Song: Doubt, Twenty One Pilots
Just a heads up, in this chapter there will be a small reference to self harm. No, none of the characters do self harm, they just mention it in relation to mental health.
"So, you guys are good now?" Liam asked with a confused face after hearing Louis' explanation of his and Harry's conversation the previous night.
"I wouldn't say that" Louis replied, looking over at Harry who was across the room, sat with a boy named Nick. "We just agreed we won't argue unless we have a good reason to" he shrugged and looked back at Liam. "I mean, he had a point. Half the time we only ever argue because we feel like we have to, because we don't like each other. We're both tired of it"
Liam hummed and nodded his head, "Well thank god you both finally realised it. Zayn and I both think it was pathetic but we didn't want to say that to you" he replied sheepishly.
Louis pulled an offended face and hit Liam gently on the arm. "Hey, it wasn't pathetic. It was just- unnecessary" he corrected.
"So, pathetic" Liam grinned and Louis rolled his eyes.
"Piss off. At least we won't do that anymore, or at least I'll try not to. Depends how much he annoys me" He said with a click of his tongue.
"Then you can't annoy him either. It works both ways, if you want to argue less then stop doing things that you know irritate him" Liam said with a pointed look.
"Like what? He's the one who irritates me most of the time" Louis scoffed.
"Key word, most. You obviously do shit he doesn't like too, otherwise he wouldn't have a reason to hate you"
"He hates me for no reason, where as I hate him for many. We just don't work well together"
"See this is the problem though, if you fail to realise the reasons he doesn't like you then you're not going to be able to stop yourself from irritating him. In result you'll just keep arguing" Liam sighed. "Just admit you're both at fault and not everyone is going to like every aspect of you, clearly Harry doesn't, so you may as well get over yourself and try make some changes"
Louis gaped at him for a moment, not expecting that kind of response. Liam was usually the type to bite his tongue and not give his honest opinion, especially not to Louis. So to say it was a surprise would be an understatement.
"Uh. Well, I wasn't expecting that" Louis finally said.
Liam blushed a little as he cracked his knuckles. "It needed to be said. You want it to work right? You don't want as many arguments"
"I guess" Louis said quietly, adverting his eyes.
"Then take my advice and stop doing shit that will piss him off. I'm sure he'll do the same. I mean, it's like you said, you're not friends but there's no need for arguments over nothing, so stop starting them" Liam said, going quiet once he saw their art teacher walk in the room.
Louis never replied and decided to focus on the lesson. He'd only had one art lesson so far and he already hated it. He couldn't draw to save his life and for once he felt like he wasn't doing his best, like he wasn't the top student and he could actually fail. Having a room mate who apparently loved the subject didn't help much either, especially since they had some kind of rivalry when it came to their education.
"Good morning" Their teacher said as she opened up her laptop and connected to the large touch screen on the wall. "Today we will be discussing your first assignment on the photography section of our subject" she announced, causing students around the room to groan. "Don't worry, I think you might like it"
"I barely ever take photos. Not unless it's for Instagram or snapchat" Louis whispered to Liam.
"I actually like photography. Im better at it than drawing" Liam said with a smile.
"Of course you do" Louis replied with a sigh.
"Your assignment requires you to work with your room mate, using them as models, to take photos related to one of five topics; mental health, crime, love, pride and secrecy. You can chose any topic you'd like and I want you to take at least twenty photos, though it would be better if you did more. I'd like you to be as creative as possible when taking the photos and editing them, and your deadline is a week from now. Does anybody have any questions? I will be going through this in more detail in a moment" The teacher explained, looking around the room as a power point loaded onto the big screen.
"Well this will be awkward. I barely speak to my room mate" Liam said, briefly glancing over at the shy boy he shares his room with.
"I'd take awkward over frustrating. How the fuck am I meant to do an assignment with Harry? Take pictures of him? We won't even get one photo with how much we bicker" Louis replied, meeting Harry's eyes from across the room until he adverted them back to Liam.
"You were literally just saying how you're going to try not argue with him" Liam pointed out.
