I walked into Magnus' living room, where Clary and Magnus stood, "I know where the Cup is."
Clary looks at me instantly, "What?"
Jace walks in, fixing his glove, "Come again?"
"The tarot cards." I ran a hand through my messy hair, placing a hand on my hip, "My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups. The card looks exactly like it."
Clary breaks out into a smile, nudging me, "Great job-"
She notices the looks on Jace and Magnus' face, "Wait, why aren't you guys happy about this?"
"Yeah-" I side with her, "I mean- after my mother died- Jocelyn must've taken the card- and then gave it to-" I come into realization, "-Dot."
"If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time." Jace starts to walk over to me, "If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup-"
Magnus got up, and held his pointer finger up, stopping Jace from coming near me, "We know. If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyonce riding on a dinosaur through Times Square. People would notice."
"But he can control demons." Clary said, "I've seen it."
Magnus hums, "Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect."
Jace looks at me, "Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card."
My lips slightly pucker, trying my best to hold back my smile.
"Opening the gates of hell that's a little more tricky." Magnus told me.
Luke walks in, "Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do."
"What, really?" I broke out into a smile, walking over to him, "That's great, where are they?"
I felt someone's stare on me, my head turning to the side, a small smile on Jace's lips as he watched me.
Our eyes connect, my heart beat quickening. I broke eye contact and look right back at Luke, not being able to hold it any longer.
"They're in my desk back at the precinct." Luke tols is, "When Zee went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her."
"That's great." Clary nods, "This should be easy."
"Hmm, that's what General Custer said." Magnus sits down.
"Magnus is right." Luke agreed, "Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD. We have to be discreet."
"Discreet?" I softly laugh, "You look like something out of The Mummy movie."
"We'll go in the morning. Werewolf healing, remember?" Luke spoke, "This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix."
I sat alone in Magnus' living room that night, flipping through the pages of the photo album I had found at the loft.
My eyes trial to the small box that sat on the ground.
I set the photo album to the side, getting up, crouching, picking up the box. I stood up, opening it, my eyes landing on two things that rested in the delicate padding inside; a folded piece of paper, and a purple portal shard.
My eyebrows furrow in confusion, as I slowly took out the piece of paper, setting down the box.
I unfold the paper, my eyes landing on some sort of letter, addressed to me, from my mother.
if you're reading this, something horrible happened. valentine must have found us. i might not be with you right now, and i am truly sorry. i love you more than words, and i'm sorry i left you like this. but it wasn't my choice.
i want you to understand that, where ever you are, i am with you. i see so much for myself in you, and if i could see you today, i would be so proud.
i'm sorry i've kept the shadow world a secret. i have done everything to protect you. especially after the things valentine has done, and it kills me inside to admit that he is your father.
the purple gem you see is a portal shard. grab it and hold it tight. and think about me. whenever you hold it, think about me. you'll see me. alive or dead.
jocelyn must have given one to clary. this one is for you.
continue making me proud.
My fingertips trace over her handwriting, my eyes reading the letter over and over.
She must've been so sweet.
And I don't remember her at all.
I fold the paper in frustration, shoving it back into its place in the box, slamming the box shut, sitting back down quickly, placing the photo album back on my lap.
I opened it back up, looking through the photos once more, tapping my foot repeatedly on the ground.
"Mind if I join?" Jace's voice fills my ears, my head snapping up, noticing him walking into the room.
I sat up, "Why aren't you asleep?"
"Why aren't you?" Jace walks over to me.
I nod in defeat, "Well played."
"What're you doing?" Jace sits on the arm of the seat I was sitting on, looking at my photo album.
"When Alec and I went to the loft-" I flip to the end of the photos, where it began a blank page, the last time I put a photo in it being two years ago, "We found this photo album with the box I thought belonged to my father- half of these memories are new to me."
"Only half?" Jace questions, folding his hands together.
I nod, "Half of them were with my mother. All of those memories are gone, the rest are with- Luke, Jocelyn, Clary and Simon."
Jace points to a photo of Clary, Simon and I, "What happened in that one?"
I weakly smile at the photo, "We were painting Clary's room. She couldn't decide what color, so we decided to just- splatter it on the walls. Well- in doing so, Simon got paint on me- and then we ended up wasting almost half of the cans of paint on each other. Jocelyn walked in and took this picture of us."
"You look really happy." Jace glances at the photo, then looks at me.
"That was a whole other world ago." I touch the photo, "I haven't made any memories in the Shadow World-"
"Well- who said that?" Jace spoke, "I think we have some really great memories."
"I meant in photo form, Jace." I softly laugh.
"It's not like I can catch a photo of you killing a demon-" Jace jokes lightly.
