"Welcome to the Seelie Glade, Zee Young." Meliorn introduced as we walked through what looked like the woods, light everywhere, pure beauty shining throughout every corner, "The remotest edges of it."
"I'm still confused on how we got here." I admit, crossing my arms.
"There are entrances all through the mundane world." Jace told me.
Meliorn nods, "You just have to know where to look."
"Why did we have to come here to find Valentine?" I question, not wanting to dare call him my father.
"Because of the jewel you have." Meliorn spoke, "It's a Portal shard."
"Tell us something we don't know." Jace walks next to me.
Meliorn looks at me, "How does it work?"
"When I touch the crystal and I think of someone, I can see where they are." I explain, sort and simple.
"I'm curious, Shadowhunter, who knows so much about Portals," Meliorn looks at Jace, "Did you never wonder why this Portal shard doesn't behave the way normal Portals do?"
Jace exhales, "Normal Portals can only take you to places you've been. I guess I never really thought about it."
"I see Isabelle is the smart one in the family." Meliorn comments, Jace rolling his eyes, "Your Portal shard works the way it does because it's a piece of a Portal from another dimension."
I looked at him, "Did I just hear you right? Another dimension?"
"You're saying there's a Portal in some other universe that can take us to anyone if we just think of them?" Jace crosses his arms.
"If you can find the only Portal still standing in that dimension it will take you to your father." Meliorn nods towards me, "These trees are where the alternate dimensions intersect the Seelie realm."
"How is it possible that the Clave doesn't know about your dimensional doorways?" Jace questions.
"They are our most guarded secret." Meliorn came to a stop in front of two trees, their leaves tangled together, "We are their protectors. Only Seelies know of their existence."
I stop by Jace's side, "Then why are you telling us?"
"I owe you a life debt and I don't like being indebted to anyone." He told us.
"What would happen if-" I began.
Meliorn cuts me off, "If the Seelie Queen finds out I've shared this with you? I could be executed."
"Meliorn-" I inhale deeply, "That's a big risk-"
"Well, we'll be extra careful then." Jace cuts me off also.
"There is no "we" in this scenario." Meliorn looks at Jace. "Only Zee goes in to find the Portal. My debt is to her."
Jace was ready to fight back, "You've given us no reason to trust you, Seelie."
"Jace-" I looked at him, "He brought us here- that's a reason."
Meliorn uses his magic to move the branches and leaves, "This will establish a connection to the other dimension."
"What's the other dimension like?" I question, "Is it like this one?"
Meliorn continues what he was doing, "It is but it isn't."
Jace rolls his eyes, "Could you be more vague?"
"It is an alternate timeline, in a sense." Meliorn explains, "There, Shadowhunters and demons no longer exist. And Downworlders have conformed to the mundane way of life to avoid detection."
"What happened to the Shadowhunters?" I questioned.
"Their services were no longer required, because they won the war against the demons, centuries ago. Once they sealed the rifts between their worlds-" Meliorn inhales deeply, "-their culture faded away."
Meliorn went on, "Once you arrive in the alternate dimension, you will assume the body of the Zee in that world. You will think and feel just like her.l
"But- I'll still know I'm me, right?" I ask, "I'll know I have to find the Portal?-"
"There's a catch." Jace huffs, "With Seelies, there's always a catch."
"Your alternate self could consume you if you let it." Meliorn adds in.
"Is there a way to not let it?" I question immediately.
Meliorn strains, "Focus on the differences between that world and ours. Find something or someone to keep you grounded to this one."
I looked at Jace, knowing it would be the thought of him that would keep me myself, "I'll figure it out."
"It will be more difficult than you think." Meliorn spoke, the door appearing between the two trees, "If you don't hurry, you could cease to be this world's Zee Young."
"And be stuck in that world forever." I sigh deeply, crossing my arms.
"Here-" I place the card that had the Mortal Cup in it in Jace's pocket, "With you- I know it'll be safe. Just in case I don't make it back."
Jace stares at me, "You're coming back."
I shot him a look, "Do either of us know about interdimensional travel?"
"Little bit." He shrugs.
I softly laugh, "Not helping."
Jace smiles lightly, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear and pulls me in for a kiss.
Our lips connect for a few short seconds, Meliorn's voice breaking us apart, "It's time."
I walk over, "Meliorn, I appreciate the risk- but a life debt requires you ensure my safety. I'll agree to go alone but if I find this Portal, I won't be able to face Valentine on my own. I'm barely trained."