"Yes, try. It doesn't mean we won't. I reckon he'll get in a pissy if I don't get his angles right"
"Honestly I see you doing that" Liam said with a grin, losing it once Louis glared at him. "Just chose mental health or something, I don't know. Then he doesn't necessarily have to look good, depending on what condition you base it off" he suggested.
"Perhaps crime would be better; least then I have an excuse if I kill him" Louis said with a smirk.
"Oh don't be dramatic. You'll be fine, just get it over with soon so then you won't have to worry about it" Liam replied. "Besides, taking the photos isn't the bad part. Modelling for them is"
"Not really. I'd be a great model" Louis disagreed, and Liam rolled his eyes.
"Not if he chose Love. You can't exactly model for something you don't believe in. I hope for your sake he chooses secrecy"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Louis asked with pinched brows.
"You never open up, and again, your family is shady. I think secrecy fits you well"
"Fair enough on the opening up part, but my family is not shady. We're just private people" Louis said with a snipped tone.
"You don't know what business your father runs, he never told you about your mum attending this school, and for some reason your grandparents want nothing to do with your family. Sounds shady to me"
"It's only shady if there's a bad reason behind it and I'm sure there isn't. I just haven't bothered to ask about it"
"I think you should then. I don't get why you don't seem interested, I sure as hell am and I'm not even in your family"
"It's not that I'm not interested, I am. I just don't think my father would answer my questions anyway. If he hasn't already told me something then there must be good reason for it" Louis said nonchalantly.
"Exactly. A good reason you should find out" Liam replied with a nudge to his arm.
"Maybe. If something related comes up then I'll ask, but for now I really don't care" Louis said with a bored tone.
"Alright" Liam said with a nod before going quiet as the lesson continued.
During the lesson they went over how to take photos for the assignment, what props they could possibly use, what relates to each topic and how they could express the ideas through the models. Louis was stuck on two of the options; crime or mental health.
For crime he thought he could use more props, such as caution tape, handcuffs, fake blood and weapons. He was also pretty interested in criminology which was a plus. However Harry doesn't necessarily look like the type of person who would fit into that category. Harry was all soft features, a bright smile and doe eyed, so that could have a negative impact on his photos.
Mental health was more complicated. There were many aspects involved from which problem to represent, how you could show it, and there were less props he could use. So unless Harry had any ideas then Louis thought he'd probably go with the former.
Louis quickly packed up his things after the lesson, rushing to shove his books into his bag and their assignment brief was most likely crumpled. As he did so he kept looking over at Harry to make sure he wasn't leaving the room.
"What's the rush?" Liam asked, slowly packing away his own things without a care in the world.
"I need to catch Harry on the way out about the assignment. You can go ahead, I'll meet you in the dining room" Louis said. "Shit" he then muttered under his breath as he saw Harry leaving the room.
Louis swung his bag over his shoulder and rushed to the door, nearly stumbling over a chair as he went. For once he was glad that Harry was a slow walker as he breathed out a sigh of relief when seeing Harry only a few steps away. "Styles!" He called out, and Harry turned around just as Louis grabbed his arm.
"What?" Harry asked with furrowed brows, looking down at the hand around his forearm.
Louis let go and swiped his fringe away from his eyes. "I want to get the assignment over with as soon as possible" he said, releasing a deep breath after his rush.
"Okay" Harry drew out the word, pulling his bag further up his shoulder. "When do you want to do it?"
"Could we do it tonight?" He asked hopefully.
"Depends how long it will take. There's a movie playing in the common room tonight at 6. I said I'd go with Niall" Harry replied, noticing Louis' disappointed face. "You can come with Zayn and Liam if you want"
Louis thought for a moment before answering. "Maybe. What movie?"
"The notebook" Harry said with an enthusiastic smile.
Louis groaned. "You're into them sappy movies?" He asked with a judgemental tone.
"Hey, the notebook is a classic. You're lying if you say you don't like it" Harry accused with a playful voice.
"I'm not lying, it's just a really, really shit movie. I bet you're the type who cries when watching it" Louis said with a roll of his eyes, pointing towards Harry's chest.
"I may have cried a little" Harry shrugged with a grin. "Crying is manly"
"Is it fuck. Only you would think that" Louis said with a shake of his head, a smile playing on his lips.
