Hello beautiful people! I'm back! I'm really thrilled to see all your love and anticipation whilst my absence 😊 Thanks a lot for loving and voting for my story. Also, I would like to express my belated congratulations to Hardik and Natasha on their 'good 👶 news'. Hardik will definitely be an amazing father 👨👧 . My returning chapter is dedicated to Poumi_P Dharshaini_ AdityYuvika RockStarMs_inVadeR s_sense Love_phobia abhay4lyf Loveleen1906 and each and everyone of you who showed their immense love for this story. Keep reading and enjoying 🥰
After counseling my mind a number of times, I decided to do the worst, i.e, walk up to Hardik and clear the air about last night. Okay Esh...Olleyadagali...I wished myself luck and took a deep breath before walking to Hardik's room or rather, the room occupied by Hardik in my brother's apartment. I was pretty surprised when I realized the door was unlocked at this time. Immediately, the memeories of South Africa came back to my mind.
No! That jerk didn't bring a whore in here, did he? Not in my brother's place! Hey Krishna!
After debating a lot, my mind counseled me that there was only 15.7% chance of Hardik bringing a girl at Rahul's place especially, when I am here. So, I twisted the knob and slowly pushed the door open fearing any kind of obscenity. But, just as the door opened wide and my nostrills filled with men's soap or body wash and I froze at spot upon viewing the scene before me. (pic below)
'Hey Deva..! Hey Krishna!' I exclaimed before I realized making a shirtless Hardik with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist postpone his mirror selfie and look at me surprised.
'You?' he asked visibly surprised.
I slowly tried to open my eyes. I am a physio therapist and it isn't like I've never seen a man shirtless or in a towel. I've seen way more in that say but seeing this guy like this felt so nasty and inappropriate. Besides, i really really hate this guy....
'You! What are you doing here at this time?' Hardik asked raising his brows and shamelessly walking near me. The room filled with the fragrance of his masculine shower gel, telling me he just showered.
'I actually...' I said trying to avoid looking at his dark sculpted body.
Hardik smirked. 'It's okay tweety bird...I know why you're here.' he said crossing his arms proudly on his chest.
'You do?' I asked totally confused.
'Yep. You just wanted to even the scores from last night. I mean, me seeing you naked last night and trying to catch me in a towel to return the favour...makes pretty good sense..' he scoffed and I was awe-struck.
'How can a person be such an ass?' I spoke my thoughts aloud.
'What did you just say?' he asked as if he didn't hear a thing. But, I was in no mood to repeat.
'Nothing. i just forgot that expecting a decent conversation with someone like you was my waste of time.' I said turning to leave but..
'Woah! Did Miss KL Eshaanvi just said she woke up in the morning and the first thing she wanted to do was having a conversation with me?' he chuckled. 'Got to mark that date in my calendar!'
My teeth gritted. 'Whatever...I guess I should just leave after taking my stuffs from the bathroom.' I said making my way to the bathroom and deciding to end my communication with this room as long as Hardik is here..but just as I did, I felt my wrist being grabbed by a cold hand. I looked at Hardik dirtily. 'How dare you?' I said gritting my teeth and looking at my wrist where he grabbed me.
Hardik frowned at my reaction. Damn! Do you really consider that as molestation?' he asked with a sarcastic chuckle loosening his grip in the process. I pulled my hand off his grip. 'No I just hate creeps touching my skin.' I replied. 'And for the first and last time...do not ever try to touch me.' I said showing him my warning index finger.
Hardik raised his hands up smiling and talking few steps back.
'Well...fine with me.' he sighed shrugged surrendering. 'Besides, this creep has many skins to crawl on and I only stopped you because I already had your things on the table while replacing with mine and just wanted to tell you, you don't have to go check the bathroom, that's it..' he shrugged.
My eyes froWned searching for the table and when I found it, it indeed had my stuffs on it. But, don't tell me this guy actually touched my belongings without my consent!
I walked to the table and picked up my belongings. 'Again for and the last time, till you're here... never ever touch my belongings.' I said warning Hardik and forgiving him his first few mistakes.
Hardik frowned. 'Is that your way to say thanks?' he asked looking at me as if I offended him.
'No. It's just a polite way to say I hate to see you anywhere near my belongings. My brother, his house, his life, this room...I don't want you anywhere Hardik and it's good for you if you realize that sooner.' I said curtly and trying to walk away.
