The Kiss
They all four sit on the stage, mics plugged in and seated comfortably as the fans start to pile in. There's music playing, and the fans are shouting various things at their youtuber idols.
Jack is excited. He always is, but he keeps his composure.
Soon everyone's seated and ready to begin. First question!
And of course...
Fan: "Pewds, Jack, was ihop your first ever date?"
Felix looks to Jack and gives a slight nod, giving him the go to answer. It'll look suspicious if Felix answers all the questions.
Jack: "Actually, our first date was at a Chinese restaurant. Before anyone even knew about us."
Oh he's good. Felix smiles.
Next fan: "Jack and Pewds, do you live together?"
Felix: "We still live in our houses, we just visit each other a lot."
Next fan: "Pewds and Jack, who asked who to go out?"
Jack: "Felix asked me out."
Most of the questions are directed towards Jack and Felix, as they thought it'd be. Luckily fans started questioning Mark and Ken more as time went on through. Then, the worst happens.
"Is your relationship real Pewdiepie?"
This guys wearing a hat and is holding a camcorder. Jack looks to Felix, who's staring wide eyed. Is this wall streets reporter?
Felix: "Uh yeah, me and Jack are really dating."
Reporter: "How can we be sure though? You two have given us no real proof, other than simple photos."
Shit. The fans start to look at one another and mumble. Felix frowns deeply, his blue eyes glancing to Jack. It's the only way out of this. The only way they can prove their relationship without a doubt to the fans, and leave Wall Street dry.
Felix reaches over, grabbing the back of Jacks head, and pulls him in. Their lips meet and Jacks eyes are wide. It's a swift kiss, just a simple peck, but it's more than enough to get the fans screaming the reporter off the mic. Felix looks to see the reporters defeated retreat, and then back to Jack.
He's blushing. His entire face is red and his legs are closed tightly. He didn't expect that...was he angry? Felix wonders but can't check on him. He has to make it seem like the kiss was nothing special.
Besides it wasn't. They're just pretending..
So why did that feel so damn right?
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