I walk into the Institute, bare foot, scratches, bruises and cuts all over my body, completely drenched.
My sweater was somehow ripped, my feet hurt and were bleeding, but despite all the pain I felt, all I could think about was Jace.
I lost Jace.
"Hey!" Raj held his hand out, trying to stop me, "Hey, no- you can't go in there-"
I kept walking, "Shut up."
"I'm getting Aldertree." Raj walks away, as I walked straight into the Ops Center.
"Zee, are you okay?" My mother came up behind me, Jocelyn right behind her.
"Where's Izzy?" I ignore her question, looking around for her.
"Zee- wait." Jocelyn grabbed my arm.
"I need to see Izzy." I pull my arm from her, "Where is she?"
"What happened? Where have you been?" My mother questions, eyeing my appearance.
Aldertree walks over, "We're all curious."
"There goes the rest of my sanity." I ran a hand through my damp hair in defeat
"Bring a change of clothes and a hot cup of tea to my office." Aldertree told Raj, "Zee and I are gonna have a little chat."
"Please, let me see Isabelle." I looked between them, "I need to see Isabelle."
"She's with Alec, Zee." Jocelyn sighs, "He was trying to help us find you, and something went wrong."
My mother looks down, "He's in a bad way."
"What?" My eyes widen, as I move past them, rushing towards Alec's bedroom before anyone could stop me.
I push the door open, my eyes landing on Magnus, who sat with Alec, using his magic.
I stare at Alec's condition, "Oh- my god-"
I was freshly changed into a pair of medium wash jeans, one that's were most obviously ripped, a loose beige thermal sweater, and black ankle boots, my thumb pressing against the small burn I had accidentally gotten while straightening my now dry hair, completely healed.
"It appears you've had quite the harrowing experience." Aldertree hands me a cup of tea, sitting down across from me, "Jocelyn tells me you were abducted by Dorothea Rollins, a warlock under Valentine's control."
I sip the warm tea, then set down the cup, "Yeah- that's what happened."
"Did she Portal you to a tanker ship in the East River?" Aldertree questioned.
I look off into the distance, deep in thought.
I knew that this time, I wouldn't let him use anything he got out of me against Jace.
I clear my throat, "I'm not sure."
"Three hours ago, a large tanker ship was found there, recently abandoned." Aldertree stares at me, "By the mottoes and the insignia on the boat, it's clear the Circle was on board. If you have any information about Valentine, about Jace- you need to tell me."
"Honestly-" I looked at him, "The last thing I remember is Dot grabbing me off the street. Then I woke up in the water- I was nearly run over by the Staten Island Ferry, and then I swam to shore and came here."
"If you're trying to protect your brother, lying to me is only gonna make it worse." Aldertree leans forward, "I can guarantee Jace's safety if you help me bring him in. And that's on record."
"I would if I could, but I can't tell you what I don't know." I lied straight through my teeth, playing the act well, "Dot must have wiped my memory."
"I can't believe you lied to Aldertree." Isabelle whispers to me, as we stood with Clary.
"I couldn't let him go after Jace like he did before." I cross my arms.
"So- Dot took down the wards and you two jumped off the ship together?" Clary questions.
"Yeah, but as soon as we hit the water, the tide was so strong." I sigh, "We held on for as long as we could- but we lost each other. I looked everywhere. I couldn't find him."
Isabelle sighs, looking down.
"Wait," Fear builds within me, "-if he and Alec are going through the same thing, he wouldn't be able to swim- he could be-"
"No." Isabelle denied, "Jace is alive. If he were dead, Alec's parabatai rune would have faded."
Clary looks between us, "So that's good news, right?"
"Yeah, but- I don't know how much time Alec has left." Isabelle sighs, "Jace might be his only hope, and for all we know Valentine and the Circle have already found him."
"As scared as I am-" I looked at her, "I know that- Jace is the strongest person I know. We're gonna find him- I promise."
"We need to find something of Jace's." Clary walks with Isabelle and I.
"Don't bother." Isabelle said from beside me as I walked between them, "Aldertree already has people tracking him 24/7. Jace must be using a rune to block it, otherwise somebody would've found him by now."
Isabelle opens Alec's bedroom door, worry crossing my features, as I looked at Alec.
"Has he been in there with Alec the whole time?" I quietly question.
"He's the only reason Alec still has a chance." Clary looks down, "But- his magic can't last forever. Sooner or later, he's gonna burn out."
Isabelle's phone rings, as she pulls it out, "Hello?"
Jace's voice fills the other line, "Izzy, it's me."
"Jace?" Her eyes widen, "Are you okay?"
"I'm a little soggy, but I'll live." Jace stammers, "Look, is Zee okay? Did she make it back to the Institute-"
"She's here." Isabelle immediately told him, "She's safe."
Isabelle hands me the phone, as I ran a hand through my hair, putting it to my ear, "Jace, hey- we need to get you to Alec."
