I'm Pregnant?
Kiara's POV
It's been three weeks since my test and I've been feeling queasy. So I've booked an appointment at the hospital. I would of gone to my local doctor, but she is away on holiday. "Are you sure you'll be ok mum?" I ask. As I grab my purse.
"Of course, it's only for a few hours. Besides Jake loves seeing the dogs" she tells me. As we look at Jake playing with Buddy and Ruby. Orion is on mum's lap enjoying her patting him.
"Ok, I'll be back as soon as possible" I assure her. I kiss her cheek giving Orion a pat. I wave goodbye to Jake before leaving. I drive to the hospital.
When I arrive I check in and then wait. Soon my name is called and I see Dr Lee. "So what seems to be the problem Miss Willows?" he asks me.
"I've been feeling queasy the last few days. Also I've been getting tired easily" I tell him. He nods his head.
"Well I'm going to take a sample of your blood and run some tests. But before I do, when was your last menstrual cycle?" he asks me. I try to think and frown.
"Now that you mention it, I realize I'm a week late. But that's normal when I'm stressed with exams" I tell him. He nods his head and takes my blood. He said he's put an urgent on the tests. But we still have to wait for an hour. So I went to the cafe and had lunch, before returning to the waiting room. Soon my name is called again and I return to Dr Lee's office to see him talking to a female doctor.
"Miss Willows, this is Dr Moore" he says.
"Oh, I know you. I was supposed to see you three weeks ago. But you had to perform an emergency C-section instead. How are the mother and baby?" I ask her curious.
"Both are healthy" she states looking confused. "You said you were suppose to see me three weeks ago?" she asks.
"Yes, I saw your nurse instead. She performed my ovary examination and said everything was perfect" I tell her. She starts to look concerned. "Is something wrong?" I ask her.
"I have to check something, I'll be back" she states and leaves the room.
"Have the test results come back?" I ask Dr Lee as we sit down.
"Yes, which is why I called Dr Moore" he tells me. "All tests came back negative, except for one" he states. "Forgive my bluntness, but when did you last have intercourse?" he asks me.
"Never" I tell him shocked by the question. "I'm a virgin" I state. "What test result was positive?" I ask him.
"The pregnancy one, you are pregnant Miss Willows" he tells me.
"I can't be pregnant, I just told you. I'm a virgin" I remind him.
"I believe I can answer that" Dr Moore states as she enters the room with two files. "The day you came for your examination. Another patient came in for an insemination. Except one of you cancelled, they thought it was you. My nurse had never meet Mrs Bennett and believed you were her. She gave you an insemination instead of an ovary exam" she explains. I look at her stunned, feeling numb.
Dr Lee gives me a glass of water. "I shall leave this in your hands Dr Moore" he says before leaving. Dr Moore sits down opposite me.
"Are you ok dear?" Dr Moore asks me concerned.
"How could this happen?" I ask her still in shock.
"The trainee nurse at the reception. Was not doing his job, we let him go. My theory is Mrs Bennett told him she had cancelled and would reschedule. But he obviously did not get her details, so failed to pass it on to my nurse before your visit. When my nurse asked for your file, he told her it was you who cancelled and not Mrs Bennett" she explains. "I'm so sorry about this" she adds.
"I don't blame you or her" I tell her.
"There are options" she tells me.
"I know, but I don't believe in abortion and I don't think I could give my baby up for adoption" I tell her. "What of the father?" I ask her.
"I'll call Mr Hemlock and inform him on the situation" she tells me. I write my contact details down.
"Please give him this" I tell her. "Is there anything I need to take?" I ask her.
"You said you were queasy, I can give you medication to help with that. Also I'll prescribe some vitamins for you to take also" she states.
"When can I schedule an appointment to see how my baby is?" I ask her.
"Four to six weeks" she tells me. I have exams in three weeks.
"Ok, I'll schedule one at the front desk. Thank you" I tell her as she hands me the prescription papers. We say goodbye and I leave. I schedule an appoint for five weeks time. My exams will be over then and I'll be eight weeks. I then go home.
"How did it go?" mum asks me after I had greeted her, Jake and my pets.
"Do you remember my check up from three weeks ago?" I ask her. She nods her head. "There was a mess up" I state. I tell her everything Dr Moore told me. Before telling her that I'm pregnant.
"What of the father?" she asks me.
"I left my contact details with Dr Moore. She is informing him of the situation" I tell her. "I don't know what to do mum" I add as I begin to tear up. She pulls me into her arms.
"It'll be ok, I'll be here with you through it all" she assures me. "Do you know anything about the father?" she asks me.
"Only his last name Hemlock" I tell her.
"I think it best you come home. At least until you complete your exams" she tells me. "I want to make sure you don't stress yourself to much during them" she states.
"Ok, but just until I finish them" I tell her. We pack my essentials and the pets. Then go home. Jake was happy to have Ruby, Buddy and Orion around 24/7. I set up my old room and helped mum with dinner. Wondering how Mr Hemlock will take the news of my pregnancy?
Picture above of Kiara and picture on the external link of Dr Moore.
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