A Gift of Our Own
Edited 6/16/22.
A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing.
Fast paced swing music plays in the background from a speaker in the kitchen. It's an instrumental tune with an alto saxophone leading. The horn is backed by powerful low brass and drums. The song is unfamiliar to Marshall, but he still bobs his head along with the beat. His body sways in its spot with every swanky rhythm.
When choosing her tune, Emily claimed that a trend crossing the internet right now was for popular music by well known artists to be transformed. Modern hits are redone to encompass musicality from previous eras. Marshall will admit that, although not exactly like music from prior decades, it's still executed well.
Quiet hums fill up the silence between both people. Their collective attention is more focused on getting the house ready for a small get-together.
It's Paul's birthday, and Marshall wanted to celebrate by throwing a surprise party the way he was for his own birthday. The vampire knows though, that his boyfriend is more comfortable with smaller gatherings consisting of close friends. So the party will only really consist of pack members and Emily.
Sam, Paul, and Jared are currently on patrol. It's not really for an active threat; it's more a diversion to keep Paul busy. Keeping him occupied has given Marshall and Emily time to prep. Considering how the moon is rising in the sky, the wolves will be back soon.
Marshall gives a quick glance over at Emily, her taping up a few decorations along the wall by the front door.
She's wearing a simple yet pretty above-the-knee dress. It's in a flattering shade of deep purple. Dark hair is pooling over her shoulders, and shining silver earrings dangle above them. Overall, she looks beautiful. More so than usual, of course.
A cupcake is being expertly frosted in Marshall's hands, the vampire careful as to not stain his own wardrobe.
He's clad in a pair of black dress pants, a bright red dress shirt, and a black formfitting vest with lace patterns on the back. His tie is also patterned with an array of red shapes accentuating its black base. The look is completed by his most flattering pair of Oxford dress shoes. His choker is sitting in its rightful place around his neck as well.
He may be a bit overdressed, but the party is giving him an excuse to get all dolled up. Plus, Marshall knows he looks attractive when in formal wear. This gives him an excuse to flaunt his appealing physique to Paul. There's no doubt that he'll appreciate it too.
Streamers are falling from the ceiling in random spots. Different types of board games are sitting on the fabric bench across from the kitchen. A plethora of foods are lined up in disposable tins. The fridge is stocked with juice and soda for anyone who doesn't want to drink; but a cooler by the dining table is full of ready-made alcoholic beverages. Some gelatin shots are sitting on the table alongside fresh brownies, cookies, and muffins.
Due to all of the baking that just transpired, the house has a sweet aroma emanating from it. It makes the space feel just a bit more homey.
"And done!" Emily calls out. "What do you think, Marsh- are these straight?"
"You're asking the wrong person about things being straight." Marshall chuckles. "I'm kidding. Everything's looking good. Thanks again, Em, for helping me set this all up. I know it wasn't the simplest thing to do."
"Don't worry about it, honey. I had fun getting all this together. And it's nice hanging out with you. I'm glad you're here."
He can't help but smile. A sensation of bashfulness overcomes him, and phantom warmth settles in his cheeks. He hides slight embarrassment by bringing his attention back to his previous task.
The last cupcake is topped off with a flick of his wrist. It's set down on a display platform that houses the other desserts. With fingertips being covered in frosting, Marshall gets up. He wipes them clean with a damp napkin, throwing it away. He shakes his hands out to rid them of water. He also does so to help calm his nerves.
"I've never done something like this before. Do you think he'll like it?"
"I'm sure he'll love it. Especially if it's from you," Emily replies with a soft tone.
The song in the background is switched to more party friendly music. A playlist is put on shuffle. Marshall can faintly recall the tune, but he hasn't listened to it enough to know it by heart. Still, the upbeat music helps ground him. An even greater wave of comfort is felt when he catches Paul's divine, musky scent.
"I smell brownies~!" Sam's voice cuts in.
Marshall turns his attention toward the front door. Sam is leading with a jovial expression on his face. Jared is covering Paul's eyes, the male being led into the house blind.
It seems that the guys were able to stop by Jared's to change because they're all in formal wear themselves. Marshall's eyebrows raise as he fully catches his mate in an outfit similar to his own. The only real difference is Paul's shirt is darker, and his tie is striped.
Either way, he looks good. Really good, actually. The vampire makes a mental note to have his boyfriend dress formally more often.
After making sure everything is good, a signal is given for Jared to let go of Paul. As soon as he gets his vision back, squinted eyes widen in shock. He looks around at the decorations before drawing his attention to the freshly made foods. His gaze continues to sweep around the room. He takes everything in with slow blinks and parted lips. His eyes land on the group in front of him.
