I slipped on my navy blue leather jacket, walking down the hall at the Institute, pulling my medium length wavy hair out from between my shirt and jacket.
I halt, blinking a few times when I heard some sort of thunder rumbling.
A piercing, distorted screaming filled my ears, as one of my hands flew to my ear, letting out a small whimper of pain from this.
Suddenly, the screaming disappears and I noticed how no one reacted to it.
I stop Lindsay in the hallway, "Hey, did you hear that?"
Her eyebrows furrow under her bangs, "Hear what?"
"That sound just now." I blink, confusion falling over me.
"What sound?" She questions, "I didn't hear anything."
"Never mind." I shake my head, walking away from her, confusion still present in my mind.
"Simon!" I call out, making my way through where he stayed, my eyes falling onto him, noticing him buttoning up his shirt after I caught a glimpse of his shirtless body, "Wow-"
Simon looked away from the mirror and looked at me, exhaling, "Hey-"
"Hey-" I blink, "You look-"
He finishes my sentence, "Overdressed."
"No-" I shook my head, "Not at all- you look great, Simon."
"Really- it's not too wrinkled?" Simon walks over to me, "I mean I don't really own an iron, so-"
"What's with the shirt?" I cut him off, "You have plans?"
"Yeah." Simon conformed, "I'm hanging out with, uh- with Maia."
I softly smile, "Luke's Maia?"
"Well, she's not technically Luke's." Simon stammered, "I mean, they're part of the same pack, but that's-"
I put his stammering to a stop, "You guys are hanging out?"
"Yeah, I mean-" Something flashes in Simon's eyes as he looked at me, "That's okay, right?"
"No, that's unacceptable." I began to joke, keeping a straight face, "I am your only friend- It's in the bylaws."
Simon scans my face, "What's wrong?"
"What?" I stop, "Nothing, I'm fine."
"Look who you're talking to, Young." Simon took a step closer, "Come on, something's up. I can tell."
"It's nothing serious-" I stutter, then sigh, "Something really strange happened to me at the Institute, and I can't explain it-"
"What strange thing happened?" Simon questioned, then grabs onto my arms, "Look, I can I can totally reschedule. If you need me, I'm here."
"No!" I blurt out, "No, I'm- I'm fine. Go- and have a good time with Maia."
"You sure?" Simon asked, my phone chiming in my pocket, as I fished it out, noticing the angelic rune on my screen.
I stepped away from his touch, "I gotta go- actually."
Simon watched me as I backed away and towards the exit, "Don't worry about the wrinkles- she won't notice!"
"Any idea what this is about?" I sigh, meeting up with Alec in the hallway.
"Heard a big storm's moving in." Alec told me, walking by my side as we looked for Isabelle and Clary, "Always increases demon activity."
I looked at him, "And Jace?"
Alec shook his head. "Not here."
"Alec- wait," I catch his wrist, stopping in the middle of the hallway, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
Alec stopped and looked at me, "What?"
"Jace totally shut me out." I let go of his wrist, "He's not answering my texts- he hasn't said a word to me. I don't understand what's going on."
"Me neither." Alec's expression soften, then he sighs, gesturing for me to come along, "Come on."
"What did we miss?" Alec questioned when him and I walked over to Isabelle and Clary.
"Let's see." Isabelle touches the screen, "The Citadel was breached. Magdalena is dead. Cleophas is missing."
"Valentine-" I scoff, crossing my arms, "Who else could it be?"
Isabelle faces Alec and I, "Aldertree's heading to Idris to meet with the Council."
"Zee and I will go check with ops." Alec was already walking away from us.
"I- okay-" I rush after him, trying to keep up with his fast footsteps.
"So- you met Cleophas?" Luke questioned as I walked along side him through the night.
"At the Citadel." I told him, "I mean- I even considered asking her about this new rune ability-"
"Wait, hold it." Luke stops me, "Rune ability?"
I sigh, as he was the first one to know besides Jace, "I was somehow able to create a new rune."
"I didn't even know that was possible." Luke admits, as we made our way up the path towards the Jade Wolf.
"Neither did I." I confess, "But- it was the most incredible thing."
"I- I shot sunlight out of my hand." I stutter when we come to a stop in front of the doors, "Jace said not to tell anyone, but Cleophas was your sister, and if Valentine has hurt her or worse, I-"
"Hold it, hold it." Luke cuts me off, "Zee, listen to me- Cleo may not be the victim here, she could be working with Valentine."
