Donuts and Coffee
After the event Jack and Pewds sneak off with Mark and Ken.
Mark: "So where to? I'm a little hungry."
Ken: "Yeah I could use a snack myself."
Felix: "Well, how about the donut shop? I'm sure Jack wants his coffee."
He says happily and looks to Jack, who's eerily quiet.
Mark: "Donuts sounds great!"
Ken: "I second that! Let's go."
Felix's smile drops as he sees Jacks face.
Felix: "You guys go ahead, we're coming.."
He says calmly and stays behind with Jack.
Felix: " ok? I'm really sorry..I just thought-"
Jack: "It's ok. I know why you did it. Just caught me off guard that's all."
Felix: "But you're being so quiet. Sure you're not upset?"
Jack smiles a bit.
Jack: "I'm sorry, I'm fine really. Now let's go get some donuts and coffee."
Felix nods. He could tell something was off. was pretty awkward, wasn't it?
Nonetheless, they catch up to Mark and Ken and head straight to the donut shop. When they walk in the smell of coffee and sweets fill the air.
Jack smiles, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. It was so nice in here, and Felix felt happy knowing Jack was enjoying it.
Mark walks straight up, already knowing what he wants. He's probably been here before or he's just well educated on donuts. Ken stares at the menu, while Jack strolls straight to the displace case. There's all sorts of beautiful donuts laying out. Jack looks mesmerized.
Felix: "Get whatever you want, I'm paying."
Jack frowns suddenly, looking a little irritated.
Ken and Mark start giggling at the frustrated Jack and the panicking Felix.
Suddenly Jack is quiet, his cheeks getting red yet again.
Jack: "I want..that one." He says softly, pointing to a chocolate one with cream inside of it.
Felix stares for a moment, but smiles a bit and nods.
Soon they all have their donuts and coffee and they're sitting down, chatting.
Mark: "Man I did NOT expect you guys to kiss on stage."
Ken: " neither" Ken says quite noticeably to Felix.
Felix: "Well, you know, it's nothing new for us, so not a big deal."
Jack suddenly nods: "Yeah we kiss all the time, besides they loved it."
Mark: "Yeah they did. Hell my ears are still ringing from their screaming." He laughs, rubbing a finger in his ear. They laugh, and continue eating. Once they're done they head out, each going their separate ways.
Felix and Jack get into their rental car and that's when Jack speaks.
Jack: "Hey, now that we're alone, I wanted to talk.."
Felix swallows hard, worrying Jack might actually be upset with him after all.
Felix: "Okay I'm listening.."
Jack: "I was surprised..and it caught me off guard..I could've gave us away acting so shocked. I should've acted like kissing was normal. So you think...we could kiss more often so I'll be used to it next time?"
Felix almost dies. Literally almost dies in the seat of this rental car. He doesn't even care! He was embarrassed because of how he reacted to the kiss. Felix looks over to Jack, staring with pained eyes. How could someone be so damn cute and not even realize it.
Felix: "Y-Yeah, of course. I'm sorry I surprised you, I didn't really see a way out of that question.."
Jack: "It's ok! Like I said, I know why you did it, I was just surprised that's all."
Well so much for awkward. Felix feels relieved, knowing Jack didn't realize what he'd done. Sure he keeps blaming the kiss on the situation but the truth was Felix just wanted to see what it felt like, kissing Jack, and he loved it. He's never felt so strongly before, and now he gets to kiss him again, so he can 'get used to it' as Jack said.
Could this day get any better?
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