Jack: "Let me just put my bed next to yours~"
Felix: "Why of course~"
They tease, and Jacks character places the Minecraft green bed next to Felix's blue one.
Felix: "Perfect. Now our new house is complete!"
They had recorded an entire video of them building a house to live in together in Minecraft.
Jack: "I think this is the best thing I've ever built."
Felix: "I would say the same but..that giant meatball-"
Jack laughs, looking over to Felix.
They had to sit so close together in order for the camera to get both their faces, but oddly, Jack really didn't mind it anymore. They were really dating now. Things just felt so much less awkward.
Felix smiles at him, looking straight into his eyes.
Felix: "Wanna sleep with me?"
Jacks eyes suddenly get wide, and he stutters a bit, feeling his cheeks warming up.
Jack: "W-what?"
Felix laughs again, gesturing to the screen.
Felix: "In the game."
Felix makes his character lay down, and Jack suddenly feels really stupid.
Jack: "O-oh, yeah."
Jack makes his character lie beside Felix's, and the game starts a new day.
Felix outros first, then Jack, and the videos are recorded. Now it was time to send it to their own editors.
Felix: "You ok? You kinda spaced out.."
Jack: "Y-Yeah! M'fine!"
Felix: "You sure? I can get you something if you feel bad."
Jack: "No! Really, m'fine..I just uh. Got nervous." He laughs a little.
Felix: "About what?"
Jack: "Uhhhhh...being so close to you..."
Great cover up...
Felix: "What? You're not used to that yet?"
Jack: "Yeah, I mean, we're a real thing now, so it's like, you know, we started over."
Felix: "Started over...does that mean you feel that way again?"
Jack: "Huh?"
Felix: "Do I need to touch you?"
Jack jolts, coughing on his own saliva that got caught in his throat from the surprise of the question.
Felix: "Jack, you ok?"
Jack: "N-no! I mean, I'm good!
Felix laughs a bit.
Felix: "Ok, just asking. We are real now, so we can do those kinda things normally."
Jacks eyes widen a bit.
He was right. This wasn't something to feel ashamed of. They were really a couple now. They can sleep together and it's normal. Yet, it feels so...weird. The thought of it made Jack feel tingly, and anxious.
Jack: "I...didn't think about that."
Felix: "Hm?"
Jack: "Everything's really..different now."
Felix: "Hey.." Felix says softly, pulling Jacks face towards him.
Felix: "The way I feel for you is the same. It's just as strong."
Jacks eyes flutter a bit. Felix was right here, so close. He can feel whatever he wants to feel, without fear.
So, without anymore hesitation, Jack leans in a bit, his lips touching Felix's softly.
Felix's blue eyes widen but then soften as he leans into the kiss before pulling away.
Felix: "Stay with me tonight."
He whispers, and Jack can feel his knees growing weak, but he nods in agreement.
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