"It is!" Harry said defensively with a breathy laugh. "I'm surprised you even admitted to watching it yourself"
"I only watched it because my sister was and I was bored. I wish I hadn't"
"Don't lie, I bet you loved it, you're just too proud to admit it" Harry accused. "I'm Louis, Tomlinson's don't cry or watch rom coms" he said, imitating his accent.
"Oh fuck off, I don't speak like that" Louis replied and shoved his shoulder.
"Would you prefer me to imitate posh Louis? Maybe that'll be better. Pretend to be Louis pretending to be posh" Harry offered with a dimpled smile, tilting his head to the side.
"I've had enough of your imitations for one day" Louis declined, "Anyway, the assignment?"
"Right. Well like I said, it depends how long it will take. Would three hours do?"
"Possibly. If we don't get it all done in time then we can just finish off the rest tomorrow. What topic are you doing?"
"Mental health or love, I'm not sure yet. What about you?" Harry asked.
Louis sighed in annoyance. "Love, really? You think I'm going to be a good model for a love topic?"
"Mental health it is then" Harry said. "And you didn't answer. What topic are you doing?"
"It was between mental health and crime, so I guess I'll do crime then seeming as you're doing mental health. It'll take a bit of work to make you look like a criminal though"
"It can't be that hard- wait. Don't we need props? If you were thinking of buying some we would have to wait till the weekend" Harry suddenly said once he realised.
"Shit" Louis said. "Well what props do you need? I was thinking of stuff like handcuffs and caution tape for mine"
"I'm not sure yet, depends what mental health issue I base my photos on" Harry paused, "Maybe bandages? But I can always go get some of them from the nurse. And makeup, which I could get from my sister"
"Makeup? You're going to do my makeup?" Louis said with a disgusted face.
"Not like, girly makeup. I'll probably use it to make you look sickly or something. Besides, I'm sure you'll want to use makeup on me"
Louis sighed, "Fine. Why don't we get your photos over with tonight then, seeming as you can already get your props, then we will do mine on Saturday" he suggested.
"Sure. I'll get my props after lunch and we can go to our room after classes" Harry agreed.
"Great" Louis said with a nod and left to find Liam.
"I got bandages from the nurse" Harry said as the two entered their room after a long day of classes. He threw them on the bed, "my sister lent me some makeup but she said if I ruin any of it I have to buy her some more. This shits expensive so don't mess with it" he warned, placing the makeup bag gently next to his other items.
"Like I have any interest in your sisters makeup" Louis scoffed, picking up the bandages. "Why do I need these anyway?"
"In a literal sense it could refer to self harm, metaphorically it could show how people with conditions such as depression and anxiety feel trapped and injured on the inside. So I could wrap the bandages anywhere on you really" Harry explained, taking the bandages from Louis.
"Ok" Louis said as he watched Harry walk over to the windows and shut the blinds slightly. "So what are you planning to do?"
Harry walked back over and pushed Louis by the shoulders so he would sit on the bed. He then opened the bag of cosmetics and tipped them out. "Uh, I'm not quite sure. I guess I'll just wing it" he replied, pausing to look at Louis. "You're going to have to take your shirt off though"
Louis raised his brows in surprise, "Why do I need to be half naked for you to photograph me?"
"So I can wrap the bandages around you. It wouldn't look right with your clothes on" Harry said causally, looking through the makeup. He looked back up, "Go on then, we haven't got very long" he urged.
"What if I get cold, or I'm not comfortable with it?" Louis asked, his arms hugging his torso.
"I'll put the heating on. And I've seen you without your shirt a couple times before anyway, what's the difference?"
"The difference is you'll be taking photos of me. Photos you might have to show the class, that you'll definitely show the teacher. Why would I want that?"
Harry looked at him sympathetically, his features softening. "Nobody's going to judge you, or your figure. There's nothing wrong with it anyway" harry paused and noticed Louis' hesitation, could see the conflict in his eyes. "If it makes you feel any better I'll take mine off too, even for your photos"
Louis watched as Harry pulled his top off, letting it fall to the floor carelessly. He would never admit it, but he wished he had the boys figure, even with the love handles and pale skin.
