Part 3
Swara brings laksh home and introduces him to sekhar.
Shekar asks him to sit and asks swara to go and leave them alone..
Swara goes to kitchen and hides near wall and starts lisening…
Sekhar:-so wat r u doing.
Laksh:-i did my mastress in business management sir and insearch of job..
Sekhar:-how much will u earn 20000,30000..
Laksh:-i dont knew sir it depends on wat job i got.
Sekhar:- my daughter pocket money is 30000 per month how will u mantain her…
Laksh:-i wont maintain her sir i will take care of her .money is not need for everything sir and i can asure u that with my salary i will keep your daughter happy..He gets up and says I think you don't knew meaning of satisfying needs and keeping happy. He goes from their.
Swara comes running and tried to stop him but before that he leaves..and she comes back and says i hate u dad and i dont need your money i want him and his love..
Sekhar:-to lead a happy life money needed swaraand him he only knew how to talk big those all lines won't apply on real life…
Swara:-but for me to lead a happy life a person should be beside us who loves us..
Sekhar:-ok ask him to get a job with good salary in this month then i will accept him.
Swara goes out angrily by saying yes…
Scene shifts to sanskar office..
Sanskar keeps meeting and says.
Because of all your work we got that contract and we have a huge profit so each and every one will recieve bonus..
He stands and gives all bonus and sees peon standing their and says..
Sanskar:-ramu kaka come and take your bonus also..
Ramu kaka:-me but i did not do any work naa…
Sanskar:-while we are working day and night who took care of us by giving water tea and coffee u only naa..
Your were like mother to this office kaka and goes to him and gives his bonus.
He gets happy and blesses him.
Ramu kaka:-god bless u beta world all happiness should be with u only..
Dp:-u just bless him that he should find the missing piece from his life..
Ramu kaka:-ofcourse u will get it..
Sanskar and smiles ….
Swara says everything to laksh …
Laksh:-wat in a month how that possible swara…
Swara:-hmm ok lets think first u earn some money and show to papa then we will ask him for time to get job.
Laksh:-but how will we earn money..
A voice i have a plan.
They both turns and sees murthi..
Swara:-murthi uncle how r u.
Murthi:-i am fine..
Swara:-laksh this is murthi uncle who took care of me in my childhood.
Murti:-lisen i have a plan lets kidnap some bigshot and ask for ransome money..
Swara and lakshh :-wat….no way we cant do it..
Murthi:-u have no time dear after u leaft i lisened to your dad saying that he will send you to another country and house arrest their, he will make u marry to some other person.
And see kidnap means not serious one i have one frd lets ask him help to act as kidnapped and he will help us ..
We will ask money from his father and we will give that to your father and then ask him time for finding a proper job ok.
Swara and laksh :-sees each other and says but whom we will kidnap. And why your friend will help us. He don't knew us na.
Murthi:- sanskar khanna…son of durga prasad Khanna. He will definitely help you especially for lovers like you.
Swara:-we dont knew anything about him and he doesn't knew anything about us then how and why he will help us
Murthi smiles and says no need to knew about him thats enough. If you knew more then you can't kidnap him feeling that he is known person to us. You two don't worry I will manage everything thing when you get money you directly go to Shekhar sir and show him ok.
Swara and laksh nodes their head..
They three makes plan how to kidnap him to night…
They both gets ready to elope from their houses..
Sanskar opens his diary and writes about today how he missed her. By looking at her photo. Where you went. I knew I did mistake but this much big punishment is not fair...
Precap:-swara and laksh gets stunned lisening to phone conversion of murthi
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