Hello friends! I'm finally updating! I hope you have already read 'Overlooked' 😊..if not..please, check my other story since I plan to go with parallel storylines in the two.
Till now, After his talk with Hardik, Rahul realizes his overreaction last night and decides to visit his sister at the hospital. He knew that there's a high possibility of Esh opting out of the IPL only because of the nuisance created by him last night. But, after his conversation with Hardik, he knew what was right and not just a physical protection but he has to care about his sister's dreams, wishes and career too. So, he has thought of the best way to ensure his sister was secured as well as happy and was definitely going to prosper her career with this opportunity to join the IPL.
But, what is the middle path that's in Rahul's mind? Can he reach Eshaanvi before she makes her final decision? Will Eshaanvi agree with Rahul's proposal? Let's see....
I was about to do it. I had it at the tip of my tongue. I was going to opt out of the whole IPL thing. I'm sure there are many physiotherapists in this hospital, who would be happy to take the chance.
As for me, no matter I agree with Rahul's logic or not, I really don't want to do something that Rahul or my family is against. After last evening, I even don't know if my career in KDAH would actually exist. But, I decided to let peace prevail and do what I could.
'You may get in. Dr. Ambolkar was looking for you.' his assistant told me after a wait of ten minutes and trying to find and fake a charming talk with Khushed as I told him about my decision.
'There you go.' Khushed said. 'But, I'd still ask you to reconsider, Eshaanvi. Such opportunities do not knock to our door much.' Khushed said for the last time. I scoffed shaking my head and went inside the conference hall.
'Hey! Come in Eshaanvi, dear!' Dr. Ambolkar greeted me warmly. The veteran doctor was at his fixed seat at the conference table looking at the ludo board in front of him.
'Thank you, Sir! Uhm...were you playing alone again?' I asked him. Being a Ludo freak myself, I've never seen someone like Dr. Ambolkar who actually plays alone against himself. Pretty weird!
'Yes dear! That's where the challenge lies.' he said turning around and motioning me to have a seat. 'It's quite easy to frame your plans when you have someone else play against you. You just want to win. But, my dear...' he motioned to the board..
'Look in here, both the green tokens and the red tokens are mine. And while playing them, I don't know which one I want to see win! And there arises the dilemma, dear Eshaanvi. Just like our life. It's easy to fight an opponent but really hard when you fight the other version of yourself.' he explained. 'And that is what makes us confused, sad and vulnerable.'
I was quite amused. 'Right Sir..' I said relating it to myself.
My fight wasn't about what I want versus what Rahul wants me to. My real fight was against the rigidity of my own psyche. It was the ambitions of Dr. Eshaanvi to rise higher versus the vows of KL Eshaanvi to be rooted to her family and do as they wish.
I looked at the ludo board again. Just like the tokens, my mind had been playing with the two versions of myself unceremoniously from last evening. And I guess I have decided which version of Eshaanvi I wanted to win.
'Hmm...now, see I'm in a dilemma about whether or not to visit my in-law's place with my wife tomorrow. I mean, I do want to see my wife happy but I detest watching the sore face of my brother-in-law nagging about how his life in New York is way better than here. So...here, red is go for the happy your wife and compromise while green is avoid going to the place which would effect your mental psyche.' he chuckled rolling another dice.
I took my seat and smiled. 'I'm sorry to interrupt your game Sir but I too was in a big dilemma regarding something and I guess I finally have a decision.' I sighed.
I really don't have an idea on how Dr. Ambolkar was gonna react on my decision.
'That's like a good girl. Prompt decision. No problem. Now, tell me, what was it bothering you?' he asked looking at me.
I bit my lips trying to frame my sentences.
'Sir, it's about the proposal from Dr. Raman. Uh..the IPL thing, you know...' I said.
'Oh yes! Tell me, you must be so excited about it!' Dr. Ambolkar smiled. 'You know, even I'm excited about you all. I wish I would have gotten such an opportunity during my time. Studying the sportsmen, their fitness..it'd be an awesome exploration for you all.' he mentioned in an exciting tone.
