I ran the flat iron through my hair one last time, before walking back over to my bed, laying back down, burying my body in the blanket.
My eyes were read and I was tired. I didn't want to get up and face everyone.
More importantly, I couldn't face Jace.
I haven't been able to look at him since I found out he was my brother. In more technical terms, half brother.
What made me feel even more sick was that it hurt me so much. Jace and I could never happen because of us being related, and that made my heart ache.
I really liked him. It was as if he was my small escape.
But blood calls to blood.
What made me feel even worse was Alec was getting married tomorrow.
Alec Lightwood would be wedded.
Not for his happiness, but to restore the Lightwood name. He was doing it for his family.
He was going to be miserable and lonely for the rest of his life.
And for some reason, that didn't sit well with me.
I swallow hard, these thoughts engraving in my mind, tears filling my eyes.
A knock at my door filled my ears. I don't bother to move, continuing to stare off into the distance.
My door opens, revealing Clary.
She walks in, closing the door with her leg, her arms his behind her back, her voice soft, cracking a small joke, "At least your hair looks good."
I looked at her, not moving, not saying a word.
"I'd offer to take you out for ice cream-" Clary began, "But- we really don't have that option anymore."
I barely smile at her, blinking away my tears.
"Which is why- I found a substitute-" Clary reveals the two slurpees that she was holding behind her back, "I snuck out and got us slurpees."
"You did what?" I sat up instantly, "How the hell did you do that?"
Clary smiles, walking over to me, sitting next to me on the bed.
I continue to bombard her with questions, "Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"I was quick, I promise." She looks at me, "And I didn't get caught."
"Slurpees at 8:30 in the morning?" I put together, then look at the cups in her hands, "Wait, is that blue raspberry-"
"Your favorite." She smiles weakly, handing it to me.
I sipped it, "I feel like drinking this is a bad idea- especially at almost 9 in the morning, but I'm gonna do it anyway."
"How are you doing?" Clary asks me, my thoughts instantly shifting towards Jace.
I set down the slurpee as does she, looking at her, "I don't like what I'm feeling right now."
"And what're you feeling?" Clary puts a hand on my back.
I looked at her, opening up to her, "I feel weird. I mean- I really liked them. I wanted him- and now he's suddenly our brother?-"
Clary wraps an arm around me, pulling me into her side.
"It hurts a lot." I whisper, "I can't even look at him."
Clary wipes away the tears I didn't know fell, hugging me as tight as she could, "You're going to be okay."
I finally left my room, walking down the hall, running a hand through my hair, sighing deeply.
Alec comes to my side, "Well- someone's looking nothing like a Shadowhunter today."
I looked at him, noticing that he was referring to my white sweater that was tucked into blue ripped jeans.
"Oh yeah?" I bit the inside of my cheek, "The runes didn't give it away?"
Alec shook his head, the corner of his lips turning up, "Nah- I don't think so."
"Why do I feel like this is the first time you've ever considered me a Shadowhunter?" I question, walking down the hall with him.
"Because it probably is." Alec softly laughs, looking down at me.
I softly laugh for the first time since Renwick.
Alec's eyebrows furrow, "Why's your tongue blue?"
"I had a slurpee for breakfast." I shrug.
"Where did you get a slurpee?" Alec questions.
"Uh- no where." I clear my throat, crossing my arms.
"How are you doing?" Alec checks in with me, his hands folded behind his back.
"I know I've had a lot of sugar today," I trail off, "But- I think I just heard you ask me how I'm doing."
"Zee-" Alec looks at me, looking past my joke, "I'm serious."
I sigh deeply, "I could be better. But- I'll be okay."
Isabelle walks over to Alec and I And looks at me, grabbing my arms, "Alec's a cobalt blue, right?"
"Uh- yeah?" I reply in a questionable tone.
Isabelle nods, walking away and over to some woman, "We're gonna do the cobalt blue!"
Confusion falls over me for a second, Alec speaking up, "What was that about?"
I blink, realizing what it was about, rolling my eyes, "Oh- right, you're getting married tomorrow."
"I am." He confirms, rolling his eyes at how I rolled mine at the mention of his marriage.
"Alec- do you really want to do this?" I question, "Is marrying Lydia the best thing for you?"
"I want this." Alec shortly said.
"And what about Magnus?" I looked at him, "I know you feel something for him."
"Zee- I'm not going to give up my life for him. I'm not going to throw everything away- for him." Alec said to me, "I'm doing what's right."
"I just want you to be happy, Alec." I held eye contact with him.
Alec stares at me, "I'm doing what's right for my family and I."
"If you say so." I quietly huff, looking down.
He changed the subject and kept the conversation going, "How's Jocelyn doing?"
"From what I've heard, there hasn't been any progress." I cross my arms, then look at him, "Thank you for everything you've done to help Clary and I get Jocelyn back. In the process- we found my mother too. I really appreciate it, Alec."
"Actually I- I should thank you." Alec looks at me, "I don't know what would have happened to Isabelle after the trial if you hadn't returned the Cup. You saved my sister- so thank you."
"Did you just thank me?" A small smile forms on my lips, "Could I actually record you saying that? In that way, when you're being a jerk to me, I can pull the recording out and we can recall on this very memory you being nice to me."
Alec laughs lightly, rolling his eyes playfully, shaking his head in disbelief, looking up at the ceiling, "You're ridiculous."
Alec and I come to a stop when my mother had come into our sight, stopping in front of us.
