Isabelle sighs as her, Jace and I walked through the streets and right for Sebastian's apartment, "Zee, don't."
"No, Iz- I knew there was something off about Sebastian or- Jonathan, damn it." I inhale sharply, walking faster, "I should've never second-guessed myself. I should've trusted my gut like I always do."
"Hey, don't blame yourself." Jace said from behind me, "He would've found his way into our lives, one way or another, the only thing that matters now is taking Jonathan and Valentine out."
We burst into Sebastian's apartment the minute we enter the building, holding our weapons tightly.
There he was, his back turned towards us, seated in the chair, not moving.
"Jonathan!" Isabelle calls out, holding her staff.
Jace took a step closer, "Turn around and face us."
I followed Jace's actions, "Where is Valentine?"
When Sebastian doesn't reply, Isabelle reaches over with her staff and turns him in his chair, revealing a beaten and bruised Sebastian Verlac.
"Oh my God." I almost gasp, "Did Valentine kill him?"
Isabelle lets down her guard, "He's been dead for days."
"Tortured first." Jace's eyes scan the dead body, "This was the real Sebastian Verlac."
This made me angry.
Jace closed Sebastian's eyes, stepping back, "Ave atque vale."
Isabelle, Jace and I recite together, "Hail and farewell."
When Sebastian's body starts moving, my eyes widen, "Jace-"
Sebastian's eyes snap open, as he snarls, launching up in the air, attaching himself to the wall and growling down at us all.
"It's a possessing demon." Jace held ground, holding his blade ready, as we all stood straight.
"The same kind that murdered my mom." I stared at Sebastian, who snarled at us.
"Then we know how to kill it." Isabelle exhales deeply when Sebastian launches himself at me, her grabbing him by her whip and Jace killing the demon, leaving Sebastian's dead body on the ground.
Isabelle stares down at him, "We'll make 'em pay for what they did to you."
I believed in Jonathan. But, now I've realized what he's done, I couldn't any longer.
I crouched, my eyes raking down the dead body, pure hatred in my tone, "We're going to make them pay for everything."
"Have you notified the Verlac family yet?" Inquisitor Herondale asked us, as Jace and I stood behind Alec in his office, the video chat going.
Alec replies to this, "The Penhallow daughter, Aline, will deliver the message in person, Madame Inquisitor."
"Defiling the body of a fallen soldier and turning it into a booby trap is sadly par for the course for Valentine, isn't it?" Inquisitor Herondale said.
"The possessing demon wouldn't have done this its own." Alec explained, "The trap could only have been set using the Mortal Cup to command it."
Inquisitor Herondale scoffs, "So- he had it all along."
"And our intel shows he's also in possession of the Mortal Sword." Alec adds in.
Inquisitor Herondale sighs, "Do you have any good news for me today, Mr. Lightwood?"
"Valentine and Jonathan believe that the New York Institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror." Alec informed her, "They won't leave the city without it."
Inquisitor Herondale looks away for a moment, "Thank the Angel that at least he wasn't able to find that."
"We were." Alec nods toward me, "Zee."
"My connection with the Angel led us to it." I spoke up, crossing my arms, "It's in Idris, the mirror is Lake Lyn."
"That's the very same water that Raziel first rose from." Inquisitor Herondale inhales sharply as she was caught off guard, "Who else knows about this?"
"Unfortunately, the number of people we can trust is getting smaller by the day." Jace began, "We thought it best to tell you first."
"We'd like to officially request soldiers from the Guard to be placed in the surrounding woods around the lake." Jace continued, "It may only be a matter of time before Valentine realizes he's been had."
"I'll speak to Consul Malachi about deployment at once." Inquisitor Herondale nods, then hung up, "Good hunting."
Jace exhales deeply and came from behind the desk, rounding so he was facing Alec and I, "So- what do we do now?"
"There's only nine million people in the metro area." I estimate, dropping my arms, sarcastically speaking, "How hard could it be to find two?"
"The job is too big to go alone." Alec exclaims, "We need to ask for help."