"You're right, but-" I got up, putting down the photo album, grabbing my phone.
"Uh oh-" Jace stood up, "What're you doing?"
I opened my camera, and positioned my phone against something, "Taking photos that I can print out later-"
"Right now?" Jace questions, stepping out of the camera frame.
"Yeah-" I set a timer, allowing it to take pictures repeatedly with the timer, looking at Jace, "Come on-"
Jace shook his head, chuckling, "I don't do pictures-"
"Jace- come on." I grab his hand between both of mine, pulling him into the frame with me, "Smile-"
A photo was snapped of us, Jace having a serious face, and me smiling, holding onto his hand to make sure he didn't walk away.
"Jace-" I let go of his hand, "Do you not know how to smile?"
"What?" Jace laughs, "I told you, I don't do photos-"
"Look at that-" I point at his face, "You're smiling- why can't you do that for the photo?"
The sound of a picture being taken catches my attention, my head snapping towards the phone, it already taken another one of us.
I drag out his name, throwing my head back, "Jace-"
A small gasp leaves my mouth when he grabs me, picking me up, holding me sideways, repeated laughs leaving his mouth, as I quickly cover my face, a photo being snapped of us.
Jace puts me down, as I lightly hit him, "You caught me completely off guard-"
"That was the point." Jace softly laughs.
I sat on the ground, crossing my legs, patting the space next to me.
Jace sits next to me, "Really?"
"Yeah-" I smile at him innocently, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, smiling for the camera.
Jace looks at me instead of the camera, a smile on his lips.
As photos repeatedly snapped of us, he continued to mess with me and earn laughs from the both of us as I tried to get him to do different facial expressions for the camera.
I got up, grabbing his hands, pulling him up.
Before I could grab my phone, Jace grabs it before me, going on it.
"Jace-" I try to look over his shoulder, "Don't delete those, please-"
"I'm not-" Jace raises his hands up so I couldn't reach my phone, typing away on the screen, then closing my tabs and handing me my phone back.
His phone buzzes, but he keeps it in his pocket, standing in front of me.
I shrug it off, not thinking much of it, placing my phone somewhere.
"Will those pictures we suffice for your photo album?" Jace asks, looking down at me.
I smile lightly, "Yes- thank you."
"For what? Being your model?" Jace jokes.
"Being my first memory of the Shadow World." I smile wider, my eyes locked with his.
Jace smiles down at me, grabbing my face with one hand.
Jace steps closer, his eyes glancing at my lips.
My smile fades, knowing what he was thinking.
He starts to lean in, my heart beat instantly speeding up at his movement.
Clary's voice causes me to jump away from Jace, "Oh sh-"
I looked at her, clearing my throat.
Jace looks at me, nodding, "I'll- see you in the morning-"
"Yeah-" I nod quickly, Jace leaving Clary and I alone.
Clary puts her hands up in surrender, "Listen dude, I didn't know-"
I threw a couch pillow at her, "You cockblock-"
Clary picks up the couch pillow, "I'm sorry!"
I walk with Jace and Luke, as we headed right towards the precinct.
I put a strand of my straight hair behind my ear, dressed in a navy blue t shirt, one that was tucked into black ripped jeans, black heeled ankle boots on my feet and to finish off the look, a black leather jacket.
The sun hit my eye as we came closer, Luke pointing at the doors, "All right, cards are on my desk. It shouldn't take long."
"All right." Jace starts to walk past him.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Luke stops him, "It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone."
I nod, "We'll wait here."
Luke walks away, Jace crossing his arms, "It sounded boring anyway."
I looked at him, letting out a small laugh.
A few minutes past by, of us making small talk, and Luke not showing up.
I spoke up, "I've got a bad feeling about this. What is taking him so long?"
"I know a way we could find out." Jace kept his arms crossed, leaning against a police car, "Just go in and see for ourselves."
"Jace." I shot him a look, "Luke told us to stay put."
"And since when is listening fun?" Jace shot back at me.
I roll my eyes, my phone ringing in my back pocket, "That's probably him now-"
"I doubt it." Jace said, staring at something.
My eyes stare at the caller id once I pull my phone out, Simon being the one calling me.
I decline, placing it back into my back pocket, looking up, my eyes landing on what Jace was looking at. Two people escorting Luke through the precinct.
"Just so I'm clear, he did mention something about trying to avoid attention, right?" Jace confirms, "From the looks of it, he's doing a terrible job."
"Are they circle members?" I question.
"No, mundanes." Jace shook his head, "Internal affairs officers."
I looked at him, "You can tell all that just by looking at them?"
"I can tell all that by reading their badges." Jace shot back at me, showing me the rune on his arm, "Better than binoculars."
