Part 14
Dcp:- ragini keep these all in one place so that, it will be easy for us to give them security. So you all shift to sanskar house.
Ragini nodes her head..
They all leaves to them.
When Shekhar enters and sees all of paintings and photos of sanskar and ragini.
Shekar:-these many photos of ragini. Did they knew each other.
Swara tells him ragini and sanskar past.
Shekar goes near him and blesses him.
Sanskar thanks him for that.
Few officers comes inside and dumb stuck to see ragini photos.
Men:-i think some one is crazy here for ragini... It's like prem deewana.
They hi fives to each other..
Men:-i want to her expersion when she see this all.
Ragini comes their by checking mobile ..
Ragini:- did u check whole house..
Men:- haa but once u also check it naa.
Ragini:- u checked naaaa and that's enough saying this she lifts her face shocked to see so many pictures of hers...
One of her officer coughs loudly.
Ragini sees him angry and says dont cough loudly u stomach will explode and mr.maheswari plzz clean this stuff from will be easy for us to give security to u all.
Sanska:-excuse me this all is not stuff but my life do u get that and plzz respect my painting and person inside her..
All smiles slowly.
Ragini:-if u move it stuff will be safe .if i move it. Then i cant say what's going to happen to this stuff i mean to these paintings...
Sanskar:- stubborn.
Ragini:-yaa its me and u guys can we start our work or still you want to stand here staring these all.
Officers:- ofcourse ofcourse .
Ragini starts searching whole home while all sits in hall.
Sanskar comes close to her and stands back of her and says.
Sanskar:- why r u searching whole house as it new to u . U knew this house every single step then.
Ragini:-i forget about my past and related memories to it.
Sanskar:-achaa then why r u starring at that window like that.
That means u remember our that incident.
Ragini and sanskar sees at each other and goes to flash back..
They both were seeing upwards to balcony.
Ragini:-are u kidding me..i wont come their.
Sanskar:-u lost bet and u have to do wat i say and i want u kiss me their.
Ragini:- in balcony that too on that top.
Sanskar:- yaa so that no one can see us. Any way i will help u to come up their ok...after that we can go from their to our room balcony because it has a connection.
Ragini:- still that balcony was just for decorative how we will go their.
He shows her ladder while she nodes her head being in horrified state. He holds her hand says trust me ragini and it's my wish would this u fulfill it.
She nodes her head seeing his puppy face which makes him extremely happy.
Sanskar and ragini takes ladder help and goes to top and they kiss her their.
Fb ends..
Sanskar and ragini eyelock was disturbed by swara and laksh and one of officer..
Officer:- here rope.
Ragini takes it and with help of her fellow officer she ties knots..
Swara:- wat r u dng with it.
Officer:-wait and watch young lady.
Ragini finally threws rope to pillar and drags rope and makes sure its tight.
Ragini:- done go up.
Officer:- wat r u not going.
Ragini:- no u go up and check the door and come down i will be here.
Officer:- ok.
He goes up and comes again and says done......
Ragini:- lets check onces out and surroundings...
They both goes out...
While all officers are checking whole house.
One of officer to sanskar.
Officer:- r u in relationship with her before her job or still now.
Sanskar:- why r u asking like that.
All looks at him.
Officer:- dnt take me wrong i knew her from training days . She is stubborn never smiles always lost in her thought and coming to duty she does it like she dont want to live . I mean we all are ready to die for country but she is different and if u love her before her job and not now means then u were the reason for her state now..
We all works together and we all respect each other . More than that we respect her father so much as he is inspiration to us and we promised him that we will take care of her when he is in his last breathe .
Sanskar about to speak but one officer comes forward and acts like adjusting his collar and says.
She is more than like sister to me so before carefull from us and more carefull from her ok.
Dp:- we just want to retify our mistake.
Officer:- we r respecting u sir and plzz stay aways from us if she gets hurt because of you.
Ragini:- Wats happening.
Officers:- nothing just knewing more about murthi.
Ragini:- any ways security is ok and tight too and murthi him self wont come out wat if we irritate that underworld don.
Officer:- see i knew one day we will die infact all that doesnt mean u go and invite it by calling Just like that.
Ragini:- wat we will just irritate him and make him come out so that we can arrest him.
Officer:- see he is mad at us he if find he will parcel us to god so calm down we have backup here let him come by himself here.
Ragini:- u will never accept my plan right why r u so stubborn.
Officer:- see who is speaking about being stubborn. by being daughter of dayal sir u were so stubborn and we are his tranees atleast half Percent stubbornss is needed naa.
Ragini:- funny dont bring my dad in to it ok anyway i will be back in one and half hour take care here.
Officer:-where r u going.
Ragini:- haaa i think i need to consult doctor.
Dcp:- dont tell me untill now u..
Ragini:- im sorry sir i thought after making everything ok here I will go but.
Dcp:- pain is increasing right. Be here i will call a doctor here after all you all were injured..
After some time doctor comes and he treats all one by one..
Sanskar is waiting and watching at door where doctor is treating ragini.
Dp:- dnt worry sanskar she will be fine.
Sanskar nodes head and hears a door bolt sound and sees ragini and doctor coming.
Doctor:-u should apply that medicine and wear that bealt for atleast 2 week ok and take pain killers also that after having food .
Ragini:- yaa doctor as u say.
Dcp:- how is she.
Doctor:- she is fine and but her back muscle got little more strain as she hitted door roughly i have pain killer to make relief muscle pain and a belt for her comfort..but her clots should be removed. Join here immediately after 2 weeks.
Dcp:- is bed rest needed.
Doctor:- no she is fine .in short in your words she can break other bones that much fine.
Dcp thanks him and shake hands
With him.
Ragini:- i will drop him outside sir.
They both were walking...
Sanskar gets doudt and swara laksh dcp too of them follows them.
Ragini:- thank u doctor for not saying complete truth.
Doctor:- see may your wound is serious one but it can turn to be more serious if u neglect it and plss dont doo action scenes ok. Your clots starts moving you need to get operated. Join now only.
Ragini:- it's not possible, I have my commitments.
Doctit:- speaking to you is waste of time. Atleast take care and be careful. Don't bot get hurt on your back ok.
Ragini :- i will try..
Doctor:- ok then i will leave now .
Bye.take care
Ragini:- yaa i will bye doctor.
She turns and those four hides immediately and comes out after she went inside.
Dcp:- ragini thakur nayi .
Her name should be ragini jiddi.
As father as daughter infact more than father and leaves inside..
Precap:- sanskar following ragini where ever she moves in house
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