Jace crosses his arms, "From who, Alec?"
Alec got up, "From everyone."
"Where, oh where is Simon?" The Seelie Queen asked as Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Alec and I walked into the meeting room where all the Downworlder leaders were.
"Your Highness." I clear my throat and cross my arms, looking at her straight in the eye, "What an unpleasant surprise- I might have to bleach my eyes out after this."
Alec shoots me a look, "I'm sure she didn't mean to-"
I looked at him, "Oh no- I meant it."
"No offense, Alec, but I agree with Zee." Jace places a hand on my back, "Your Majesty is this another one of your little games?"
"Well, my previous game certainly got you two together, so I don't understand why you're both upset." The Seelie Queen sat up, "The Institute called an emergency meeting of the Downworld Council. I speak on behalf of the Downworld."
Something crosses over Alec's face that I couldn't decipher, "Magnus, is this true?"
"Henceforth, when you need anything from the Downworld, you shall address me, Mr. Lightwood." The Seelie Queen speaks up, "Such is the nature of our new agreement."
"Your Highness, Valentine believes the Institute has the Mortal Mirror; and he's not going to leave the city without it." Alec took this professionally, "I would like the Downworld's help in locating him."
The Seelie Queen scoffs, "In order to capture him so that he might escape once again?"
Alec doesn't hesitate, "In order to execute him so this threat may finally end."
"Why should we believe you?" The Seelie Queen asked, and it seemed like all she wanted was to argue back and forth.
"I understand why you might doubt my intentions after what happened with the Soul Sword, and for that, I am sorry." Alec sincerely said, "But- I founded this council to make things more transparent between the Downworld and the Clave."
The Seelie Queen shot back, "And how has that been going?"
Alec stares at her, "It's been a bit of a work in progress."
"For far too long, the Downworld has depended on the Clave and your Institute to protect us from men like Valentine." The Seelie Queen said, "It's time we learnt our lesson and started fighting for ourselves."
"We can't do this alone." Alec argues, "Valentine is a threat to all of us."
"The answer, Shadowhunters- is no." The Seelie Queen got up and began leaving the room, gesturing for Magnus, Raphael and Luke to follow, as they did, "Come along."
Clary spoke to Luke after Alec and Jace, as I watched him, not pleased with any of this.
"Luke, wait!" I ran after him as I saw him turn to leave, as he stops, looking back at me.
"Why are you doing this?" I stop in front of him, "You and I both know the Seelie Queen doesn't have your best interests at heart."
"To be honest, I don't think she has a heart." Luke remarks quietly, "Look, I gotta think of my pack."
"Her Court can protect us from anything that Valentine and his son can throw at us." Luke inhales sharply, "The Institute can't."
"I hate her- but, I understand." I hugged his middle tightly, squeezing my eyes shut, "No matter what don't let either of them leave the city."
Luke held me for a moment, then pulled away, "Me and my wolves will die trying."
"Please don't." I stare at him, as he gave me a weak smile before walking away, and leaving the Institute, not looking back.
I turn, noticing Jace and Alec stood behind me, their eyes on me, as if they were expecting some sort of reaction.
"I'm not going to start crying if that's what you think." I look between them, but then walk over to Jace with my arms out, "But, I do need a hug."
"I will gladly oblige." Jace wraps his arms around me and held me delicately, his cheek leaning against my head as I squeezed his middle, pressing my cheek against his chest.
"Sorry to interrupt." I burst through the doors into the kitchen of the Jade Wolf, looking between Simon and Maia.
"Zee." Maia's eyes fell on me, "Long time."
"Hey, Maia." I greet her, giving her my sweetest smile, then looked at Simon, "Um- Simon, we need to talk- please?"
"Yeah." Simon nods softly and follows me outside, looking at me.
"So, you and Maia, huh?" I had my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket.
Simon shot right back teasingly, his hands in his front pockets of his jeans, "So, you and Jace, huh?"
"Touché." I softly laugh, earning a smile from him, "Yeah, Jace and I."
