Part 19
Ragini bring them inside .
Ragini:- shows one room to sanskar and laksh to stay and takes swara to her room.
Ragini says lets order food from outside.
Sanskar:-its not good for u to eat outside food.
Ragini:- my hand are injured how can i cook and as i knew u only knew making coffee and laksh and swara i dont even think they knew cooking.
Swara:- yaa i dont knew how to cook.
Laksh:-even me..
Sanskar:-as u said i only knew how to make coffee thanks for rememberring and yaa i have a idea.
Three:- what…
Sanskar:- u can instruct us how to cook then we can right.
Ragini:- are u sure u can cook if i give u instructions…
Sanskar:- i can but i dont knew about these two.
Swara:- even we can cook by taking instructions step by step.
Ragini:- ok then fine come u three to kitchen and yaa plzz maintain my kitchen neat ok..
Three :- yes madam…
Ragini sits on floor and says laksh to first wash vegetables and peel them and then cut into small pieces.
Swara wash dal and then keep it inside cooker add water then close lid ok …
And turns to sanskar and thinks.
Sanskar:- i am waiting for u orders ragini:-mix atta and plss show me and then add water..
She is standing near sanskar he is mixing atta and ragini pouring water in it..
Finally they make dough…
Ragini helps swara and laksh in making curry and dal….
Ragini instructs sanskar to roll atta for chspati and get irritated..
Ragini:- u were making a map of every country but not round one.
Sanskar:- excuse me its not my daily job ok and yaa to make round it should be practised daily and wat is matter in which shape it made after all it goes inside stomach right.
Ragini:- matter of perfection sanskar.
Sanskar:- i am imperfect thats why i loved u who was perfect in all.
Ragini:-every funny sanku make make fast now wat ever shape u want..
Sanskar:- ha ha i am doing it and just realises and sees at ragini.
Ragini:-wat now..
Sanskar:- wat u called me..
Ragini realises but says.
Ragini:- i said to make it fast..
Sanskar:- no u called me sanku like u always calls me right.
Ragini:- no i didnt and goes from their.
Sanskar shouts:- yes u did it i will get u back again ragu. I will get my love again.
Laksh:- wat happen.
Sanskar:- she used to call me sanku and i used to call her ragu…
I am happy that i am getting her back shoutz jumps and hugs laksh.
Swara and laksh also gets happy and hugs him and each other..
Sanskar:- if u dont say how to fry chapathi then it may burnt.
If it happen dont scold me..
Ragini comes back..
Sanskar:- swara and laksh u too take rest we will join u after completing it and winks at them.
They both goes to hall but comes back and sees from corner of door by hiding.
Slowly all chapathi were fried well and says done.
Sanskar :- finally done and keeps them in box and moves towards ragini.
Ragini is sensing his closeness but still being adamant she doesnt move but inside started feeling shyness and shivering.
He comes close to her ears and says thank u for learning me how to cook .now i will show these all skills to my future wife and impress her.
Ragini:- smiles but hides her smile and says good for u both and about to leave.
Sanskar:- wont u ask who is my future wife.
Ragini:-dont u knew who is your future wife.
Sanskar:- i knew but she doesnt now naa that why i want to impress her.
Ragini:- do as your wish with your future wife why r u asking to me.
Sanskar:- i am not asking i am saying and winks at her..
Ragini:- funny very funny turns and leaves while leaving smiles a little with out knowing that laksh and swara were seeing them.
Swara:- she smiled naaa..
Laksh:- haa she smiled for sanskar acts that means.
Swara:- she is forgiving sanskar and.
Laksh:- her love towards him is coming back.
Swara and laksh shouts and goes inside yo kitchen and says everything to sanskar.
Sanskar gets happy and hugs themin happiness and says
Sanskar:- now its very easy for me
to bring that ragini back who loves me…
Laksh:- for that we need to plan
Sanskar:- no need of any planning if i just be around and close to her that enough…
Laksh and swara:- hmmmmmm.
Sanskar smiles
Precap:- close moments…
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