"Nice." The corner of my mouth lightly raises.
"Luke had his chance." Jace grabs my arm, leading me towards the doors, "Let's go."
"You want a coffee or anything?" The man opened the door, asking Luke, as Jace and I walked into the room, glamoured.
Luke watches us, the man repeating, "Garroway. Coffee?"
"No-" Luke shook his head, "No, I'm good."
"Suit yourself." The man left, closing the door.
Jace had a small grin of humor on his lips, looking at Luke.
I hit his arm lightly, knowing exactly why he was smiling. He was trying to hold back a laugh due to where Luke ended up, even when he said not to draw attention.
"What?" Jace lets out a weak laugh, "It's funny-"
Luke grabs a tissues and brings it to his nose, "Camera."
I nod towards Jace, as he walked over, disconnecting the wire from the camera.
"Luke, what happened?" I question, placing my hands on my hips, "What happened to not drawing attention?"
"I think I'm about to be the prime suspect in a murder investigation." Luke told us, looking between us.
I sigh, "What do we do?"
"Get the cards." He instructs, "In my desk, bottom drawer."
I nod, heading for the door with Jace.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Luke's voice makes us stop, "You can't glamour yourselves. I'm not the only Downworlder on the force, and we don't know who's working for Valentine. If anybody spots you-"
Jace sighs, "We'd be leading them right to the Mortal Cup."
"Exactly." Luke nods, "Better to assume that everybody has the Sight- than gamble that they don't."
"Luke-" I began.
The door clicks, Luke quickly speaking, "I can handle myself."
"Hey, what happened to the camera?" The same man walked in.
Jace pulls me along, leading me out the room.
"Really? In here?" Jace whispers, almost knocking over some boxes.
"Why not?" I grab my stele, "It's not that tight-"
"Is that why our chest's are almost touching?" Jace shot me a look, "There's got to be a better place."
"We just need a game plan-" I held my hands up, "Here's good, Jace."
"Ow-" Jace mutters, accidentally bumping into the boxes again, "All right."
He deglamours himself, staring at me.
I start to do the exact same, only for mine to not work. I try again, but the same result came.
"You need help with that?" Jace smirks.
"I can deglamourize myself-" I mutter, trying once more.
Jace softly laughs, "It's deglamour."
"Don't make me feel even more stupid-" I said, trying once more, only for it to not work, "Help- please?"
Jace smiles, grabbing the stele from me, deglamouring me.
I place the stele in my pocket, Jace once more, accidentally bumping into the boxes, this time the box on top almost falling over.
I grab onto him quickly, pulling him into me, "Stop- bumping into things-"
Jace looks down at me, our chests touching, my hands resting on his forearms, his on my waist.
"The cards-" I clear my throat, stepping away.
"Right- how exactly are we gonna get them?" Jace questions, "I doubt we can make it out of this closet without drawing attention, let alone Luke's desk and you are covered in runes."
I looked at him, "I've got a plan."
"A good plan this time?" Jace smiles lightly.
"I'd like to think so." I shrug, "Just follow my lead."
Jace nods, following me out of the closet. We through the entrance, as I instantly halt, seeing a few officers in the room. Their attention immediately divert towards Jace and I.
I spin around, facing Jace, my hand coming in contact with his cheek, his head moving to the side with the force of my slap, his body turning sideways along with it, "You son of a bitch!"
Jace grunts in surprise, turning his face towards me, his hair falling out of place, his eyes wide as ever.
"I told you to stop following me!" I continued my act.
Jace grabs my arm, pulling me closer, whispering, "Hey, what happened to being discreet?"
"What?" I pull away from him, walking away, getting myself to tear up, facing him again, two officers heading towards Jace, "Wait, what did you say? You cheated on me?"
"I- huh?" Jace's eyes were wide, his breathing uneven, starting to follow me, "I- I did not."
"Whoa." Jace says, when two officers held him back.
My voice cracks, walking over to Luke's desk, looking through the drawers, only for them all to be completely empty, "You will never see me at your crappy apartment again."
"That girl means nothing to me." Jace played along, noticing me looking through the desk, "Nothing-"
I shook my head, continuing to look through the drawers.
Captain Vargas comes behind me, my head snapping up at her voice, "Is that the boyfriend that I heard so much about?"
Jace waves, "Hi."
"Yeah-" I scoff in disbelief, slamming the drawer shut, "The arguments never stop with him. He always screws up."
"I'm sorry, honey." She places a hand on my shoulder, squeezes it, then lets go.
"It doesn't matter." I wipe my tears away from my eyes, "Where is all of Luke's stuff?"
"IA took everything." She told me, "What are you looking for?"