"Maia and I." Simon mimicked the way I spoke, "Yeah- I guess- it kind of just, uh- happened."
"If it makes you happy, then that's totally good, Simon." I stopped, looking at him, squinting lightly because of the sunlight, "There's nothing more that makes me happier."
"And Jace." Simon mentions, "He makes you happy."
The corner of my lip turns up lightly, joking lightly, "Well, yeah, he's alright."
This earns a laugh from the both of us, then silence rose.
"Hey-" I reach up and nudge his shoulder a little, "I miss you- like a lot."
"I miss you, too." Simon smiles down at me as I threw my arms around him and hugged him for a few moments, before pulling away, "But- take it from someone who knows all of your looks, this is not just checking in with my best friend."
I cross my arms, "Well, aren't I just an open book to you?"
"What's wrong?" Simon cut to the chase.
I drop my arms and take a deep breath, playing with my hands, "Given everything that you and I have been through, I know that asking you for a favor right now might be a little awkward-"
"Derek Russel's seventh birthday party." Simon cuts me off, recalling the memory, "You sat in chocolate ice cream, and were afraid people might think-"
My hands flew to my temples as I grew red with embarrassment right there, squeezing my eyes shut and scrunching up my nose, "Yeah, you switched pants with me so that nobody would notice-"
"And I was never invited to another one of his birthday parties ever again." Simon laughed, "That's awkward- this is us."
"You know I always have your back, Young." Simon nudges me lightly, "And there's no job that's too big."
"Since you're putting it that way." My hands drop to my sides, "I need you to talk to the Seelie Queen."
Simon pats my shoulder and began turning, "That job's too big."
"Simon!" I grab his arm, "I'm sure Luke filled you in about what happened at the Downworld Council meeting."
"Look, of the Clave goes to war with the Downworld, everything that we know and love will be destroyed." I persuade, "And you, Simon Lewis, are the one person on the planet that even has a chance of getting that bitch to change her mind and work with us."
Simon's eyes scan my face, "And how do you know this for sure?"
"The minute we walked in, she asked about you." I reasoned, placing a hand on my hip.
"Me?" Simon repeats as I hum in response, "At the meeting for the fate of the whole world?"
"Yes- just, please!" I pressed my palms together, "She'll at least hear you out."
"I thought you weren't supposed to be helping us." I immediately say when Luke's voice came through the line as I stood with Jace at the Ops Center.
"Consider this an anonymous tip, kiddo." Luke said, making me smile a little, "We ran down his Circle members, but we lost Valentine when Jonathan grabbed him and pinballed up three fire escapes and leapt out of sight."
Maia speaks, "Yeah, Blondie moves like a demon."
"That's because he is one." I sigh deeply, as Jace pulls up a hologram of New York.
Maia says, "Well, on the plus side, he won't get very far."
"Yeah." Luke agreed, "By the order of the Queen, warlocks have put up wards all around the city. No portals or travel, in or out, for anyone with Nephilim blood. A Shadowhunter crosses that threshold, they get vaporized."
"So be careful." Luke said before the line cut out, "We'll continue the hunt on our end."
"Hey, spread the word." Jace told a few Shadowhunters, "Shadowhunter movement into and out of the city stops immediately."
Jace came back to my side, "No more Shadowhunters die today."
"Hey." Alec joins us, "Clary and Isabelle are on their way back with Rufus; guess who just tried to portal to Idris?"
"Valentine must know that we don't have the Mirror." Alec looks between Jace and I, "And, presumably, where the real one is."
Jace puts a hand on Alec's shoulder when he notices the worried expression on his face, "Look, let's stay focused on what we can control, not what we can't. We will figure this out.l
"So- we're stuck inside the city along with them now, but have no way of finding him-" Alec's voice began to fade as I zoned out, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over me.
My eyes were glued in front of me, all the runes I've ever drawn flashing before my eyes, the dizziness disappearing.
"Jace, I need you." I speak up and catch their attention, "I can track Sebastian."
