Part 7
Sanskar smiles at swara and laksh.
Swara:-that means u knew about us then why.
Sanskar:-wat why.
Laksh:-after knewing we want to kidnap u then why u helped us.
Sanskar:- murthi is not good human being and his frd lokaish is a don.
They both want to take revengues from our parents and they both used your innocense once u take me to them then they will kidnap u also and he will ask ransom for our three from our parents ..
Swara:-he cheated us i will kick him..
Laksh:-mee too..
Murthi with few people comes their and asks..
Murthi:-so u came to knew about me and my intension haa so it will be easy for me to kidnap u three now.
Swara:-i hate u..
Laksh:-mee too i hate..
Sanskar:-will u both shut up and come with me and pushes goons and escapes from their in car on high wayy..
Murthi says everything to lokesh .
Lokesh:-he says dont worry they wont come out for few days we will call their respective parents and says them that we kidnapped then and we will collect money from them we will escape after few days they will come out by them self and then we will catch them again in mean time i will send few goons in search of them.
They both calls to their respective parents and asks for ransom ..
And they says it like swara and laksh kidnapped sanskar..
Dp gets tensed and starts from their houses...
They calls to Shekhar and says that they were also involved in kidnapping case althought she is not at fault and if he didnot give money then she will get arrested.
If u give i will say it end that swara and laksh life as they were innocent..
Shekar accepts and drops complaint from police ..
Dp goes and complaints to police that a boy and girl were kidnapped my son and asking me a ransom .
Police:-dont worry sir we will find him u dont give them money.
Dp:-i dont care about money but i want my son alive.
Police:-dont worry today a special security officer is joining in our department we will handle her this case .she is a very good officer and his dad served and died here as a dcp dayal thakur..
Dp:-wat dcp dayal thakur died can i knew that officer name.
Police:-yaa ofcourse and see a girl who is apporching them in black and white clothes and looks fit and salutes him and says ..
I AM RAGINI THAKUR reporting from delhi sir.
Dp has tears and smiles gets up and slowly turns to her..
As soon as he turned ragini get shocked and he comes forward but she keeps her face to another side and moves back.
Police:-she is the one i am talking about she is perfect for this job she will find your son and culprits also.
Ragini face turned into red and her eyes filled with tears by lisening his words and sanskar face came infront of her..
Police explains her everything and she leaves by taking force with her.
While she about to sit dp calls her.
Dp:-ragini beta....
Ragini:-gets down and says dont worry sir i will bring your son back to u safe and dont worry i dont have any feeling towards him wat ever he and u did to me and leaves.
Sanskar , laksh and swara are escaping in car and goons are following and they finally reaches to a desserted place and goons started shooting them a bullets passes threw sansky hand by tearing flush .swara and laksh gets shocked and threw fews objects on goons from car ...and finally they escaped from them and reaches to a unknow place and finds a small hut.
They all goes inside .
Laksh dressing sanskar wound and swara cries...
Sanskar cares her head and says nothing happen it just passed threw hand thats it see nothing happened.
Swara:-after knewing that we r going to hurt u still u helped us why.
Sanskar:-because your love was true and if we losses our true love it pains a lot and i knew that feeling..
Laksh:-if u dont mind tell us wat happen and we saw that girl many photos but where is she ..
Sanskar gets teardy eye i made her away from me .
I broke my promise to her that i will be with her at any cost..
Swara:-how u met her..
Laksh:-love at first sight.
Swara:-or fight wala love...
Sanskar:-our meeting is different she is different.
Flash back.
Sanskar was on his bike and rags on her scooty..
Both were wearning helmets...
Both reaches to a cafe and sees a parking lot and tries to park but stops seeing each other..
We both are signing to each other that u can park car we both r busy in it and suddenly some one else and parked we both looked at each other and parked in different ways ..
She removed her helmet and yaa
She was beautifull long hair beautifull eyes small lips and cute face and that face become more mischeivous when ever she teases me and or does mischeivous things and i caughter her .
She just looks like a small adorable kid who was caught by a teacher...
Our frds are common we met many times as a group as single at one point we both realised each Other love and we expressed also..
She belongs to middle class family her dad is dcp of mumbai and he lost her mom when she was so young thats the main reason she is a apple of her dad..
We both never kept rules or restrictions to each other..