I knew and even though I didn't think it directly, at the back of my mind, I too knew the gravity of such an opportunity. I gulped trying to console my restless self.
'So, you would be with the signed with Punjab franchise, right. I've seen the schedule. You got a lot of traveling to do, I guess. But, since you have your brother by your side, it won't be too boring to adjust, right?' Dr. Ambolkar said amused.
At this point m, I knew how much my decision would shock Dr. Ambolkar and the entire department of physiotherapy. I bit my tongue holding my tears that were threatening to spill. I have to do it.
'Sir, I have changed my decision.' I said quite firmly looking at the older man.
Dr. Ambolkar frowned. 'Which one? About the team..? Eshaanvi, I already told you, it's absolutely your choice and you all physios can exchange your places with mutual agreement. It's fine.' he explained.
'Also, do not worry about the salary. KDAH will be providing you with your regular salary while the amount given by the franchise would be an extra incentive for you.' he said.
I was getting impatient. Dr. Ambolkar was nowhere near what I wanted to suggest.
'That's not my issue Sir. I just wanted to change my decision about...'
'....about being associated with Kings Eleven..' a familiar voice completed the line following the sudden opening of the door to the conference hall.
I looked around and my eyes were almost bulging out of my sockets when I saw the glimpse of an exasperated Rahul standing at the door.
His eyes filled with a strange emotion as he looked at me.
What is he doing here?
'You...?' Dr. Ambolkar looked at him keenly.
Rahul shifted his gaze to Dr. Ambolkar now. 'Sorry for barging in this way, doctor. I'm Eshaanvi's brother and Indian cricketer...'
'KL Rahul! Of course, I know you. But, what are you doing here? I mean, is there a problem? Eshaanvi, did something happen?' a very confused Dr. Ambolkar asked, obviously making me feel so embarrassed.
My teeth gritted at the situation. My brother, my ambitions, my happiness...everything were already going downhill and now, my brother was here interrupting my meeting with my senior.
Of course, he wanted to me to cancel my deal with the IPL. But, I expected him to be sensible enough to not embarras his sister at her workplace.
I shook my head. 'No problem Sir..it's just..'
'...and come in Mr. Rahul. It's good to see you. Have a seat.' Dr. Ambolkar called him in much to my dismay.
'Thank you Sir.' Rahul said with a smile and walked inside the conference hall without any thought on my reputation.
'Woah! Now, I notice a lot of similarities between the features of you two.' Dr. Ambolkar chuckled and I held a fake tight-lipped smile looking at Rahul and he did the same.
'So, what will you take? Tea, coffee or something cold? It's not always that zip find a cricketer from the national team in my department..' he said looking at Rahul.
'No, thank you Dr. Ambolkar. I was just here for Eshaanvi.' he said.
No way! I have to speak of my decision before Rahul makes it dirty in here too.
'Sir, I have to tell you about my decision first....'
'Yes...Rahul already said something like you don't want to be associated with the Kings Eleven.' Dr. Ambolkar caught on the point. 'Uh...can you explain that further?'
'Sir, let me...if you all don't mind...' Rahul said before I could looking at me with a nervous smile at the last part.
My heart paced. No. He's not gonna say the things he said last evening. No, he can't embarrass me this way.
'Of course, not a problem. In fact, I appreciate when kids of today so linked to their families.' Dr. Ambolkar said.
I closed my eyes and tried to speak. 'Sir, I'm not...'
'Sir, I've heard from Esh about this association of the physiotherapists of KDAH with the IPL teams. Knowing she's my sister, it's too easy to assign her the team. But, last evening we discussed a lot about it and found something really interesting.' Rahul said, making me look at him confused.
When did we actually discuss?