Jace comes behind me, "She'll need backup."
Meliorn sighs, "If you find the Portal, you may come back for him. Shadowhunters need Seelie permission to go through. Only demons can pass through unaided."
Meliorn starts to speak Seelie, using his magic to open the doors, blue and red flashing before my eyes, going forward.
I nod towards Jace, slowly walking away from him, shoving down all the fear that grew in my chest deep down, stepping into portal.
I gasp quickly, looking around quickly to see where I was.
I was no longer dressed in the t shirt, jacket and black jeans. I was dressed in a pair of black plaid pants, white sneakers on my feet, a baby blue sweater, one that fell off my shoulder, exposing it, my hair longer than usual and ending at the beginning of my waist, curled.
I was in the apartment, confusion filling within me.
Valentine walks in, setting down tea cups onto the table.
My eyes widen, as I grabbed a knife, holding it up to him, "Tell me where Margaret and Jocelyn are!"
"Whoa." Valentine looks at me, putting his hands up, chuckling, "Is this a scene from the new show you got the main part to?"
My eyes were wide as I stare at him, holding the knife still.
"Uh, honey? Come in here. You gotta see this." Valentine calls out, then looks at me, "No, seriously, you have to let me come with you, just once, okay? You're an amazing actress- I want to see what you do at these things, all right?"
"I- uh-" I stammer.
Clary walks in, engulfing me into a hug from behind, "Don't kill him just yet- the world's best waffles are right in front of you."
"Yeah-" I swallow, slowly setting down the knife, looking at Clary, "Where are- my parents?"
Clary chuckles, "They went on a business trip, remember?"
"Right-" I looked away, "Right- I can't believe I forgot."
Jocelyn walks in, "Zee, Clary- in honor of your father's Mad Hatter party tonight."
"Your mom made waffles for you guys." Valentine chuckles, as they all sat down at the table.
I stare at them, Valentine smiling at me, "Come on, kiddo, you gotta eat somethin', right?"
"I-" I hum in response, sitting down, "Yeah- waffles- great."
Valentine looks at me, "So, Zee when do I get to meet this new man in your life, hmm?"
I stare at him, "New man-"
"Val-" Jocelyn shot him a look.
"Dad- come on." Clary wraps an arm around me, making a joke, "Her and Alec broke up a few weeks ago because of his sexuality- you gotta give her time to make sure this one isn't gay also-"
"What?" I looked at Clary.
"Oh shush- I know you're the only one he admitted it to- but I mean, you tell me everything-" Clary chuckles.
"Okay, but- I have to give my stamp of approval, right?" He chuckles.
"Oh, Zee, look at this commercial, it's hilarious." Jocelyn giggles and points at the tv, "It's so bad, it's good."
I looked at the tv screen, my eyes landing on Hodge, "-and almost broke when Magnus Bane helped me figure out what I was supposed to do with my life. Now?" He kicks, "I run my own dojo."
"After being mauled by a suspect's dog Magnus helped me realize that maybe the police force wasn't my calling." Luke came on the tv, wearing glasses and a suit, "So, I opened up a rare bookstore. Now, I'm doing what I love."
"Thanks, Magnus Bane." They said in unison.
"I'm Magnus Bane." Magnus speared on the tv, "Come in today for a tarot card and psychic reading. I'll help you find your way."
I felt myself slowly slip away, everything starting to get dizzy and blurry, everyone sounding so distant.
Suddenly, the sound of cutlery clattering snaps me out of it, as I quickly jumped up, "I have to go."
"What? I thought you were spending the morning with us." Valentine looks up at me.
"I, uh," I stammer, quickly throwing something out, "I didn't pick up my script- I gotta go-"
"Well, we'll see you tonight, right?" Jocelyn watched me as I ran out, "Zee-"
My hands play with the purple crystal that was the portal shard.
A gasp leaves my lips when I'm turned around quickly, Simon coming into my sight, "Hey. Where have you been? We've been texting you for, like, 20 minutes."
"Simon," I stare at him, breathing out his name, blinking a few times, noticing that he was standing in the sun.
"I know that look." Simon points, sighing deeply, "Caffeine deprivation."
I swallow, "What?-"
"Come on, shorty." He grabs my hand, pulling me along, towards Alec and Isabelle, who looked completely different.
"Simon, I don't have time for coffee today, I have to-" I began to make an excuse.
"No, no, no. I know that look in your eye." He smiles, "And when you get that look, I either have to caffeinate you immediately or accept full responsibility for you killing someone."