Harry looked at him expectantly and Louis looked away as he toyed with the hem of his t shirt. He finally pulled it off and dropped it besides Harry's as he felt the chill of the room hit his skin, causing goosebumps to erupt all over his arms. "Happy?" He asked with an unamused expression.
Harry smiled and grabbed the bandages. "Very" he replied, unwrapping some of the fabric. "Have you got any scissors?" He asked after a moment when realising he needed to cut the bandages.
"I think so, hold on" Louis said, walking over to his bag to pull his pencil case out. He sat on the bed again and rummaged through his stationary, finally finding what Harry needed. "Here" he handed them over.
"Thanks" Harry said, cutting a long piece of the fabric off. He then held it up to Louis on different parts of his body, wondering where to put it. "Where do you think?" He asked with furrowed brows.
"Well it's your photos, you should decide" Louis shrugged, flinching away every so often from Harry's cold fingers grazing his skin.
"Maybe around your neck?" Harry considered, placing the bandage up against him. "Could tie your wrists together with it too"
Louis let out a small laugh, shaking his head. "I think you're enjoying this too much" he commented with a grin.
Harry laughed and took the bandage away. "You watch one porn video and all of a sudden you're the one making dirty jokes? I've corrupted you"
Louis made a shocked face, clearly faking it. "What a dirty mind you have styles, I meant no such thing" he said with a scolding tone to his voice.
"Of course you didn't" Harry rolled his eyes lightheartedly. "Put your wrists together. Least if I tie you up you can't fuss with anything whilst I do your makeup"
"Whatever" Louis muttered and placed his wrists together, holding them out for harry. "Hey, not too tight" he said as harry pulled the two strands together so they would tighten around his wrists.
"It's not even tight" Harry replied, loosening them slightly.
"Well clearly I don't like being tied up" Louis said, already fidgeting with his hands, trying to break them apart.
"Didn't think you would" Harry said as his lips quirked up, cutting some more of the fabric.
"I don't see why anyone would want to be so- restrained. I feel like I can't do anything"
"Some people like giving up control" Harry shrugged, tying some of the bandage around Louis neck lose enough so it would hang from it like a necklace.
"I couldn't. I like having control of things. When you don't you're vulnerable" Louis said, watching as Harry moved closer to him, linking his hands around his waist before pulling the bandage around his stomach and tying it.
"It's good to be vulnerable once in a while, although I guess it depends on what context. I'd be fine with it as long as I'm not in any danger" Harry paused after finishing with the bandages. "I can see why you prefer control though"
"How so?" Louis asked, suppressing a groan once seeing Harry open up a makeup pallet.
Harry grabbed what he hoped was an eyeshadow brush and dipped it into a light brown shade of eyeshadow. "Well your father seems like a bit of a control freak, very demanding and, I don't know, in charge? I guess. So that's probably rubbed off on you" he explained, swiping the eyeshadow beneath Louis' eyes to create darker circles.
Louis' eyes kept twitching as he did so, not used to the bristles being so close to his eyes. "I guess. If I'm to take over his business one day I suppose I need to be in control, that's kind of the whole point in running a business"
"True" Harry agreed, patting his brush into more eye shadow. "Do you want that? To take over his business?"
Louis hesitated before answering, unsure. "It's basically what my whole life has been leading up to, so I don't really have a choice" he said, looking away. "Everything he's taught me was to influence how I act when I take over the business, all them hours I sat in meetings with him and his colleagues was to prepare me for my future. I almost feel like I should want it"
"Wait, if you've sat in the meetings how come you don't know what business he runs? Surely they would've mentioned it" Harry suddenly asked.
"I think they were more cautious with what they said whilst I was listening in. They just spoke about plans vaguely. Boring shit like finance and transportation. I never really understood it" Louis replied, trying to remember anything that had been said during the meetings.
"Oh. So you don't want it?" Harry asked again, going back to what Louis had said previously.
"I don't know. How can I know if I want to run a business I know nothing about?" Louis said as Harry closed the makeup pallet and grabbed another one.