'If Eshaanvi is assigned to a team for which her brother plays, I'm not sure if she'd be 100 percent active and impartial while performing her duties. I mean, she'd run to me after a slightest hit and might even ignore others. And this is human nature. We can't blame it.' Rahul said looking at me and ruffling my hairs.
He's making up stuffs...Is he fine? Or that silly Hardik actually got him to drink again?
'A good point, Rahul but Eshaanvi has to learn dealing with all with equal dedication. Don't you think?' Dr. Ambolkar said.
'Absolutely Dr. Ambolkar and that's the reason, I want her to be associated with a different team. Mumbai Indians would be my suggestion. In that case, Esh had to travel lesser since she lives in Mumbai and the team has a number of home matches. Of course, if you permit...' Rahul said with a chuckle.
What. On. Earth?
'Mumbai Indians? Rahul, Nīvu yāvudara bagge mātanāḍuttiddīri ?!' I asked my brother not knowing what he was talking about.
Rahul smiled. 'Cintisabēḍi Esh.. Nimma anna idannu paḍedukoṇḍiddēne..' he consoled that he's got this and I don't have to worry.
What's going on?
Dr. Ambolkar coughed, breaking the trance.
'I'm yet to learn the language, Eshaanvi. So...help the old man decipher..' he joked.
I scoffed and so did Rahul.
'Actually doctor...Eshaanvi ws hesitant on telling you about this. But, I thought it'd be better if she does and that you'd definitely understand.' Rahul lied again.
The company of Pandya had made him tell white lies without any hesitation.
'I absolutely understand, Mr. Rahul abd Eshaanvi, you should have known me better. I already told you can switch the teams with mutual agreement. Not a problem and I'm really impressed by the way you all are perceiving this association. Such a professionalism.' Dr. Ambolkar said amused.
I faked a smile. 'Sorry Sir...' I said now totally unable to break the castle of lies Rahul had built.
'So, Mumbai Indians...is it your pick?' he asked.
Why did Rahul choose Mumbai Indians of all teams? Ugh! His protective self doesn't want me to travel, I guess. But, will not that prove me as a weak person?
'Sir...any team...' I said.
'Yeah, if there's a problem with MI, you can assign her with other teams as well..' Rahul added.
What's his problem? Why is he interfering every time I speak?
'No. No. Not a problem at all. Mumbai, it is then. I'll arranging things accordingly. I really admire you coming forward with this. Thanks to you and your brother. I love such collective decisions.' Dr. Ambolkar took a piece of paper and noted things.
Collective!!! What a joke??? I spent my whole night crying and now this is what turned out of it!
'Thank you Sir. That's all. Uh...again m, I hope I haven't disturbed the regular curriculum of the department.' Rahul said standing up.
'Not at all. Your sister had her shift finished and I was just spending mu time playing ludo, ask her..' Dr. Ambolkar chuckled motioning to me. I smiled at him forcefully.
'Oh! That's great! I guess Eshaanvi can leave with me right now then!' Rahul suggested looking at me amused and I only threw a dirty look.
'Sure...' Dr. Ambolkar said. '...but, first you should have some coffee at least. I'll just call Ramesh..'
'Some other day, Sir...I need to leave urgently.' I said rushing off, not wanting this awful saga to continue further.
My head is spinning like there's no tomorrow. My brother is such a .....
'Esh...listen..! Dayaviṭṭu nillu...!!' Rahul called before me as I walked fast out of the elevator.
How dare he? Does he think he's got the remote to control my actions? When he wants, I got to work; when he doesn't, I don't. Disgusting!
I tried to run away, not giving an f*** to the people gasping and moaning on seeing their beloved KL Rahul running across the hospital. I turned back a little to see him stuck with few over enthusiastic fans. That's my cue! Congratulations to Rahul on his stardom, let me go home. I've had enough from last evening.
But, then my eyes fell on someone, that made me stop dead on my tracks.
She was looking at me with an indifferent look but when I looked at her, she looked quite hesitant and looked away.