I let out a small laugh at his words, "Oh-"
"And you know how I am with blood." He grimaces, then walks away and towards the coffee truck.
"Is that new?" Isabelle points at the crystal in my hands.
"Yeah-" I stutter, "It's just- something I saw in a ship. I got it a couple days ago."
"You and Clary getting ready at my place tonight, right?" Isabelle questioned.
I looked between her and Alec, "Ready for what?"
"That is not even a little bit funny." Alec points at me, "I have poured my heart and soul into planning this anniversary party for the Institute. And the theme is amazing."
I nod, "Oh-"
Clary comes over, "Hey, you rushed out-"
"Yeah- yeah I got my script." I ran a hand through my hair.
"On more important matters, what is with this guy and the Mad Hatter?" Alec questions.
"Visionaries are quirky crazy." Isabelle quickly says, "You don't get 4D Internet tech thinking inside the box."
"I'm beginning to wonder if you don't have a thing for your boss." Alec played with his collar.
Isabelle chuckles, "Like, if their dad would ever go for me."
"Wait, my dad?" Clary looks at her.
"Uh no, I'm totally kidding. I mean, I'm not crushing on your dad, right?" Isabelle shoves her earbuds in, "Yup, mhm."
"Order's up." Simon comes to my side, placing the coffee in front of me, "We're setting up at 6:00, right? I need your help tonight loading. This gig could be huge for me."
"Yeah- yeah of course-" I nod, my heart beat instantly quickening at the scent of Jace, telling me that he was right next to me.
Jace's hand rests on my back, looking at me, sisterly speaking, "Hey."
"Hi-" I looked at him, knowing that even if this wasn't my Jace, my emotions couldn't tell the difference.
Jace softly smiles, "You wanna get out of here?"
"Uh- yeah, sure." I shrug, as he grabs my hand, pulling me along.
He pulls me to the ground of his truck, pushing me up against it, his hands resting on my waist, connecting my lips with his.
My eyes widen, this being completely unexpected, "Oh-"
I was shut up when he continued to kiss me, my eyes slowly closing, as I held his face, melting into the kiss.
He slowly pulls away, smiling at me, his voice low, "I can't wait till tonight."
I swallow, stammering, "For the party?"
"Just shut up and kiss me." Jace softly laughs, pulling me into him, kissing me again.
I kiss back instantly, sharing the kiss with him for a few seconds before he pulls away, and kissing down my neck, my teeth biting down on my bottom lip, my heart beat quickening with every moment passing by.
Everything started to get blurry once more, my vision dizzy, every sound now distant, as I felt myself spill away once more.
A horn blares, quickly snapping me out of it.
I push Jace away quickly, "No- no- stop-"
Jace looks at me, confusion and concern flashing in his eyes, "Zee-"
"I- no-" I shook my head, running off.
Jace calls out after me, "Zee!"
[ jace's pov ]
I looked at Meliorn, standing in front of the portal, "If Zee doesn't make it out of there soon, you're gonna be meditating six feet under."
Meliorn doesn't turn, "Shadowhunter, have you ever seen a Seelie knight fight? I wouldn't be so cocky about your prowess if I were you."
There was a low rumble, Meliorn jumping up quick.
I slowly walked over to him, "What's going on?"
"Opening the doorway to this dimension may not have been a good idea." Meliorn turns and looks at me.
I deeply sigh, "On a scale from one to namaste, how screwed are we?"
"Demons are attracted to this dimension. It's defenseless and peaceful." Meliorn spoke.
"They like chaos and havoc." I pull out my seraph blade, Meliorn walking over to the portal, "All right, pointy ears, looks like yoga time might be over."
[ zee's pov ]
"The Lovers, you are in a loving relationship." Magnus flips a card, "This man has a strong hold on you. You feel a magnetic attraction to him that you cannot escape. Tonight will define your relationship."
I sat there in front of him, bored out of my mind, looking around his apartment.
"You hope he is your soul mate." He continued to flip cards, "But- secrets revealed will threaten to tear you apart."
I start to slip away once more, the effects hitting me, until a cat jumps in front of me, meowing, a gasp leaving my lips, a blurt leaving my lips, "You don't have a cat."
"I have two." He corrects, looking at both cats, "Chairman Meow and Church."
I sat up, looking at Magnus, "Okay- I can't take this anymore, I'm not actually here for a reading."
"I know you're a warlock, Magnus." I confront him, "I'm a Shadowhunter."
Magnus laughs, "There are no more Shadowhunters. Haven't been for hundreds of years."
