"Jace!" I skid to a stop on the roof as I had run after him, holding onto my kindjals tightly.
Jace's head snapped toward me, and growled at me when he saw me, his teeth gritted.
Jace threw a punch at me, as I quickly dodged it, using whatever training he had taught me to the best of my knowledge.
Except, despite that, Jace had knocked my kindjals out of my hands within seconds, leaving me defenseless.
"Jace." I began, dodging his fist, "This isn't you."
Jace ignores me and lands one right on my face twice, catching me off guard and grabbing me by my neck.
I choked out a breath, as he tightened his grip and held me over the ledge.
"Jace- I know you won't kill me." My voice was barely there, my hands on his wrist, "I know it."
Jace stares into my eyes, as my voice cut out when I began running out of air, "Jace- I love you."
"I don't love you." Jace pulled me closer, our faces inched apart, "Not anymore."
Then, he dropped me off the ledge.
My own blood.
It felt like I was drowning in it.
My teeth were stained, and so was my skin.
My clothes were drenched, and so was my hair.
I felt numb.
And pain only struck when I moved.
"Look, Young, it's a bad time." Simon's voice filled my bloody phone that I struggled to hold against my ear, "Can I call you back?"
"Simon." I could barely speak.
By my breathing, Simon knew something was wrong, "Zee?"
I whispered, "Simon."
"Are you okay?" Simon questioned, concern filling his tone, "What's wrong?"
"I can't move." I staggered out, choking on my own blood at this point.
Simon quickly asked, "Where are you?"
I forced myself to turn my head and look at the signs, "Near Crosby and Grand."
"I'll be right there." Simon replied, as the phone slipped from my hands, my body limping.
Simon skidded to a stop next to me a few seconds later and grabbed my hand, his eyes wide at my appearance, "Zee-"
I exhale slowly, staring at my best friend.
"It's gonna be okay-" Simon assures me, looking at what had become of me, "Who did this to you?"
"Jace is the Owl?" Isabelle questioned as we stood in the Ops Center, "How is that even possible?"
Clary placed a hand on my back as I had just changed and gotten out of the infirmary, "You okay?"
I nodded softly, Alec staring ahead, "This whole time, it wasn't his mental health. He was possessed-"
"By an extremely powerful Greater Demon, who gave him the ability to turn mundanes into demonic killers." Magnus finished his sentence.
"We've defeated Greater Demons before." Alec inhales sharply, "We'll do it again and free Jace."
"This is not just any Greater Demon." Magnus told him, "Zee was able to draw an image of the beast, and it matches this image from the Silent City archives."
"The demon is Lilith, Queen of Edom." Magnus showed us the image, "Adam's first wife."
Isabelle looks at him, she questioned for confirmation, "Adam as in Garden of Eden, Adam?"
"The one and only." Magnus confirmed.
"So- what does that mean?" asked Simon.
Magnus exhales, "She's the mother of all demons."
"It makes her more powerful than anything we've ever encountered." Alec said what we were all thinking, "But of all people, why Jace?"
Clary ran a hand through her hair, "That's the million dollar question."
Silence fell between us all.
Jace was gone.
I couldn't keep this secret from everyone anymore.
"Alec." I quietly said his name, staring at my hands, "What you felt that night when your parabatai rune disappeared-"
"You were right." I looked at his serious expression, small tears burning in my eyes, "Jace did die- Valentine killed him."
"I knew it." Alec immediately said.
Clary looked at me, "But- if he died, how did he come back?"
I looked down, tears falling from my eyes, "Because I made a wish to Raziel."
Isabelle trailed off, "You made the wish?"
"I had to." I ran my hands through my hair stressfully, more tears falling, "It was the only way to bring him back- I didn't know what else to do!"
I crossed my arms, sniffling, "But it- it made him vulnerable, to Lilith, to this- this beast that is powerful enough to murder Ithuriel!"
"What?" Isabelle's eyes widen.
"Because of me!" I bursted, stepping back, "Because I summoned him, because I was trying to help Jace!"
"Alec, you were right when you said I don't belong here, because- all I do is screw up." I felt regret and guilt falling over me right away, "Everything- is always my fault- and god, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about this."
"I should not have kept this from you." Hot tears streamed down my cheeks, "I know what position this puts you in with the Clave, so if you want to send me to the Gard- I completely understand."
Simon immediately said, but shut up when he saw the look Alec gave him, "Zee, no!"
Alec stares at me from across the table, and slowly walks around it, standing in front of me.
I faced him, my eyes connected with his, wiping my tears with my sleeve, trying to calm myself before he had to take me away.
To everyone's surprise, especially since he was always one to follow the rules, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.
"You do belong here." Alec held me tightly in his embrace, "If I was in your position, I would've done the same thing."
Luke exhales as he filled us all in, "Last night Ollie's mother was found in her apartment stabbed to death."
Clary sighs deeply at his words, "Luke- there is nothing you could've done."
"Wait- Jace was able to reverse Morgan's possession, remember?" Isabelle reminds us, "If we can find Jace, maybe he can save Ollie."
"We tried that." I mentioned, "He must be using his anti-tracking rune."
"The Owl wasn't exactly shy before." Magnus said, "If we were to somehow contain him the next time he makes an appearance, I might be able to relieve him of Lilith's influence."
Luke speaks what we all thought, "How the hell are we gonna contain him?"