"Zee-" She smiled, hugging me, then looks at Alec, "Who's this?"
"Uh-" I clear my throat, "This is Alec- my uhm- well-"
"-friend." Alec finishes my sentence, "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Young."
I looked at Alec, confusion falling over my face at how polite his was being.
"Please- call me Margaret." She smiles, then looks st me, muttering something to me in a low voice, "You move on fast-"
"Oh- oh god no-" I blurt out, "Alec's getting married tomorrow, Mom-"
"I mean- since your late arrival, you might have not gotten an invite." Alec spoke, "But- I'll make the process easier for you. You're invited to my wedding."
I felt as if I could choke on my own spit at how kind he was being toward my mother.
I had no idea why he was making such a good impression on her.
"That's sweet, Alec." Margaret smiles, "I'll be there."
Alec's phone vibrates, as he pulls it out, looking at it, "Magnus needs to speak with me."
"He might have some information about how to wake Jocelyn or stop Valentine- It's important. I have to go." Alec nods towards us, then leaves us alone.
I watch him leave, whispering to myself, "What the hell just happened-"
"Hey, Zee." Simon's voice fills my ears when he answers my call, "What's goin' on?"
"Nothing- nothing." I clear my throat, sitting on my bed, "How are you?"
"Are you okay?" He ignored my question and focused on me, "You sound upset."
"I'm okay-" I softly said, "Things got so weird- I'll- I'll figure it out."
"So- how's your mom- how's Jocelyn?" Simon questioned, "I mean, I can't believe you actually rescued them."
"I had no idea my mother was still alive." I inhale, "I mean- she's so sweet. I love her so much already- it's like she filled this empty void I had. But- Joss- we still have to wake her up, but at least she's away from Valentine."
"When can I see them?" Simon asks.
"I mean- tomorrow night." I suggest, "Jocelyn's here at the infirmary. And you could meet my mother- plus, it's Alec's wedding, so-"
"Alec's wedding." Simon chuckles, "I still can't believe that's happening."
"Neither can I." I huff, "But- I'd love if you'd come as my date."
"Really? I-" Simon stammers, "I just assumed you'd want to go with Jace."
"Simon." I breathed shallowly, "I only recently found out that Jace is my long lost half brother I had no idea about and was attracted to without the knowledge of being related to him."
"That was a lot of words-" Simon musters out.
"I'm not going to ask my brother to be my date to Alec's wedding." I gave to him short and simple, "You're my best friend. Please- be my date."
"I'd love to. Um-" Simon clears his throat, "But I might be a little bit late, you know, with the sun and all."
"Thank you!" I cheer gently, "You are the best."
"I'll see you tomorrow." He chuckles, hanging up.
I walked over to the table Magnus was seated at, shooting him a small smile after coming from training and changing back into my jeans and sweater.
My smile instantly fades when Jace walks over, sitting down at the table.
I swallow hard, muttering, looking down at my hands, "Morning."
"Morning." He quietly said back, keeping his stare down also, "You just come from training?"
"Yup-" I shortly said, "I'm workin' on my right hook."
"Good." He awkwardly said, "That's a good punch."
Magnus looks between us, "While this conversation is no doubt scintillating, remind me why we couldn't do this at my place? At least there we'd have cocktails."
"Magnus- It's 9:00 in the morning." I looked at him.
"Oh, it's happy hour somewhere, my dear." Magnus smiles lightly, winking at me.
"You know what-" I sat on the table, in the corner, by his chair, "You're right."
Jace clears his throat, "We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can't leave the Institute. He's an important part of this mission."
"Well, then, where is our tardy little tutor?" Magnus looks at his surroundings, "There are certain individuals that I'd like to avoid, so let's make this quick."
Hodge walks in, "Pardon the delay, Magnus. I was following up on a lead."
Hodge pulls up the profiles on screen, "Now, we've narrowed down our list of warlocks to these three."
"Why is Ragnor Fell up there?" Magnus questions, "He's not more powerful than I am."
"Well, some would disagree." Hodge looks at him, "He is older than you."
"Certainly not wiser." Magnus remarks.
"Okay- uh- who is Ragnor Fell?" I question.
Jace doesn't look up, "The former High Warlock of London."
"And one of my oldest friends." Magnus adds, "Very prickly, likes to keep to himself."
"Okay, look." Hodge spoke, "We just need to figure out which one of these warlocks had enough access to Jocelyn that they could create the potion for her without anyone discovering what they'd done."
"By the early '90s, Ragnor was a professor at the Shadowhunter Academy in Idris." Magnus told us.
"Call me stupid if I'm wrong-" I cross my arms, "But- isn't that when Jocelyn lived there? Could he have made the potion for her?"
"The little bugger!" Magnus points, "That's why he hasn't responded to my fire message."
My eyes squint at his reaction, "So- I'm right?"
"Ever since Valentine began hunting warlocks, Ragnor's been holed up in his secret country house just outside of London." Magnus explains, "For all I know, Ragnor suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding. We'll have to confront him face-to-face."
Hodge points at him, "You're going on this mission?"
"Of course. I'm the only one Ragnor trusts." Magnus got up, "Besides, I've played my last hand here. Even I know when to fold."
When he turned, Alec and Lydia stood there, staring at us.
I clear my throat instantly, looking down.
"Magnus, I didn't know you were here." Lydia smiled softly.
"That was the point." Magnus mutters shortly.
