"I stand before my fellow Shadowhunters to receive the rune of the Angel." I recited as I stood in front of many Shadowhunters in the Accords hall in Idris, "I take this mark to honor Him."
My eyes fell onto Clary who stood with Jace, Alec and Isabelle in the crowd, watching me with a smile on her face, her hand over the Angelic rune she had just received before me.
I was dressed in a high waist maxi dress, one that was a V neck and was lace from the waist up, a dress that Isabelle helped me pick out.
"To bring His light into me." My eyes shifted to Jace, who was smiling proudly at me, "To join the ranks of the Shadowhunters, the guardians of peace."
One of the Silent Brothers stepped closer to me and gently took my arm, drawing the Angelic rune onto it, as I pursed my lips to hide how much pain I was in.
When he steps back, Inquisitor Herondale speaks, "This rune of Angelic Power is well-deserved and long overdue."
"You are no longer a Shadowhunter in training, you have defeated our greatest enemy." Inquisitor Herondale smiles at me, "Valentine may have used the Mortal Instruments to raise the Angel Raziel, but you prevented a wish from being granted."
I looked down at this.
"Zee Young, may your heroism be a shining example to Shadowhunters across the world." Inquisitor Herondale congratulates, "Congratulations."
When there was loud applaud, I slowly step off the higher platform and over to my friends as Isabelle immediately threw her arms around me, "Congratulations!"
"Thank you, Iz." I laughed lightly, hugging her back as tight as she hugged me, noticing how Jace was no longer with them.
Alec softly smiled at me from where he stood, "How did it feel?"
"Uh- it hurt." I admitted, pulling away from Isabelle, "But- it made me feel accomplished."
I looked around, "It's just embarrassing with all these people around-"
"Don't be embarrassed." Clary placed her hands on my shoulders, "You are the hero of Alicante."
"Clary's right." Isabelle agreed, "You went hand to hand with Valentine and killed him, so- stop being so modest."
"Clary and I gonna look for Mom." Isabelle announced when she noticed the look on Alec's face, grabbing Clary and leaving us alone.
"What you did was impressive." Alec's hands were behind his back, "But- there's more to the story, isn't there?"
"Are we really having this conversation again?" I sigh deeply, lying straight through my teeth, "I told you everything I know Alec."
Alec was still suspicious, "Did you?"
"Yes." I lied, "I did."
"I felt Jace die." Alec stares at me, "He says he has no idea why, but he's lying."
"Maybe- you felt him being impaled." I suggested, "It was a pretty serious-"
"My parabatai rune disappeared." Alec cuts me off, not buying my story, "How do you explain that?"
"I don't know, Alec." My voice fell quiet as I stared at him, "Really."
"Jace is alive." Alec recovers from the sudden interrogation, "That's all that matters."
"Yeah." I clear my throat, "Any chance you know where Jace is?"
"There you are." I walked over to my boyfriend, his back turned to me as he stood in front of where his parents were buried, my arms loosely wrapping around his middle, my head leaning against his chest, "You okay?"
"This is the closest I've ever gotten to them." Jace moves his arm from under my head and around me, "Too bad it's in the Cemetery of the Disgraced."
"They weren't bad people, Jace, they just made a terrible mistake- and we all do at least once in our lives." I sigh deeply, "They put their trust in my father."
When we both fell silent, my thoughts got carried away to how Alec was pestering me about that night.
It made me feel guilty.
"Jace, we need to tell Alec the truth- especially him." I let go of Jace and looked at him, "About what I did that night- my wish."
Jace immediately denied, "No."
"He's your parabatai- he's one of my closest friends," I reasoned, wanting so badly to tell him already, "We can trust him."
"He's also the head of the New York Institute." Jace reminded me, "If he didn't report us to the Clave, he'd be as guilty as we are."
My eyes scanned his expression, "Guilty of what?"
"Compelling a wish from the Angel can only happen once." Jace said to me, "If the Clave ever found out what we did, they'd lock you in the Gard for the rest of your life."
"And if I had to do it all over again, I would." I grabbed his hand, "Jace, the point of loving someone so deeply is not caring what happens to you as long as that person is alive and well. That's how I feel right now."
Jace squeezes my hand lightly and looked away, not budging, "No one can know, Zee."
"What is it?" I asked as a giggling Isabelle Lightwood pulled me along to the weapons room, her hand tight in mine, "Izzy, what do you have to show me?"
I was dressed in a white v neck, tucked into my black ripped jeans, black combat boots on my feet, my hair appearing in waves today due to not doing it.
Isabelle let go of my hand and rounded the table, smiling giddily, "Well, now that you have your angelic rune, it is my honor, as the new weapons master, to help you choose your signature weapon."
"You're the new weapons master?" I smiled in delight, "Izzy, that is perfect for you!"
"This isn't about me." Isabelle couldn't stop smiling, "It's about you."
I shrug playfully, "Well, I'm flattered, truly."