I remembered what happened few hours ago. I've hurt this girls lot while she was just trying to cheer me up.
Why am always so mean to people who doesn't deserve my meanness.
'Kavya!' I called her and walked near her desk.
Ruby smiled at me but Kavya only tried to. She was hurt. Definitely hurt.
'Dr. Eshaanvi! Your brother was looking for you. Did you guys meet?' Ruby asked.
Ugh! Of course...
'Yes Ruby. We met and he would be here any moment now.' I sighed looking back.
'He didn't seem to be in a good mood. Was everything okay there?' Now Kavya asked.
'Of course...' I faked smiled and then I realized something...
How does she know about Rahul's mood? Did he create a scene here as well? Ugh! He better not.
'Actually, I was going to the canteen. You two wanna join?' I changed the Rahul-topic.
Of course, I knew Ruby would decline since she might have already had hers. I really wanted to take Kavya with me and apologize.
'Oh no! I already had mine.' Ruby said. 'But, I'm sure Kavya didn't have her lunch today. Her box is stil inside her bag intact.' Ruby said.
I turned towards Kavya in disbelief.
'Uhh..I wanted to have it when I met you but...' Kavya paused childishly.
I closed my eyes repenting my actions towards her.
I looked at the watch. 'The rush hour is over. Come, have the lunch with me in the canteen.' I said.
Kavya shook her head but Ruby spoke. 'Yes Kavya, you may go have lunch. I'll manage things here.' she said.
Kavya looked at her surprised and nodded with a smile. 'Thanks Ruby but...' she looked at me. 'Esh, what about your brother?'
'Esh! Jeez! Here you are!' I heard the voice.
Speaking of the devil.
'Come on Kavya! Let's get to the canteen.' I said without bothering Rahul.
Kavya was slightly puzzled but took her bag nonetheless and walked out of her desk.
'What? You're going to the canteen? Esh, the Chinese restaurant I told you about, is just 10 minutes from here. We can go there.' Rahul says nonsensically.
I looked at him with a cold glare. 'Good. You can go have your lunch there. We are good at the canteen.' I said. 'Let's go Kavya.'
Kavya looked at me and then Rahul. 'Uh...fine.' she said walking behind me.
We had few steps and then again.
'Esh! I already sorted my mistakes. Wgy are you still mad?' Rahul was definitely following us.
Shit! This is a big hospital and they all can hear KL Rahul yelling.
'Esh...Rahul seems really tensed. Yiu should listen to him for once.'Kavya said.
I scoffed. 'Tensed! You have no idea how he has been tensing me from last evening till right now.' I said.
'I understand you two might have had differences but he's still your brother. Something you said or did must've hit him hard.' Kavya said.
I shook my head. 'Kavya, after last night, all I know is my brother is a complete idiot. You know what he did at the conference hall....?'
'Esh...listen to me..' Rahul now caught up to us as we were just about to get inside the canteen.
'Oh my! Is that KL Rahul?'
'Kamal Lajawab Rahul is here!'
....and several other chants filled the room. There were sounds of camera snaps as well.
I dragged Kavya towards a table while few fans surrounded Rahul for selfies.
We took the seats and I sighed in peace.
'Now, would you tell me what happened?' Kavya asked curiously.
I held Kavya's hands in apology. 'First of all, I'm so sorry for shouting on you before. You know, my brother has been all over my head since last evening. I neither slept nor ate since last evening and...'
'Woah! Don't worry about me. Yes, I did feel bad initially but just as I saw your brother, I knew you had your reasons.' She said maturely. 'But, when did all these things happen and why did you two fight?'
'Long story short. My brother didn't want me to get associated with IPL at any cost and today he himself told Dr. Ambolkar that I'm willing to be a physio for the Mumbai Indians? Can you imagine the amount of craziness?' I rolled my eyes but Kavya chuckled.
'Aww! Your brother seems to be too caring!' she poked my nose.
'Esh, you are seriously gonna have lunch in here?' he came towards our table.
