Jace sighs, shutting the book in his hands, "Yeah, I'm not seeing it in the Gray Book."
"Well, isn't that supposed to have every single rune- to ever- exist?" I got up, putting down the drawing of the sun rune I had used, "I don't understand."
"Some of them are removed." Jace sets the book down, "They're reserved for the most elite members of the Clave."
"I can assure you I'm no where near elite, so-" I walked over to him, "Why would I know it?"
"Maybe you saw it somewhere and you don't remember." Jace suggests, shrugging gently.
"Jace- no- I promise- I've never seen it before until then-" I sigh deeply, "It appeared- in front of me, like a vision. Like something- or maybe even someone was trying to send me a message."
I beg the question, "I mean- how do you explain that?"
Jace sighs, "I don't know."
"I'll just go ask Izzy and Alec." I grab the drawing, "They could know something-"
"No- absolutely not." Jace grabbed my arm and stopped me, his touch making my heartbeat accelerate, "If you tell anyone else, they could be in danger, too."
I stare up at him, "How so?"
"The Clave is quick to persecute anyone or anything they don't understand." Jace told me, making me sigh once more.
There was a knock at my bedroom door, my head snapping towards it, "Come in-"
Isabelle slowly walks in, looking between us, "Just wanted to see how Zee was doing- but if I'm interrupting something-"
"Nope-" I pulled my arm from Jace's grasp.
"No-" Jace shook his head, clearing his throat, "Not at all."
Even with our denials, Isabelle had a small smile on her face.
Jace nods towards us, leaving the two of us alone, as I mentally sigh to myself, shoving the sketch of the rune into my sketch book, putting it away.
Isabelle closed the door and walked further into the room, "You holding up okay?"
"I miss her a lot." I admit quietly, sitting on the bed, "I wish I would've just went to Idris with her. It would've made her happy- and we would've left- and she wouldn't have died."
Isabelle sat next to me and grabbed my hand, nodding for me to continue.
"And then there's Luke." I sigh, "He's just vanished."
"Luke'll be fine." She assured me, "And so will you. It just takes time."
"How's Alec?" I quietly questioned, still concerned about him, "Is he okay?"
"I can tell he still feels horrible for what happened to your mom." Isabelle confesses, sighing.
"I never blamed him for it." I admit, "He can't keep blaming himself- I don't like seeing him that way."
"He's strong." Isabelle squeezes my hand in comfort, "He'll heal."
"I see you've healed." My eyes scan her, "I've never stabbed a friend before, so I figure I at least owe you an apology, or-"
"There's no need." Isabelle stopped me, "You destroyed that demon- and besides, I'm all healed up now."
She softly chuckled, then excited crosses her features, "Aldertree cleared me for mission."
"Are the Iron Sisters anything like the Silent Brothers?" I questioned.
"For starters, the Sisters' mouths aren't sewn shut-" Isabelle excitedly told me, "They're badass warriors who create all of our weapons."
I blink in interest, "I see why you wanted to be one."
"If you're lucky enough to be accepted into the sisterhood, you're marked by sacred runes." Isabelle went on, "It's what allows the Iron Sisters to shape pure adamas."
She pulled a rod out of her hair, jerking it lightly as one end turned sharp, "The Sisters call upon the power of the angels to imbue our blades with their energy."
Isabelle smiles, jerking it again, turning it onto a rod, placing it back into her hair, "I hate to leave you."
I shrug gently, "Then I guess I have to come with you."
"Zee, you just lost-" Isabelle began.
"My mom- I know." I finish her sentence, "But- Clary's already back on her feet- and I can't sit here and mope."
"I need to do something- anything to stop Valentine." I told her, "He is the reason my mother is dead."
"Wait, what?" I was on the phone with Simon, putting on my leather jacket, "You moved your stuff back to the boat basin?"
Simon sighs, "Turns out being a vampire who only drinks blood doesn't jive really well with a Jewish mother who's always trying to feed you."
"She doesn't remember you coming home?" I question, "Seems a bit much to wipe her memory."