"Alec has his bow and arrows, Jace has his seraph blade, and I have my whip." Isabelle listed off, "Now- it's your turn."
"What did Clary-" My voice faded when she opened the vault, my eyes wide with astonishment.
"She chose a seraph dagger." Isabelle told me, "Since you've always used a blade, she's used to her dagger."
I stepped closer to the vault, my eyes scanning all of the weapons, "How do I choose?"
"Follow your gut." Isabelle watched me as I slowly picked up two small swords, that I felt drawn to, "Dual kindjals, huh?"
"Kindjals." I held the two kindjals in my hands, noticing how with every scan I did, I always ended up feeling a connection to these, "I don't know why."
"It fits your fighting style." Isabelle mentioned, "You tend to use your left arm for balance, now- it'll be just as deadly as your right."
"That's a good thing." I quietly laughed as I couldn't take my eyes off the kindjals.
"Can I ask you something?" Isabelle closed the vault.
I looked away from my the kindjals and walked over to her, "Yeah, of course."
"What was it like?" Isabelle questioned, "Being face to face with Angel Raziel."
I swallowed hard and looked down, "Honestly, I was so scared, I didn't even have time to think about it."
"Was there a part of you that wanted to make your own wish?" Isabelle continued in curiosity, "I don't know, like end war? End world hunger?"
"Yeah, a part of me, but- I couldn't, it wasn't my wish to use." I lied again and couldn't bring myself to look at her, as I backed away, "Thank you, Izzy- for the kindjals."
A wide smile was on my face as my kindjals clashed with Jace's seraph blade as we trained together in the training room.
I spun kick at him, as he dodged it with ease, grabbing my arm with his free hand and spinning me, my back hitting his chest, his lips coming in contact with my cheek.
"Jace!" I couldn't help but giggle, jumping away from him, "We're supposed to be training."
"What, so I can't kiss my girlfriend while we're training?" Jace's hair flopped to the side messily as he smirked at me, swinging his sword at me.
I block with my kindjals, "The training instructors aren't supposed to kiss their students."
"Except, you're not my student, you're my girlfriend." Jace leaned over and kissed my nose.
I stepped back, smiling like an idiot, "Since when did you become so affectionate and romantic?"
"Since ever." Jace flipped his sword in his hand, "You initiated that side of me, though."
I spun, my kindjals clashing against his as he blocked my swing, "Not bad."
I raise my eyebrow at him, as he added, "Not as fluid as me, but not bad."
"There's the Jace I know and love." I smiled sweetly at him, the two of us swinging at each other once more but I grunt when I miss, "Damn it-"
"It's okay." Jace supported me regardless, "You'll get the hang of them."
I pulled my stele out and ran it over my agility rune, "Again."
Jace's eyes glowed gold as I flipped backwards as he flipped forwards, our swords clashing against one another in quick movements.
My sword was at his neck within the moment, staring up at my boyfriend in triumph, "You give yourself way too much credit."
Jace looked at me as if he had given me that one, "Do I?"
That's when I felt the cool metal of his blade between my legs, but I held my ground, "All the time."
"I think it's deserved." Jace smirked down at me, our faces so close that I could feel his hot breath fanning against me.
I mimicked the smirk, leaning up and pressing my lips into his for a moment, humming in response, before stepping back and positioning myself again.
I swung at him multiple times, him dodging them all with ease, grabbing me suddenly, knocking both my kindjals out of my hands, a sharp pain on my arm when he spun onto his knee, his back turned to me, a grunt leaving his lips.
I hissed in pain, my attention immediately going to my arm that was cut and bleeding, "Jace, ow-"
When Jace notices my blood on the tip of his sword, his eyes widen with fear as he spun to face me, walking over to me quickly, "I am so sorry, did I get you?"
I noticed that scared and worried he looked as I slowly pulled out my stele, "Yeah, but it's small."
Jace's expression remained the same as I used the Iratze to heal the cut, "Hey, it's okay, Jace, I've cut you like a hundred times."
I stepped closer, "Jace, are you all right?"
"Yeah." Jace took a step back, "I'm fine."
Luke's voice came from behind me, "You got a minute?"
I looked back, "Yeah."
"First I thought it was purely mundane." Luke told us all as we were surrounded around a table in the Ops Center, "Woman's throat slashed with a knife, husband missing."
Luke showed us the photo on the tablet of the dead woman, "Then I noticed the black capillaries around the wound."
Isabelle spoke from next to me, "Her attacker was possessed?"
Luke nods, "Most likely."
Alec had his arms behind his back, "Maybe this has something to do with the Wraith demons that disappeared."
"Well, we'll know when we take it out." Jace began, "Who's the possessed?"
"His name's Tim Dempsey." Luke showed us his profile, "He's a pediatric nurse at St. Ambrose Hospital."
"Awh." Clary crosses her arms as she looked at the photo, "He looks nice."
