Luke shouts as he pushed through the doors of the kitchen, leading into the empty restaurant of the Jade Wolf, right after we had just gotten back, "How could you not tell me that?"
"Luke-" I huff deeply, rushing after him, Jace right by my side, "The Downworld would be in complete chaos if they had any idea of what the Sword could really do."
Jace was backing me up, trying to explain also, "There would be uprisings everywhere."
"So, you're saving the Downworlders from themselves?" Luke spun around, accusingly, "We never asked."
"We didn't even know that Valentine could activate the Sword until Cleophas realized he had an angel." I inhale sharply, "I'm sorry- okay? I didn't want you to worry."
Luke turned his back towards me, his tone still harsh, "Well, it's too late for that."
Hurt and regret crosses over my features, Jace noticing this, "Look, you don't understand, all right-"
"No." Luke faced us again, ready to continue the argument, "I do understand- he has my sister."
I inhale a shaky breath, trading looks with Jace.
Luke between us, suspicion present in his expression, "What else aren't you two telling me?"
"The angel," I confessed, "He showed us something- it was a vision."
Jace nodded, "Just now, on the rooftop, he showed us both a vision of a demon that can destroy the Sword."
Luke's eyebrows furrow, "How do you know that's what he was telling you?"
"There isn't any other explanation." I spoke, fiddling with my thumbs, "When the demon touched the Sword, he and the Sword both disintegrated."
Jace took a step closer to him and sighed, "Luke, it was a demon I'd never seen before."
"Then go find it." Luke said, turning and heading towards the door, "I'll head out and see if that bastard left any clues for us to track him down."
"It's gonna be fine." Simon rambles on to himself, pacing, his eyes shifting from the water to the ground over and over, as I slowly walked closer to him, "You fought a cobra- you went to India. You can- totally tell her. It's Zee. It's not like it's- another cobra- that would be something."
"Simon." I called out, blinking a few times, "Sorry- if you had to wait long- I was- handling something with Jace."
Simon spun around, "It's okay- yup- yeah-"
"Simon?" I took a step closer, now a few feet away from him but directly in front of him, "Are you okay?"
"I'm very okay- hopefully." Simon then gestures toward the bench, "Do you wanna sit? I mean, standing works, too-"
"Simon." I said his name for the third time, "What's going on?"
Simon went silent, as if he was thinking about backing out of something.
I ran a hand through my hair as the breeze gently blew, "You- just- randomly text to meet you here at, like, 11:00 at night?"
Simon nods, clearing his throat, "I did that- yes, I did."
"Hey-" I trail off, my tone gentle, taking a step closer and placing my hand on the railing I stood by, "Did something happen with you and Maia?"
"Yes, something did happen." Simon confessed, walking over to me so I was only a foot or two away, "Um- look, Zee. The thing is, um-"
I smile lightly at his stammering and stuttering, "Simon, if I had a telepathy rune, I'd use it."
"Right- of course, okay." Simon clears his throat, "We've been friends- best friends for a long time- a really long time. And the last thing I'd ever want to do is screw that up. Because it's- it's really important to me."
My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "It's really important to me, too."
"But- the thing is, when two people are friends, people like you and me- sometimes feelings evolve, you know?" Simon rambled, "And the relationship, friendship, whatever it is, needs to change along with it-"
"Wait, so this is about Maia?" I was oblivious and confused to what he actually was trying to explain, "Do you think that we can't still be best friends because you're seeing her? I don't want you to think that-"
"No, see, that's it!" Simon blurts out, "I don't- I don't want to see anyone."
I blink, "What?"
"Anyone- anyone else, I mean." Simon corrects himself then sighed, "I'm in love with you, Zee."
Those words hit me hard.
My best friend was in love with me.
I always thought it was Clary he wanted to be with, or maybe he would've ended up with Maureen at some point, and now that Maia was in the picture?
I was completely shocked.
I felt as if I was over Jace, and considering that he was my brother, anything with him was completely out of the window.
