What happens now?
You where looking at the floor with utter fear. 'I see' what that suppose to mean, it would be much more helpful to receive a few more syllables.
He stood up which snapped you back to the reality of the situation, you hastily followed "please sir jus-"
"I've heard enough (Y/N)" you stopped, your tears began to fill.
"When shall I hand in my resignation?"
"You aren't leaving, you are one of the best damn managers I've ever had" now the confusion had set in.
"What do you mean? I don't understand" he smiled at you both and patted your shoulder.
"I will pretend this never happened, I'll do my best to keep this news from the press and also to make sure that baby has a happy life outside of the spotlight but I have to pretend there is no baby" he explained. It sort of made sense, he is basically reacting the same way he reacted to the news of your relationship.
He basically wants to know but doesn't, he's happy but isn't. the side to him that loves you like his children and is happy for you and will protect you no matter what, but the side of him that runs an entertainment company and has many people working for him and with that side being in the spotlight 24/7 the maternal side doesn't want to know as a way of protecting you.
"Okay sir we understand" you looks done slightly smiling. You both walked him to the door and watching him put on his shoes.
"Congratulations though, to both of you" he said before he left the house. You turned to Jin who was behind you and wrapped your arms around him. He returned by hugging you back and kissing your forehead.
"I love you, you know that right?" You mumbled into his shirt. He chuckled and nodded.
"I love you too"
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