Clary questions the minute Jace and I joined her, Isabelle and Alec in the Ops Center, "Anything new?"
I cross my arms, "We tried tracking him together, like we did with Jonathan, but for some reason it didn't work."
Jace nods after me, "Magnus's wards are up, Valentine must still be in the city."
Isabelle sighs in relief, "Thank the Angel for Magnus and the warlocks."
"They didn't raise the wards for us." Alec remarks and I could tell that something was wrong between him and Magnus.
"Teams are out doing block by block sweeps throughout the city." Isabelle nods towards us, "We'll find him."
I hadn't noticed my stare was on nothing when Jace's voice snaps me out of the trance I was in, his hand on my back, "Hey, you okay?"
I looked at him, shuffling lightly, "I thought I'd be relieved when Jonathan was finally dead- I mean, I hated him so much for everything he did but- I don't know, I feel worse."
"I get it." Jace wraps an arm around me and pulls me into his side to comfort me, "He was your brother."
I placed my hand on his that rested on the surface, squeezing it, leaning my head against his chest.
Then, the alarm starts blaring and red lights began flashing over and over, Alec looking up, "Aerial sensors."
"Is it Valentine?" Clary asked as we were now alert, surrounding the monitor.
"No." Isabelle denied as we were now all on the move, "Could be some kind of wraith demon."
"Where is it?" Jace calls out when we ran through the city of New York, our weapons ready.
Alec looks around, his bow and arrow aimed, "It should be right on top of us."
When I noticed the enormous demon in the air, I held my seraph blade finger, "Alec!"
Alec immediately aims his bow up, his eyes following the demon, as Isabelle exhales deeply, "I've never seen a demon like that."
Our backs were against each other as Jace shouts, "On your six!"
Alec turns towards the demon that was circling around us, roaring in the air as Alec shot at it but missed.
Clary speaks as Alec pulled out another arrow, "Can you see it?"
I looked around, "What the hell is it waiting for?"
Alec replies from next to me, "It's coming around for another pass."
Then Isabelle spots the demon coming right for us, "Alec!"
"Relax, I got this." Alec aimed his arrow right for the demon and shot at it, getting it right in the head, the demon killed into a substance that landed on the ground.
I relaxed, "Nice."
Then, smaller demons emerged from the substance and fading away from us, as we tried to shoot at them but they ran off too quickly.
"At least four demons are still unaccounted for." Alec walked through the roads with us following closely behind, "Notify all available personnel."
I shove my phone back into my pocket, sighing.
Jace notices the look on my face almost right away, "What's wrong?"
Clary looks at me when we all came to a stop, "Is everything okay?"
"That was Luke." I placed my hands on my hips, "Valentine's on his way to Idris."
"What?" Isabelle's eyes widen, "How?"
"He made a deal with the Seelie Queen." I exhale deeply, "Luke's warned all the other Downworld leaders."
Jace scoffs, "Damn Valentine-"
"If Valentine gets to that lake-" Isabelle began.
"He won't." Alec cuts her off, "Malachi's army is armed and waiting for him."
"We need to warn him." Clary looks between us all, "Who knows how many Circle Members will be there?"
"If we lower the wards, these demons can get out." Isabelle said, "Spread beyond the city."
"What If I said we don't have to lower them?" I spoke up, catching their attention, "Maybe my portal rune can pierce the wards."
"We can't all go." Alec nods, "The demons need to be dealt with."
"Zee and I'll go." Jace decides, "You three stay here, slay the beasts."
"Fine." Alec agrees, "Be careful."
"Likewise." Jace replied, "And when am I ever not careful?"
I draw my portal rune in the air, the gold portal shining in front of Jace and I as we entered.
When we came out the other side, I looked around, "Where's the army?"
Jace sighs and looks around as well, "We're still a hike away from Lake Lyn."
"I'm sorry-" I huff, "I guess my navigation's still off."
"It's okay, we need to hurry." Jace began leading me through the woods, "We can't let Valentine reach the lake."
Jace held my hand as he walked with me towards the army base that was set, different Shadowhunters walking around, scattering the base.
Jace lets go of my hand when we neared the tent, where Consul Malachi walks out it, looking between him and I.