But, Simon was in love with me.
He wanted to be with me.
And I've needed to move on ever since Jace.
This was my shot to move on.
And the thought of how sweet Simon was, it only made me feel warm inside.
Simon notices the shock on my face, "But, I realized that you might not feel the same way, and it might get weird-"
"Simon-" I closed the distance between us, placing my hands on his chest, instantly shutting him off, "Promise me something."
Simon's eyes flickered between mine, "Anything."
"This friendship is way too important to me to ever lose if something happens between us." I was already making future predictions due to my overthinking, "Promise me that- if we do this- no matter what happens, nothing will change. We will still be best friends- and have each other's back- that what we have now- won't disappear if something does happen. I need the reassurance."
Something shines in Simon's eyes, and I could feel his heartbeat quickening under my palm, "I promise."
I swallow hard before pushing myself onto my tippy toes and gently pressing my lips into his, the warming feeling inside of me only intensifying.
Simon almost instantly wrapping his arms around me and pulled me close, completely embracing the kiss.
I slowly pull away, my eyes locked with his.
"Was that weird?" Simon questioned, biting his bottom lip.
"So weird." I admit, this earning a small laugh from both of us, "But- good weird."
A smile forms on Simon's lips, "Really?"
I exhale sharply, softly smiling, giving him a small nod, "Yeah."
I slowly walked down the hall towards Magnus' apartment with Simon the next night.
It was Max's rune ceremony party; Magnus was hosting it.
Simon was dressed in a tux, while I was unfortunately wearing a dress.
The dress I wore was ended mid-thigh, sleeveless and off the shoulder, the straps were made of sheath appliqués, and the end of my dress also decorated with it. My hair was loose and curly, and there were black heels on my feet.
Simon's eyes were glued to me when we came to a stop in front Magnus' door, already hearing the music.
My eyes scan his expressions "Is there something on my face?"
"No, no, um-" Simon stammered, "You're great- you look- amazing- red is really your color-"
I smile lightly, "Simon."
Simon gestured between us, "Do you think anyone's going to notice that we're- uh-"
I shrug, "Only one way to find out, right?"
We both sigh in unison, before opening the doors, walking in, already being bombarded with absolute culture and amazement.
Simon and I hung out jackets, then joined the party.
Simon looked around as we made our way further into the party, my arm linked with his, "That is a lot of Shadowhunters."
"Yeah, 'cause it's a Shadowhunter party." I stated the obvious, then looked at him, "Are you okay with that?"
Simon inhales deeply, "I'll live."
"You're not alive." I point out, this earning a laugh from the both of us.
My laughter instantly disappeared when Jace walked up to his, holding a sangria in his hands, his eyes raking down my body for a moment, his eyes slightly widening, "Hey."
"Jace-" I blink, my eyes connecting with his, swallowing hard to try and calm down the sudden unusual feeling in my chest, "Hi."
Simon instantly went awkward, his tone croaky, "Hey."
Jace looked between us, being genuine, "Well, you two look cute together."
I don't reply, as Simon nodding for me, accepting the compliment, "Thanks."
"We were just heading to the bar to see what kinds of blood-types Magnus has on tap." Simon said, "Do you want anything?"
Simon then noticed the sangria in his hands, Jace softly chuckling, "I'm good."
"Okay." Simon nods, stepping away from us, my eyes following him as I caught how he slightly got red from the embarrassment, then walked over to Maia, whom was the bartender for it.
Jace caught my eyes again, his pupils dilated, "You look- amazing, by the way."
I swallow, crossing my arms, instead of folding my hands in, I let them hold onto my forearms, "Thanks, you look- great."
Jace softly smiled at me, "Well, I guess congratulations are in order."
I clear my throat, "I guess-"
Something flashes in his eyes as they stay connected to mine, "I'm happy for you."
"You are?" The words slip out of my mouth before I could think about them, causing me to jump to correct himself quickly, "I mean- thank you."