"Well what does interest you? What would you want to do if your fathers business wasn't in the picture?" He asked, taking a larger brush for contour.
"Criminology, forensics. Or perhaps sports. But then again I'd never make it into football"
"With the power your dad has I wouldn't be so sure of that. I reckon he could get you a football contract easily" Harry disagreed as he defined Louis cheekbones more than they already were, "Didn't think you'd be the type to like forensics though"
"I've pretty much watched all the crime documentaries on Netflix at this point. I think it would be cool to work on crime scenes, like a detective or something. Or even just questioning a criminal. Don't you find it interesting?" Louis said enthusiastically; it was sad that he'd never be able to pursue it.
"I mean sure, but I wouldn't be able to stomach witnessing a crime scene. I don't really find dead bodies appealing" Harry replied, grimacing at the thought.
"Nobody does, or, well some people would but they clearly have issues. I don't like it either but I wouldn't be squeamish or anything, I could handle it if it meant I could work on a case"
"Well don't be scared to mention that to your father. I get that he would most likely be disappointed if you didn't want to take over his business, but there's no point doing it if you won't be happy. You clearly have more interest in forensics" Harry suggested, putting the makeup back in the cosmetics bag. "You have sisters right? Couldn't they take over the business?"
Louis shook his head, "No, my father believes only a man should run the family business seeming as that's how it's always been, the eldest son taking over. He'd have a fit if I refused"
Harry frowned slightly. "But that's not fair on you. Why should you be forced into something you don't want to do?"
"It's just how it is, he won't change his mind. I'll spend three years here and then take over the business" Louis paused and let out a breathy laugh. "Makes me wonder why I'm even in school to be honest"
"Hm, it's a good thing you are though. If you weren't you really would have no choice but to run the business because you wouldn't have any qualifications"
"True- What are you doing? Get off my hair" Louis said, swatting Harry's hands away as they ruffled through his neatly styled fringe, struggling with his hands tied.
"Well it's not going to look right if you have nice hair and a depressing face is it" Harry said, pushing Louis' hands away.
"But I spent time on my hair" Louis whined.
"It's not like you're going anywhere though" Harry rolled his eyes, messing his hair up again.
"The movie?" Louis replied, reminding Harry.
"Nobody's going to care about your hair Louis. It'll be dark and you could put your hood up if you wear a hoodie. You look fine with messy hair anyway, probably even better than when you style it" Harry argued, moving a few more pieces until he deemed it good enough.
"Not all depressed people look like shit you know" Louis said, getting up to walk over to the mirror, widening his eyes once he saw the reflection. "Oh my god, I look like shit"
"Well that was the idea" Harry smirked, standing up. "And I know that, but I wanted to emphasise the effect mental health can have on your appearance. Physically it can take its toll"
"Not this bad!" Louis said, his voice raising slightly. "I've never looked so ugly in my life"
"Oh calm down. Stop acting like such a diva" Harry replied, repressing a laugh. "What did you expect? I'm basing the photos on depression and anxiety, not vogue"
"I get that. But I'm usually so put together that it's weird seeing myself like this"
"You must have had days where you've looked like shit. Everyone has"
"Not really. My father told me I should always look my best, so I do. I think one time when I was sick a few years ago he had a go at me because I hadn't showered. I didn't have the energy to"
"How can he expect you to look good when you're sick? I know I don't" Harry said, and he was surprised he was still shocked when he heard something bad about Mr.Tomlinson, by now he shouldn't be phased by it.
"I think he treats me like my grandfather did to him, they were very alike. He died a while back though" Louis replied, though he didn't seem sad. He hadn't seen much of his grandfather.
"I hope for your future kids sake you don't follow in their tracks then. It's not right" Harry said, not caring if he sounded rude, his eyes unapologetic.
"I know I follow in his footsteps a lot. I've been influenced by him for years. But I will never be like him when it comes to family. That's one thing he got wrong" Louis snapped back at him with a cold glare. "Let's just get these photos taken before the movie. How do you want me?"
Harry ignored his change of tone and pointed to Louis bed. "Sit cross legged on the bed, I'll do the rest" he said, and Louis did as he was told.