"We're just on our way to greet a few representatives of the Clave who arrived early for tomorrow's wedding." She smiled, "How long are you staying?"
She was so nice and I hated it.
"What's going on here?" Alec cuts in, getting straight to the point, "Nobody told me about a meeting."
I spoke up due to Magnus and Jace's silence, getting up, "Magnus figured out that Ragnor Fell is the warlock who can wake Jocelyn. We're just bringing him back to the Institute."
"How can I help?" Alec looks at us.
"We're just recovering a warlock, Alec." Jace got up, not wanting him on this mission, crossing his arms, "We got this covered."
"Besides, you have emissaries from the Clave to meet." Magnus stared at him, "You don't want to tarnish your family's perfectly-crafted image now, do you?"
Alec stares at me, expecting a comment similar to theirs, only for me to softly smile in guilt, clearing my throat, "We're all good."
Lydia inhales sharply, "Again, lovely seeing you, Magnus."
Alec and Lydia walk away from us, as I slightly roll my eyes, huffing.
Jace keeps his stare on the ground, speaking to me before walking away, "Get ready. We leave in an hour."
I stood in my spot for a second, before chasing after him, "Jace, we need to talk."
"Talk about what?" Jace doesn't turn and kept walking as I followed him down the hall, "We're good, okay?"
"No, we're not." I shot back at him, "Stop acting like what happened- didn't happen. We need to talk about what Valentine said about us."
Jace abruptly stops, facing me, causing me to accidentally run into him.
I stumble back quickly, finally looking at him in the eye since Valentine.
"Look, I don't want to talk about it." He told me, "It happened. I feel weird right now."
"And what, I don't?" I breathe, "This is the first time since then I've been able to look you in the eye."
Jace stares at me, standing still.
"This isn't our fault." I kept eye contact with him, "We had no idea"
"I can't do this right now- I'm sorry." Jace dismisses, sighing deeply, walking away from me.
"Ragnor's house is just across these fields." Magnus told us after we came out of the portal.
"Let's make this quick." Jace sighs, walking ahead of Magnus and I, "We'll talk to Ragnor, then Portal him back to the Institute before anyone knows we're gone."
I look at Magnus, quietly speaking, "Hey- are you coming to Alec's wedding?"
"No-" Magnus shook his head, "He's made it very clear that he wants to get married to Lydia. Who am I to destroy that?"
"You mean- make him happy." I cross my arms, quietly speaking with him while Jace walked ahead of us, "Look- Alec doesn't want to admit it- but we both know what he's going to do will only give him loneliness. He feels something for you."
"He told me himself he wouldn't throw his whole life away for me." Magnus mutters.
"Alec's not in the right state of mind, right now." I spoke, "He's focused and determined to restore the Lightwood name, that he's not even giving a look at what he wants. Which is why- I'm inviting you to the wedding."
Magnus stares at me, "Zee."
"I really want you to come." I push, giving him a small smile, "It's just- one last stab at winning Alec over."
"I don't think-" Magnus began to say.
"It's worth it, Magnus." I persuade, "He's worth it."
"Fine-" Magnus sighs deep, "I'll try my best, biscuit."
I smile, Jace speaking up, "Can you guys walk any faster?"
"I'm walking slow for her- she's short." Magnus points out, a scoff leaving my lips.
I try to keep up, my legs being too short.
Magnus looks between us, "So brother and sister, huh?"
"I don't wanna talk about it." Jace dismisses, continuing to walk.
"What- we're just gonna be professional now?" I scoff, "Work buddies? All about the mission- not talking to each other besides that because it's weird-"
Jace doesn't look back, "Yeah, sounds like a plan."
I scoff in disbelief, looking away.
Jace sighs, "What do you want me to say, Zee? That I was attracted to my sister?"
"Point of fact, brother and sisters are often attracted to each other." Magnus mentions, "I once knew this one couple in ancient Egypt-"
"Magnus." I stop him, shooting him a look.
"Maybe this will all make sense when we wake up Jocelyn." Magnus said, "Since she is Jace's mother as well, perhaps-"
"Don't say that again." Jace jerks to a stop, facing us, warning Magnus, "Maryse is my mother. At best, Jocelyn is the woman who abandoned me."
"Don't." I point at Jace, catching his eye, "Jocelyn would never. She thought you were dead."
Jace rolls his eyes at me, "Or maybe she just didn't want me."
"You don't know her, Jace." I fought back.
"That's right, Zee, I don't." He shot right back at me in argument, "Do you? Last time I checked, Margaret was your mother, not Jocelyn."
Anger sparks within me as I opened my mouth to speak, only for Magnus to cut the argument short, "I'm sorry I asked! I came with you to escape my relationship drama, not get a front row seat to yours."
"What was that?" Jace looks around.
I looked around also, "What?"
"Look out!" Magnus calls out instantly, catching me off guard.
Jace grabs me immediately, pulling me away from the wall of green fire lighting up around us.
"Ragnor put up wards to protect his lair." Magnus looks at the flames.
I shiver away from Jace, "Why is the fire green?"
"It's a wall of fire that only the pure of heart and intention can pass through." Magnus looks at Jace and I, "Are you ready?"
We stood by each other, walking through the fire, but as the fire faded away from my clothes and I had made it to the other side, Jace and Magnus were no longer with me.
"Jace?" His name slipped out of my mouth instantly, "Magnus?"