"I, uh-" I sniffle, "I lost a house key and Luke normally keeps a spare in his desk, so is there any way I can get it?"
"Uh, not till he's cleared." She shook her head.
"Cleared?" I act surprised, "Of what?"
"Oh, don't worry about it." She gave me a assuring smile, "We'll get it handled."
"Zee, I'm sorry. I apologize." Jace cuts in, "I just want you to know it only happened, like two or- It just happened a couple of times-"
I turn away from Captain Vargas, covering my mouth with my fist, holding back a laugh, as it starts to slip out, I forcefully turn into a cry.
"Babe- listen," Jace went on, "I am totally into you- you're the one for me-"
Captain Vargas and I say in unison, "Shut up."
Jace stares at me, the corner of his lips turning upwards, "Babe, come on."
"Listen, you don't get to call her "babe," okay?" Captain Vargas stood up for me, "In fact, you don't get to call her at all. Zee's done with you. You got it? Take him out."
The officers drag Jace out, as he calls out after, "I have rights!"
"Perhaps it's for the best?" Captain Vargas suggests, then looks at my neck when I face her, "Oh, matching tattoos. That's a big red flag."
"Oh." My hand goes to my neck, "It's nothing-"
"I get it." She smiles sympathetically, "You always fall for the bad boys, right?"
"Uh- yeah-" I stammer, "Uh- I really need that key."
"I'm sorry, Zee, but IA has all of Luke's things in the evidence vault upstairs." She told me, "Maybe I can help you find the one you lost. Did you check your car?"
"I don't have one-" I point at her, "Actually- you know what, I think it's in his car- I should go get that."
"Are you sure?" Captain Vargas said as I start to head towards the doors, "I can go if you're too upset-"
"It's fine-" I run out and catch up with Jace, "Jace-"
"You know what? I'm gonna bring Alec with me next time." Jace walks with me, "I don't think he's ever slapped me in the face."
"I'm sorry-" I apologized instantly, "I threw out my old plan and came up with a new one in the moment-"
"You're a damn good actress." Jace shook his head in disbelief.
"I should've taken acting school- but either way I'm here, 18 years old, with you- looking for a Mortal Cup and killing demons." I smile innocently.
Jace rolls his eyes playfully, "Was the slap necessary?"
"Yes." I cross my arms, "Was playing along that much necessary?"
"Absolutely." Jace says right back.
"Do you know how hard it was to turn my laugh into a cry?" I looked at him.
"Do you know how hard you slap?" Jace looks at me.
"Jace- I said I was sorry." I put my hands up in surrender, sarcasm dripping from my tone, "What, do you want me to kiss it better?"
Jace shrugs, "Actually-"
I point at him as we came to a stop in front of Alec, Isabelle and Clary, "I was kidding."
"Someone call for backup?" Isabelle looks at us.
"What took you guys so long?" Jace looks between them.
"Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Alec shot right back.
"It's complicated." Jace told him.
"We found the Cup." I drop my hands to my sides.
Clary's eyes slightly widen, "The Cup?"
"Yeah, but then we lost it." I huff, "We have to sneak back in the precinct to get it."
"This is a disaster." Alec sighs deeply.
"Hey, demon pox is a disaster." Jace points out, "This is an inconvenience. We just need a plan. That's all."
"What about a glamour?" Isabelle questions.
"We tried that." Jace told them, "Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it."
"Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?" Clary questions.
"No." Alec instantly denied.
"That'd be awkward." Isabelle trails off then gasps, clearing her throat, "Magnus can only portal us to places he's been to before."
My phone rings, as I grab it out of my pocket, seeing Simon's id on it.
I huff deeply, "Damn it- just give me a second."
I walk away from them, answering the phone "Simon, this is really not a good time."
"Zee, where are you? This is an emergency." Simon sounded panicked.
"Simon, are you okay?" I trail off, concern falling over me.
"I'm not sure." Simon breathes heavily, "I haven't been kidnapped yet today."
"Simon, seriously, what's going on?" I question.
"I think I'm sick." Simon blurts out, "Like, really sick."
"Simon-" I huff, "You're probably fine-"
"Zee-" Simon stutters, "This time it's different."
I sigh, "All right, Simon, calm down- I-"
I'm cut off when Jace grabs my phone, starting to end the call.
I turn, facing him, trying to grab my phone, "Jace-"
He holds it over my head, ending the call, "Simon's little problem can wait. I've got a great plan."
"Oh yeah?" I say, as he hands me my phone back, "There's a fist."
Jace laughs sarcastically, "Just follow my lead."
"Fine." I shove my phone back in my pocket, crossing my arms.
"Oh, and don't worry, in my plan, no one gets slapped." Jace comments, walking away from me.