"What?" I try to process his words, "There's no way- she's so dedicated to the Iron Sisters."
Luke revealed the truth, "When the Circle disbanded, she had to be."
"She was a member of the Circle?" I inhale sharply, "I didn't even realize."
"And she worshipped Valentine, followed him around like a little puppy." Luke added in, "When I finally figured out what Valentine was up to I'd lost my sister for good."
"We have to get her back, Luke." I cross my arms, "I mean- maybe there's still a chance to get through to her."
"I don't know." Luke was hesitant, "It might be too late."
"She's your sister, Luke." I shot back at him, "Don't you wanna at least try?"
"Told you, Zee." Luke crosses his arms, stood with Alaric, "I've used all the department's resources, there's no sign of her."
"There's got to be something." I argue, "Anything."
Luke shot me a look, "You're relentless, you know that?"
"It's my best trait." I shrug, then heard the door of the Jade Wolf open, my head turning to see who was coming in.
I was caught off guard when Cleophas was leaning against the wall for support, sliding her way towards us.
Her breathing was shaky, and her blood dripped on the ground, grunting in pain, beginning to collapse.
"Sister Cleophas!" I ran over and caught her quickly.
Luke followed right behind me, staring at his sister, taking a step back.
"Lucian." Cleophas heavily breathes out, "Help me."
I pulled my stele out, activating her Iratze rune, helping her up.
"Of all the places you could go, you chose to ask a Downworlder for help?" Luke's tone was accusing, "A soulless monster, a filthy animal, or have you forgotten all the names you called me? Because I haven't."
"Luke- just hold on." I stop him, "What happened at the Citadel?"
"Valentine's men infiltrated- we tried to fight them off." Cleophas stammered, "They- they killed Magdalena and took me."
"Only you?" Luke scoffed, "Why is that?"
"I don't know." She said, "He brought me to New York, locked me up- I managed to get a jump on one of his guards and fight my way out."
Luke shook his head, "You can't seriously expect us to believe that-"
"Luke, stop." I cut him off, my mouth open to speak but Cleophas beat me to it.
"It's okay, Zee." She assured, "Even Clarissa wouldn't be able to convince him I'm telling the truth."
"I know where Valentine's hiding." Cleophas inhales sharply and said straightforward, "I can lead you to him."
Now, I was sure she made this entire thing up.
"Luke, we have to do this." I faced Luke, putting on an act, "It's our chance to find Valentine."
"No way." Luke instantly denied, "I couldn't save Jocelyn or your mother, but I'll be damned if I put you in jeopardy."
I huff, "If we could just discuss this alone for just a minute-"
Luke was too fired up, "Not now, Zee."
"Luke!" I burst, "Now- please."
I walk away and behind the doors to the kitchen, as Luke followed me, "Look- I know my sister's convincing, but you can't fall for her lies."
"She's not that convincing." I cross my arms, "I didn't buy to begin with- her calling Clary, Clarissa just gave it away. I have only ever heard Valentine call her that."
"Well done." Luke blinked in surprise, "Now, what the hell are they planning?"
"We still need to figure that out." I sigh, my arms dropping to my sides, "Valentine has the Soul-Sword, Luke. If she can lead us to him-"
Luke shot me down, "Not happening."
"Well, isn't that what cops do?" I questioned, "Go undercover?"
Luke was quick to shoot back at me, "I didn't realize you had a badge."
"Well, suddenly I do." I shot right back, "This is our chance to make Valentine pay for what he did- to stop him before he hurts anyone else."
"No." Luke shot me down again, "We're turning Cleo over to the Clave- they have more resources."
"Since when does The Clave do anything?" I call out, "I mean- sure, we hand her over, but what does that do to help us stop Valentine?"
Luke stopped and looked at me, "You should've become a lawyer."
I roll my eyes, "Valentine had the Soul Sword- we have no idea what he might do next."
"Zee, we'll find another way." Luke assures me, "I'm gonna go talk to the pack- we're taking Cleo to the Institute."
"Luke!" I huff, when he pushes through the doors, leaving me alone in the kitchen.
Minutes later, I moved and stood by Cleophas, my arms crossed.
"Pretty cold-blooded, turning your sister over to the Clave." Alaric said to Luke, stood by the doors with him.