Jace gently laughs at me, then brings something up, "Did you remember the night we were here and you were going through the photo album you found with Alec at the apartment?"
"Yeah-" I recalled, "We took pictures that night to add to the album. It was just before we had to go to precinct to find the Mortal Cup."
"Do you remember the conversation we had?" Jace questions, his eyes scanning my face.
I blink, "What part should I be remembering?"
"The part where I said that it wasn't like I could get a picture of you killing a demon." Jace mentioned, then reached into the inside pocket of his blazer, then pulled a photo out, holding it out for me, "The newest addition to your photo album."
I uncross my arms and slowly took the photo from him, my eyes glued to it.
My heart stopped.
It was a photo of me using the sunlight rune I had created on the demon the day I went to Iris Rouse with Alec and Clary.
My stele was in one hand, and I was stretched to my full height although it was short, a hard look on my face, my palm faced toward the demon, sunlight being shot right out of my hand.
"Jace-" I whisper, holding the picture as if it was a delicate piece of art.
"The sunlight was too bright for me- and I thought about it in that moment so before you noticed me, I took it." Jace confesses, "I thought you'd like it."
"I- do- I really do-" I stammer, "How did you figure out how to print this?"
Jace admittedly spoke, shrugging lightly, "Clary kinda helped me with that- but all that matters is that you have it now."
"Jace, this is really thoughtful." I looked up at him, breaking out in a soft smile, my voice gentle due to how much this meant to me even if it was the littlest thing, "Thank you-"
He remembered a conversation between us and went through with something I didn't think he would.
Jace smiles, "You're welcome."
My head turns for a moment, glancing at Simon, having to do a double take when I see him with two drinks, leaving the bar with Maia.
Jace notices the look on my face, "Is everything okay?"
"I'll be right back-" I mutter, not giving him another look as I made my way in the direction I saw Simon and Maia go in.
I walked around Magnus' apartment, until I halt, my eyes falling onto something that didn't sit well with me.
Simon and Maia were making out on the balcony.
I scoff lightly to myself, feeling hurt.
How could he go on about how he secretly felt about me but then make out with her the next day?
I spun around, making my way in the other direction.
It wasn't moments until I heard Simon calling my name, "Zee!"
I kept walking.
"Zee, hey-" Simon grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him, "I've been looking for you."
I scoff, "In Maia's arms?"
"Oh, no, you saw us." Simon's eyes scan my expression, "Look, she kissed me. I- I didn't know what to do."
"That's it?" Tears burned in my eyes, "That's seriously all you have to say?"
"What you said about not wanting to risk the friendship and promising that if something happens that we'll still be close-" Simon trails off, "Maybe this is a mistake."
"So- you make out with Maia instead of just telling me?" A tear slipped my eye and fell down my cheek.
"No, we weren't- we weren't making out." Simon stuttered, "We were just, I don't know, having a moment."
"Wow, Simon-" I scoff lightly, crossing my arms.
"Look Zee, no matter how close we are, you will never understand what it's like to live like this."
Simon told me straight up, "But- she does, she gets it."
"Then why would you even bother confession your undying love for me if you're just going to dump me the next day for the bartender?" The tears in my eyes tell, as I shaking my head, walking away from him, and he didn't bother to follow me.
I made my way to the coat rack and placed the photo Jace gave me in my pocket; ready to grab my jacket and leave.
"Hey!" Magnus stops me, grabbing my arm, his eyes noticing my tears, "What's going on, biscuit?"
I stare at him for a second before sighing, my voice shaky as I stepped further back into the party with him and away from the coat rack, "It's Simon."
"He poured his heart out about wanting to be with me, and then-" I sniffle, "He takes Maia to the balcony- makes out with her and tells me that it was a mistake and Maia gets it, and that I don't."
"That doesn't sound like Simon." Magnus thought, "Are you sure you haven't had too much sangria? It's strong- I made sure of it."