But my dad was opposed to our love as he used to thing that status matter and on that day me and my dad fought a lot about her. My mom was sensitive due to our arguments she fell sick and got heart attack...
We joined her in hospital my dad made me promise that i never see her again but i didnot accept him. But he took my promise on mom.
I dont knew at that time dad went to her house started blaming her as she was bad luck to us because of her only me and my dad faught and mom too got heartattack and he scolded that she trapped me for money and she wants to take my money and then leave me.
Ragini and her dad were very self respect people their respect matter to them alot after my father accusing him like that she got angry and she said.
Ragini:-enough mr. Durga prasad watever you are just keep your so called lucky son with u only .
U have no right to blame my dad upbringins .he taught me to respect elders at any cost that's, why i am still talking to u with respect by thinking u as elder to me and sanskar you want i wont see your son again as he too feel me as unlucky...
I dont want that person who is illerate after being educated too .
So plzz i will bare anything but not my dad insult...
After that i dont knew why but my dad felt somewhere guilt and said wat ever he said in my name..
I broken inside and run towards her home and saw it as locked..
I dont knew how but i lost my smile with her i soon became like a dead body with out any feeling by seeing my state my dad reliased our true love and started searching for her untill now also we are searching her but no use..
I hope i see her before i die..
Laksh and swara wipes their tears and says dont worry from today we also tries to find her and u see this time we will find her..
Sanskar:-i wish i had a sister like u.
Swara:-then make me as your sister now and i promise bhai i will find my babhi....
They hear a door breaking sound and sees a girl standing in police uniform pointing a gun toward them ,immediately few officers too comes inside and point gun at them.
Sanskar swara and laksh were hell shocked to see her and sees each other faces and shoutss...
RAGINI ..and about to come towards.
ragini:-stop their and signals a constable and says arrest these two and bring mr.sanskar khanna here.
Sanskar:- wat r u talking yar how can u arrest them and first of all u became police officer but how secondly we met after so many years atleast hug me and saying this he about go towards her.
Ragini:- stop their mr. Khanna.
And why are u were taking their side who kidnapped u.
Sanskar:-no they didnot kidnapped me infact i only came with them with my choice.
Ragini:-wat but why.
Sanskar:-they both loves each other but her father want her to marry someone thats why they ran and came to me and we created a story like that.
Ragini:-how do u knew them.
Sanskar:-we r far relatives and we have to hide them untill next monday.
Sanskar:-by next monday she will become major thats why ..and how many questions you will ask me.
Ragini:- i dont knew anything we have a complaint on against them for kidnapping u and from top of it she is minor also and now i am not going to leave them and takes hand cuff..
Swara and laksh gets frightened and stays back of sanskar.
Sanskar:- stubborn she won't listen like this. We have to go in her way only.
Swalak:- means.
Sanakar:- let's kidnap your babhi too.
Three looks at each other smiles.
Sanskar looks at her and he immediately take her hand turns her and holds her by keeping one hand on her waist and another hand he takes her gun and point that to her head ..
Rags gets shocked for what were happen suddenly. she tries to move but sanskar tightly holds her waist and pulls more closer to him as her back is placing on his front.
Sanskar:- dont try to move..miss ..ragini thakur and suddenly comes close to her neck and sees here and their and says thank god u were still miss. Thakur.
Swara and laksh laughs..
Stop struggling ragini, I asked you to hug me politely but you instead of doing it eyou were questioning us like examiner.
Swara:- bhai not examiner, but she was police officer naa. Examiner are far better than these officers.
Sanskar:-hmm u were right and if u dont give us place to move then i dont knew wat i will do to her ..
Officers gives way to them.
He takes handcuff from her and ties her both hands to police jeep rod and makes her sit and he sits next to her.
Swara and laksh sits back.
They drove from their fastly..
Shekhar stands from place and says wat they kidnapped police officer and they wont return back untill my daughter turn 18..
They both turn and see dp smiling.
Dcp:-mr.durga prasad jii your son kidnapped my best officer who went to rescue him, i wont leave him. once we caught him he have to give explaination for his doings.
Dp:-ofcourse he will and thinks my son complety turned into prem deewana by seeing her .i hope they both clear they misunderstanings and become one..
Precap:-ragini and sanskar faceoff
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