Ken Knows
It's the big day, well, at least for Jack and Felix. They both know today they'll have to put on their best show, and answer a ton of questions.
Thing is, it's not only questions from fans.
F: "They'll be there. They send out a few reporters to find out anything they can write about."
J: "Yeah..I figured they'd really be after you this year."
F: "I'm sure they will, but I can handle it. Wall Street isn't that great at prying information, so if I just watch what I say they won't be able to turn anything against me. I can also refuse to answer any questions, so they should be smart enough not to ask about certain topics."
Jack watches as Felix unplugs his phone and stands. He seemed calm. Calmer than Jack would be in his position. Sure, Wall Street would be watching him as well, but not nearly to the extent of Felix. It was starting to get rough for him. First the media, then that channel T-series coming to take over, even though it's completely unfair, and now he's struggling to keep his position as number one.
And yet..
Even after all of this, Felix keeps his head up, and he seems as calm as ever.
F: "You ready?"
Jack gives a nod, and grabs his black hoodie. He and Felix brought matching hoodies, hoping it would help with the coverup. The two exit the hotel, and get into the rental car. It's not a long drive to the convention spot, and luckily, Felix has been there before. As soon as they're inside, Felix turns to Jack with a soft smile, "Do you want some coffee?"
J: "Ohh! Yeah!"
F: "Alright." He chuckles, leading Jack to the coffee shop within the joint. They order and sit at a table for two.
Jack is the first to take a sip of his. Felix on the other hand, sits, just staring off into the distance. He's so into his own thoughts that he doesn't see his best friend walk up to the table and slam his hand down on it. Felix jumps a bit, getting snapped out of his thoughts.
J: "Hey Ken!" Jack exclaims happily.
K: "Hey you two~"
Ken chimes, smiling wildly.
K: "Shoulda known you'd be getting coffee. How was the trip down here?"
J: "It was good. Long as always."
F: "What're you doing here so early?"
Kens eyes meet Felix's and it's obvious he KNOWS.
K: "Wanted to find you, and I knew you'd be early to beat the fans."
J: "You're right about that, he wouldn't let me sleep in."
Mark strolls in, having seen them through the glass.
M: "Hey guys."
J: "Heya Mark!"
K: "Hey, can I have a word with you?"
F: "Uhh.." Felix responds, looking past Ken to see Jack standing over near Mark, talking.
F: "Okay.."
K: "Come on."
They step outside the shop and it's just them.
K: "You gonna tell your best friend about you two or what?"
F: "What's there to tell? You've seen it, and it's true."
Ken raises an eyebrow.
Shit...he knows. He definitely knows somethings up.
K: "You can tell me the truth Felix. I know you, and this didn't just happen."
Felix frowns, eyes looking concerned. Ken wouldn't tell a soul, and he knew that, but could he really just say it out loud?
F: "Alright, you got me. We're pretending. It's gotten the media off our backs, and it's helped our channels grow."
Kens eyes widen a bit.
K: "'s not real?"
F: "What?"
K: "I thought it was real, I just didn't believe you two eloped naturally."
F: "You actually thought it was real too?"
K: "Well, you two always acted gay together. Worse than Mark ever did with him."
F: "Ken WE act gay together."
K: "Yeah but it's different with Jack. You two do it naturally. That's why I thought y'all really were dating."
F: "Why does everyone act like they expected us to be gay together?!"
K: "Wait, so you're just pretending? You don't actually have feelings for him?"
F: "Well..."
Ken smiles at that. He's rarely seen Felix like this.
K: "You do like him that way~"
F: "Okay yeah, I do...I didn't realize it at first but I'm not so sure he's just a friend. He doesn't feel the same way though, so it doesn't matter."
K: "How do you know man?"
Felix doesn't answer. He never thought of that. Before he can answer Jack and Mark walk out.
J: "You two ok?"
F: "Uh-"
K: "Yeah! I was just asking Felix why he didn't tell his best friend about you two~"
J: "Oh, yeah."
M: "I mean, it was obvious really. Could've just came out and told us."
Jack chuckles a bit.
K: "I hope you two are ready for those awkward questions from the fans."
J: "Awkward?"
K: "Yeah, like who's the girl in y'alls relationship~"
Jack blushes, squeezing the cups of coffee, which Felix quickly grabs from him.
F: "We won't be answering things like that actually Ken! Thanks!"
Ken giggles and so does Mark. Ken would have so much fun with this now that he knows the truth.
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