I spun around, looking at my surroundings, Jace and Magnus no where in sight.
My eyes landed on Ragnor Fell's house.
I ran towards it, running up the path and to the front door, noticing that it was open.
I grab out my blade, readjusting my grip, slowly entering the house, "Ragnor?"
I looked around, raising my voice as I went further into the house, "Hello?"
I came to a stop in front of a painting of Ragnor Fell, my actions falling suspicious.
I start to move into the living room, only to notice the movements of the eyes in the painting.
I put my blade away, reaching into the painting, pulling Ragnor Fell out, as he sounded a grunt as he hit the ground.
"Well done, Zee Young." He forces himself up, "I've been expecting you. You have Margaret's talent, I see. Only a true artist would notice the subtle changes in my eyes."
"I-" I trail off, not knowing what to say.
"Yes, I know." Ragnor looked at an empty chair, "I need to work on not moving my eyes, you don't need to remind me."
"What the hell-" I mutter to myself, then clear my throat and look up at Ragnor, "Uhm- Ragnor, did you make the potion that put Jocelyn to sleep?"
"At her request, yes." Ragnor nods, "And I knew it was only a matter of time before you or your sister came to me looking for the antidote. Please, sit."
I slowly sat down, "My friends, Jace Wayland and Magnus Bane. They were with me, but I lost them in the fire- do you know where they are?"
"Let me do this my way!" Ragnor looked at the chair to my right, then looks back at me, "Your friends, are they true?"
"Uh-" I shot him a weird look, "Magnus said he's known you for centuries. He sent you a fire message."
"This is not an act- It is not an act!" Ragnor looked at the chair to my left, "It is essential."
"Okay, what is your deal?" I got up quickly, "My friends are missing and I have no idea what happened to them. Don't test me because if you can't help me- I sure as hell will find someone who can."
Ragnor steps closer to me, intrigued at my outburst, "What is it worth to you? Finding your friends and waking up Jocelyn?"
I stare at him for a second, rolling my eyes, shooting out a response he would want with a gesture, "I'll give you anything."
"That's what I wanted to hear." He smiles, snapping his fingers, Jace and Magnus appearing in the chairs he was staring at.
I clear my throat, muttering to myself, looking down at my feet as I crossed my airs, "I suddenly feel stupid for not figuring that out beforehand-"
Magnus stood up, "Honestly, Ragnor, was that nonsense necessary?"
"Of course." Ragnor exhales, "She offered me anything. You were only up to a timeshare of your flat in Paris- yawn."
"All right, enough." I stopped them, "Can you really wake Jocelyn or not?"
"Not without the Book of the White." He honestly told me.
Jace sighs, "What is the Book of the White?"
Magnus spoke up, "It's an ancient book of warlock magic containing spells more powerful than most warlocks could ever imagine."
"I possessed the book when Jocelyn came to me, and I used its contents to create the potion." Ragnor told us, "Regrettably, I no longer have the book. I asked Jocelyn to hide it that Valentine might never find it."
"Oh- great- well, we can just spend as much time looking for this book as we did with the Mortal Cup and we'll be good." I sarcastically said, then huff, looking at Ragnor, "Is there any way to get this- Book of the White?"
"Possibly. I may have something that can help us." Ragnor leaves the room after speaking, "Won't be but a moment."
"Okay- what do we do if he can't find the book?" I look between Magnus and Jace.
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Jace simply said.
Magnus looks around, "It's a bit drab, isn't it?"
The sound of a demon roaring and Ragnor screaming filled our ears, our heads snapping towards the scream, a demon on Ragnor.
"Ragnor!" Magnus ran.
"Shax demon." Jace said, him and I running after Magnus, Ragnor falling to the ground off the staircase.
Ragnor gasps for air, "Creature took me by surprise."
"How could a Shax demon get past Ragnor's wards I question immediately, Magnus kneeling by Ragnor.
"It must have followed us." Jace looks around, kneeling as did I, "Jumped through when the fire wall reset."
"Be still, my little dear cabbage." Magnus used his magic and begged, "Your wounds are deep- hold on, please."
"No, no, no." Magnus whispers when Ragnor died in his arms, staring at him, "For centuries, this man knew me better than anyone."
"Magnus, I'm so sorry." Pure sympathy ran through my veins as I watched.
"We have to leave, now." Jace got up.
"We can't." I argue, getting up also, "Not until we find whatever it is Ragnor said could help us locate the Book of the White."
"It's too dangerous." He shook his head in denial, "If one Shax demon found us, you can bet there are more on the way."
"Jace- we have to try." I argue once more.
"We don't have time to scour through mountains of Ragnor's stuff." Jace said to me.
Magnus inhales deeply, snapping his fingers, opening up a Portal, "Get back to the Institute. I'll transport everything back to my place, and find what you need. Now, leave me to take care of my friend."
Jace and I gave one last look, before walking through the Portal.
"Jace, you're coming to Alec's bachelor party, right?" Isabelle instantly asked when Jace and I appeared into the Institute.
"No." Jace immediately denied, "He doesn't want me there, and I'm swamped."
She looks at him, "You two seriously haven't worked things out yet?"
"There's nothing to work out." Jace sighs, "If he wants to talk, we'll talk."
"He's your parabatai." Isabelle stared at him.
"We have more important things going on than a bachelor party." Jace steps away, "Come with me."
Isabelle and I walk into the training room behind him, Jace speaking instantly, "We have a mole in the Institute."