"I haven't had any of it." I began to walk from him, "I need to go-"
"Hey, don't." Magnus stopped me again, "We'll figure out what's going on with Simon. But- tonight's about Max, Alec and Izzy. You'll never forgive yourself if you're not there for your friends."
I blink, wiping away my tears, "Okay."
I swallow hard, walking around, holding a sangria in my hand.
Magnus had given in to me in hopes that it would calm me down, and it was beginning to.
But the calming feeling didn't last very long when my eyes fell onto Simon.
Simon was in the corner with Maia, and they were unbelievably close.
Her hand was on his tie, as if they weren't close enough and was pulling him close, and Simon was just eating it all up.
I clench my jaw, setting the sangria in my hand down.
I began moving through people and making my way over to them, only for Magnus to stop me once more, "Slow down, hotshot."
"Magnus!" I bust, "You keep getting in my way!"
"Oh, no- I'm not letting you make a scene." Magnus argues, "This is an elegant affair, not an episode of The Real Housewives of Idris."
I scoff, gesturing toward Simon and Maia, "Tell Simon that, because I can't stand here while he hits on Maia right in front of me!"
Magnus looked back, then looked at me in confusion, "I think we have different idea of courtship."
"Everyone is acting completely insane." I huff deeply, "I need to get some air-"
"Not while you're hallucinating." Magnus pulled me to the side after noticing something with Izzy and Jace, "Stay right here while I figure out what's going on."
Then minute Magnus left me, I had spun around and make my way towards the door, tears brimming in my eyes.
Alec was the one to stop me this time, "Hey, are you leaving?"
I swallow, "I- no-"
"Are you crying?" Alec's eyebrows furrow, "What's wrong?"
I sigh deeply, "I just need some air-"
Something flashes in Alec's eyes, "What are you talking about?"
"I- just need air, Alec." I stare at him, "I won't be long."
Hurt and guilt flashed in Alec's eyes as he looked like he couldn't think straight anymore, turning away from me and walking away.
"Alec?" I blink in confusion.
I stood there for a few moments, processing what had just happened, my eyes following Alec taking the steps to the roof.
Then, I followed him.
The minute I reached the roof, Alec was stepping onto the ledge.
"Alec, no!" I gasp, rushing behind him, staying a few feet away, afraid that if I moved closer he would jump, "Alec- what are you doing?"
Alec had his back turned to me, staring down, "I'm sorry-"
"You're scaring me." I slowly took a step closer, "Alec, please, come down from there."
"I'm sorry I said you weren't a good Shadowhunter!" Alec blurted out, not daring to look at me, "I'm sorry- for everything!"
"Alec- what're you talking about?" I blurt out in panic, "I don't care- okay? It's fine- you don't need to do this-"
"I know- I know you wish I was dead instead of Margaret." Alec stuttered, and I could hear the guilt in his voice.
"Alec-" I was now raising my voice due to my fear, "I don't wish you were dead- you're one of my closest friends-"
Alec slowly faced me, breathing heavily.
"Take my hand." I held my hand out, "Please."
Alec doesn't move.
Then he tipped back, and fell off the ledge.
"Alec!" I screamed, making a run for the ledge, watching as Magnus' magic slowly brought an unconscious Alec up to the air and back onto the roof, setting him onto the ground, "Oh my god, Alec-"
I crouched, my hand resting on Alec's shoulder, as Jace, Isabelle, Clary ran up also, Magnus crouching on Alec's other side.
Isabelle looked at me, "What happened?"
"He started talking about how I hated him for killing my mom." I stammer, my voice shaky, "And then he was on the ledge and-"
"Hey-" Jace crouched next to me, his hand on my back, "It's not your fault."
"Alec?" Maryse ran up and over to her son.
"It's okay." Magnus said, "I sedated him when I pulled him from the ledge."
Jace's attention was diverted towards Maryse, "You know what, you stay away from him- you can't be trusted."
"I can't be trusted?" Maryse repeated, "Now you see why I was wary of having a party at a warlock's house."