I chase after him, "I said I was sorry!"
"So-" I follow Jace as we walk back into NYPD, "What's this great plan you've come up with?"
"We'll head up towards the vault." Jace stops in front of the elevator, "Alec, Izzy And Clary are handling the rest. All we have to do is wait for their signal- and grab the Cup."
The elevator dings and opens, our heads turning, Alaric standing in the center, reading some sort of case file.
Before I could do anything else, my body was jerked to side, Jace pulling me behind the wall.
"Ow- what're you doing-" I start to whisper shout, only him to cover my mouth and shut me up.
Footsteps follow, Jace uncovering my mouth, grabbing my arm, stepping from behind the wall.
"He's on our side." I looked at him.
"You sure?" Jace shot me a look, walking into the elevator, "Isn't that the line he used when he kidnapped you?"
I follow him, "Good point- but, he's a friend of Luke's. I mean- the only reason he was obeying because of his pack leader Theo."
"Yeah- whatever." Jace waves it off, pressing the stop button, "I don't want you to get kidnapped again."
"Why are you stopping the elevator?" I question, looking up at him.
"What, you scared?" Jace smirks.
"What now?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms, not wanting to admit to it, "We're supposed to climb the elevator shaft and waltz in the vault unnoticed?"
Jace reaches up, touching the top, the tile topping up, "Now, why didn't I think of that?"
My eyes widen, "I was kidding-"
"Awh, don't worry- I'll hold your hand through it if you're scared." Jace playfully mocks me.
I hit his arm lightly, my arms stopping to my side.
"Remember the binoculars?" Jace asks, pulling his shirt down slightly, showing me a rune, "This one's a Nyx rune. It's like night vision. You can copy mine. You got it?"
"Yeah-" I slip off my leather jacket, putting it on the ground and grabbing my stele, pulling my sleeve up, "Why do I need night vision?"
"You'll see." Jace crosses his arms and leans against the wall, waiting for me to draw the rune on myself.
I inhale deeply, using my stele to begin drawing the rune on my shoulder based off what I had caught in my mind. I winced, not being able to do it.
I look back at Jace, as he stood there grinning, "Feel free to ask for help."
I drop my hands, shooting him a look. He softly laughs, walking over to me, grabbing the stele from my hands.
I pull my sleeve back up, his chest against my back, his hand resting on my waist, as I exhaled deeply, the sound of my searing flesh filling the silence as he drew the rune on me.
"I think I can take it from here." I swallow, withstanding the pain, Jace looking at me, his eyes staring into mine.
Jace's voice is quiet, his eyes not leaving mine, "Where's the fun in that?"
I roll my eyes at him, turning my head away from him, blinking hard at the pain.
Jace steps away when he's done, handing me back my stele.
"I think you messed something up." I scrunch my face up at the stinging, then slipping on my leather jacket, putting my stele in my pocket.
"Really?" Jace shot me a look, "No, I didn't."
"Then why isn't it working?" I walk over to him.
"It is." Jace looks at me, the lights going out, the alarm blaring, "That's the signal."
"Damn- stupid question." I stared at Jace even through the pitch black due to the rune, "Why would a night vision rune work in the light?"
"Now you get it." Jace laughs quietly, then pushes the tilt up, "Going up."
"Uh-" I trail off, as he easily pulls him up, leaving me in the elevator alone.
"Jace-" My eyes go wide, my head snapping up, looking into the elevator shaft.
"I'm right here-" Jace leans down half way, grabbing onto me, "Come on, shorty-"
I roll my eyes, as he pulls me up, grabbing my hand, leading me to the ladder.
I trail off once more, "Uh-"
"Don't worry, I got you." Jace brings me in front of him so I go first, "I'll make sure you won't fall."
I huff deeply, grabbing onto the ladder, starting to make my way up, Jace right behind me.
Jace kicks the vent door open, holding the witch light, as we stepped into vault.
"What is all this crap?" Jace looks around, "Lunch receipts?"
I shot him a look, "Evidence."
Suddenly the door opens, as I was quick to grab out my stele, glamouring the both of us in an instant, my arm flat against his chest as I held him and myself in place against the boxes, the officer walking right by us, then leaving the room, not seeing us.
I exhale deeply, my arm dropping.
"You're getting pretty good with your stele." Jace softly said from next to me, looking at me.
"That wasn't the case when we first got here." I looked around.
"Give me a heads up next time you're gonna do that." Jace told me, walking around.
I grab a box, "In here."
I set it down, opening it, looking through things.
My hand touches a photo of Luke, Jocelyn, Clary and I.
I clear my throat, placing the photo facing down, looking through the box quickly.