I huff, nodding, "We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell."
"The attack couldn't have been coincidence." Jace adds, "Valentine must have been tracking us."
"You don't think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going." Isabelle stares at us.
"There's no other explanation." I sigh.
"No one here would betray us like that." She told me, "This is our family."
Jace looks and walks past me and stares straight at Lydia, "Not everyone's family yet."
Jace walks back to the stop he was stood in before, anger threaded in his tone, "I swear, if Lydia is the leak, I'm gonna-"
"Slow down- we don't know if she did anything yet." I stop him.
"And wrongfully accusing someone of a crime is dangerous." Isabelle said, "Trust me, I've been through it."
"Lydia was right there when we were talking about Ragnor Fell." Jace argues, starting to walk past me, "If she's not gonna admit what she did, I'm gonna make her admit it."
"No- Jace, stop." I stood in front of him, "You are too worked up to talk to anyone right now. I'm not letting you go anywhere near her."
"Especially not an important envoy from the Clave." Isabelle adds in, staring right at Jace.
"Let me talk to Lydia." I offer, "If you accuse Alec's fiancée of treason, you will ruin whatever relationship you have left with him. It's better if I go. I'll take his heat."
"Zee's right, Jace." Isabelle sides with me, "If Lydia did this, she might not be so defensive with Zee. She might let her guard down. Slip up."
"Fine." Jace reluctantly agreed, "But I wanna know everything she says."
I nod, walking away from them, heading right into Lydia's office, watching as a woman walked out with her wedding dress, Lydia in a robe.
I clear my throat, "Your dress- it's stunning."
"Thank you." She thanked, "I feel more nervous wearing that dress than I ever have on the battlefield."
"I think that's pretty normal." I shrug, then inhale, "Lydia, I need to talk to you about something."
She looks at me, "What is it?"
"Valentine sent a Shax demon to track us on our mission today." I mention gently, leaning against the wall, looking at her, my hands in my pockets, "It killed Ragnor Fell."
She gasps, "By the Angel-"
"Only a few people here at the Institute even knew we were going on the mission. It wasn't a coincidence." I went on, then look at her, "You overheard us this morning. Then we were attacked."
She already knew what I was implying, "If I was working for Valentine, don't you think I would have already given him the Mortal Cup?"
I exhale deeply, looking away.
"I don't believe this." She scoffs, "Fellow Shadowhunters accusing me of high treason."
"Lydia, I'm not accusing you of anything." I told her, "I just want to talk about it."
"Of course you're accusing me." She spat at me, her tone changing, "Unless you have hard evidence to back your claims, I believe this conversation is over."
I sigh deeply, standing up straight, "Fine, but know this."
She stares at me as I spoke, "These people have become like family to me and I protect my family."
"I care about them too." Lydia shot at me, mentioning Alec, "Why else would I be marrying Alec?"
My eyebrows furrow, stepping over to her so I stood directly in front of her, only a few feet away, "How well do you actually know him?"
"You're talking about Alec's feelings for you and Magnus?" Lydia confronts me.
I was caught off guard, "Magnus- yeah- I-"
"Of course you don't see it." Lydia rolls her eyes, "I'm not blind. I can see the way he looks at you."
I swallow hard, my mouth opening, no words coming out.
"Don't worry, though." Spite was threaded in her tone, "With the way you're pushing him towards Magnus, there's no doubt he'll forget about his feelings toward you."
My voice fell low, stammers leaving my lips, "If- if you're not in love with Alec, then why are you going through with this marriage?"
Lydia looked at me dead in the eye, "Alec's love for his family and his desire to restore the Lightwood name has touched me in ways that I haven't felt in a very long time. Alec is a man of honor and I truly care about him."
I scoff is disbelief, looking at her, "But- what about Alec's happiness? Did you guys throw that out the window along with being true to yourself?"
"Shadowhunters know that our duty to our family supersedes our personal desires." Lydia crosses her arms, "Look, I know that you're still new to this world and our traditions may seem foreign to you, but I-"
I cut her off, stepping up for Alec's happiness, even if they both weren't paying attention to it, "Alec should not have to give up who he is, or at least the chance to figure it out, just to please his family."
"But- Alec proposed to me." Lydia told me, "This is what he wants."
I step away, "How do I trust you?"
Lydia stares at me, "You're Valentine's daughter and I learned to trust you."
[ alec's pov ]
"We're almost there!" Isabelle quietly said to me as she lead me down a few stairs, blindfolded.
"All right, Izzy-" I sigh.
"You trust me, don't you?" She questions.
"No, not really." I scoff, "And I told you, I don't need a bachelor party."
"You need this one." Isabelle sighs, then moves away from me, "Now, count to five, and take your blindfold off."
"Really, Izzy?" I took off the blindfold off, looking around, Isabelle gone, "Seriously?"
"Izzy said you wanted to talk." Jace walks in, annoyance filling within me.
"I don't know what she thought I wanted to say." I cross my arms.
"Great. I guess I'll go." Jace rolls his eyes, turning around, "I've got work to do anyway."
Jace stops, sighs, facing me, "You know what? She's right. We do need to talk."
"Okay." I kept my arms crossed, "Well, it's my bachelor party, so you go first."
"I don't know how things got so messed up between us." Jace sighs, "But, I do know my life has been a lot harder not having you to talk to."
"Mine, too." I admit.
