Part 22
Ap trying to feed ragini..
Ragini:- its ok aunty i can eat…
Ap:- if your wants to feed u then also u will say this to her…
Ragini:- but i never had mother from the time i born ..
I used to have dad but he is also no more…
All looks at ragini who is trying to hide her tears..
Dp tooks spoon from ap and says
Dp:- then i think u wont say no to your dad and your dad aged man Ragini tries to avoid but by seeing sanskar she eats from hands of dp.
Ap cares her hair and says.
Ap:- if its ok with u then u can call me maa..
Sumi:- even mee also and i should salute u two for baring my crazy and mental daughter for these many days and keeping her save.
Shekar:- how mean u called my daughter crazy and mental dont u dare to call her like that ok.
Sumi:-ofcourse daughters will always goes on dad right.
Shekar gets confused by sumi statement while all laughs loudly..
Shekar after a minute understands and says.
Shekar:- i will see u after wards..
Dp:- when is your final checkup ragini.
Ragini:- today afternoon uncle..
Dp:- sanskar you were taking her to hospital right.
Sanskar:- yes dad i am taking her..
and sees at ragini both shares a small smile.
Dp sifnals ragini ..
Ragini says everything fine between them by eyes.
Dp shouts in happiness hieee.
All asks him wat happen.
Dp:- mummers and says i am very happy by tasting a wonderfull dal by my son..
And pats on his shoulder and says awesome beta…
Sanskar with confused expression
s ..says thank u dad.
Ragini and dp breathes out in relaxation.
After lunch all lefts…
Ragini about to go ..
Sanskar:- ahh now we have to go to hospital and for that we should get ready…
I can make my self and comes close to her and drags her closely
If u want to change i will help u.
Ragini:- no need i can change my self.
Sanskar:- but your hand.
Ragini:- like morning i managed to bath like that i will manage to change also.
Sanskar pouts:- who asked u to manage to bath i can help u with bathing and changing..
Ragini hits him and says chii .
Now u go and change and let me change also.
She pushes him into his room and she goes in her room.
She changes and comes out before sanskar and he comes after 2 minutes..
Ragini:- i changed first with one hand and u will never come fast than mee.
Sanskar keep hands on her shoulder and says..
Sanskar:- see baby u were different from all thats why i am crazy for u jaan in hindi i am prem deewana for u.
Ragini smiles he he and says lets goo now.
They both goes towards car and sanskar makes her sit in car and she thanks him.
Sanskar takes driving seat and head to hodpital.
Doctor checks her hand by removing band aid..
He checks her stitches near her shoulder point and says.
Doctor:- ok now i will remove your stitches after that wear this bandaid for two days more and after that few little exercises are required….
Sanskar:- is it will be painfull when removing stitches..
Ragini and doctor smiles…
Doctor:- no it will not be painfull
Sanskar looks tensedly while doctor removing her stitches ragini sees his face she keeps her hand on his and assures him that she is ok and smiles at him.
Finally doctor removes and bandaid her hand again…
They both leaves to home…
Sanskar while driving he keep on checking her ..
Sanskar:- are u ok is it paining.
Ragini:- i am fine sanskar how many time u will ask me…
Sanskar:- i am just confirming myself ..
Ragini smiles and leans towards him and gives a peek on his checks and says.
Ragini:- i am fine sanskar …
Sanskar smiles at her and they both goes to swara college .
Swara:- oh bhai and babhi came to pick mee wow.
Sanskar:- stop your bak bak and sit in the car…
Swara:- see babhi…
Ragini:- sanskar…
Sanskar:- fine madam sit in the car ok. We will drop u at your home.
Swara:- thank u.
Ragini smiles ..
They drops swara at her home and leaves..
Ragini:- i will be fine sanskar dont worry i am habituated for it.
Sanskar:- before u stayed alone its enough why cant u come and live with us …
Or else allow me to stay with u.
Ragini:- first thing coming to your home i want to come but not as ragini thakur but as ragini sanskar khanna…
And secondly u staying with me is not good wat people will think about us…
Sanskar:- so marry me…
Ragini:- no.
Sanskar:- why.
Ragini:- u marry me..
Sanskar:- very funny.
Shall i take it seriouslyy.
Ragini:- what..
Sanskar:- lets marry raguuu.
Ragini:- but will u all accept my profession.
Sanskar:- i love u ragini and i love your profession also i dont care wat u r doing right now i just love u thats it…
And i am asking u seriously marry me..
Ragini:- first u ask your parents permission.
Sanskar stops car and asks her.
Sanskar:- first u say will be mine forever.
Ragini:- i am always yours sanskar no need to ask.
Sanskar hugs her from side and says ok then i will come with my parents to ask your hand…
Precap:- dp and ap visting ragini house ..
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