"Consul Malachi." Jace greets, his hands behind his back, "Jace Herondale of the New York Institute."
I clear my throat and mimic Jace's actions, putting my hands behind my back as well, "Zee Young."
Consul Malachi looks between us, "I know who you are."
"Valentine is on his way to Lake Lyn." I informed him, "He has the sword and the cup."
Consul Malachi replies, "Yes, I'm quite aware of Valentine's progress."
"We need to get to the water." Jace was firm, "Now."
"I'm afraid that's not gonna happen." Consul Malachi said, looking to the side, nodding towards his men.
That's when I saw the Circle rune on the base of his neck, a small gasp leaving my lips, "Jace-"
Jace notices it too, "You're a Circle member!"
Then, Jace and I were being grabbed and pulled into the tent despite our protests.
Jace and I were chained to a pillar in the tent, our backs to each other and against the wood.
"Do you have any idea how many speeches I've heard Malachi give?" Jace scoffs lightly in disbelief after giving up on trying to break free of the chain's hold, "How many times I've heard him preach loyalty to Clave above all else under the Angel? And all along he's he's been working with our greatest enemy."
I tried to look back at him but I couldn't, "How does the Consul, the leader of the entire Clave, end up a Circle member?"
"Valentine threatened to wipe out any Shadowhunters who opposed him." Jace huffs deeply, "Malachi's just trying to save his own ass."
I sigh, "And sit back while everything around him is destroyed."
Then, Consul Malachi walks into the tent, looking between Jace and I.
Jace was angry, "How could you side with him?"
"There is only one side." Consul Malachi snapped, "The side of the angels, Valentine is only doing what the Clave has been trying to accomplish for centuries: eradicate demons."
"No, no!" I spoke out in denial, "The angels would never be in favor of killing millions of innocent Downworlders along with demons."
"When Raziel created the first Shadowhunter, there was no such thing as Downworlders." Consul Malachi crouched in front of me, "But over the centuries, disgusting half-breeds emerged- warlocks, vampires, seelies, werewolves, they banded together, grew more powerful."
"Finally they will be destroyed, and so will you." Consul Malachi nodded toward his men as they grabbed Jace and I, pulling us out, following him.
Darkness had fallen over us, the night present in the sky.
I was on my knees forcefully by Consul Malachi, two guards behind him.
Jace was a few feet away from me, on his knees as well, two guards behind him, making sure he was in place and didn't move.
My eyes were glued to him, and there was nothing but fear in my chest.
Jace knew I was scared, "It's gonna be okay."
I was tearing up, "How?"
Consul Malachi stares right at me, "Your father won't approve but he'll understand your deaths were a necessary sacrifice."
"For mass genocide?" I scoff deeply, a tear falling from my eye, "You're the Consul of the Clave- how can you let this happen? Cleanse the world of demons?"
"How can I not?" Consul Malachi shouts at me, then moves away, "Proceed!"
Then, I walk pushed against the tree stump, a foot right on my back, making sure I couldn't get back up.
When I looked to the side, I see one of the guards walking towards me, with an axe in his hands.
Jace's voice sounded broken and helpless, "No!"
Fear strikes on my face, as I quickly recover, accepting my fate. Jace told me that Shadowhunters died young.
My head laid against the surface as the man inches closer and closer, my eyes glued to Jace, tears streaming down my cheeks.
Then, a small whisper let my mouth when the man was aiming for my neck, "I love you."
I knew Jace didn't hear me because of how quiet I said it.
But, if I was going to die, I needed to say it.
Regardless if he heard me or not.
Then, when the axe was coming for my neck, Jace's eyes glowed gold as he somehow broke out of the chains, grabbing a seraph ballade and killing the two guards that held him there.
My eyes widen, as the guards that held me down ran over to Jace, as he fought them off.
I got up, turning my back toward's Jace as he broke the chains off my wrist, throwing me a seraph blade.
I fought off two guards, killing them as well, getting on the tree stump and piercing my blade into the man who was going to kill me earlier, turning towards Jace who was standing over Consul Malachi, a sword in him as he laid on the ground.
"Wait, please wait-" Consul Malachi begged, but regardless of his pleads, Jace slit his throat, killing him.
I dropped the seraph blade in my hand, "Jace."