"Guys" —Paul chuckles while shaking his head— "you know I don't make a big deal about my birthday."
"Well, maybe you don't, but we wanted to," Emily adds.
"Was this your idea?"
"No, actually, it was Marshall's."
Said male offers up a small smile. He takes long strides toward his mate. Both men meet in a tight embrace. They also take deep inhales to revel in each other's strong scents. A chaste kiss is shared in greeting, and golden eyes take in the sight of kind brown ones.
"You made a big deal about my birthday- I just wanted to return the favor." Marshall's expression softens. "You like it?"
"A whole lot- yeah. Thank you, Marshmallow." Paul's own features become more delicate. "I love you."
"I love you too, honey. Happy birthday."
Jared fakes a gag while sticking his tongue out. He gets an elbow shoved into his side by Emily; the woman reprimanding him for ruining such a cute moment. The other men laugh at an exaggerated hurt expression.
Music is turned up, and the party shifts into full swing. Jared makes a beeline for the cupcakes. Sam scoops up a brownie. Both of them give deep sighs of satisfaction at the taste. When it's revealed that Marshall was the chef behind those endeavors, the two give their genuine compliments. They also request for the vampire to cook more often-- which gets a short laugh out of him.
Paul walks over to the covered food tins. He gathers up a plate and utensils, while Marshall reveals the culinary masterpieces for the night. It's pasta with vodka sauce; homemade meatballs; steak and asparagus stir fry; Spanish rice (which he learned to cook with Brad's help); and a fresh green salad with tomatoes, red peppers, and a bit of lemon juice for garnish. It might be a bit overkill, but with the way the wolves eat, Marshall is sure the food will disappear by the end of the party.
Paul piles his plate up high with delicious food. He's led to the dining table to eat with his pack mates. He sets his plate down onto the wooden surface before pulling his imprint into his lap.
The gesture surprises Marshall, but he melts into a tight hug with ease. A long kiss is planted onto the fabric above his bonding mark. Contact against such sensitive skin makes him suck in a breath. Electricity shoots through his veins. He has to clench his fists to calm himself down. To not pounce like he normally does when such an inherently daring graze is made over his flesh.
He looks back to meet Paul's gaze. His expression is playful, and a teasing smirk sits idly on his face. Marshall sticks his tongue out in response. His piercing shines underneath the fluorescent room lights; the normal black stud having been replaced by a shiny heart shaped moonstone.
The sight of the piercing makes Paul's face fall. He swallows and clenches his teeth in obvious interest. It makes his jawline appear more pronounced.
In a mutually teasing gesture, Marshall raises a single eyebrow. He sizes up his boyfriend with a confident sweep of the eyes. A charming smirk is flashed. Marshall's partial attention is brought to Emily when he sits down on his own chair.
His pale complexion is vibrant against dark fabric when he sets his hand down against Paul's thigh. Brown eyes narrow just a smidge when the vampire squeezes the firm muscle. He carries a conversation with Emily as if he's not even paying any mind to what's going on. But he knows exactly what he's doing.
For a fraction of a second, brown meets gold. Marshall's smirk grows. One more hard squeeze is given before he allows his hand to become lax. His focus is brought back to Emily.
After eating and downing a few drinks, the group shifts to some games for festivities. Paul is given some time to digest by everyone else playing a dance game. Snickers from multiple people can be heard after Jared loses against Marshall. The wolf argues that his defeat is unjust because his opponent is a professional dancer. The vampire's response? "Hey man, it's not my fault you suck."
His comment alone forces everyone to double over in laughter.
They continue with dancing for a bit before switching to kart racing; because, "You have to experience it drunk at least once in your life." Although Marshall physically can't get drunk, he's still appreciative of the sentiment when given a controller. Sam simply watches on with a cup of Irish whiskey in hand. Thanks to the alcoholic boost, multiple people resort to full on shouting while playing. Marshall can't hold back a triumphant, "ha HA" when he rams Paul right off course.
Somehow though, Emily comes out the winner. No one is mad about that development.
When they switch to the block tower game, Marshall makes it known that he's never played before. Rules are explained pretty easily. What ensues is one of the most tense hours of his life thanks to a bunch of wooden blocks and conniving opponents. Paul wins that round. He receives the most half-assed applause he's ever gotten as it's just everyone else giving quiet golf claps. Marshall finds it a lot funnier than it should be.
Gears are shifted again once games are cleaned up. Paul is placed onto a chair near the dining table. He's surrounded by gifts from his pack mates. Presents ranging in different sizes are on the table and floor. Sam has an arm around Emily's waist as they watch on, whereas Jared is sitting atop the cooler with a water bottle in hand. Marshall is leaning against the wall behind him. The four of them watch as Paul opens his presents with excitement akin to a child on Christmas morning.