Simon then joined us, "Wow- what's going on here?"
I scoff, looking at him, "Oh, what do you care? Maia is at the bar."
"Yes, and Alec's on the ground." Simon shot me a look, "Is he gonna be okay?"
"You're all gonna be okay." Magnus said, getting up, "Everyone just stay here- I'll be right back."
"What did you say to my son?" Maryse was picking an argument with me as Simon was picking on with Jace, "You don't think that Alec feels guilty enough? You brought him up here and-"
"Listen, I did nothing." I defensively said, "I did not bring him up here, I followed him-"
Magnus came back by us, holding his spell book.
He spoke a spell, but we were all too busy arguing to give any mind to it, and suddenly all the arguments stopped.
"Um, what's going on?" Simon looked between us all.
"I am so sorry." I got up and looked at Simon, "I know you didn't kiss Maia."
"You thought I kissed Maia?" Simon questioned, "What happened here?"
I crouched back down when I notice Alec's awake, "Alec-"
"It seems a warlock has been having a little fun at our expense." Magnus closed his spell book, but the minute he did it had disappeared from his hands, "Someone has taken my spell book."
Clary looked around when Magnus had trapped us all in his apartment to make sure no one left, "You're putting your wards up?"
"Nobody leaves until I get it back." Magnus made it clear, before making his way back to the apartment.
Magnus used his magic to search Raj, as we all stood in his living room, watching him do so.
Raj's mouth opens and closes, then he speaks, "I was this close to lining up a three-way and you guys let yourselves get spelled?"
"Is he the last one?" Jace questioned when Alec pushed Raj out when we knew he didn't have it.
"It appears I'm the only warlock here." Magnus took down his wards, facing us.
Clary spoke up, "Magnus, what happens if we don't find your spell book?"
"That's not an option you want to explore." Magnus points at her, "That book can undo every spell I've ever cast. From the elementary to the complex. In new and old languages-"
"Champenois. It's an old French dialect." Magnus realized, then said something in French, putting the wards up, "The red-haired cat."
"Magnus, what cat?" Alec questioned as we all followed Magnus into the bedroom he lead us on, Magnus hushing him.
Magnus began to slowly look around the room, causing us all to do the same.
Suddenly, we all caught eye of something under the sheets on the bed.
Jace neared it, pulling the sheets off as the cat yowled, making a run for the door, as Magnus using his magic to put the cat to it's true form, revealing Iris Rouse.
Iris faced us, and as we were ready to fight, she uses her magic, "Duratus!"
We were all frozen, except for Magnus.
Magnus had taken Iris out into the apartment, and all you could hear was the sounds of magic, screaming, crashing and grunts.
Minutes later, we could all move, and our first instinct was to go right after Magnus.
The minute we reached the living room, Magnus had Iris trapped, her eyes landing on me instantly, "Zee Young."
"You made a blood oath-" Her voice croaked, "Find Madzie!"
Magnus went her through a portal, "She's the Clave's problem now."
Alec brought up the begging question, "Okay, what is Valentine up to anyway?"
My mouth drops, my head turning toward Jace who stood next to me, who was already shooting me a disapproving look, knowing what I was thinking.
Jace mutters to me, shaking his head, "It's too dangerous."
"Jace, they're our family." I sigh quietly, "They need to know- I'm going to tell them."
Clary looked between us, "Know what?"
"The angel Ithuriel." I confessed, "Valentine was going to use him to activate the Soul-Sword, and he needs someone with pure angel blood to activate it."
Simon spoke from my other side, "Well, that doesn't sound good."
"It's not." Jace said, "With the Soul-Sword activated, Valentine could decimate the entire Downworld. The angel showed us a vision of a demon who could destroy the Sword, if we could find that demon, we could stop Valentine."
Magnus stares at us, "How did you two save the angel?"
Jace shot me the same disapproving look.
"Don't give me that look- we're telling them everything." I cross my arms, "We saved the angel- with runes the angel gave to me."