"I know it seems like I've been making a lot of crazy choices lately." Jace went on, "And I know you think that I was only thinking about myself and Zee, and I wasn't thinking about the consequences to anyone else. All I can say is, I've been going through a lot. But- I only ever did what I thought was right, Alec. I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry."
"I know." I sigh, "You know, we just- got caught in all this drama."
"Yeah." Jace agrees, scoffing, "I mean you're getting married tomorrow."
"And Zee's your sister." I shot back at him, "You know, what's up with that?"
"Hell- don't even get me started on that." Jace sat down, staring into nothingness.
Jace sighs, "I kissed her."
I hum in response, as he continued, "It's worse, I wanted her. I was falling in love. I must be sick or something-"
"No- you're not sick." I sat down with him in a sigh, "Zee's- she's just something else, ya know?"
Jace nods weakly, "There's just something about her."
"She's a good friend." I look down.
"Did you just call Zee a friend?" Jace looks at me, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I weakly chuckle, "I just- she's a good person- and I think highly of her."
Jace stares at me, nodding.
I looked at him, "Don't ever tell her I said that."
"I won't." Jace chuckles lightly, looking at his hands, returning to the subject, "Now- we can barely look at each other- and we're arguing-"
"Okay- listen." I spoke, "The situation's just- It's confusing. And trust me, I know."
"You know, it's like, you have this plan for your life right, and you know what you need to do and what your responsibilities are." I went in depth, "And you think, you know, "If you follow the rules, everything's gonna be fine." Then somebody comes along, and pushes you off that path. You just-"
I got silent, Jace nodding lightly, "Hey- I get it."
"The point is, we're Shadowhunters." I set it straight, "Emotions get in the way. And if you get knocked off the path, you have to focus and find your way back."
"I mean, you still have to be true to yourself." Jace adds in.
"I am." I sigh, "I'm fulfilling my duty."
I got up, "Look, would you be my suggenes and give me away tomorrow?"
"Alec, if this is what you really want I'd be honored." Jace got up, "I'm always gonna be here for you."
I held his hand firmly, "Me, too."
[ zee's pov ]
"Mom-" I held the dress in my hand, an hour before Alec's wedding, as we stood in my room, "This is perfect for you."
"Zee-" My mother stared at it with wide eyes, "No-"
"Why?" I place it on the bed, "It suits you well.
"The begging question is how I'm going to walk in it?" She softly smiles at me, "I might need to borrow Clary's legs."
"There's gotta be a rune for that, right?" I lightly joke, as she shot me a playful look.
"Mom-" I grabbed the dress and hand it to her, "Go put it on."
She gave me a sigh in defeat, heading behind the folded screen.
Clary walks in, "Zee- I have the perfect dress for you-"
I turn, looking at what she wore, "Wow-"
"Is it okay?" She closes the door, walking over to me, holding a dress in her hands.
"You look gorgeous, Fray." I smile lightly.
My mother slowly came from behind the screen, looking at us, "Oh, Clary- is there any chance I could borrow your legs?"
"Mom-" I walk over to her, fixing her hair, "You look great."
"She's right, Ms. Young." Clary smiles, "You look amazing."
"Clary- please- call me Margaret." My mother walks over to the heels I set out for her, "This is going to be the death of me."
Clary looks at me, "She is really your mother-"
"Clary-" I hit her arm lightly, playfully.
"Come on-" Clary grabs a curling iron, "Today- we're using this."
I walked into Alec's wedding with Clary and my mother, my hair loosely curled, diamond drop earrings and a bracelet as accessories, a navy blue off the shoulder mermaid dress fitting my body like a glove, white heels on my feet.
I spot Alec, as I looked over at Clary and my mother, "Save me a seat, okay?"
Clary simply gives me a nod, my mother and her sitting at the first row on the right.
I walked over to Alec, a gentle smile on my lips, "Hey."
"Hey-" Alec's eyes land on me, scanning my figure, "You look stun- good, you look really good."
"I never thought I'd ever hear you say that-" Him and I chuckle at my response, "You clean up well, Alec."
"Thank you." He gave me a small smile.
"I'm going to give this one last stab." I fixed his bow tie, looking at him, "Are you sure about this?"
"As sure as I'll ever be." Alec exhales.
"It's not too late to back out." I quietly said to him, "Actually- that's the worse way to tell someone to go on and make decisions for theirselves- but, if you don't want to do this, you don't need to."
"I want this." Alec told me short and simple, swallowing hard.
"Okay." I gently said, patting his arm lightly, "Go on- go become a wedded man."
Alec nods, giving me a genuine smile, stepping into the higher platform.
As the music started to play, I felt someone's stare on me once I made my way towards my seat, that was directly in front of everything, the first seat there was.
I looked up, catching Jace's eye.
He stared at me; not looking away. I was frozen in my spot, not being able to look away from him.
"Sorry I'm late." Simon's voice fills my ears, causing me to break eye contact with Jace and turn towards Simon, "Did I miss anything? I left right at sunset."
"Simon-" I smile, hugging him, "You're right on time."
I pull away, noticing the suit Simon had on, "Simon, you look incredible-"
"Thanks." Simon chuckles, "I borrowed one of Raphael's suits. Embracing the new me."
The sound of thudding fills my ears, Brother Jeremiah speaking, "Attention. The ceremony is about to commence."
We all took our seats, the wedding starting.
Isabelle walks down the aisle in a gold dress, holding something cushioned in her hand, walking, taking her place.
