Part 4
Swara and laksh elops from home and meet murthi outside..
He takes them and stands infront of a big house and shows it to them and says..
Murthi:-this is sanskar khanna house you two go as u need help and see a nice time and kidnap him.
Swara:-if we say we want to kidnap u will he come.
Laksh:-haa gud idea we will say to him to help us by getting kidnap…
Murthi hits his head and says shut up and takes a kerchief and a spray bottle and shows to them.
Murthi:-spray this on kerchief and keep on his nose for sometime untill he get unconsicious..
Swara:-will it work.
Murthi gets irritated and says..
Murthi:-try it and see..
Swara says ok and about to put on her nose but laksh stop her and murthi says are u mad..
Swara keeps sad face and says..
Swara:-lucky he said mad to me.
Laksh :-cups her face and says dont worry dear he only mad and sticks his tongue out towards him. While he beats his head.
Swara:- instead of kidnapping him can't we take police help and even we will ask him to arrest him for calling me mad.
Murthi:-will u both stop now and see never go to police ok they will catch u means they will arrest you both.
Murthi:-because you were under 18.
Swara:-but with in week i will be complete 18 naa.
murthi:-untill then be carefull meri maaa and sends them.
Its starts raining and these two think of going inside home by giving reason of rain..
Sanskar is doing painting and sees raining from window and goes into flash back..
Ragini:-i dont knew painting sanskar..
Sanskar:-thats why i will make u learn naa come and drags her and keeps brush in her hands and he hugs her from back by keeping chin on her shoulder and catches her hand .
Ragini:-wat we will paint now..
Sanskar:-thinks and sees outside raining and says lets draw rain.
Ragini:-if i didnot do well u should not laugh…
Sanskar:-pakka sansky promise…
Sanskar helps rags by catching hand …
The air starts blowing and her hair flows on sansky face where he looses his senses and presses his hand on her waist and drags her close to him..
Ragini closes her eyes and says sanskar what are you doing what if... he kisses her neck ignoring her talks muzzles more into her neck curver for which she shivers and turns immediately and hugs him…
Both were hugging tightly…he takes color from side stand looks at her intensely.
He started puting colour on her lips by his finger which had paint and seez at her ..
Both were lost into each other and sansky comes forward and kisses her…and her hand was caring his hair, he moves his colored hand on her waist holds it tightly dragging her near to him….
Soon his thoughts were disturbed by a door bell and comes to his senses..and becomes upset for one second but smiles immediately and goes towards door and opens and finds two young boy and girl who were wet and shivering badly.
Sanskar:-yes may i help u…
Swara:-really u want to help us.
Sanskar smiles and says yaa if i can then i will help u..
Laksh:-actually we need shelter to night as it raining outside heavily and we both got wet …
Sanskar:-ok come in.
As they both entre they see a beautifull house with a glass door division from every where. we can see a swiming phool and then city .
And they see whole house covered
with same girl picture and her different painting…
Swara:-wow your house is so beautifull..
Laksh:-and her also.
Swara stamps his foot.
Laksh:-ahhh i mean to say painting of that girl.
Sanskar smiles and says come..
While going with him back.
They both about to took choloroform but stops as sansky turns suddenly and asks are u both lovers…
Laksh:- how u knew..
Sanskar:-u both love can be seen in your eyes…
Swara and laksh smiles at him ..
Sanskar:-ok their a guest room first u both change and come i will wait for u…
They both changes and comes and sees him sitting on sofa and goes to him and sits their.
Sansky:-so u both ran from your house.
Laksh:-how do u knew..
Sansky:-simple first u both were lovers and secondly u both were with bags and third its half night so its obvisious right.
Laksh:-her dad didnt like me as i am middle class and still finding job. He thinks by giving money only happiness will be found.
Swara:-but i dont care money na i want him thats why. And even he kept a condition that he should earn first some 30000 shoe to him then only he will give us time to get good job for him.
Sansky:-why dont u go to police.
Swara:-we cant, i will turn 18 in coming monday untill then we have to hide otherwise my dad will marry me to another person.
Sansky:-dont worry untill then u can stay here and if u are ok then i will make u both married in my protection.
And haa by the way i am sanskar khanna.
Laksh and swara:-we knew.
Swara:-we saw your name plate outside…
Sanskar thinks only our surname is their outside how come they knew my actuall name…
Sanskay:-any way i will bring some coffee for u both and leaves….
Swara and laksh were sitting on sofa and sees kerchief and cholorofirm
Laksh:-he is so good yar he wants to help us how can we kidnap him.
Swara:-and how cute he is and sees around house and i think he loves this girl very much.
If we kidnap him may be that girl Will cry by missing him.
Laksh:-hm is this really works and spray some in kerchief and smell and feels dizzy and says.
Swara its working too u check and keeps forcily near her nose when she tries to stop him but both feels dizzy and fells unconsicous.
Sanskar comes with coffee and sees them sleeping by placing heads on each other and smiles..
He goes and brings blanket for them. He goes from their after covering them.
Precap:-same as yesterday…
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