"Remember that the next time the pack tries to question my authority." Luke told him, "Get ready- we leave in five."
"It's time." Luke walks over to Cleophas and I, "Kiddo, it'll be okay."
"You believe in what you're doing." I sigh deeply, guilt pinging in my chest as I grabbed his taser from his back pocket, "And so do I."
I tased him, as he groans, falling to the ground.
I dropped the taser, running through the doors, calling out to Cleophas, "Let's go, now!"
Cleophas ran after me, as we left Luke at the Jade Wolf.
The thunder rumbles loudly as I walked through the alley with Cleophas, the wind growing stronger and stronger by the minute.
My hair blew in the air, as I looked at her towering figure, even despite the heels I wore, she still was so much taller than me.
I ran a hand through my hair, "Where are we going, exactly?"
"We're close." Cleophas simply said, continuing to walk.
"You realize by going against Valentine, you're risking your life?" I question, wanting her to break about working with him, "He'll never forgive you for this."
"I have to make amends." Cleophas dismisses, walking a few steps ahead of me.
I stop, gripping onto the nearest thing I could find when the screams from earlier had returned.
The distorted screams pierced through my hearing, causing a gasp to leave my lips, as my hands clutch my head.
"Zee!" Cleophas had stopped and was calling out for me, "What is it? What's wrong?"
My jaw clenched, as I spun kick, kicking her back as she fell into a few boxes.
I pulled her up by her neck and pushed her against the wall, the screaming getting louder, "What the hell are you doing to me, Cleophas?"
"Let go." Cleophas warned, taking a step closer so she wasn't against the wall.
I began to tremble, "The sound in my head- It's coming from Valentine, isn't it?"
"What sound?" Cleophas was confused, eyeing my condition.
I gasp, my free hand returning to my head as my voice went shaky and high, a gasp leaving my lips, "It's getting louder!"
"Activate my hearing rune." Cleophas instructs, then gestures toward the rune, "There."
I reluctantly let go of her, waving my stele over the rune, letting her listen in on the screams that just got louder and louder.
Once Cleophas took a listen, she looked stunned, "It's not possible."
"What is it?" I press, "Tell me- what is Valentine doing to me?"
"It's not Valentine." She looked at me, surprise and betrayal crossing over her features, "It is an angel."
I repeat, "Angel?"
"Here on earth." Her voice began to break, "I think he's holding him captive- the angel is crying out for help."
She looked away, whispering to herself, "Valentine- how could you?"
"His cry is so full of pain." She looked back at me, the betrayal present in her voice.
The screaming had disappeared once more, the storm just becoming stronger as it came further.
I shook my head, "You said angels were rare, that almost no one had ever seen one."
"It's unheard of." Cleophas stared at me, "Iron Sisters hear the angels whisper when we're forging our weapons, but even we've never seen one."
"To communicate with one, you must be blessed by the angels." Cleophas exhales, "Zee, you are blessed."
"I've had enough of your lies, Cleophas." I sneered, "I know you're working with Valentine."
I eyed her, "You killed Magdalena, didn't you?"
"I loved Magdalena." Cleophas admits, sniffling, "I thought Valentine I thought his way was the only way to make the world a better place- a safer place."
"No matter what sacrifices had to be made, but harming an angel, holding him captive-" Cleophas shook her head, "That goes against everything we believe in."
"Are you kidding me?" I scoff, stepping away from her, "Harming an angel goes against everything you believe in, but killing Downworlders doesn't?"
"You don't understand- an angel is pure goodness." Cleophas spoke, her voice shaky, "They're the embodiment of what Shadowhunters stand for. If Valentine's harming an angel, then everything we love will be destroyed."
"Luke was right about you. I should've listened to him-" I grab her arm and pulled her along in the alley, "You're the Clave's problem now-"
"No, please!" Cleophas tugged back and stopped me, "Let me take you to Valentine."
"And have me fall right into a trap?" I shot back, "I don't think so.
"We have to free the angel." Cleophas begged, then offered, "Then I'll turn myself in."
"And why would you help me now?" I pull my arm away, "After everything you've done?"
"Don't you see the storm coming?" Cleophas mentioned, taking notice of it, "If Valentine has the angel and a bolt of lightning-"
"He can activate the Soul-Sword." I said in realization, then looked at her, huffing, "Damn it- come on."
