Part 2
Dp makes eating sanskar breakfast and says i will wait for u down come fast..
Sanskar ok dad …
Dp goes down and sees all paintings and pictures and says where r u ragini
Plzz come back to us alteast give me a chance to say sorryyy….
Soon he gets a call and lifts call in angry..
Dp:- wat u want why u called me…
Man:-plzz sir forgive me and give me my job sir.
Dp:-i trusted u and kept u as a manager but u cheated me why murthi….u have to be arrested also but i am leaving u so just get out dont think about getting in my company again..
And cuts call..
Murthi:-i will get out from your life when i completely loot u …
Ur life stays in your son right see wat i will do and sees sanskar photo….
Swara comes home and sees her and laksh vedio playing on projector and gets tensed…
Shekar:-wat is this swara in this whole world u got only this person to love who is not equal to our status.
Swara:-i dont care about money dad i love him and he will keep me happy just like u dad…
Shekhar:-money is also needed swara not only love…
Swara:-u only said naa dad where love stays their happiness stays..
Shekhar:-shut up swara…
Swara jerks and runs to her room and closes door and starts threwing all things in her room.
Due to sounds sekhar and sumi runs to her room and knocks her door to come out.
Shekar:-ok i dont have any problem with your love ask laksh to come and meet me..
Swara opens door and hugs him and says i will bring him now only and runs out of house…
Scene changes…
Sanskar and dp are in one car..
Sanskar is driving and stops at signal and turns and sees a girl kissing kid and smiles and goes to flash back…
Sanskar is sitting on ground in park and smiling towards a girl who making a small girl to walk and lifts her and kisses her and gives to their parents and sits front of sanskar and sees,him keeping pout face.
Sanskar:-i wont talk to u ragu…
Ragini:-why wat i did…
Sanskar:-without asking also u kissed her and how many times i asked u to kiss me but u…
Rags keeps hand on his cheek pulls him closer and kisses him on another cheek. Now ok and she is small kid sansky..
Sanskar:-i am also small kid onlyy..
Ragini:-in which angel..
Sanskar:-in all angels u want to see and drags her close.
Ragini:-wat r u doing all will watch us..
Sanskar:-wat type of kiss u gave me on cheecks which lover will give, go i wont talk to u..
Ragini:-sits next to him and says u only said naa u were kid and for kids this type of kisses only u get and are you sure you don't want to talk to me.
Sanskar nodes keeping his face straight.
While ragini says OK and tickles him. He stop her holding her both hands.
Both sees at each other and smiles ss by hugging.…
Sanskar:- I love you so much ragu.
Ragu:- I love you too sansky.
Flash back ends
Sanskar gets senses due to horn sounds and soon gets sad and starts car…
Dp keeps his hand on his shoulder after seeing him lost some where.
He looks at him and smiles which only comes from his lips but eyes were showing lot of pain.
Precap:-swara and laksh elope idea
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