"When I took over as weapons master, I read about a piece of Clave technology that never made it into the field." Isabelle mentioned and looked at Alec, "It was called the Malachi Configuration."
Alec's arms were crossed, "Malachi the traitor?"
"He invented a type of cage for Greater Demons." Isabelle went in depth, "Now, it's just sitting in the Alicante Armory."
"So- we go there and we get it." I simply said.
Luke looks at me, "What, do you expect the Clave to just hand it over?"
"No, but- Imogen might." I reasoned, "She's Jace's grandmother- we can trust her."
Alec nods, "Izzy, Clary and I will go with you."
Magnus nods towards us, turns and walks away, "And I will go try and find a cure for Jace."
"Before the Owl got a hold of Ollie, she had a location lead." Luke exhales, "If I can find Lilith I can find Jace."
"It's wonderful to see you all, but- based on this unscheduled visit, it seems that something must be amiss." Imogen said as we all stood in her office in Idris, "What's happened?"
"Jace has been compromised by the Greater Demon Lilith." I was stood next to Alec, my hands folded, "She's controlling his every move."
"Oh, by the Angel-" Imogen gasps, "How did this happen?"
My mouth opens, stammering.
Alec speaks before I could muster anything else out, "We don't know."
Alec and I share eye contact, before looking back at Imogen.
Imogen stood straight, "If this is true you know it will be grounds for a kill order."
"We believe we can cure Jace without having to alert the Clave." Alec began, "That's why we came to you."
"If you can give us the Malachi Configuration, we can contain Jace." Isabelle said, "We can cure him."
Imogen questioned, "And what do I tell Consul Penhallow?"
Clary inhales, "Who says she has to know?"
Imogen walks us through the halls, "My security clearance must be used in person via thumbprint."
Alec comments, "Well, that's a new development."
"When the Circle members got ousted, we increased security protocol in certain high-risk areas in the city." Imogen explained, "The Armory is one of them."
"I didn't realize we had visitors." Consul Penhallow's voice filled our ears, making us stop and turn.
Imogen inched closer to her, "Consul Penhallow."
"What brings the crown jewels of the New York Institute to Alicante?" asked Consul Penhallow.
"Inquisitor Herondale was just-" Clary trialed off and looked at me for help.
I continued, "Giving us a tour-"
"Of the Armory, so- I can improve the operations in New York." Isabelle finished.
"What a wonderful idea." Consul Penhallow said, "I have a few moments to spare, do you mind if I join?"
"Actually, Consul Penhallow, I was hoping to speak with you privately." Alec interjected, his soul reason being to keep her busy.
Consul Penhallow nods slowly as Alec walks over to her, Clary, Isabelle, Imogen and I turned the corner, "Of course."
"What kind of cage fits in a duffle bag?" questioned Clary when Isabelle had joined us.
"I'll explain later." Isabelle threw the duffle bag over her shoulder, "I made sure it wouldn't be detected as missing- that should keep the Clave off our backs."
I nodded once, "Smart."
"All we have to do is find Jace." Isabelle inhales.
"You know, sometimes- I think it would've been better if Jace had never met me." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could process them.
"Zee-" Clary places a hand on my back in comfort as we stood in the hall, "Don't say that."
"Are you kidding?" Isabelle stopped and looked at me, "I've known Jace a lot longer than you have."
"Before, all he cared about was the hunt." Isabelle recalled, "Then he met you, and it was like he woke up from a deep sleep."
"From that day on- he became a different Jace." Isabelle softly smiles at me, "A happier Jace."
"Hey." Alec joins us, "Did you get it?"
Isabelle nods, "Some assembly required, but- yes."
"Let's go." Alec said, as we all went down the hall and headed for the stairs.
Moments later, a fire message came flying through the halls as Alec caught it quickly, reading it quickly, "Change of plans- Jace is here."
Clary's eyes widen, "He's what?"
"He's in the cemetery." Alec told us.
Isabelle spoke, "What?"
I said in unison with her, "What is he doing?"
"I don't know." Alec honestly told us and was already down the hall, "We have to get him, now."
"Jace!" Alec called out to him, revealing himself, holding one of the swords to the Malachi Configuration.
Jace got out of the dug up grave, inching closer to Alec, who stood still.
"Now!" Alec calls out quickly, as Clary, Isabelle and I revealed ourselves, as we all slammed the swords to the ground as they connected, trapping Jace.
Jace was on the ground, "What have you done?"
"It worked-" Isabelle said, as we all looked back to see the flash of lights and barking dogs.
Clary looks between us, "What do we do now?"
I inhale, stepping back, "I can buy you some time."
Alec watched me, "How?"
"I'll cover for you-" I pulled out my stele and drew my portal rune, "Now, go fix him-"
Isabelle's eyes were wide, "Zee, what are you doing?"
"No!" Jace got up and shouted, but I had pushed the portal rune towards them, as they disappeared to Magnus', leaving me here.
"Drop your stele!" The guard yelled at me, a crossbow aimed right for me, "Let's see your hands!"
The one flashing his flashlight at me shouted as well, "Hands on your head!"
My stele slipped from my hands, as I faced them, putting my hands behind my head in surrender.
authors note:
omg I'm sorry , these chapters are so short
like season three's episode be hittin way different bro- remember when these chapters used to be mad long?
but ahhhhhhh what a ship bro
question: what's your favorite chapter of predestined so far?
thank you for 14k !!!
go read redamancy !!
vote and comment loadsss
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