"Yeah." Simon admits, "Well, she saw me- um, in an awkward situation."
"Awkward situation?" I repeat, "Yeah- I'm only thinking dirty-"
"I know I tell you everything, but in this case, just take my word." I knew Simon rolled his eyes, "It was bad. I just wish I was at the funeral with you instead."
"I can't believe the Clave and their stupid ban on Downworlders." I was in agreement, "You should've been able to go. Luke, too."
"He still hasn't called." I sigh, "I'm worried. Jocelyn was everything to him."
I inhale deeply, "I don't think I should go on this mission-"
"No, Zee." Simon stops me, "Clary and I find Luke. I'll check with the pack- see if they have any leads. You go with Izzy."
"Whoa-" The sound left my mouth in astonishment when Isabelle and I came out the other side of the portal and outside of The Citadel.
"This is more amazing than I imagined-" Isabelle admits, as we made our way up the trail and slowly onto the land, "I can't believe I'm actually going inside."
A high pitched ringing filled my ears, as it showed that Isabelle heard it also, due to her hand going to her ear instantly.
Suddenly, we were surrounded by Iron Sisters, pointing their swords at us, "Speak your names."
"Isabelle Lightwood." Isabelle told them, looking between them all.
I exhale deeply, "Zee Young."
"Valentine's daughter." One sister spoke up, not moving from her position.
"Your father killed the Silent Brothers." Another said, "He's taken our most valuable weapon- you must leave immediately."
"Zee's done nothing wrong." Isabelle spoke up in my favor.
"Allow me." The woman from before spoke, "What answers do you seek?"
"Why did Valentine go to all that trouble to steal the Soul-Sword?" Isabelle questioned, as they all went silent.
"Valentine is my father." I bust up due to their silence, "But- that lunatic killed my mother- he experimented on my brother. I want to stop him more than anyone. And if we have any chance at defeating him we need your help."
"Sister Cleophas, how long have you been in the order?" Isabelle asked, seemingly already knowing their names as we walked behind them.
"Fourteen beautiful years." Sister Cleophas answered, "I never planned on following in my mother's footsteps. I was happy living in Idris with my sister Amatis, when my brother Lucian was scratched in a werewolf attack- I did what I had to do to restore our family's honor."
"Wait- Luke?" I looked at him, "Are you Luke's sister?"
She nods towards me, "I am."
Sister Magdalena spoke up when we came to a stop, "We must begin the purity trial."
I repeat in question, "Purity trail?"
"For the answers you seek, we must go inside the Citadel." Sister Cleophas told us, "But- we cannot allow any demonic impurities to pass, the adamas is too fragile."
"So, the heavenly energy in the water will help us determine if you may enter." Sister Magdalena adds, "It will destroy any contaminant upon contact."
"Zee, you can't do this." Isabelle looks at me, as we stood on the bridge by the water after we changed.
"What?" I looked at her, flattening our my white dress, "Why not? You heard her- we have to."
Isabelle sighs, "It's dangerous."
"The water only affects demonic energy." My hands drop to my sides, "We'll be fine, Izzy."
"But- what if it's not fine?" Isabelle shot right back, staring at me.
Then I understood what she was implying, "You think I have demon blood- like Jace."
Isabelle was silent as I scoff gently, slipping my shoes off, "There's only one way to find out."
I was quick, as I moved down the steps and into the water, turning, laying back so I was floating, soaking my entire body.
"Ignis aurum probat." Sister Magdalena said, a bright white light surrounding me for a few seconds, then disappearing.
I move so I was in a sitting position, as Sister Magdalena smiles lightly, "Zee Young, you are deemed clear of all demonic impurities."
I got out of the water and went back next to Isabelle, looking at her, nodding my head for her to go on.
Isabelle steps into the water, laying back, as Sister Magdalena spoke, "Ignis aurum probat."
The light shone, but then, it all turned back, Isabelle gasping, being engulfed into the water.
"Izzy!" I launch back into the water, grabbing her arm, pulling her back up with force, "Are you okay?"