Not again!
'I told you, you are free to have lunch anywhere you want but I will be having my lunch here and only here.' I stated sharply.
'But, Esh...'
'Uhm..the veg fried rice in here is really good. But, if you still doubt the hygiene, I've got some Khichdi from home. You can try joining us if you want.' Kavya said looking at Rahul hopefully.
Rahul's expressions changed and it changed in a way I disliked.
'What? Esh...seriously!' Rahul turned to look at me. 'What kind of people are you hanging with? You know, what this stupid receptionist did when...'
'Enough Rahul! You cannot insult Kavya this way! She was just being sweet and asked you to join.' I was beyond pissed now.
He already had a vendetta against Kavya and who knew what incident Rahul was referring to. All I knew was Kavya was hurt enough by me and I can't let her get more hurt.
Rahul looked down at her lunchbox definitely hurt. 'It's okay Eshaanvi, I guess you two need some time alone to sort the sibling differences.' she said giving me a pitiful look. 'I'll just go and get your lunch.' Kavya said standing up and leaving her seat.
My teeth gritted as Rahul watched her leave.
'Esh...what was she referring to? Don't tell me you told everything to an outsider?' Rahul said taking the seat beside me.
'Outsider, who? Come on! As if you don't tell a thing between us to Pandya?' I scoffed.
'Hardik is my best friend and we know each other for over 6 years.' Rahul said. 'And this receptionist, she doesn't even know how to speak with who?'
'...and still cared to bring my lunch and understand my mood swings while my own brother left me hungry and cared less about my emotions.' I burst getting emotional towards the end.
Rahul looked at me apologetically. 'Esh, I know I hurt you. But, I just couldn't imagine you amidst the playboys in my team. You know they are so notorious and I often complain against them to the management and if they knew, you were my sister, they might try anything to get to me...I was just so worried Esh. You are such a treasure to me. I can't let...'
'...and finally, what made you feel it was better to sort me by embarrassing me in front of my mentor?' I asked somehow holding my tears.
Rahul looked down. 'I had no other options left. I knew you'd do something like walking out of the proposal and that could be detrimental for your dreams and career. So, I took the midway and.. '
'...and thought I'd be good with Mumbai Indians? Tell me who gives you these crappie ideas, huh? That idiotic Pandya?' I said angrily.
Rahul shook his head. 'Esh...please, you can't just take Hardik's name in everything just because he's a little playful and immature. You have no idea how he transformed me last night!'
'Transformed!' I chuckled. 'How? By taking you to Coffee again?' I said sarcastically referring to the infamous interview.
Rahul surely wasn't expecting it abd his jaw hung. 'Esh..I'm sorry, my angel. My protective side just got me blind.' he said sincerely.
'Protective side!' I muttered recalling everything from last night and tears rolled down my eyes.
'Esh...oh god! Please, don't cry or I'll feel like crying too.' Rahul said childishly leaning on me.
'I hate you Anna...' I said wiping my eyes in a teary voice.
'I love you my Esh..' Rahul said pinching my cheeks with a smile.
Suddenly, we heard someone clearing her throat.
'Guess, I'm on the right time.' Kavya said with a smile and placed the veg thali in front of me. 'There you go Esh. You let your pain off. Now, deal with your stomach.' she said playfully. '....and...' she motioned to the class of pineapple shake in her other hand. This is really chilled and might help one get out of a bad mood.' she smiled at Rahul, who wasn't expecting this at all.
I chuckled. 'Good one..Kavya! Now, seat and have your khichdi as well.' I said pulling the thali closer.
Kavya took the seat across us and opened her lunchbox.
Rahul, on the other hand, looked at the glass and then at Kavya with a dissatisfied frown.
'Mhm...the pineapple shake really works, Rahul. You may try.' I said taking my first spoon and chuckled. Kavya too chuckled as Rahul shook his head with a 'whatever' and held the glass in front of him.
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