"I'm serious, Magnus." I got up, grabbing a sketch book and a pencil I found in his apartment, drawing something on the paper, "I'm from an alternate reality."
"If that were true without an anchor, you'd be assimilating into this world." Magnus stares at me.
"I'm trying to fight it. Which is part of why I need your help." I shook my head, showing him the drawing, "In my dimension, Shadowhunters still battle demons. And now there is something so much worse. I need your magic to help me stop it."
Magnus got up, "I can't help you. My magic's gone dormant."
"Then wake it up." I stood up also, "I'm not leaving you alone until you help me."
"This better work." Magnus sighs, sipping something out of a cup, catching my attention from looking through one of his books.
"What does that do?" I question.
He grimaces at the taste, "Hopefully kick-start my magic."
I stare at him, "And?"
"Give it a minute?" He suggests, setting down the cup, walking over to me, "That book is very precious. Warlock spells preserved in all their grandeur."
"It's stunning." My fingertips run over the writing.
"This isn't working. This is the longest I've ever abstained." He walks away and picks up the cup again, "From a lot of things."
"Just- try something simple." I suggest, walking over to him, pointing at something, "Move that."
Magnus puts down the cup and tries to use his magic to move it, only to grunt and scoff when it doesn't work.
I stare at him, demonstrating how he was in my dimension, "Usually, you have a little bit more of a flourish to it."
Magnus scoffs, "I do not look like that."
I shrug, "I mean- well-"
Magnus tried once more, only to grunt deeply.
"Magnus, we just have to find the Portal." I huff.
Magnus looks at me, "Even if my magic was working, I'd still need an energy signature of some kind to track it."
"I mean- we could try this-" I pull out the portal shard, "I don't know how this came into this dimension with me-"
"Because it's of this dimension- It belongs here." Magnus grabs onto it with me, a pulsating filling my body, purple moving to my arm for a second.
I jump slightly at the feeling, "Oh-"
"Now that's what I'm talking about. We have lift off." Magnus breathes deeply, looking into the distant, "The energy is very faint. It's been dormant for a long time- like me. Let's see if we can wake it up."
I looked at him, "Can you see it?"
"Yes." He nods, "It's in a subbasement of Fort Knox."
"Wait, literally?" I question.
"No, but it might as well be." Magnus looks at me, "The Institute."
My eyebrows furrow, "Why is that a problem?"
"High tech, high security." Magnus told me, "Impossible to get into."
"And hosting an anniversary party tonight that I am invited to, and totally can get you into-" I put the portal shard into my pocket, my phone buzzing, seeing a text from Isabelle.
"Damn. Meet me tonight at 7:00 p.m at the Institute." I pat his arm before running off, "Dress to impress."
I walk into Isabelle's room, "What's the emergency?"
She turns and looks at me, her eye bruised, "What the hell happened?"
"Kickboxing class." She told me, "I thought, why not? Quick class after work. And, boom! Home in time to see you."
"Well, you got the "boom" part right." I mutter, walking over to her dresser, grabbing concealer.
"Andrea's foot right into my face." Isabelle rambles, "She has to pick today to finally land her roundhouse?"
"It's okay." I look around her things.
"What are people gonna think?" She huffs deeply, "And then Alec worked so hard to plan this. I just cannot not go to the party. And what am I supposed to do? I worked so hard-"
"Hey, we're gonna fix it." I sat her down, grabbing a brush.
"But then we have to fix you and Jace, because the two of you not talking really messes with my chi." She breathes heavily, "Are you sure those are the colors?"
"We will make it work." I assure her, sitting down by her, opening the concealer and starting to cover up the bruises.
"Okay, because if I don't show up to the party, your dad and Simon are so gonna kill me." Isabelle rambles on.
I look at her, "Do you think you could get a friend of mine on the guest list for tonight?"
"Um- well, if you make this work, I'll do anything for you." She nods quickly, giving me a hopeful smile.
I continue to cover up the bruise, muttering under my breath, "That was easy-"
I pace at the party, waiting for my phone to buzz, awaiting a text from Magnus that he was here.
I was dressed in a short and simple black dress, the slim fabric fitting my body like a glove.
"May I?" Jace's voice fills my ears, my body turning quickly.
"Jace." I exhale, "Hi, uhm-"
"Zee, what's going on with you?" Jace stops me.
"Nothing." I shook my head.
Valentine walks over, "This must be the Jace I've heard so much about."
"Uh, yes, sir." Jace shook his hand.
