Part 5
Sanskar is sleeping and a rags come their wearing a white dress and blue jeans..
She see him sleeping and thinks to disturb him.
And takes a paper and starts to pass on his face and on ears.
He gets disturbed and turns his face to other side and smiles little..
Rags keeps pout face and balances on one hand by keeping on bed and leans towards him to other side and again disturbs him.
He immediately catches her waist and turn her and he came on her.
Sanskar:-good morning angel.
Rags:- good morning and you were awake already then get up naa how much u will sleep u promised me u will come with me to temple this morning.
Sankar:-ofcourse let me first get my kiss..and leans towards her.
Rags :-hmm she turns her face and says first bath and come naa.
Seeing no response from him she turns, faces him.
Sanskar see her and immediately Kisses her and rags says chii and pushes him.
Sanskar falls from bed and says not fair raguuu..and sees around and come to senses and closes his eyes and goes to get ready..
He comes down and sees swara and laksh still sleeping .
He goes and gets coffee and wakes them up passes cups to them.
They both gets up and drinks coffee..
Sanskar:-their is a room on top left both go and get ready i will get some breakfast ready for u ..
They both nodes and goes from their…
As they reach swara beats laksh and says because of u we late or else we might have kidnapped him yesterday only.
Laksh:-leave about yesterday naa think wat can we do now…
Swara:-lets call to murthi uncle..
They both call from phone in that bedroom and says wat ever happen.
Murthi:-ok ok dont worry do anything and bring him to khandela i will keep few people and we will kidnap him.
Laksh:-but he is so sweet uncle if we both say wat problem we r facing its seems he will help us.
Murthi:-gets tensed and says all rich people are same wat if he surrender u both to your parents.
Swara:-no no we will bring him to their…
They cuts call and starts thinking..
Sanskar is sitting in lawn and they both come to him.
Sanskar:-hi plzz sit..
They both sit and sees each other.
Sanskar sees them and says do u want to say anything…
Swara:-we want your help.
Sanskar:-yaa sure how can i help u.
Laksh:-we want to get married.
Sanskar:-thats great lets go to register office.
Swara:-for that i should cross 18 years.
Sanskar:-then wat u want me to help u .
Laksh:- we have few frds in khandela place we want to go their will u take us.
Sanskar starts to thinks ..
Swara and laksh were eargerly watching him and says ok.
They both shouts yipee thank uu..
Swara:-lets start now only..
Sanskar:-now ok let me inform to dad…
Swara and laksh:- wat dad no.
Sanskar:-not your dad i said my dad.
Swara :-your dad or my dad what ever dad is a dad right that's why no plzzz.
Sanskar:-ok ok let me do some packing then we will leave in my car…
They three gets ready and starts in car…
After few hours travel sanskar asks them to take a nap..
They agree and sleeps..
Sanskar drives in another way which has a direction of lokandhela…..and smiles looking back to them.
After few hours here murthi is waiting in khadela and gets irriated by them for taking to much time…
Swara and laksh find outs that they came lokhandela instead of khadela and asks sanskar why…
Sanskar:- while driving i got a doudt that u said your many frds their and it will be the first place for your parents to search for u thats why any way enjoy this is hotel no one can trace you…
And goes from their leaving swara and laksh shocked…
Shekhar call all frds and gets shocked and tensed on not find them and feels bad for hurting her daughter….and decides to complain police missing case of laksh and swara and goes to out..
Dp comes and get to knew about sanskar leaving with a boy and girl without informing where he went..
Dp thinks and goes back…
Swara and laksh calls to murthi and says everything and he started shouting on them …..
Murthi:-are u mad i asked u to come here why u went their.
Lsksh:- first of all don't shout and don't say mad to her. Learn to listen others.
They both says wat ever happen..
Murthi:-ok i will come with my men their…
Precap:-sanskar rags few past moments and murthi truth out in front of swa lak.
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