Jace dropped his blade and ran over to me, his eyes holding a small red tint, along with a glossy sheet over his eyes, pulling me into his chest, "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay." I hugged his middle then grabbed his face, another tear slipping my eye as I stared into the eyes of the man that I loved with all my heart.
"You're okay, thank the Angel you're okay-" The fear in Jace's eyes had vanished, exhaling deeply, as we both in unison pressed our lips together, savoring the kiss filled with such emotion.
"Are we too late?" I was out of breath by the time we reached Lake Lyn, looking around, holding a seraph blade.
"No- no, if he'd raised the Angel, we'd know it." Jace looks back at me after seeing no Valentine, "Zee, we beat him here- we can stop him."
I gave him a small smile, but it immediately faded when Jace turned around and there was Valentine.
A grunt left Jace's lips when Valentine had stabbed him right through the chest, where he heart was.
And my heart shattered.
The seraph blade slipped from my hands as I gasped, covering my mouth, tears immediately pooling my eyes.
Valentine stares at Jace, "I'm sorry, son I had to."
Slowly, Valentine let what looked like a heartbroken Jace onto the ground, pulling the small blade out of his chest and stepping back.
"No, no, no!-" I cried out and fell onto my knees next to Jace, my eyes wide as I stared the wound, "Please- hold on-"
Jace stared at me, his voice quiet, "I'm so sorry, Zee."
"Why are you apologizing to me?" I sniffled, tears falling as I held his wound, trying to suppress the blood from oozing out, "You don't need to apologize to me-"
"I'm sorry that I'm leaving you." Jace's voice couldn't go any louder than a whisper, tears slipping out of his eyes as well, "I'm so sorry."
"It's going to be okay- please, just stay with me." I sobbed, more tears streaming down my cheeks as I stared into his eyes, "You need your strength- don't stay anything else, okay?"
"Zee." Jace's hand weakly reached and grabbed my bloody one, his breathing ragged, his voice breaking, "I love you."
When his eyes began to close, I squeeze his hand tighter and held his wound, "Jace, you can't go now- you can't because I love you too!"
"Don't close your eyes, please don't close your eyes." I pleaded, now weeping, "Just hold on for me, please? Look at me, just look at me-"
No matter how much I pleaded, Jace took his last breath, his head resting on the side.
There was a pain in my throat as I screamed Jace's name as loud as I could, but I couldn't hear myself.
It was numb.
All sounds were nullified, and the pain in my chest was intensifying.
"I can't live without you, I can't- I need you, please-" I was grasping at non existent strings, letting out a cry, "Please come back, Jace- please!"
"Zee, I- I'm sorry." Valentine's voice filled my ears as I slowly looked back at him with complete hatred in my eyes, "I had no choice."
"No choice?" I got up, "I loved him. I loved him, more than anything in the world-"
"The two of you together are too dangerous." Valentine walked towards me, making me step back.
I grabbed my seraph blade from the ground, and right before I got do anything with it, I was knocked to the ground, everything going black.
My body aches as I finally opened my eyes, staring into the night sky.
There was a cool metal around my wrists and ankles, showing me that I was trapped in chains once more.
I slowly sat up, my eyes immediately falling onto Jace's dead body on the ground.
My eyes filled with tears instantly, "Ave atque vale."
Then, I see Valentine with the Mortal Sword as Cup, standing in front of the lake.
I immediately shouted, "Stop!"
Valentine stopped and looked back at me, "Good, you're awake, just in time to see history being made."
"You killed Jace." A tear slipped my eye, "How could you do that?"
"I'm certain he would have stopped me if I hadn't." Valentine came closer, "Zee, I loved that boy- like I loved Margaret and Jocelyn. See, their deaths were necessary sacrifices, if I'm going to save humanity."
"Don't lie to me- I'm tired of them." Another tear fell, "You've never loved anyone but yourself."
Valentine sighed, "If that were true, then why do you think I've kept you alive?"
Then, Valentine stepped into Lake Lyn and dropped the Mortal Sword and the Mortal Cup into the water, "Raziel, hear me! I call upon the Mortal Instruments and summon you into this mortal realm!"
There was a huge splash of water as Angel Raziel raised from the water, his light so bright that it made the darkness that surrounded us become light.