From Jared he receives: a new leather wallet with a chain attachment, a pair of boxing gloves, a collection set of shot glasses, and a whoopee cushion as a gag gift. It actually makes Paul laugh when he plays with it.
From Sam and Emily he receives: a limited edition vinyl for his favorite band, some new shirts, and a beautiful handmade painting of his wolf howling in the night on the edge of a riverbank.
Paul tilts his head when he notices Marshall grabbing his set of hidden gifts from the kitchen. They consist of one large box and a smaller one sitting on top of it. A letter joins them as well. He kneels down on the floor beside his mate to stay close by.
The larger gift is opened first. A brand new leather jacket with Lahote hand-stitched on the back in vibrant red lettering is revealed. Golden chains accent the arms similarly to Marshall's, but Paul can tell that his jacket is custom-made. He holds it to his chest with a smile.
His other jacket at home has gotten a little raggedy. He didn't think Marshall noticed. The vampire's a lot more perceptive than Paul gives him credit for.
"That's not even the best one." Marshall nods toward the other presents. "Before you open the smaller one, read the letter first."
Paul sets down the jacket onto his lap. He takes hold of a light blue envelope that says 'Marshmallow' on the front. Tearing it open, he's greeted by a short yet beautifully handwritten message. He reads it out loud.
"Hey there, Tiger. If you're reading this, that means it's the big B-day. Wow, you're old. I'm kidding... or am I?" Paul shakes his head while smirking. "Anyways, I know this isn't the most typical gift, but I need to preface it by saying this: Thank you. For what, you may be asking- well, for a lot of things. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen when I need it. Thank you for being my rock. Thank you for supporting me in all of my endeavors and pushing me to be a better person. Thank you... for being you. Thank you for giving me a chance. And thank you, so much, for loving me. I can't put it into words how much you mean to me- so I hope this gift can make up for that.
"Yours Truly, Marshall."
The letter is placed down onto the table behind Paul. He takes hold of a small black box with a golden bow on top of it. He looks at Marshall, the vampire motioning for his partner to open the gift.
Paul does so. And he can't hold back the quiet gasp that escapes him.
In the box are two white-golden rings with black designs etched into the metal. One section has the side profile of a simplistic howling wolf design engraved on the inner band. The other side has a set of outstretched wings with a heart in between them. Beneath the rings is another message on the bottom of the box.
"Don't worry, these aren't for an engagement... yet. But they're just a step below that. With these rings, I promise to love you forever. Have the happiest of birthdays, Tiger."
Marshall tears up a bit when Paul leans over to give him a one armed hug. It's snug. Tender. And conveys so many emotions without either of them saying anything.
"I hope it's not creepy, but I got your ring size while you were sleeping. You're like an actual rock sometimes," Marshall jokes.
"I love you."
He smiles. "I know. I love you too. Now let me prove it."
Marshall reaches into the small box. He takes out the bigger piece of jewelry. It's slid onto the ring finger of Paul's left hand. The vampire aims to put his own on, but his mate does it for him. After doing so, the two take a moment to look down at their clasped hands. Tingles erupt all over Marshall's body at the sight of new matching bands.
"You guys are the best. Really- thank you. For all of this." Paul takes a deep breath. "But there is one more gift that still needs to be given."
He takes his free hand, fishing a small box out of his pocket. Marshall is confused when the gift is presented to him.
"I know it's my birthday, but you can think of this more as a present to myself. It kind of goes in hand with the one you just gave me," Paul explains with a sheepish grin. "I didn't expect to have a birthday party, so I didn't expect to do this in front of people. But I think now is as good a time as any."
Marshall looks down at the gift in confusion. He carefully slides his hand out of Paul's before picking up the box.
It's lightweight. A gentle clinking is coming from whatever is inside. The container is opened in a single swift motion. Golden eyes widen upon seeing a familiar key connected to a thin ring.
"Paul..? This is..."
"The key to my house," he finishes. "You've been so sad going back to your place back in Forks. And you're so much happier when you're with me- I figured, why not make it permanent? Instead of staying in that big house by yourself, Marsh- why not move in with me?"
The key is taken out of its box. Silver metal is warm against cold skin; probably from Paul's natural body heat. Glossy eyes look over the key's simplistic design. Marshall encloses his hand around it. The appendage is pulled toward his chest, right above his heart.
"You certainly do give the best gifts- even on your own birthday, Tiger." His delicate laugh is wet, and his voice cracks a bit when he answers. "...Okay. Let's do it, sweetheart. Let's move in together."
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