I grab the tarot cards, looking through the cards quickly, Jace looking over my shoulder.
I drop all the other cards, my eyes landing on the only card I held, the Ace of Cups.
"That looks exactly like the Mortal Cup." Jace stares at it.
"This is it-" I looked at it, "It has to be-"
"What's wrong?" Jace stares as I tried to get the Mortal Cup out, only for it to not work.
"I don't know-" I start to say.
He cuts me off, "You don't know what's wrong or you don't know where Jocelyn hid the Cup?"
"Did you get it?" Alec instantly asked as Jace and I walked over to Clary, Isabelle and Alec, outside.
"Theoretically-" I huff, the card shoved in my pocket.
"Theoretically?" He questioned.
"I found the card." I sigh, "I just have to figure out how I reached into my notebook before."
Alec shot right back at me, "Can't you just pull the Cup out?"
"I can, theoretically." I run a hand through my hair, "I just- don't know how-"
"Listen, you two can discuss theories as much as you want when we get back to the Institute." Jace cuts in, "But right now, considering we just stole from the cops, I suggest we get home."
"Guys-" Isabelle looks at us, her necklace pulsing, "I think the mundanes might be the least of our worries."
"Well, at least we know the demon necklace works." Alec shrugs.
"Never a dull day." Jace nods, "Let's go."
Clary, Jace, Alec and Isabelle start to walk, as I tried my best to follow them as quickly as I could without jogging, my short legs giving me a hard time.
I accidentally run right into someone, "Oh, I am so sorry-"
I bend down to pick up her purse, looking up at the old woman, only for a roar to leave her lips revealing that it was a demon, a gasp leaving mine, dropping the purse.
She growls, as I slowly got up, staring at her with wide eyes.
"Grandma." Jace's voice came from behind the woman, her turning, Jace piercing his blade into her.
My eyes are wide, "What the hell-"
"Language." Jace stops me, "Not in front of Grandma."
I break out into a small smile, rolling my eyes.
"How did it find us?" Clary questions as the rest came over to us.
"I don't know- but she brought friends." Jace looks around.
I looked at him, "How can you tell?"
"It's like seeing through a glamour." Jace grabs my arm, pulling me along as we walked, "You just got to pay attention to the details."
"But I can't see anything-" I walked along side him.
"Behind us." Isabelle calls out, looking around.
"I- I still can't see them." I came to a stop, as did they, looking around, "Okay, there's too many people.0
"I don't say this often," Alec trails off, "-but I agree with Zee. We gotta get out of here."
"Hey, this way!" Clary leads us down the stairs and to the door of the electric room.
"Electric room- great idea." I mutter sarcastically.
"Have any other ideas?" Clary looks at me.
"Fine-" I pull out my stele, looking back at Jace, "What's the Unlock rune again?"
Jace kicks the door open, looking at me, "Open sesame."
We run in, Alec stopping half way, his bow and arrows appearing.
Jace looks back, "Hey, what are you doing?"
"Holding them off." Alec grabs an arrow, "Take Zee back to the Institute. Keep her safe."
"No, if you're staying, I'm staying." Jace denied, "We fight together."
"Don't be stupid." Alec aims, "If the demons get the Cup, we're dead anyways."
"I'm not leaving anyone behind." Jace shook his head.
Alec told him, "You don't have a choice."
"Alec- no-" I shook my head, walking over to him, "Come on- we can hold them off together, let's go-"
"Zee." Alec looks at me, looking dead in my eyes, "Go."
"Alec-" I plead, "Please- let's just go-"
"Alec, come on-" Jace tries to get him to come along also.
"I know you guys are having a moment, okay?"
Clary looks between us all, "But we really have to go."
Isabelle smiles at me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry. It's not like this is the first time- Alec has saved your life. I doubt it'd be the last."
"Go." Alec nods towards me, as I was pulled out by Clary, Jace and Isabelle following behind.
"Hold on- wait." I stop, letting out a deep breath, "I'm sorry, Jace-"
"It's okay." Jace nods towards me, "We can take a breather."
"No- I'm fine- it's-" I shook my head, "It's not that."
Isabelle looks at us, her eyes widening, knowing she should leave us alone.
Clary clears her throat, "Uhm- we'll scout ahead."
Clary and Isabelle leave us alone, my arm dropping to my side, keeping a hold on my blade.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've put you through." I huff deeply, "It's all just- hitting me now- I know- I'm the reason you've broken so many Clave rules and went on unauthorized missions-"
"You don't have to apologize to me, Zee." Jace tries to stop me, a small smile forming on his lips.
"Unfortunately, you can't stop me." I told him.
Jace chuckles, "Well, yeah, I'm starting to see that."
