Hemlocks and Bennetts
Kiara's POV
It's Sunday and I am meeting Adrian's parents today. He is picking me up. I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt with white sneakers. Jake is at his friends house while mum is shopping. Ruby and Buddy are outside playing. Orion is curled up on the couch sleeping. I hear the car pull up and leave locking the door behind me.
"Morning" Adrian says as he opens the door for me. I thank him saying good morning and get in.
"So anything I should know about your parents? Or your friends?" I ask him.
"Mum is a lot like your mum, dad is strict about things. Don't take anything he says to heart. He has a temper and only mum can calm him. You meet Alice briefly, she's my best friend. Her husband is Leo, he's a bit of a joker. They have a son called Andy, who is only eleven months old" he explains.
"I hope you don't mind me asking. But how come Alice was going to be your surrogate and not someone else?" I ask him curious.
"She's my best friend. It could of been anyone. But I liked the idea of my best friend being the surrogate. Leo was not thrilled and wanted them to have a baby first. Didn't want her first baby to be for another man. So they had Andy" he explains. "With her as the surrogate, she'd still see the baby. Though not raise it. I wanted my baby to be near it's birth mother. Even though she would not raise it with me" he states.
"I see your point, though I think it would of slowly killed her inside. Being around the baby so often, but not being able to nurse it. Or make any decisions for it" I tell him.
"You maybe right" he states as he pulls up in front of a mansion. He gets out and opens my door for me. I thank him as I get out. We go to the front door and enter without knocking. "Mum, Dad. We're here!" he calls.
A woman with black hair appears. She has Adrian's eyes, well he has her eyes. "So this is Kiara Willows? You are as beautiful as your mother's photos of you" she states. Giving me a hug kissing my cheek.
"A pleasure to meet you Mrs Hemlock" I say.
"Please, call me Lucy" she says as a man appears. "Kiara, this is my husband Cole Hemlock. Cole honey, this is Kiara" she says.
"Ah yes the puttana" he says and she whacks his head.
"Adrian already explained the situation. She was accidentally artificially inseminated and it a virgin" Lucy snaps. "Please forgive my husband, he has had a long day of board meetings" she tells me apologetically.
"It's fine" I say even though it's not. How dare he call me a whore? Just then Alice arrives with her husband and their son. "Oh he's adorable" I say when I see the baby. "May I?" I ask holding my arms out.
"Of course" Alice says with a smile handing him to me. "This is my husband Leo. Leo honey this is Kiara. The girl Adrian told us about" she states.
"It's great to meet you" he says as Andy tugs my hair.
"Sorry, he's sort of obsessed with pulling peoples hair" Alice tells me sheepishly.
"It's fine. I baby sat in high school. I've had to put up with many personalities and attitudes. Babies that pulls, bite, scratched and etc" I assure her. A bell goes off.
"Lunch is ready, I made scones" Lucy tells me. Adrian leads me to the dining room and I hand Andy back to Alice. We all sit down and start to ate.
"So what do you do for a living?" Mr Hemlock asks me.
"I'm about to take my final exams. I have a job lined up to start January next year as a Vet" I tell him. "I have my own house" I add.
"Vet, that's nice. Which clinic?" Lucy asks.
"The one on Genesis st, I take my own pets there and did my placement there. They liked my work and invited me to join the team when I finished uni" I state.
"They must of really be impressed then, good for you" she states.
"What will you do when the baby arrives?" Alice asks me.
"I haven't really thought about it yet. With exams just a little over a week away. I've been focusing on them" I tell them honestly. "I want to work as long as possible though, so that I'll have money to take care of the baby. My mother said she'd be happy to baby sit when possible" I state.
"So will I dear, anytime" Lucy tells me.
"Won't you be giving her money son?" Cole asks Adrian.
"She doesn't want any money from me" Adrian states. "Though I'll be happy to help out with anything financial related to the baby" he adds.
"I appreciate that, but I don't want to be a burden or be labeled a gold digger" I say shooting Cole a look. "I want Adrian involved. The baby deserves to know it's father. I hope we can be friends and co-parent when he or she arrives. If Adrian wants to buy things for the baby, I won't object" I state.
"We'll discuss it more in future" he states. We finish lunch with some talk. But Cole was silent the rest of the lunch. "Do you need a lift home?" he asks me.
"A lift would be nice" I tell him. "It was an honour to meet you all" I tell the others. I hug Alice and Lucy. Before leaving with with Adrian.
"I am sorry for my father's behaviour. He had no right to treat you that way" he states.
"Why did he?" I ask him.
"He fooled around a lot before he settled down with my mother. Women always tries to claim they were carrying his child for money. I to fooled around as a teenager and there were several incidents. When I told him of you, he thought you were another girl I hooked up with. Didn't even bother to hear the full story. But mum did and told him. Though he still doesn't believe" he states. "He has a PI investigate you" he adds.
"He'll come around" he tells me.
"I'm not sure I'll forgive him right away. I don't like being called things I'm not" I tell him.
"I understand" he says as we reach my mum's house. "Good luck with your exams. I'll see you at the appointment" he tells me as I get out.
"Yes, see you then" I say with a smile. I go inside and do some chores to calm down. Then do some training with Buddy and Ruby as Orion watched from the couch.
Picture above of the Hemlocks and picture in the chapter of the Bennetts.
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