Soon enough, Lydia walks down the aisle, as I swallowed hard, watching her making her way over to Alec.
But damn did she look good.
"Wow-" Simon whispers from next to me as we watched Lydia.
I kept looking back at the doors, hoping that Magnus Bane would suddenly make an entrance.
As much as I wanted to support Alec, I did not want this wedding to happen.
But it was as if there wasn't anything I could do.
Lydia takes the bracelet and places it on Alec's wrist. Alec takes the necklace and clips it on Lydia, then they face Brother Jeremiah, holding hands.
"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune." Brother Jeremiah led, "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart, a union is born."
I swallow hard, looking back at the doors again.
No Magnus.
Lydia grabs the stele, pressing it against the crystal, the stele an inch away from Alec's wrist when the door slams, everyone's attention diverting towards the sound.
Magnus Bane walks in, coming to a stop right as he stepped in, noticing all the attention on him.
He swallows, his eyes connected with Alec's.
Mayrse turns towards Hodge, "What's that warlock doing here?"
Jace whispers, "Izzy- did Alec invite Magnus?"
"Zee did-" Isabelle gave credit where it was due, even if her and Clary were the only ones who knew, "I didn't think he'd show."
My eyes land on Maryse, Hodge standing up, as did Maryse, as she turns towards Magnus, starting to make her way over to him.
Before I could stop myself, I got up quickly, rushing over to Magnus, beating her there, linking arms with him.
Magnus looks at me, whispering, "Biscuit, I didn't think this through-"
"I'm right by your side." I rested my hand on his arm, giving him a small smile.
Maryse walks over, "Magnus, leave this wedding now."
"I invited him." I came clean, "If I don't plan on leaving- neither will he."
Alec's eyes were glued to me, as I had stood up to his mother.
"Zee- this is not your fight." Maryse spat at me, "Magnus, leave this wedding this instant."
Magnus stops her, "Maryse, this is between me and your son. I'll leave if he asks me to."
Maryse was speechless, stood in her place.
I pull Magnus along, stopping mid way, unlinking arms with him, giving him a gentle smile, whispering, "Go get your man."
I step to the side, standing by my seat, Clary getting up and standing beside me so I wasn't stood alone.
"Are you gonna be okay, buddy?" Jace whispers to Alec.
"Alec?" Lydia looks at him, "Hey-"
Alec breathes heavily, "I- I can't breathe."
"I know." Lydia smiles, "It's okay-"
Alec looks down, closing his eyes, taking deep breath, whispering to himself, "Love is love- no matter what gender."
A wide smile forms on my lips, recalling when I had told him that.
"I can't do this." Alec looks up, Lydia's expression dropping, "I thought we were doing the right thing, but this isn't it."
"You don't have to explain." Lydia was shockingly understanding about it.
"Lydia, I'm sorry-" Alex apologized.
"Hey- you deserve to be happy." Lydia held his face for a second, "Okay? I'll be fine."
Alec faces everyone, his eyes landing on me, giving me a soft smile.
He looks at Magnus, his eyes connected with his for a few moments.
Then, he starts to walk towards Magnus.
Maryse starts to walk towards him, trying to stop him, "Alec, what are you doing-"
"Enough." Alec silenced her, walking right towards Magnus, grabbing him by the collar, kissing him right in front of everyone.
I broke out into a wide smile, watching them. As we all broke into smiles, Maryse and Robert stood there, watching in disbelief.
Clary wraps her arms around me, a wide smile on her lips as well.
I felt someone's stare on me once more for a few moments, this time not bothering to look at who it was because I knew it was Jace.
I held Clary's arms, feeling genuinely happy.
Once Alec pulls away, Magnus speaks, "You never cease to amaze me, Alec."
"Yeah-" Alec exhales, "What did I just do?"
Maryse and Robert leave the room, Alec swallowing hard, watching them.
"Alec, I am so proud of you." Isabelle walks over to Alec and Magnus, smiling.
I slip away from Clary, walking over to them, engulfing Magnus and Alec in a hug at the same time, a small giggle of happiness leaving my lips.
Alec and Magnus hug back, Alec softly laughing, along with Magnus.
I pull away, smiling widely, "Watching that made me so happy- I could cry-"
"She will actually cry-" Clary pulls me to her side.
"Guys, that was incredible." Simon walks over, "It was like watching the live version of The Graduate. You know, the Dustin Hoffman movie? The amazing one?"
"You were Ben." Simon mimics Ben, "Elaine! And you were Elaine. I mean, a- a taller, masculine, handsome version of her. But at the altar, though, you were like," He mimics Elaine, "Ben!" Then moves back to his normal voice, "And then now, you're both sitting on the bus at the end of the movie, both totally stoked, but wondering, like "What're we gonna do now?" You know?"
Alec looks between us, "Who invited the vampire?"
"Seriously?" Simon blurts out.
"I invited him." I smile.
"Actually- I want to talk to you." Alec grabs my wrist and pulls me away from the others, "Thank you."
"For what?" I question, running a hand through my hair.
"Not giving up on my happiness." Alec crosses his arms.
If only he knew how much I cared about his happiness.
"It wasn't only me who tried to push you to do the right thing." I tried to be modest.
"It was you who acted." Alec spoke, "You invited Magnus- and you stood up to my mother."
"Alec-" I smile, "I just want you to be happy."
"I am now." He smiles.
