takes it upon himself to put away the eggs, milk, and sugar. He sucks in a breath after turning around. His personal bubble has been invaded by the handsome devil he calls his boyfriend.
The vampire is pinned against the fridge. The action itself isn't rough, just frisky. Large hands settle onto his hips. Warm fingers dig into his skin with mild pressure. A smile makes its way onto his face when his lips are claimed.
A long, tender, passionate kiss is shared. It makes him feel a bit lightheaded. Hordes of butterflies unleash in his gut, and his legs begin to feel like jelly.
It's such an addictive feeling. He chases after it with more kisses.
Unfortunately, the moment is ruined when Marshall feels his phone vibrating in his pocket. He takes it out, and a carefree grin is replaced with a deep frown at the sight of Rosalie's contact attempting to call him.
Paul takes the device away. He declines an unwelcomed attempt at communication. The phone is turned off and is set onto the now clean counter top.
"Don't let them get to you, Marshmallow. They were in the wrong for treating you the way they did. It's in your right to set boundaries for your own sake."
"I know, it's just- it gets annoying. Things have been going good without them. And even though we aren't speaking, just the thought of them ruins moments like this. I hate it."
"I know, my love. But we'll get past it. Just like we do everything else."
Marshall sighs. An attempt is made to muster up a genuine smile. He takes hold of a pair of larger, warmer hands. He squeezes them. They squeeze right back. Delicate pecks are placed against ridged knuckles in thanks.
Both men make their way upstairs with Marshall leading. He notices a yellow glow coming from inside of their room. He's met with a few tealight candles burning on the nightstand. A pumpkin wax melt is cooling off. A fluffy duvet is bunched toward the bottom of the bed. Navy sheets are wrinkled. Pillows are strewn haphazardly on the mattress.
The room is marked by luscious cinnamon; musk and sweet copper having melded into one scent. It helps drive any negative thoughts away.
Paul doesn't fight it when he's pushed onto the bed. Marshall climbs on top with a grin. He straddles his partner at the knees rather than the waist. Widening eyes and a pronounced swallow are given in return. The vampire hikes up the cotton shirt to reveal a chiseled set of caramel tinted abs. Golden eyes drink up the alluring sight like fine wine. Soft lips graze heated skin with featherlight touches. Goosebumps form in their wake. Random kisses are placed here and there. Playful licks are strewn in as well.
Based off of a changing scent, Marshall can tell he's causing some physical excitement to build. He travels upward. More kisses and licks are given. He stops right below the rib cage. A deep breath is taken in.
It's the only warning Paul gets before Marshall is blowing raspberries into his stomach.
Silence is overtaken by hollers and laughter. Firm muscles tighten even more in response to being tickled. Heated skin becomes even hotter due to failed attempts at escaping a strong grip. Beautiful brown eyes fill with tears from tensing so much. It makes Marshall snicker to himself.
He stops his tickles after a few moments, climbing higher until his chest rests against the one beneath him. A rapid heart is felt against his silent one. Teasing smirks become more delicate. Playful gazes are traded in for more love-struck ones. Both men meet for another round of kisses. It stays innocent despite lingering arousal.
Hands rake through tangled hair and against defined muscles. Breaths are stolen away with every well placed kiss. Two separate bodies entangle themselves until they're flesh enough to be a single unit.
Dreamy sighs escape the couple after parting their lips. They take a moment to rest their foreheads against one another.
"Fuck, Baby Cakes, I love you." Paul breathes out.
"I love you too, Tiger." Marshall snickers. "...Thanks for cheering me up. You just being here helps me get through a lot of things. Brad seems to think so too."
"Yeah? What prompted that conversation? Were you talking me up, Honey Bun?"
"Aside from obviously gushing about your rockin' bod" —Marshall rolls his eyes in a playful manner— "we just talked about how stuff's been changing. That a lot of newer, better things have been happening since you and I started dating. Like, we're going on vacation tomorrow. I've never gone abroad with someone who wasn't part of my coven. It's just a nice change of pace for me."
"Well, I'm glad to be of assistance." Paul chuckles. "If there's anything else I can help you with, let me know."
Marshall snuggles against a toned chest. He listens to rhythmic heartbeats. While doing so, he allows for his mind to wander. Just about random things, really. His relationship, his current status with his coven, his current living situation. The vampire finds himself getting stuck on the last topic.
He loves La Push. He loves their cute little house. He loves being near the pack and his newer family. At the same time though, it feels like something is missing. Marshall is content where he is, but he can't say with complete honesty that he's fully satisfied.
"...Do you ever think about leaving?"
"Leaving..?" Paul asks.
"La Push. Washington. Hell, maybe even the country."
"Sometimes. I like it here because of the weather- and my friends. But I would like to leave some day. See other sights, get to know new places. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know, I just..." Marshall gnaws at his bottom lip. "The thought of staying in Washington long term seems a little suffocating. I don't know if that's just because of my inherent want to travel. But I don't want to be stuck here forever. I love it, don't get me wrong. It's just- when I try to think of home, Washington isn't the first place I think about."
Paul hums. "Is there somewhere you'd like to go? Like, if you could live anywhere, where would it be?"
"Not in the U.S. honestly. I've been here for most of my life. And while there are some real gems here, I can't see myself settling down for a long time in any of the states.
"On top of that, I've lived in a lot of different places. The Americas, Asia, Australia- but those never really felt like home for me. I like South Korea, but that's more a place I'd visit on and off rather than live forever.
"...I can say with certainty though, that I've always felt at home by the water. Like lakes, beaches, near ponds- things of that sort. I love being by the water because it's freeing- it makes me feel like I have the option to leave if I want to. So I guess my answer is anywhere by the water. I've never lived in Europe either, so I'm also open to that."
"Europe by the water..." Paul's tone is inquisitive. "I'll keep that in mind. Europe sounds nice-- I've never gone myself. Guess we'll have to show each other the ropes when we get there."
"... You mean that?"
A single finger pokes against the somewhat squishy flesh of Marshall's side. It's a gesture used to get his attention. He looks up with a slight head tilt. A hand settles against his cheek. Paul looks between both gold tinted eyes before answering.
"What did you tell me on my birthday? That you'll love me forever, right?" His eyes soften. "That was a promise made for both of us. I love you, Marshmallow. And I want to be happy with you no matter where we go. I don't have any places to call home. For me, home is wherever you and I will be. Wherever we are together. As long as I'm with you, I'll be content. Doesn't matter if we're in La Push, or somewhere else far away."
Marshall's gaze falls when his face is pulled downward. A long kiss is placed onto his forehead.
"And we'll start figuring out some places to settle in tomorrow when we get to Bora Bora." Paul does a little shimmy to reveal his excitement. "Which I'm super hyped about. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight."
"I mean, we could do something other than sleep."
Marshall's only half serious. He couples the statement with an exaggerated wiggle of his eyebrows, making Paul laugh. Butterflies erupt in the vampire's stomach in return.
"Now" —Paul's smile widens— "enough serious talk. Let's go check on those custard cups."
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