"What do you mean?" He questions, "Why?"
"While we were stuck on Valentine's ship, he tried tracking you with his parabatai rune, but now, it's like he's stuck in some kind of nightmare and can't wake up." I explained, "He was looking for you, so you're the only one who can help him."
"Okay." Jace inhales sharply, "I'll- I'll get there."
"But- you also can't." I stop him, "The Clave still wants you dead."
"Yeah, well, who doesn't?" Jace remarks, "They can get in line."
Isabelle takes the phone from me, "Meet us at Magnus'. We'll figure out how to get Alec there."
"Okay." He replied, "I'll get there as soon as I can."
"How are we gonna get Alec to Magnus' apartment?" I question, walking with Isabelle, "Aldertree has people everywhere- he's on our ass."
"Not a problem," Isabelle walks alongside me, "My parents want to get Alec to Idris. Magnus will create a Portal. We'll take it to Jace instead."
"Good idea." I nod, my phone ringing, making me come to a stop, "Hey, Simon."
Simon shudders, "Zee, my mom's missing. She's drinking again."
"What?" I blink, looking at Isabelle, "That isn't good-"
"It's all my fault." Simon stutters, "She's been sober ever since that bender she went on after Dad died, but I found a bottle of vodka in her bedroom, and there hadn't been alcohol in the house for years. Zee, if anything happened to her because of me, I-"
"Simon, slow down- take a breath." I ran a hand through my hair, "How long has your mom been gone?"
"I don't know." Simon sighs, "I tried calling, but she won't pick up. I don't know where she is. Zee, I need your help."
"Hang on." I sigh, putting him on mute, looking at Isabelle, "Izzy, Simon needs me."
Isabelle puts her hands on my shoulders, sighing also, "Be there for your friend. We have everything under control."
"Thanks, Izzy." I hug her, "I'll see you soon."
She nods, giving me a weak smile.
I turn, walking down the hall, unmuting Simon, "I'm on my way, grab something of Elaine's. Something important to her."
"Uh-" I hear shuffling on his end, "Okay, I got just the thing."
"Anything?" Simon questions, walking next to me, as I tried to track his mother.
I shook my head, holding the necklace in my hands, "I'm still figuring out this tracking stuff."
Simon walks with me, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"You know, Izzy says I need to clear my mind, but it's kinda hard to be all Zen when you're a Shadowhunter." I mention, trying harder for this tracking to work, "Like- right now- I'm pretending to be all namaste."
Simon sighs, "If only I'd checked in, called every once in a while instead of totally avoiding her."
"Well, maybe it's worth telling her the truth." I stop, looking at him.
"What? Come out of the coffin?" Simon questions, "Do you have any idea how she'll react?"
I gently shrug, "Well, there's only one way to find out."
"I don't know, Zee." Simon shrugs, "It's a lot to wrap your head around."
"Simon." I grab his hand, "This is the woman who put up with your endless band practices, your incurable hypochondria- I mean, she made you those gross mustard sandwiches when you refused to eat anything else."
"If she can accept you for all that, I'm pretty sure she can accept you for who you are." I smile at him weakly despite all my worries.
"You know, mustard is actually high in antioxidants." Simon says, earning an eye roll from me, "It's actually pretty good for you. And the white bread-"
"Simon." I stop him from talking, the tracking finally working, "Simon, I feel her-"
"What?" Simon looks at me.
I let go of his hand, rushing in a direction, "Come on-"
I came to a stop, my eyes landing on Elaine, as she was seated at the cafe, sipped out of a mug.
"Zee, you did it." Simon scoffs in relief, "Thank you-"
"Yeah-" I hand him the necklace, looking up at him.
"I think this is a solo mission." Simon told me, "A good friend of mine convinced me I should tell her the truth."
"Well, she sounds like a very smart friend." I shrug.
"Who said it was a she?" Simon's eyebrow raises, earning a chuckle from both of us.
I smile, "Hey, you got this."
My phone rings, as I gave him a smile, sneering it, walking away, Isabelle's voice filling the line, "Zee, Luke's pack wants Jace dead."
"What, why?" I immediately question, walking faster.
"They think he killed one of their own." Isabelle told me.
"Wait, what?" I inhale sharply, "No, that's all wrong- they have it all wrong. Valentine killed her."
"Well, nobody told them that." Isabelle exclaims, "They're closing in on him, so I had to make a deal with Aldertree."
"What kind of deal?" I question.
"You'll see soon-" Isabelle sighs in regret, "He has a warlock creating a Portal now, but even then, I don't know if I can get to Jace before the pack does."
"Maybe I can." I said, hanging up, running off.
"You have to call off the pack." I follow Luke through the Jade Wolf, "Please- you're the alpha. They'll listen to you- they have to listen to you."
"It's not that easy." Luke walked, then stopped in front of me, "The pack operates by code, blood for blood."