"So- you want to use your blood to track your un-trackable brother through the Angelic connection that you and I share?" Jace followed me into the courtyard, as he tossed his leather jacket onto the bench, "Well, totally- that sounds great, doable."
I could hear the sarcasm in his tone, "Do you have any better ideas, Jace?"
Jace simply smiled, as I tossed my leather jacket next to his, tying my hair into a loose ponytail.
"I want to try it." I flipped my stele between my fingers, "Jonathan and I both have Morgenstern blood in our veins."
"I had this flash of a rune when I was thinking about the four of us." I cross my arms, "I may be going out on a limb here but- maybe I can use our shared connections to figure out where Jonathan is."
"But, hey." I drop my arms and drew the rune on my left arm, stepping directly in front of Jace, "This from the girl who can shoot sunlight out of her hand and make portals out of thin air."
Jace shot me a look, a smile playing at his lips, "Well, sometimes."
"Will you shut up?" I scoff playfully, giggling as I stared up at my boyfriend.
"Well, you can definitely make me." Jace made the move and wrapped an arm around me, kissing my lips into mine for a few seconds.
I pulled away a few moments after melting into the kiss, "Jace, we have to focus!"
"Okay, all right-" Jace pulls his hands up in surrender, as I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from smiling wider.
My eyes scan his arms, seeing no room for me to put another rune, "Help me find a blank spot?"
"If you wanted me to take my clothes off, you should've just asked." Jace teased, slipping off his shirt, as I playfully roll my eyes at him.
My eyes fell onto his bare chest, blinking a few times, clearing my throat.
"You've seen it before- multiple times." Jace decided to pick another joke, "Does it still shock you?"
"Jace, oh my god-" I playfully hit his arm, then ran my stele over an empty spot on his chest, drawing the rune that was on my arm.
Then, suddenly, all jokes and games were gone.
One by one, Jace and I's runes glowed gold, along with a good light shining over us, but for some reason I couldn't look away from Jace.
While trying to track Jonathan, the rune seemed to connect us, an overwhelming feeling of what I felt for Jace washing over me, the same for Jace.
Except, this feeling was stronger.
Jace held my face, my hands on his chest, our face inches apart as we stared into each other's eyes.
In that moment, we were completely serious. It was only how we felt, and it felt like everything deep down just combined with what was at surface and overwhelmed us both, keeping us drawn to each other.
Then suddenly, the connection breaks, rushing air coming between us, making Jace and I both jump back from each other, breathing heavily.
That feeling was nothing I've ever felt before, and I knew Jace was thinking the same thing.
Because, in that moment he looked like he realized something, something about what he felt, how he felt.
"Why would they hide in a graveyard?" Clary asked the minute we all came out of the portal I created.
Isabelle walks further, looking around, "They probably raided an old weapons cache."
Jace also looked around, "Doesn't explain what happened to everybody else here."
Alec observes, "I don't think they left."
"Another demon trap." Isabelle exhales deeply.
Alec looks between us all, "Let's split up."
"I'll go with Alec." Jace speaks up quickly.
I spoke up in unison with him, "I'll go with Izzy and Clary."
Jace and I looked at each other.
Alec looks between us, "Okay."
I wasted no time, running off with Clary and Isabelle, running through the graveyard, up the steps and into the building.
Isabelle was the first to speak, "Wanna talk about whatever happened between you and Jace at the Institute?"
Clary held her dagger, "I thought you were good- I mean, you guys are dating and now you're acting all weird."
"I feel weird." I inhale sharply, looking around, holding my seraph blade tight.
Isabelle questions again as we looked around, "And why is that?"
"I'm assuming you guys won't leave me alone until I tell you so-" I huff, "While Jace and I were trying to track Sebastian, we both got this weird feeling."
Clary looks at me, "What kind of weird feeling?"
"It was an overwhelming one- I don't know what it was." I admit, "But, we were really drawn to each other and then suddenly it just broke, and I just feel- weird."
"That makes no sense." Clary said, making me roll my eyes.