I ran through the alley, Cleophas by my side, hearing car tires screech on the road.
I skid to a stop when we reached the sidewalk, Luke getting out of his car, aiming the gun right at Cleophas, Jace getting out the car also.
For a moment, I was distracted, my voice falling quiet, "Jace-"
The lightning cracks in the sky as Luke was firm, "Cleo, you hurt her, I'll drop you where you stand."
"Wait, no!" I jump in front of Cleophas, guarding her, "Luke- don't do it."
Jace's eyes went slightly wide, "Zee, get out of the way!"
"Luke, don't!" I raised my voice, ignoring Jace, "We need her."
"If Valentine needs lightning to activate the Sword, he probably put Ithuriel up on the rooftop." I told Jace, holding my seraph blade as we rushed up the steps of the building Cleophas lead us to.
Jace shot me a look, "Cleophas could have been lying, Zee."
"She's not, Jace." I denied, "Not about this."
"How do you know?" Jace questioned, holding his seraph blade steady.
"I just know." I dismiss, jogging up the steps faster.
"Zee-" Jace grabbed my arm and stopped me, "You don't know. She could just be baiting you to get you killed."
"Jace." I don't pull away from his touch for some reason, my eyes locking with his, "You didn't see the look on her face when she realized Valentine was torturing an angel."
"Trust me." I gently said, unwillingly pulling my arm from his hold, running up the rest of the steps, "She's not lying about this."
I swung open the door, Jace right behind me as we ran out to the roof, noticing three of Valentine's men guarding the chained angel.
Jace was quick, rushing towards them, fighting off one man, as the other two made their way to me when I followed him.
I grunt, trying to make do with what training I had, dodging and blocking the swings of their swords.
I kick one of them back, Jace turning and impaling his blade into him, killing him on the stop, before returning to the one he was dealing with.
It only took a few moments, because Jace was on the other side of the Circle member that I had took on after killing the one he dealt with, the both of us finishing this one off together.
Jace's hair blew in the strong wind as did mine, the man dropping between us, Jace's eyes locking with mine.
We both paused for a moment, before I blinked, rushing back into reality, realizing the angel was still chained.
"Jace- the angel!" I turn and rush towards the angel, Jace right behind me, "We have to hurry-"
The storm got stronger, along with the wind as we attempted to break the angel free.
Jace and I grip the chains, trying to pry them off the angel. Then, I grabbed out my stele, trying to use it to break the chain from the ground, Jace using his seraph blade to repeatedly hit the chain, trying to snap it.
"Jace- stop!" I raise my voice, shoving my stele back into my back pocket, "Nothing's working!"
Jace grunts, breathing heavily from hitting the chain over and over and looks at me, "You're right-"
I looked at him, "Why can't we break the chain?"
"I don't know." Jace admitted, "Valentine must have used a warlock, some kind of dark magic."
The angel began to let out a familiar scream, as I dropped my seraph blade, my hands immediately going to my head.
I whimper, falling onto one knee, my eyes squeezing shut, the distorted scream he let out getting louder in my ears.
"Zee-" Jace fell to my side, "What's going on- what's happening to you?"
My eyes slowly open when I realize the angel was telling me something, as I quickly fished out the stele, forcing myself onto my feet, grabbing the angel's chained wrists.
"What's happening?" Jace got up also, "What are you doing?"
"He's-" I mutter, feeling as if I was insane saying this, my hand gliding as I drew the rune on the chain, "-communicating with me."
Jace stares at me, "He's- what?"
I stepped back when I drew the rune, the screaming disappearing, as the angel broke free of the hold from the chains.
He looked between Jace and I, holding his hands out for us.
I shot Jace a wary look, before grabbing one of the angel's hands, as Jace grabbed the other.
Suddenly, I was no longer looking at Jace, but the Soul Sword.
What looked like a demon in a cloak took a step towards the Soul Sword, gripping it, both it and the Soul Sword disintegrating into nothingness.
The vision disappeared from my eyes, as the angel let go of our hands, launching into the sky, the shine of light moving higher up until we could no longer see it anymore, the dark clouds in his path clearing as Jace and I watched.
My gaze slowly shifted from the angel when I felt Jace's stare on me, my eyes connecting with his, "What the hell just happened?"
authors note:
oml. just, oml.
vote and comment loads tho
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