Alec mentions, "Magnus' friend Catarina works there."
"Why don't you go over there and see what you can find out?" Luke suggested as Alec agreed, "I'll canvass his neighborhood."
I spoke up, "I'll come with you."
Luke looks at me, "Sure thing."
"I'm gonna gear up." I nod and walk away as everyone else did.
"You know, I'm proud of you, kiddo." Luke walked with me on the path through the park, "It's not every day you get your angelic rune."
"Thanks, Luke." I smiled lightly at him, squinting due to the sun, "That means a lot."
Luke comes to a stop, "Did you pick your weapons yet?"
"Yeah, actually- it's like the first thing I did when I came back from Idris." I pulled out one of the kindjals, showing him, "What do you think?"
Luke's expression almost dropped when he laid eyes on my swords.
My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "What is it?"
"That was your father's dagger." Luke's words make my heart stop.
I blink, my eyes widening, "What?"
Luke's eyes squint, "You didn't know?"
"No- no, I had no idea." I pulled out the other one as well, "I- I chose this one, too."
"You don't choose the blades, the blades choose you." Realization crosses Luke's expression, "That one was Margaret's."
I looked down at the blades I held, "Oh my god-"
"They're both part of you, kiddo." Luke spoke the truth, "The light and the dark, whether you like it or not."
I slowly looked up at him from the swords.
Luke exhales deeply, "If your mother could see you now, all that you've done-"
"Luke, I have to tell you something." I blurt out immediately, feeling a weigh in my chest.
"What is it?" Luke notices the look on my face.
Then his phone began to buzz and he waves it off, but I shake my head, "You should take it."
"No, it's all right." Luke began.
"It's fine, really." I placed my kindjals into the sheaths, "Just- take it."
Luke sighs and answers the phone, "What is it, Ollie?"
"I found our friendly neighborhood nurse." Ollie's voice came through the line, making Luke's eyes slightly widen.
Luke was stern, "Ollie, I thought I told you to just leave this-"
Ollie ignored, "He's in Brooklyn, headed west on Willoughby Street, near his grandfather's residence."
"Ollie, I need you to drive away, now." Luke kept his stern tone, "It's for your own safety.0
"He's a murder suspect." Ollie shot back at him, "He's approaching a bystander."
Then, moments later, there was a slam of a door signaling that Ollie went after Tim anyway, making Luke and I rush towards her location as quickly as we could.
Luke had turned and launched himself at Tim when we had reached them, Tim easily holding him up by his neck, throwing Ollie to the side and knocking her out.
He threw Luke as well, as I threw my kindjal at him, landing in his neck.
He grabbed my kindjal, pulling it out of himself, my eyes slightly widening as I watched him.
He arched his back, snarling at me, turning his head so it wasn't upside down anymore, inching towards me.
I threw my kindjal at him, as he caught it, dropping both to the ground.
I pulled my stele out, drawing the sun rune on my palm when a demon ripped out of Tim's chest, firing at it right away but it flys off, hiding.
I ran around the building, heading the shrieks, growls and snarls of the demon, as it dodged every attempt I had at burning it alive with my sun rune.
I was getting frustrated, "Where the hell are you?"
"You want me?" I spun to face where the most sounds of shrieks came from, "Come and get me!"
Then, I was running towards the danger as the demon was launching itself at me, but I was quick, drawing the sun rune, sliding onto the ground and killing it right then and there.
Then, I saw Luke run over to Ollie, checking her pulse, my eyes falling onto him, as I forced myself onto my feet, my breathing heavy, "Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine." Luke looked at me, "Nice work- I guess those blades aren't your signature weapon after all."
I lightly knocked the door of Jace's bedroom that night, slowly opening it and standing in the doorframe, dressed in sweatpants and a cropped tank top, my hair a slight mess from getting out of bed, tossing and turning most of the night.
My eyes fell onto a shirtless Jace, laying on his bed, his eyes falling onto me, as I gave him an innocent smile, "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come bother you."
"Yeah, me either." Jace admits quietly and held an arm out for me, "Come here."
I close the door behind me and walked over to him, hopping onto his bed, laying onto my stomach, my arms resting on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me.
Jace's other hand touched my face, as I noticed the look on his face that was suddenly stretched with fear, "Hey-"
Jace's voice came out as a whisper, "I just want to make sure you're real."
"Real?" I repeated, blinking a few times, slightly caught off guard, recovering with a joke, "Have you been dreaming about me?"
Jace looks between my eyes, "So much that sometimes I forget what's real."
I leaned in and pressed my lips into his for a few moments, then pull away, "Was that real enough for you?"
Something flashes in Jace's eyes, making me concerned, "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." Jace stammers, "I just- I just want to hold you."
"Okay." I trail off suspiciously, wrapping my arms around him and leaning my head against his chest, as he held me close.
authors note:
goals. that's all.
they're honestly so cute
but, go read redamancy !!
vote and comment loadsss
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