"New runes, Magnus." Jace adds with a sigh, "Ones no one's ever seen before."
Isabelle's eyebrows furrow, "Why did he choose you?"
"Honestly- I have no idea." I said admittedly.
"I might." Magnus inhales sharply, "Years ago, a Silent Brother told me about a special connection the original Shadowhunters had with the Angel Raziel. That they could communicate from afar through visions, because they were created from his blood."
Alec blinks, "Are you saying that-"
"Zee may have a blood connection to that angel." Magnus looked at me, "And that must mean she has pure angel blood."
"That's why Valentine wants Zee unharmed." Jace said out loud what we all realized, "Zee can activate the Soul-Sword."
"Soul-Sword." Simon repeats as he walked with me through the street, "Strange name for a weapon of mass destruction."
"Simon, we're not going to let him activate it." I hugged my jacket tighter around myself, "I'll do whatever it takes."
"Zee, you might be a Shadowhunter with all kinds of crazy abilities, that doesn't mean you can stop the inevitable." Simon continued to walk by my side.
I stop, and I couldn't help how guilty I felt.
I was the key to destroying the entire Downworld.
"It's not inevitable." I looked at him, "It can't be- and it won't be."
"Hey- this news of a Downworld apocalypse, it's not all bad." Simon grabs my hand, and I felt nothing when he did.
I scoff, "How so?"
Simon took a step closer to me, "Because now, it's clearer than ever I want to spend every minute of every day with you."
"To the Angel I entrust my life," Max said, stood tall at the ceremony, after Alec had walked him up, "And vow to uphold the laws of heaven."
Isabelle, Jace, Clary, Alec, Maryse and I were the only ones there, as I stood next to Jace, Clary next to Isabelle as we watched.
"I take this mark to honor him," Max repeated, "To bring his light into me, and vow to uphold the laws of heaven."
"So I may join the ranks of the Shadowhunters the guardians of peace." Max finished, as the Silent Brother seared the angelic rune onto his arm, everyone going over to Max when it was done.
But I stood still.
Jace began to take a step over to them but stopped, his eyes connecting with mine, his voice quiet, "Hey, you should know-"
"Valentine's coming for me." I finished his sentence, exhaling sharply as I faced him, crossing my arms.
Jace's hand moves and rests onto my lower back as comfort, "Which means I'm never letting you out of my sight."
I gave him a soft smile, before he gestures for me to follow everyone out, walking by my side as we made our way into the hall.
My footsteps slowed down when I saw Alec stood alone the minute we turned the corner, Maryse at the end of the hall.
I swallow hard, coming to a stop, "The ceremony was beautiful."
Jace nods in agreement, "Yeah, Max did great, huh?"
Alec barely nodded, agreeing, "Didn't even flinch."
Jace looks between us, "Give me a minute."
He then walks away and over to Maryse, as he needed to talk her, as much as I needed to talk to Alec.
"Alec," I moved so I was directly in front of him, my voice gently, "Whatever you heard me say when you were under the spell-"
Something flashes in his eyes as if he was recalling all the words I said, as he blinked a few times, his eyes connected with mine.
"I don't blame you for my mom, and I never did." I honestly told him, "You're one of my closest friends and I- I could never blame you for something like that. It wasn't your fault- and I know that."
Alec stayed silent, staring at me for a second as if he was waiting for me to break out laughing and tell him I blamed him for it all.
"I don't." I assure him, pressing it.
A small smile forms on Alec's lips, causing a smile to form on mine.
I hold my arms out, my eyes connected with his, my smile growing wider along with his as he simply rolled his eyes, stepping closer and giving me a hug.
I closed my eyes for a second and inhale deeply, hugging back.
That was one portion of the weight lifted off my shoulders.
authors note:
awh i love the brotp moment at the end ahhh
and jace with the photo, omgggg
agh i ship incest
she's gonna be with him soon tho don't worryyyy, it's a jace book !!!
but, vote and comment loadsss
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