"But- it's not Jace's fault." I pushed, "I promise you- I was there. He was tricked into kidnapping Gretel. It was Valentine who killed her. It was all Valentine. They're going to kill Jace and I- I can't live with that."
"I trust you- and believe me, I know his manipulations better than anybody," Luke sighs, "But- that doesn't mean-"
"Luke." Alaric shows up behind Luke.
"Give me a sec." Luke steps away.
"Luke- please-" I shut up, huffing, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Maia's caught up to Jace." Alaric told Luke, "He's on Front Street heading towards the Brooklyn Bridge."
Luke stares at him, "That's near Magnus' loft."
"Yeah, not near enough." Alaric exhales, "Sounds like she's moving in for the kill. What do you want to do?"
Luke looks back at me, a sigh leaving my lips, "Please."
"My brother is counting on me." I heard Jace's voice as Luke and I rushed towards the alley, "You can kill me Just please let me get to him first-"
A woman's voice filled my ears, along with growling, "Well, I wish I could, but, uh- it's them you'll have to convince."
The sound of snarling filled my ears, my eyes widening, as I picked up speed.
"No!" I shout, skidding to a stop in front of Jace, "Stop!"
Luke stops a few feet away, "Stand down!"
"Keep out of this, Luke." The woman spat at him, standing tall, a few wolves surrounding us.
"Jace didn't kill Gretel- it was Valentine." I breath heavily, holding my arms around as if I was guarding Jace, "I was there- I saw it happen- I swear."
The wolf on her side steps up, leaping towards me, willing to get through me to get to Jace.
I small shriek leaves my lips, Jace grabbing me, pulling me into his side to cover me, both of our eyes screwing shut.
The wolf fell to the ground, whimpering when Isabelle had appeared from a portal, using her whip to stop, "Stay."
"Good doggy." Isabelle said satisfied, "By the order of the Clave, Jace Wayland is coming with me."
"Maia." Luke exposed the woman's name, his eyes glowing green, "I said stand down."
Maia shot us all a look, before looking down, obeying Luke, along with the other wolves.
"Thanks, Izzy." Jace looks at her, still holding onto me, "I owe you one."
She stared at him, "Don't thank me yet."
"He can't last much longer." Magnus quietly told us, my hand softly fixing Alec's hair over and over, eyeing his condition, something I couldn't bare.
Isabelle sniffles lightly, wiping away her tears, Clary stood, her arms crossed, eyeing everything.
Jace walks in, "Alec-"
Magnus hands him the stone, Jace nodding slowly, walking over to where Alec laid, looking at me.
I quickly stood up, stepping away, standing next to the others, watching everything that went down.
Jace sat down, grabbing Alec's hand, holding it, the stone between their palms, glowing gold.
Jace breathes in, "Entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee-"
Alec's body stiffens, the stone falling to the ground.
Isabelle's eyes were glued, "What's happening?"
"He's slipping." Magnus' voice was low.
Clary's eyes went wide, "No-"
"Oh my god-" I gasp, covering my mouth, tears filling my eyes.
Isabelle and Clary already had tears slipping down their cheeks, Magnus gently grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers, in a gesture that we both needed comfort.
"Thy people will be my people, thy God will be my God." Jace grabbed Alec's face with one hand, his voice weak, "When thou diest, I will die. And there will I be buried. The Angel do so to me."
The glowing shine in the stone fades, Alec exhaling slowly, taking what was his last breath, his body going limp, his head leaning against the rest, falling out of Jace's hand.
That's when my heart broke.
The tears brimming in my eyes fell instantly, as I held back a sob, squeezing Magnus' hand gently, a tear streaming down his cheek also.
"And more also If aught but death part thee and me." Jace finished, hugging Alec's body, holding him, his cry's noticeable, "Please don't leave me, Alec."
It was a moment, before Alec weakly spoke, "If aught but death part thee and me."
I inhale sharply in relief, running my free hand through my hair.
Jace looks at his parabatai, Alec's eyes slowly scanning his face, taking notice of him actually being here.
They hug each other tightly, a small smile forming on my lips.
Aldertree storms in with a few of his men, "Jace Wayland!"
"Izzy- what's happening?" I whisper, my eyes going wide.
"Remember that deal I was telling you about?-" Isabelle grabs my hand in seek of comfort, guilt filled in her tone.
Jace got up and faces Aldertree, "You are hereby sentenced to the City of Bones to await trial for the charge of high treason and aiding Valentine in the war against the Clave."
My stare was fixed on them, "What?"
"Wait, what- what the hell is going on?" Alec weakly said, looking around.
"It's all right, Alec." Jace looks back at him, "All that matters is you're back."
And with that, Jace was grabbed and dragged out.
authors note:
awh :):
i like cried writing this chapter
zee's reaction to alec dying tho- oop
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