I pulled myself over to Jace, grabbing his steps and start rubbing it against the chains around my ankles.
"It has been a thousand years since I was last summoned to this place." Raziel said, "Why do you summon me now, Nephilim?"
Valentine was pleased with himself, "My Lord Raziel, the great men and women in the lineage of Shadowhunters, which you have created here, have failed in their mission to rid this world of demon scum."
"I see you are impatient." Raziel noticed, "What is it you ask of me?"
Valentine stares at the Angel, "The immediate death of all evil-blooded creatures, demon and Downworlder alike, as well as the disloyal Shadowhunters who protect them."
"The destruction of the souled creatures of the Downworld, and of our own Nephilim?" Raziel repeats, "That is not Heaven's wish."
Valentine exhales deeply, "What?"
"But- thou who spills thy blood thou shalt compel from me an action." Raziel said, a light shining in Valentine's eyes.
Right when Valentine was about to cut his palm, the chains broke, as I got up, grabbing him and pulling him back, throwing him to the ground, Raziel now not fully here anymore, but his light shined.
Valentine got up, and swung at me, as I ducked and punched him in the face.
I fought as much as I could, with all the strength I had, my screams echoing through the night along with Valentine's grunts, as he threw to the ground.
I got back up and did my best to block every attempt he had to hurt me, but soon enough he had me on the ground again, my head aching from the amount of hits he got on me.
Blood dripped down the side of my head as I looked up, watching as Valentine inched closer to me, holding a rock in his hands, "I've worked too long I've sacrificed too much to let anyone stand in my way- even my own daughter."
Then, I saw the knife he had killed Jace with.
I grabbed it and slit his throat, the rock falling from his hand and going to his neck, his eyes wide.
I got up and piercing the knife into him, stabbing him over and over as he slowly fell to his knees, staring at me in the eye with wide eyes.
"You took everything from me." I stared down at my father with pure hatred, "How does it feel when I'm taking something that you made so many sacrifices for- something you worked so damn hard for- from you?"
I stabbed him once more as he fell to the ground, dead.
I ran over to the Angel, cutting my palm and letting my blood drip into the water, raising Angel Raziel once more as he spoke, "Angel-blooded one."
"I don't want Downworlders to die, please, you can't let them die!" I immediately said, "I want another wish."
"You may compel me to one action, Zee Morgenstern." Angel Raziel's light shined brighter, "What is it that you ask?"
I swallow, "You know my name."
"Concern yourself not with what I know, but rather, what can be." Angel Raziel said to me, "If you have a desire, ask me now, and be wise. I will grant but one."
"Jace." His name slipped out of my mouth immediately, "Bring Jace back, please bring him back."
There wasn't nothing else I wanted so badly than to have him back. I needed him more than anything.
Nothing in the world came in compare to wanting the man that I love back.
Angel Raziel disappeared and the darkness of the night returned as I ran over to Jace, falling onto my knees, "Jace?"
When he doesn't move, the pain in my chest was burning a hole through my heart, tears streaming down my cheeks, "Oh, Jace."
Then, suddenly his head moves, slowly turning toward me, his eyes slowly opening and widening when he sees the condition I'm in, grabbing my hand, "Are you okay?"
"Oh my God, Jace." I held his hand tightly, kissing it right away, squeezing my eyes shut as I let out a cry of relief, "You're okay, you're alive-"
Jace notices Valentine's dead body and slowly sits up, keeping a hold of my hand, "What happened?"
"I killed him." My voice came out as a whisper, staring into his eyes, "Valentine raised the Angel, and before he could kill all the Downworlders, I killed him- and used the wish to bring you back."
Jace's eyes were wide, filled with shock and admiration, "You could have had anything else in the world and you chose me."
"Jace, you are my world." My voice broke, my hands moving and resting on his shoulders, fresh tears slipping out of my hands, "You're my everything- I don't have a world without you."
Jace stares at me, his voice as quiet as mine, "Bringing people back there's always a consequence."
"By a warlock, maybe- but, this was granted by the Angel himself." I gave him a weak smile of hope, "This is a gift."