I smile up at him, only to feel small tears sting in my eyes, "Okay- I need a breather before I actually start crying-"
He laughs, walking back over to Magnus, as I walked down the aisle, noticing Lydia walking away from Jace.
I start to walk, only for Jace to walk over to me, and in front of me.
I stop, looking at him. I stood still, my eyes connected with his.
I clear my throat after a few seconds, looking away, "Is Lydia gonna be okay?"
"She'll be all right." He nods, keeping a gaze on me.
I nod, starting to move past him, only for him to stop me, "Look, Zee-"
I stop once more, looking at him.
"Listen, I just need to say that you were right." Jace exhales, "Seeing what Alec just did, I realized I can't shut you out. I just don't know what to do with all this."
My voice is quiet, "I don't know either."
Magnus walks over to us, "Much as this will shock Alec, my visit tonight wasn't all for him. We need to speak privately."
As Clary went to go see her mother in the infirmary, Alec, Jace and I follow Magnus into the training room, where he used his magic to place every item on the table.
"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings." Magnus told us, "But- I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White."
I touch the bookmark instantly, "I've seen it before."
"In the alternate dimension you showed me a book of spells, and this was in it." I picked it up, "It must have been the Book of the White."
Alec spoke from beside me, "If that's the case, we can use the bookmark to track the owner of the book."
Jace goes to grab it from me, "Okay-"
"Warlock tracking is stronger." Magnus grabs it first, tracking it, then sighing, "Well, there's good news and bad news. The good news is I know the owner. The bad? It's Camille."
"You've got to be kidding." I huff, running a hand through my hair.
Magnus shrugs, "Looks like Raphael has her locked up in the basement of the Hotel DuMort."
"I doubt she's going to help me after I punched her in the face." I huff.
"She won't have a choice." Jace looks at me, "Trust me."
"Why'd you ask me up here, Zee?" Jace walks into my room, my eyes landing on him.
"I want you to see this." I grab the box, sitting down on the bed, opening it, "It's the box I found with Alec."
"What is all that?" Jace stares at the objects inside.
"Luke told me that Jocelyn had a son." I spoke quietly, "That- I have a brother. Half-Brother, if we want to get technical."
Jace closes the box, his fingers running over the letters, then gently taking the box from me, sitting down, holding it, "Jonathan Christopher."
"What's that?" I question, "Who is that?"
"It's my name." Jace stares at the box, "JC. Jace. Short for Jonathan Christopher."
"Jace-" I sigh, "I know Jocelyn isn't my mother. But- I know for a fact she never abandoned you. She opened that box once a year and cried. She never forgot about you. She thought you were dead- This is all she had left, and by the looks of it she carried you with her every single day."
"Is all this really mine?" Jace stares at the things inside.
"I'd like to think so." My voice was quiet.
"I don't know who I am anymore." Jace admits, looking down, "There's darkness in me. It's always been there."
I let him go on, "And now I- when we rescued Jocelyn and I let Valentine go I was tempted to go with him. He's my father. Maybe that's where I belong."
"You don't belong anywhere near him." I told him honestly, "According to him- I have that same darkness in me too."
Jace sighs, his eyes connected with mine.
"Jace, you're a good man." I inhale deeply, "As weird as we both feel right now about our situation- we'll figure it out."
My hands wrapped as I laid punches on the punching bag, stood in the training room, practicing even despite the dress I have on.
"What have you done, Alec?" Maryse walks over to Alec, Robert following her, Magnus stepping to the side as they stood a few feet away from me, "To us, this family?"
"This isn't about you." Alec told her.
"Of course it is." Maryse spat, "You are either being selfish or naive. This wedding was your plan from the start. And now you have humiliated us in front of the most respected members of the Clave."
I continue working on my right hook, pretending as if I wasn't listening.
"And you-" Maryse's footsteps approach me, causing me to freeze and step back, "You encouraged him. You changed him. It's because of you that he's done this. I don't even recognize him anymore-"
My mouth was open, as I quickly shut it due to words not coming out.
"Don't talk to her that way-" Alec came between us, "I'm the same person I've always been. Now everything's just out in the open."
Maryse spat, "And all for a Downworlder."
Robert looks at Alec when Maryse leaves, "Just give her time."
Alec inhales deeply, "And you?"
"I don't really understand this." Robert gestures, "But I suppose our world is changing. How long has this been going on? Are you two in love?"
Alec scoffs, "Love? What? No- it's, uh, it's sort of a different-"
"It's all very new." Magnus cuts in.
"Right." Robert sighs, "I better go check on Mom."
Robert leaves, Alec turning towards me, "The way my mother acted towards you-"
"It's okay." I cut him off, "She's upset. I get it. She'll understand that you're happy eventually."
Alec raises an eyebrow at me, as I gave him an innocent smile, turning back towards my punching bag.
Magnus looks at Alec, "You know what I just realized? We still haven't gone on our date yet."
"Yeah, you're right." Alec looks at him, "You wanna- I don't know, get a drink sometime?"
Magnus smiles, "I would love that."
"Great." Alec smiles back:
"Awh- you guys are so cute." I lean against the punching back, staring at them in awe.
Alec looks back at me, pointing, "Clench your fist last second for a harder punch."
"Thanks for the tip." I laugh softly, facing my punching back, landing another punch on it.
authors note:
zee and alec are a brotp
hi if you're reading this i just realized my full authors note didn't show up ? like uh, my bad-
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