He had to hurry. He didn't know how many scientists were left. IS everyone okay? No. That wasn't happening for sure. All he knew is he had to get the crystal to the emergency power generator. He just hoped he wasn't too late.
As he rushed down the halls, the dark, empty halls, he wondered if maybe it was a false alarm. Maybe a generator had just glitched. No, the sirens wouldn't be on if it were just a generator malfunction. And why did this facility have to be underwater? Wouldn't an abandoned island be better?
Either way, he had to get the power back online before more of those... things escaped. When he signed up for this job, he thought that it would be a fun and easy job. Just watch over some exotic animals and make sure they're healthy.
But the things in this facility are no animals. As he ran, he thought he heard footsteps chasing after him. He turned to see what it was, and to his horror, it was one of the entities called the Wall Dwellers. He ran faster now, not knowing what to do. He glanced back, and it was gone.
Maybe he scared it off. He could barely see anything anymore. He needed a flashlight. A quick stop at the armory should give him something. He went through a separate door, that lead to a room titled "Armory."
When he entered, the place was a mess. Cases were laying on the ground, empty, with claw marks all along the walls. It was clear something had come through here, and someone else put up a fight.
He glanced around and noticed a small flashlight attached to something. He moved closer to grab it and realized it was attached to a guard. The guard was dead. He quickly grabbed the flashlight and ran out of the room. He just had to keep going. He was only a few rooms away from the crystal storage.
He finally made it to the large circular room. As he headed towards one door, relief flooding over him, he heard a thump, and gunshots. People! He was sure they could help him get to the crystal container! He followed the noises and saw guards.
He called out to them, but then he saw what they were doing. they were shooting at something. He tried to turn and run and was met face to face with one of the monsters kept in the facility. Without a second thought he ran towards the guards as the creature pursued him.
He ran past them, ignoring the wails of the monster and the screams of the guards. He was almost there. He ran onto the catwalk. There it was. The control panel and the crystal container. He was feet away from it as something hard hit his back, knocking the wind out of his lung, and pinning him to the floor.
He tried to squirm out of its grasp, but that did nothing. Suddenly, a loud gunshot was fired in the room, and whatever was holding him down stood up and seemed to turn. He wasted no time in running and putting the crystal into the container. As the monster realized what he was doing, and tried to stop him, he pulled the lever, and the facilities power was restored.
However, that didn't stop the monster. Within seconds, the monster used its giant scythe and cleaved him in two. Now, the last human in the facility was gone.
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