"I have never loved anyone the way that I love you." Jace grabs my face and pressed my lips into his, as I melted into the kiss instantly, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"They're okay-" Alec's voice filled our ears, along with multiple footsteps, making me pull away from Jace and look back, seeing Isabelle, Magnus, Alec and Clary.
Clary smiles at us, "Actually, they're more than okay."
"Jace, I- I thought you were dead." Alec looked shaken as Jace pulls me up with him, "Our rune- it disappeared."
Jace looks straight at him, "Look at it now."
Alec lifts up his shirt and looks at the rune that was now there, looking back up at Jace, "How?"
I opened my mouth, "I-"
"We don't know." Jace cuts me off and squeezes my hand, signaling for me to stay quiet as I looked at him in question.
"It's over." Alec looked at Valentine, then towards his parabatai.
Jace hugged Alec, as my eyes stayed glued to the father I had just killed.
"To the Downworld!" A drunk Luke held up a bottle of champagne in the Hunters Moon, as we all cheered after him, "To the Shadowhunters!"
Isabelle stood with me, looking at me when Luke stopped shouting, "You know, I really wish Max was here."
"I know, but the important thing is he's gonna be okay, right?" I held the glass of champagne in my hand, patting down my dress, "He has an amazing family to look out for him- and so do I."
My hair was curled and I was dressed in a burgundy long sleeve ruffled wrap dress, black heels on my feet.
"You know, I grew up surrounded by brothers, who I love with all my heart." Isabelle smiles at me adoringly, "But- deep down, I've always wanted a sister."
"Well, now you've got two." I smiled sweetly and hit my glass against hers lightly, taking a sip of my champagne.
Isabelle pulled the glass from her lips and looks behind me, gesturing behind me and walking away.
I turn to see Simon walking over to me with a smile on his lips, "I'm really glad you're here, Young."
Before I could reply, he quickly adds in, "And you do realize that this party would have been a funeral if it weren't for you."
"Well, I'm capable of many things." I joke, earning a laugh from him, "I'm really glad we're friends again."
Simon went quiet, the smile remaining on his lips as I shot him a suspicious look, "Best friends? Super mega best friends?"
Simon winks at me playfully, "I can settle for super mega best friends."
"Well, aren't I lucky?" I laughed lightly, before gesturing towards Maia, "Uh, by the way someone is looking for you."
"Uh- don't mind if I do." Simon smiles at me and walks away, towards Maia.
I set my drink down and walked over to where Jace sat at the bar, wrapping my arms around him and laying my chin on his shoulder, "Hey, loser."
Jace looks at me, "Oh, I'm the loser?"
"Yeah." I laughed lightly, kissing his chest, letting go of him and standing next to him, looking at him, "Actually, I need to ask you something."
Jace waits for me to speak, as I inhale sharply, going serious, "Today, at the lake, when Alec asked you about dying, why didn't you tell him what happened?"
Jace took a sip of his drink, "Some things are just better left unsaid."
I placed a hand on his back, "Is something wrong?"
"No." Jace shrugged lightly, as I shot him a look, "I mean, look, look around- you know, we did it- you did it, we won, everything's good."
I look between his eyes, "You don't seem good."
"Zee- I'm fine, okay?" Jace assures me, "Just for now, can you can you keep this between us?"
I shrug, "Yeah, sure- I guess."
"Zee!" Luke walks over to us and engulfed me into a hug, "You sweet, sweet girl!"
"You're so drunk-" I laughed, hugging back, pulling away from him.
"Jace!" Luke held his arms out, "Come on, bring it in!"
"No- I don't do hugs." Jace immediately denied and points to me, "She's the only exception."
Luke practically pouts, "No?"
Jace shook his head, "Wet dog, man- wet dog."
Luke puts his hands up in defense, "I'm sticky, I know."
Jace points at him, "You are sticky."
"I am coming back for you, though." Luke points back and backs away, "I will come for you, son!"
I looked at Jace, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine, I promise." Jace pecks my lips, "I need some air, okay?"
Then, Jace got up and left the Hunters Moon.
authors note:
I loved this chapter so much
also, it's four am, and nobody really knows what they're doin
^ if you don't know where that's from-
but, jk it's actually 5 am
thank you for 8k !
also, go read redamancy !!!
vote and comment loadsss
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