Part 18
Doctor checking ragini reports
While all were looking tensed..
Doctor takes a deep breath..
Ragini:- come on doctor u were giving them all heart attack.
Doctor:- then let it be i will get more patients and my hospital will be filled.
All looks at him with anger and doctors and ragini see them.
Doctor:- i think i should say about your health condition or else i will become patient …in my own hospital…
Ragini smiles.
Doctor:- the blocks you had in your previous accident were started meltling by naturally its a good sigh i will give u few medicines and a oinment which helps u to recover early.
Ragini:- means i am fit and fine for my job.
Doctor:- yaa but u have to stop work untill complete recovery.
Dcp:- i will make sure about it.
doctor leaves…
Dcp:- ok then i am leaving to work and u apply for medical leave.
Ragini:- i will get bored dcp atleast let me visit station like holiday spot.
Sanskar:- actually which idiot will go to police station as a holiday spot.
Ragini:- me any problem.
Swara laksh and dcp laughs.
Ragini realises and says.
Ragini:- u called me idiot.
Sanskar:- i just named u but u yourself accpeted it .and its not my fault .
What says frds ..
Ragini glares at them angrily and they change.
Three:- not… we mean ofcourse not.
Ragini:- very funny…..
Dcp lefts from their.
Ragini leans back to pillow and sits.
Sanskar:- are u getting bored.
Ragini:- ofcourse i never sit this much idle from past few years .
This idleness killing me.
Laksh:- can we go out.
Swara:- cant u see she is injured and still getting treatment.
Ragini:- one second swara laksh studies are completed so he came wat about u were in second year right that to final exams are coming u missed ur colzz because if this whole drama go and study and you mr.laksh completed studies its good but when will you find job..
Sanskar:- actually i am giving him job as manager in my company.
Ragini:- does he deserve or u r doing because….
Sanskar:- he deserves it, he is scholar student with good percentage and great presence of mind thats why i gave him that position.
Laksh:- wont u say congrates to me ..
Ragini smiles and signals him to come to her..and she hugs him.
Sanskar strenches hands and says wont u thank me for giving job to your friend and about to hug her but she stops and says.
U only said na u gave him job on basing his qualification then why thanks.
Sanskar:- still i need it hugs her immediatedly.
Ragini slightly smiles but hides before anyone could see her.
Sanskar breaks hug and sits back to his postion….
Ragini looks at him with fake anger while he looks at another side..
Swara and laksh smiles seeing at sanskar childish behaviour…..
After few days ragini gets discharge…
Dp and ap asks her to come yo their house.
Sekhar also asks her to come to their home..
Ragini looks at each one confusingly and says ..
Ragini:- i have my police quaterz so i will stay their only.i am sorry if i hurt u people but i prefer to stand on my own i dont want to depend..
Dp:- its not about depending we just concerned that u were not feeling well and who will take care of u.
Ragini:- my self uncle as always dont worry about me i am fit and i will be fine i can take care of my self uncles.
Any way thank u for asking …
I will take your leave now uncle meet u later…
Dp and sekhar accepts her decision and says take care and we will wait to meet u again…
But sanskar swara and laksh will drop u their….
Shekar:- and let them stay with u untill u recovered..
Ragini:- but.
Dp:- accept for something beta plzz.
Ragini:- ok uncle.
Sanskar thinks how did she accepted so fastly that too dad…that means did she forgive dad in that case why she is not forgiving me..or may be is she acting fake anger on me…haaa its so confusing i think i have to talk to dad ….
Dp:- sanskar from when i am calling u will u three accompany her..
Sanskar:- ofcourse dad i will .
I mean we will.
They all leaves from hospital and reach to home..
Ragini opens house main door and four of them enters with clothes bag…
Precap:- sanskar walking towards ragini and ragini stands like statue.
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