It was silent as Harry moved the bed sheets around him, pulling some of the covers up onto his knees and placing a pillow besides him. Louis tried not to complain about the state of his bed and how he had spent a good few minutes of his morning making it up.
"Can you look sad for me?" Harry asked as he pulled out an expensive looking camera. Louis was surprised as he had planned to take his on his phone.
"I'm not in a sad mood" Louis said. Instead he was feeling uncomfortable, irritated and tired.
"Think of something sad then" Harry suggested, fiddling with the settings on his camera.
Sad. What's sad? Dying animals? Not sad enough. Sad songs? I'd have to listen to them. Missing my little sisters? Kind of. Dad shouting at them? Nope, makes me mad. Mum-
"I can't" Louis said abruptly, and Harry raised his head with a confused expression once hearing Louis' vulnerable tone.
"Why?" Harry asked, his hands lowering.
"I don't like being sad" Louis replied, adverting his eyes. "Or thinking about sad things"
But he did look sad. His lips had turned downwards and his eyes had glazed over slightly. His hands were trembling as he bit at the inside of his lip. Harry took a photo.
The sound startled Louis and he looked back at Harry again with pinched brows, his gaze trailing down to the camera in his hands. "Why would you take a photo?"
"Because you looked sad" Harry replied, looking down at the picture he had taken only a moment before. "Clearly you thought of something"
"Yes. And I don't want to think about it again" Louis said, trying desperately to take his mind somewhere else. Anywhere else.
"What did you think about?" Harry asked, looking up again from his camera only to see Louis hadn't settled at all and his frown had not yet disappeared. He almost felt bad asking about it, but he had a hunch.
"I don't want to talk about it" Louis replied quietly.
Harry sighed and sat down on the bed next to Louis, causing the mattress to dip beneath his weight. He paused for a moment to watch his room mate who couldn't meet his eyes. Saw how Louis picked at his nails and his head was ducked ever so slightly. "Was it about- you know" he trailed off, not wanting to upset him more than he already was.
Louis let out a shaky breath and nodded. He didn't like thinking about it, talking about it, anything to do with what had happened. The majority of the time he pushed it to the back of his mind and distracted himself from the painful memory, but right now it was more difficult than it had been in a long time. The room was silent, it was only himself and Harry and there were no distractions. It was hard to focus on anything but the saddest moment in his life when he was expected to.
Louis didn't need to pretend to be sad. He didn't need to act like a depressed person for the sake of a few pictures. He had already experienced it before.
"We can get this over with quickly, then I'll help you take your mind off it. Let me just get these pictures and then you don't have to think about it anymore. We can clean up and go watch the movie; you'll be alright" Harry said reassuringly. He couldn't bring himself to ignore Louis' sad state, not when it came to something like this.
Louis finally met his eyes and he didn't need to say anything, Harry could tell he believed him. It was even more of a confirmation when Louis didn't protest as Harry moved his camera back up to his eye and snapped a photo.
He was impressed by how photogenic Louis was, and it confused him even more about why the boy was so insecure. Louis often put up this front that he was much more confident than he really was. He would boast about himself constantly, belittle other students that he didn't deem worthy of his time. He strutted around the school like he owned the damn place and was never afraid to voice his opinions. It was only when he was alone that he would show his true colours, and Harry could see it.
He saw the way Louis grimaced at his reflection in the mornings before classes as he fussed over his hair longer than necessary. He saw how Louis changed out of his outfits, and changed again, and again, and again until he thought one suited him just enough. He saw how Louis covered his body up as if it was second nature as soon as he heard Harry's footsteps draw closer to the room, his arms hugging his torso like he truly believed there was even an inch of fat laying there. Harry didn't understand it.
It was like Louis saw a completely different version of himself than harry did. Like his jawline wasn't as sharp as a knife. Like his hair didn't suit him unless it was tidy and neat. Like his stomach wasn't defined by deep lines where his muscle showed through beneath his tanned, flawless skin. Harry would kill for Louis' figure. He didn't want love handles, or a lanky frame, or even two extra fucking nipples. But he guessed everyone had their insecurities, much like he did himself.