'Uh Eshaanvi!' Hardik stopped me again and I rolled my eyes looking back at him. 'What now?' I asked ignoring the fact that this is the first time Hardik is actually addressing me by my own name.
This time, Hardik smiled. 'I don't know why you came here, but I was actually going to see you too. Got to get few things straight with you.' he said.
His words made me recall what was the real reason I came here. I too wanted to talk to him and get few things straight.
'What?' I asked indifferently now.
'Mind standing in the balcony for a while.' Hardik smirked. 'I'm sure you don't want to talk to me while I'm in a towel!' he said motioning to his body.
Ugh! How can I forget? This shameless guy was still standing in front of me in a towel.
'Hmm..but it not be some crappy talk..' I said agreeing to wait.
Hardik chuckled but didn't say anything. I didn't let him speak any more and walked to the balcony.
Wow! I always admired the view from this room. It's placement made it so suitable to get a glimpse of the busy roads..one lanes after lanes..followed by the blue water. I could hear the morning bustle and the morning air hit my skin soothing it off setting my heart relax in the warmth of the sun. For a moment, i felt like throwing the things in my hand away and spreading my hands wide like Kate Winslet in Titanic. May be I too can know the meaning of my life this way..
'There..there...thanks for waiting butterfly...' I heard the annoying voice breaking my fantasy as well as another horrible nickname.
I looked at Hardik to see him dressed in a sleeveless hoodie and basketball shorts. (Eshaanvi pic below)
'My name is Eshaanvi..' I reminded. '...and I'd prefer if you keep it that way..'
'Ouch! silly me! How can I forget somebody prefers things her own way....' he just joked.
I felt sick. 'Now, would you just stop this shit and tell me what you wanted to stay..' I said rolling my eyes.
It was then that Hardik's face fell and he sighed walked beside me and leaning on the railing. 'It's about last night. I gave it a lot of thought, you know and I realized the person who was disturbed the most didn't have anything to do except showing me his big, generous heart.' he said.
My heart jumped too. 'Rahul...' I said grabbing the railing tight.
'Yes. Your brother and my best friend and even though he knew keeping us together in the house would cause him a lot of heat, he still did it. He couldn't say no to me and neither could he sadden you by revealing about my stay before your arrival. Don't you think your little...I mean, our little spat has disturbed him a lot last night...?' Hardik asked looking at me, quite seriously this time.
My mind reflected on the words I said to Rahul. I blamed him for everything and even accused him of forgetting family values. Still, he was quiet. He listened to me like I was an eleder with my right to burst on him. I immediately felt bad for my emotional brother. My brother was an introvert right from his childhood but whoever he thought as friends...meant a lot to him, although there were just few to remember. But, with Hardik, his equation seemed way diffrenet than others. I agree I hate Hardik, a lot actually but my brother seems to have placed his bets on him. And if he can do everything just to ensure, both of us are fine, can't I just..
'Co-existence Eshaanvi..We got to learn that. If not for us, for Rahul. Look, I know you don't like me and as much as I have started to know you, I know there is no chance you and me are getting into the same page. Trust me, if I walk out of this apartment right now, I have many places to go but if I leave, Rahul would never feel the things as the same again..' Hardik explained and I hated to agree how MUCH i AGREED WITH HIM.
'Hmm...you're right. May be we disturbed him a lot last night..' I said looking away subtly surrendering my ego. 'I guess things shouldn't be repeated as such..' I sighed.
Hardik nodded. 'Yeah...right..I was scared that your brother might actually start crying..' Hardik chuckled.
I couldn't help but scoff too. 'I'll do it for Rahul. I guess I should try tolerating you for few months then..' I scoffed.
'Even worst here..' Hardik muttered only to get a dirty look from me.
'Fine. No fight in front of Rahul.' I said.
'No silly arguments either.' Hardik said.
'No digging the past especially...last night..' I said feeling a little embarrassed.
'....and this morning too, if I may add..' Hardik chuckled.
I chuckled too. 'Let's see if you can face the devil Eshaanvi..' Hardik said.
'No problem. Consider me a witch...' I added with a smirk.
'Deal..?' Hardik asked holding his hand for me.
'...but no food in the bedroom..' I said shaking his hand.
'Don't worry about food...bedroom isn't a place for those..' Hardik winked with a scoff.
My teeth gritted again with his topic of discussion. 'Good but make sure my brother's reputation doesn't gets spoiled in the society again..' I said hinting to the controversial statements on Tv before walking out of his room.
'Girls...I tell you...' I heard Hardik mutter to himself.
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