Breakfast with the boys [REWRITTEN]
You prepared breakfast for everyone. As usual. Laying out the table mats and coasters with the utensils needed to devour your delicious meal. Jimin and Jin has already seated themselves at the table after grabbing a drink for themselves from the kitchen, you walk upstairs and enter the corridor of rooms. First on your right, Hoseok's room. You lightly knock before entering and opening his curtains hearing a groan from the boy "Morning (Y/N)" he yawned "Morning, breakfast is on the table" you smile and leave the room after watching him jump up and run off down stairs. Next on the left, across from Hoseok's room was Namjoon's. Once again knocking before entering and waking the boy up "Up and at em kiddo". You soon leave the room and go to Yoongi's room "Rise and shine beautiful, I know the morning is your favourite time of day" you giggle as you know that's completely not true. The lazy rapper growls at you before sighing and getting up. Walking past your own, Jin's and Jimin's room you reach the end of the corridor where one room was left. The two youngest where the only pair who where willing enough to share a room after you took one for yourself, bright side is they got the biggest room. Knocking once more you walk in and open the curtains turning around to the two single beds set against the opposite wall. One bed was empty as the human that was lying in it was on the floor snoring, typical Taehyung. The other was wrapped up like a burrito in his covers, 'ahhh Jungkookie is so adorable' you thought. You walk over to Taehyung and gently nudge him, making him choke on his snore and flutter his eyes open "Morning Noona" he smiles sleepily and gets off the floor, you giggle and turn to shake the burrito in front of you. "Jungkookie~" you hum at the adorable maknae. He smiles before opening his eyes "Is breakfast ready Noona?" He yawns rubbing his eyes slipping out of the covers. "Yes Kookie, now go get some before your hyungs eat it all" you smile and watch as both boys run out the room.
These boys aren't just your responsibility as a manager, they are your family. You smile at the though of having a family once again.
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