"I've been so focused on trying to find Jocelyn- and figuring out what happened to my mom, that I haven't taken a second to acknowledge what you've done for me." I let it all out, "Thank you- for staying by me."
"Zee, I'm a Shadowhunter." Jace starts to walk, "It's kinda my job."
"Your job?" I repeat, following him, "So- you'd do this for just anybody?"
Jace smiles lightly, shrugging, "Maybe not Simon."
"He'd say the same thing." I laugh lightly, walking with him.
"You know, you're not too bad yourself." Jace looks at me, "You kicked some pretty serious ass back at the police station. At least, you got my ass kicked-
"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment-" I said, coming to a stop by Isabelle and Clary.
"Guys?" Clary looks at us then gestures towards Isabelle's necklace, "It's pulsing."
"Again?" I question, looking around.
"Getting close." Isabelle said, "Let's spread out."
The sound of faint chittering fills our ears, Jace speaking, as we all held our weapons ready, "Izzy, where is it?"
"I don't know-" Isabelle admits, "It's like they're right here, but I don't see them."
Suddenly, a demon falls onto Jace, screeching and snarling.
Jace grunts, trying to pull it off, grabbing it, holding it in front of him, tossing it into the air, slashing his blade through it, it disappearing into thin air.
"What are those things-?" I question, walking over to Jace quickly.
"Shax demons." Jace told me, "They're like the bloodhounds of the Shadow World."
"They've been tracking us." Isabelle breathes heavy.
Clary looks between us all, "So what do we do?"
"The Institute's only a couple of blocks from here." Jace spoke, "We can't lose them, but they won't be able to track us if we split up."
I was already shaking my head, "Jace- no-"
"Zee-" Jace began.
I cut him off, "No- no- Jace- I'm barely a Shadowhunter to begin with, if you leave me alone- that's giving him a free pass to getting the Mortal Cup-"
"Zee-" Jace grabs my arm, "You'll be fine."
"Jace, Izzy and I will draw them away." Clary nods towards me.
"No matter what happens, just keep running." Jace instructs to me, nodding at me.
Isabelle steps back, "They're coming-"
"Jace-" I began.
"Run, Zee!" Jace yells, as I quickly turn, rushing down the hall, only to end up at a dead end.
I pant, turning to run back the way I came from, only to be stopped by two Shax demons who were crawling towards me, blocking me from my exit.
One demon jumps towards me, a shriek of fear leaving my lips as my hand goes up, stabbing the blade through the demon, it disappearing into thin air.
My breathing was uneven, as the next demon tried their shot, as I slashed my blade through it, killing it also.
I swallow hard, surprised with myself.
As expected, more Shax demons made their way to where I was, my blade dropping from my hands.
I did the first thing I thought of. I grabbed the Ace of Cups card out of my pocket, looking at it. I held it front of me, my hand pressing flat against the card, the card flashing purple, my eyes widening.
I slowly let my hand go further into the card, stopping once half of my arm had disappeared into the car.
I grabbed the object, pulling it out, my eyes landing on what was the Mortal Cup.
I looked up, the demons nearing me, as I held the Cup forward, "Stay back!"
The demons whimper and screeched, stopping.
I repeat, "I said, stay back!"
They chitter, running off, leaving me alone.
I shove the card into my pocket, grabbing my blade from the ground. I held the Mortal Cup in my hands, walking out of the hall I was cornered in, roaming around, trying to find a way out, to get back to everyone as soon as possible.
I slowly stepped into the space I left Jace, Clary and Isabelle at.
I looked around, holding onto my blade and the Mortal Cup as tight as I could, "Jace?"
"Zee." Jace runs over to me, looking down at me, "Hey."
I notice something on his cheek, placing my blade down, reaching to grab his face, "Jace- you're hurt-"
Jace moves away from my touch, "I'll be all right."
My expression drops, staring at him, suspicion growing within me.
"You okay?" Jace looks down at me, his tone completely changed.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I trail off.
"What happened?" Jace questions.
"I was cornered by Shax demons." I told him, "But- what matters is, I got the Cup."
"Zee, you're amazing." Jace stares into my eyes, "I always knew you could do it."
My heart flutters at his words, but for some reason, this didn't feel right.
Jace reaches for the Cup, "Now- give me the Cup and let's go."
I pull my arm away from him, stepping back, my eyebrows furrowing, a scoff leaving my lips, "Give you the Cup?"
"Yes." Jace nods, "Only until we get back to the Institute. It's the only way I can keep you safe. I'll die before I let anything happen to you."
I stare at him for a second, ignoring the feeling in my chest, nodding, "Yeah, you're right."
I bend down, grabbing my blade, moving my hand that held the Mortal Cup closer to him, only to pull it back last second and impale my blade into him.