They took a couple more photos in different parts of the room, some by the window with the faint light brushing over his skin, some in dark corners of the room where Louis would crouch down and hug his knees whilst he stared at nothing. Harry could tell Louis was uncomfortable when he told him to stand in front of the mirror as he took photos from behind him, out of shot. He saw how Louis fidgeted in his place whilst looking at his figure, and them photos came to an end very quickly.
"Are we done? We will miss the movie" Louis said with a tired voice, clearly just wanting the photo shoot to be over with.
"Yeah" Harry said as he clicked through the photos, proud of how good they looked. "I think we've gotten enough. You can get changed, wear something comfy for the movie"
Louis sighed in relief and pulled a hoodie over his head, changing his jeans for joggers so he would be comfy, like Harry had said. He really hoped his friends could bring up his mood as it had soured over the past two hours.
"Look how good these are. I'd love to give myself all the credit but you're a natural" Harry said enthusiastically, showing Louis the small screen of the camera.
Louis scoffed and turned away, not believing his words. "Right, I'm a natural at looking sad. Such a compliment" he said sarcastically, but there was a bite to his tone.
Harry furrowed his brows and watched as Louis pulled on a warmer pair of socks, seemingly trying to busy himself. "You alright?" He asked with a concerned voice.
"Fantastic" Louis mumbled, standing up once again. "Come on, we don't want to be late"
Harry eyed him warily but shrugged it off a moment later, deciding Louis' was just in another one of his moods. He placed his camera down carefully and pulled his own hoodie back on before walking over to Louis who was waiting by the door.
The two made their way to the common room in silence and weren't surprised to see it was already packed with students who apparently had nothing better to do than watch a sappy romance movie, which, to be honest, isn't that strange when you're living in an old school with hardly any entertainment.
Louis finally cracked a small smile upon seeing his friends waving him over to the couch where they had saved a seat for him. Liam and Zayn looked cosy, snuggled together under a shared blanket like two peas in a pod; Louis shook his head in amusement.
"Alright Tommo, how did the photography assignment go?" Liam asked as Louis took his seat, sinking into the plush cushions with a relaxed face.
"I didn't get any of mine done because I need to wait until Saturday when I can buy my props, so I modelled for Harry's instead. It wasn't great to be honest" he replied with a shrug, not wanting to talk about it.
"Why? Sitting there whilst someone takes your photo can't be that bad" Zayn asked.
"Coming from the vainest person in this school" Louis replied with a breathy laugh. "Of course you'd have no problem with it"
"I thought you were the vainest" Zayn said with a quirked brow.
"I think even you can rival me there. I didn't think anyone spent as long as me on their hair until I met you" Louis chuckled, and Liam hummed in agreement.
"Fine, I'll give you that one. It's not a bad thing to be conscious of how you look, least I always look presentable" Zayn said casually.
Louis was about to reply when a figure carefully walked around them, trying not to fall over in the dark room. It's was so obviously Harry, he could tell when the boy stumbled over a students leg and whispered a shocked "sorry!"
Harry stopped besides him with a shy look, from what Louis could make out in the dim room, and Louis looked back at him expectantly. "Could I sit here?" he pointed to the last space left besides Louis. "Niall's being hounded by a bunch of girls who think his Irish accent is cute, so I can't really sit with him and it's packed in here"
Louis looked up with a deep sigh. "Whatever. Just don't annoy me, I've already had to spend two hours too long with you" he agreed, shuffling up against Liam further to make some more room.
"Thanks. I didn't want to sit on the floor, it's my favourite movie" Harry said with an almost childish tone, his voice giddy whilst he sat down.
"There's many more movies that are worthy of being a favourite, not this shit. You're like a girl sometimes I swear" Louis replied.
Harry only smiled back at him, not taking the comment to heart. "I don't care. You might like your macho movies but I like this. Let me guess, your favourite movie is the godfather or some shit"
It is a good movie.
"I may have watched it a few times. It's still better than the notebook" Louis said nonchalantly.
"Is it fuck. I'd chose a love story over a ruthless mafia any day, and I'm sure many people would agree with me" Harry argued, a firmness to his voice that suggested he would defend his love for the notebook until he died.