Isabelle breathes heavily, grabbing onto the bar as I had a hand on her back, "What happened?"
"I have no idea." Isabelle stammers, calming her breathing.
Sister Magdalena looked at her, "The water does not lie but perhaps you do."
Isabelle shook her head, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You are tainted with demonic impurities." Sister Magdalena made it clear.
"I'm sorry, Isabelle-" Sister Cleophas sighs, "We can't let you inside the Citadel."
"No, there must be a mistake." I spoke up, knowing that it had always been Isabelle's dream and now they weren't even letting her inside, "She had a demon wound, maybe that's what the water reacted to. But- she's fine now, she's healed."
Sister Magdalena didn't react to my words, "You are free to leave, if that is what you desire."
"No-" Isabelle looked at me, "You go ahead- we need answers."
I rubbed her back, "Are you gonna be okay?"
"I'll be fine." Isabelle nods at me slowly, as I gave her a nod in return, moving back up the steps and over to Sister Cleophas.
"Sister Cleophas, I don't wanna scare you, but I'm worried about Luke." I play with the sleeve of my jacket as I walked through the hall with her.
Sister Cleophas looked at me, "Lucian?"
"He's the closest thing Clary and I have ever had to a father." I inhale sharply, "But, since our mothers died-"
"Margaret and Jocelyn." Sister Cleophas gasps gently, "I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Since then Luke has gone missing." I cross my arms, "He's not returning calls- not showing up to work, no one has seen or heard from him. I know- it's because he's grieving about Jocelyn- but-"
"He did love her." Cleophas nods, "Lucian always had a strong sense of loyalty- almost to his detriment."
"My sweet girl, I fear you are right." She stopped, "My brother is in danger, but not for the reasons you think."
My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "What kind of danger?"
Sister Cleophas lead me into a room, using her stele over the time on the ground, gesturing up towards the ceiling that started to move and show a story in the paintings as she spoke, "Long ago, the Angel Raziel bestowed the Mortal Instruments to the first Shadowhunter."
"Among them, the Soul-Sword." She continued, "Its primary purpose is to compel the truth, but it has a secondary purpose. If ever the day came where Shadowhunters failed in their holy mission, and demons overtook the world."
Sister Cleophas went in depth, "As a last resort, the Sword could be activated with angelic energy, releasing heavenly light that will destroy demon-blooded creatures in its path."
"Wait-" I looked away from the ceiling and at her in realization, "Demon-blooded creatures. Does that mean Downworlders?"
She nods in conformation, "Yes."
"The Sword needs angelic energy?" I walked outside with Sister Cleophas, my hands in the pockets of my jacket.
"To activate the Sword, it must wielded by an angelic being, and struck by a bolt of lightning." She told me, "Then it's capable of mass murder."
"Of killing my friends, my family." I huff deeply, "If Valentine does activate the Sword, how do we turn it off?"
She came to a stop, "It is impossible."
"So- there has to be a way to stop Valentine before he activates it." I said, "I mean there's always a way, right?"
"You mustn't let the Downworld know what the Sword can do." She warned me, "Panic and chaos could ensue. Uprisings- we cannot let that happen."
I sigh, nodding slowly, "Okay."
I walk into the Jade Wolf, looking around, noticing Simon and Maia seated at a table.
I was engulfed into a hug, Clary squeezing me, "I missed you so much-"
"I haven't been gone for that long." I hugged back, burying my face into her shoulder, "But- I missed you too."
"We found him." Clary pulled away, smiling at me lightly, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear, "He'll be right out."
As if on cue, Luke walks out from behind the plastic curtains and walks over, "Hey, kiddo-"
"Luke!" I rush over to him, running into his embrace, "Thank god you're okay-"
Luke held me tight, pure remorse threaded in his tone, "I am so sorry I wasn't there for you."
"You're here now-" I pressed my cheek against his chest, "That's all that matters to me."
authors note:
oof kinda mad there wasn't many moments with jace in this chapter but IT'S OKAY.
and oop I'm on a roll, I updated all my books today awh
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