Jace grunts, his eyes wide, his voice weak, "Zee?"
After seconds of his eyes not switching color, my eyes widen, "Jace-"
Suddenly, his eyes flash bright blue, my expression changing, as I pierce it in further, the demon roaring in my face, then disappearing into thin air.
"Zee!" The sound of Luke's voice comes from behind me.
I turn quickly, holding my blade up, "Don't come any closer!"
My eyes land on Alec, who had his bow held up, his eyes landing on me. I stepped back, defensive, "Drop the bow, Pocahontas."
Alec rolls his eyes at the nickname and brings it to his side, "You have the Cup-"
"How do I know you're Alec?" I held my blade towards them, "And that you're Luke?"
Alec steps closer to me, "We kissed in my room after you lost your memories to the memory demon."
"I got you spray paint for your birthday." Luke held his hands up, his head snapping towards Alec, "What?"
"Nothing-" I clear my throat, walking over to them.
"What happened?" Luke questions.
"Long story." I shook my head, "Where'd you come from?"
"Jail." Luke told me, "I ran into Alec. Said you might be down here. Thought you might need some help."
"Apparently not." Alec stares at the ashes on the ground disappearing, "Looks like she took care of it."
I swallow, "Shouldn't we get going? More demons could be coming, right?"
"Oh, don't worry about it." Luke said, "I got the pack on the lookout. If there's any other demons, we'll take care of them."
I weakly smile, "Look at you, leader of the pack."
"Well, you know, it has its perks." Luke chuckles.
I nod, taking the card out of my pocket, placing the Cup back, placing the card back in, "Let's go."
"These tunnels are swarming with Shax demons." Jace's voice fills my ears as I walked further into the Institute, "If she's down there, it's only a matter of time before they find her. We need to make sure that doesn't happen."
"Zee- oh my god." Clary hugs me instantly, "I was so worried-"
"You're always worried about me." I hug back, pulling away.
"What can I say?" She weakly smiles, "You're my little sister."
"All right, listen up." Jace's voice catches my attention, "I want this entire institute on high alert."
I walk away from Clary, Alec and Clary right behind me, my hands touching the railing, watching Jace.
"I don't care what anybody else says, I'll take full responsibility." Jace instructs, "Right now, Zee is the only thing that matters."
I move, jogging down the steps, "Jace-"
Jace turns instantly at the sound of my voice, walking over to me, wrapping an arm around me, "Zee-"
"Hey-" I hugged back, then pulling away, looking up at him, "I did it. I got the Cup."
"Zee, I don't care about the Cup." Jace stared at me, "When I came out of the tunnels, I didn't see you. I was worried- something might have happened to you-"
"Something did happen." I trail off, my hands in my back pockets, "There was a demon. Shapeshifter. It looked just like you."
Jace swallows, "You all right?"
I nod, "I'm fine."
"And the demon?" Jace questions.
"I handled it." I nod once more.
Jace's voice was soft, "How'd you know it wasn't me?"
"I had a feeling." I told him, "It just didn't feel right."
"Really? Kind of a risk, wasn't it?" Jace lightly chuckles.
"Major risk." I exhale, "But, shockingly I actually do listen to some of the things you tell me."
"Yeah, well, I told you the first time we met, you have the Sight." Jace breathes, "You're a Shadowhunter, just like the rest of us."
I smile softly, "I guess I'm starting to see that now."
"Hey-" Jace's voice was quiet, looking into my eyes, "Does this feel right to you?-"
I cut him off, standing on my tippy toes, connecting my lips with his, my hands resting on his chest.
He freezes for a moment, processing what was happening.
My heart drops, as feeling the need to retreat, start to pull away, Jace moving closer to me, not allowing me to break the kiss, kissing back, a small smile playing at his lips as he kissed me.
He holds my waist with one hand, his other hand holding my head, tangling itself into my hair, one of my hands moving to the back of his neck, the other resting on his chest.
My heart was beating quickly, our lips moving in sync.
I slowly pull away, Jace leaning his forehead into mine.
I looked at him, my lips breaking out into a smile, along with his, soft laughs leaving the both of our lips.
Alec stares at us, his jaw clenched, his expression filled with annoyance and frustration, turning away, and then walks away.
Isabelle smiling at us weakly, then following her brother Alec.
Clary stood there, smiling at us, as if what she had saw had made her entire week.
Jace presses his lips into mine once more, kissing me again, a smile on both our lips as we shared another kiss.
authors note:
listen to storm by ruelle towards the end of the chapter , it gives me feels :')
ahhhhh jace and zee finally kissedddd
also my bad , every chapter is so long , damn
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