"Don't bet on that" Louis replied shortly. "The movies starting so shut it"
"I thought you don't like 'sappy romance movies'" Harry smirked, glancing over at the tv.
"Fuck off" Louis muttered and yanked some of the blanket away from Liam and Zayn, causing them to groan in annoyance.
"Get your own" Liam scolded, pulling it back.
"I'm cold and I can't be bothered getting another" Louis pouted, rubbing his hands up and down his arms.
Harry huffed and looked around the room, spotting a few spare blankets in a basket near the window. He reluctantly stood up, careful to not trip over again, and grabbed a large, fluffy white blanket before making his way back over to the couch and throwing the balled up blanket at Louis' face. "You're welcome" he said, sitting back down.
Louis pulled the blanket off his head and peered at Harry as he held the soft fabric just under his chin. "Cheers" he replied with a smile, waving the blanket out before draping it across his lap, snuggling into the warmth as he pulled his legs up under his thighs.
His smile fell as Harry pulled some of the blanket over to himself, trying his best to get some coverage, unaware of Louis' insistent stare. "Hey. That's mine" Louis said, trying to pull it back.
"I got you it, I deserve to use it too" Harry said with a roll of his eyes, pulling the blanket over himself again.
"You could've gotten your own too" Louis pointed out, looking over at the basket that still held many more blankets.
Harry paused before toying with the blanket some more, finally satisfied with the half and half situation; practically sharing it with Louis. "I didn't think when I grabbed one" he said, turning his head towards the tv screen once more whilst Louis stared at him in confusion.
He shrugged it off, too tired to argue any more about the damn blanket as he tried his best to enjoy the movie. He was surprised at how many of the boys had come to watch it too, as he had expected the room to be filled with girls drooling over Ryan gosling. Life sure was different outside the manor.
"I didn't spend 17 years of my life raising our daughter and giving her everything so she could throw it away on a summer romance" Allies mother said a while into the film as the young girl fought with her over the boy she loved, and Louis almost found it comical. It sounded like something his father would say if the same situation ever occurred with him.
"God it's like your father" Harry whispered to Louis, saying the exact same thing he had been thinking to himself only a minute before.
"Hm?" Louis hummed back, waiting for him to elaborate.
"You know, like, he would want you to marry some rich girl with elegance, poise, all that shit. Am I wrong?" Harry said, his head lolling to the side as he looked at Louis from the corner of his eye.
"No. You're not. He doesn't care about who I would want to marry, he only cares about that person having a good image for our name. I wouldn't be surprise if he picks out a wife for me" Louis agreed with a tight lipped smile.
"That's so old fashioned though. What parents pick out their sons wife?" Harry replied with a judgemental look.
"Mine apparently" he swallowed thickly, picking the fluff from the blanket. "If it were down to my mother things would be different"
Harry looked back at the movie, contemplating what to say. He was curious for more answers, but he didn't want to push Louis back into his dark memories, even if he brought it up himself. He decided to lighten the mood instead. "Run away then. Go to Paris or some shit" he said with a smile.
"Why Paris?" Louis asked with a small chuckle.
"City of Love isn't it" Harry shrugged. "Run away to Paris, fall in love with a girl and marry her without your fathers permission" he grinned.
"I already told you, I don't believe in love"
"You don't believe in it because your father has taught you not to. You need to make opinions of your own for once"
"There's other reasons too. Not just that" Louis said, a little louder than he had thought, earning a glare from Liam.
"I'd ask you what those reasons are but I doubt you'd tell me" Harry said with a yawn, lazily watching the movie.
"Mhm, I wouldn't" Louis smirked, and their conversation died down once again as they continued to watch the movie.
By the end of it, Louis was embarrassed from the small tear he had to wipe away from his cheek, but he was glad Harry hadn't seen it. The boy was already asleep, his weight leaning against Louis' shoulder.
Author notes:
Took a while to post this because I've been at college this week, but I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
P.s sorry I didn't write much about the movie, I haven't even watched it myself yet so I didn't want to go into much detail haha.
Love you all xxx
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