"Stop." Isabelle called after Clary who looked back at her, a woman holding her arm out while holding a necklace with a cross on it.
"What?" Clary hadn't noticed her yet, "I was joking."
"Clary-" I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, looking at the woman, "Is she hurt?"
"No-" Isabelle inhales sharply, "She's forsaken."
Then the old women roared at us, her mouth dripping with demon blood.
When she ran towards us, all kinds of people Forsakened just like her came at us from all different directions.
I fought with my seraph blade, Clary with her dagger and Isabelle with her staff, grunts leaving our lips with every move, taking down each and every one together, blood splattering onto all of our faces.
When we thought we were done, two more came at me and knocked my seraph blade out of my hand, about to attack me when an arrow when through their heads, killing them, as they dropped to the ground, Alec being revealed to have saved my life.
"Thanks." I grabbed my seraph blade and flipped it in my hand as he walked over to us.
"No problem." Alec walks over, "I think that's the last of them."
Isabelle hugs her brother, "Alec, are you okay?"
"I'm okay." He hugs back.
I looked up at him, "Where's Jace?"
Alec sighed deeply, "Sebastian- we gotta find them."
Clary's eyes widen when she looks past us, "Guys!"
We spun around to see more Forsaken's making their way towards us, growling and snarling.
Alec already had his bow and arrow aimed and ready, as I stood next to him, holding my seraph blade tight, Clary and Isabelle armed and ready behind us.
"Izzy- Zee, Alec and I got this." Clary told her, "Go get Sebastian."
"Clary's right- you've got the whip." I looked back at her, "The electrum- we know it can hurt him."
"Go!" Clary called out, as Isabelle runs off.
I wasn't paying attention, as a Forsaken launches themselves at me, Alec shooting an arrow and killing them, "Will you pay attention?"
"I looked away for one minute!" I shot back at him, as more came for us all, the three of us taking down the Forsaken's that were in our way.
Minutes of fighting later, I looked around when no more came, Clary speaking, "I think that's the last of them."
"Alec already said that- and guess what? I almost became Forsaken lunch." I ran a hand through my hair, breathing heavily.
"Come on!" Alec calls out as Clary and I ran outside after him, and towards the bridge Sebastian, Isabelle and Jace were on.
When I skid to a stop, Jace pushed Sebastian off the bridge, his body splashing in the water, his demon blood surrounding him.
"Jace-" My voice was quiet as I came to his side, noticing his jacket drenched in his blood, as he held his side.
Jace wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side as I tried to look at his wound, "I'm okay."
My eyes fell onto Clary and I's brother, floating in the water, surrounded in his body as we all watched him.
Isabelle exhales deeply, "Hail and farewell."
"You know, you don't have to heal them all at once." Jace said as he was sat up on the medical bed in the infirmary, the bed arched up so he can lay back a little, shirtless as I healed his wounds.
I don't reply, staring at his wounds as I healed another.
"Hey, at least we got Jonathan, right?" Jace spoke again, trying to get me to look up at him.
"I wanted to believe in him- but, god- he tried to kill you." I looked at him, "He's the monster that Valentine described in his journals- I mean, if we would have been one second later, he would have- you would've been-"
"I'm sorry that he didn't turn out how you wanted him too- but not all people have as good as a heart as you." Jace touches my arm, "And- people die in war, Zee."
"I've lost a lot of people since I've arrived here- I've caused so much trouble, Jace." I inhale sharply, "I don't what I'd do if I lost you."
Jace stared at me with eyes filled with vulnerability and adoration, "You're not the only person afraid of losing someone."
My hand froze as I stared at him.
He sat up and grabbed my face, pressing his lips into mine, like he has done so many times. But, this kiss felt different.
authors note:
best gif I've used of jace , hands fucking DOWN
but, hi, they're the best ship ever
they're literally realizing some things bro, their relationship is taking a stronger level
book plug : go read redamancy , it's a jace book as well so if ya like this , go read that , you can find it on my profile !
vote and comment loadsss
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