"Sir is for my father." Valentine said, "Call me Mr. Morgenstern."
I clear my throat, "Uh, Dad, this is, um, our song."
"Oh, right." He nods, "Nice to meet you."
"It was a pleasure to nice-" Jace messed up nervously, "Uh, nice to meet you as well."
I hold back a laugh, rolling my eyes playfully, knowing that my Jace wouldn't be this nervous.
But this was cute.
I blink, starting to walk away, Jace grabbing my arm, "What's going on with you?"
"Jace, I already to you-" I began.
He cuts me off, "You ran away from me this morning. And you didn't respond to my texts all day, and now you won't even dance with me?"
"I'm sorry, okay?" I huff, "I've got a lot on my mind, right now."
"Just one dance." He persuades.
"Fine- okay." I give in, Jace pulling me onto the dance floor, "One."
"You got somewhere else to be?" He playfully said, pulling me into him, holding me close.
I started to melt away into his embrace, my emotions getting the best of me.
I felt myself slip away once more. And this time, I let it.
My lips were connected with Jace's, giggles leaving my lips, a smile on his as we continued stand there and kiss each other.
Simon clears his throat, making us break apart, "I need to borrow your lady."
Jace puts a strand of my hair behind my ear, "Well, promise you'll give her back to me?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die." Simon puts a hand over his heart.
"Well, I'll have to trust you." Jace smiles, giving him a high five then snapping, Simon doing the same, Jace walking away from us.
Simon shows me a key resting in a velvet box, "I'm gonna ask Izzy to move in with me."
"Oh, my God, Simon-" I smile, "She's totally gonna say yes."
"You think so? I mean, I don't know." Simon rambles, "Maybe it's a bad idea. Like a really bad idea. It could be a bad idea."
"Simon-" I imitate the Dracula stare, "-look into my eyes."
Simon mimics me, "The Dracula stare."
I nod, giggling, Simon breaking out into laughter with me.
"Well played." Simon nods, "Okay, I'm good.
I push him towards Isabelle, "Go get 'em, tiger."
A man walks towards me, grabbing my arm, "Come on, let's go."
I pull away lightly, "Who are you?"
"Zee, it's me, Magnus." His voice echoed, my eyes blinking."
"Do I know you?" I question.
"Focus." The man who went by Magnus' voice continued to echo, snapping his fingers, some sort of cat appearing in a hologram.
"What the f-" I blink, "Okay, seriously, let go of me-"
"Dude, I-" I blink again, my eyes landing on some sort of symbol he showed me, snapping me out of it, "That was close."
"You're telling me." He sighs deeply.
"This way." I grab his hand, pulling him through the party.
"What are we even looking for?" I question, looking around.
"I'll know it when I see it." Magnus looks around.
I huff, "What if this doesn't work? I would've come here for nothing."
"It will, biscuit." Magnus stops and holds my arm gently, "I can feel it."
Jace walks down the stairs, walking over to us, "You know, if you were having second thoughts about us, you could have told me, instead of coming down here and hooking up with some random guy."
"Oh boy-" I mutter to myself in a huff, then looks at him, "Jace, this isn't exactly a good time- and it's not what it looks like."
"Really? You know when would be a good time for me, Zee? Never." Jace told me, "Never call me again."
"Jace-" I huff, realizing I had practically destroyed inter dimensional me's relationship, as he walked away from me.
Suddenly, a demon growls, jumping in front of Jace, as he jumps in surprise.
I rip the side of my dress so I could move my legs better, as I move in front of Jace instantly, pushing him to the side, swinging my leg up and pushing the demon back, a grunt leaving my lips.
Jace looks at me with wide eyes, "What the hell is that thing?"
"Not the best time for questions, Jace-" I grabbed his hand, pulling him along with me, Magnus coming with us.
Once we came to a stop, Jace was shaking, trying to process what he had just witness, scared out of his mind.
"Hey- it's okay." I tried to shush him, as he leaned against the metal, breathing heavily, his hands shaking, as I rubbed his back.
Energy pulsated, as I jump back quickly, "Wow- okay- so weird-"
Jace looks at his hands, then looks at me.
I swallow, "Jace?"
"Yeah." Jace sighs, looking at me, "You okay?"
"Oh my god-" I hug him instantly, "I think I screwed up inter dimensional me's relationship-"
He hugs back, then pulls away, eyeing his suit, "Mind filling me in?"
The sound of the demon growling fills my ears, as the demon appears, grabbing Jace by the collar, tossing him to the side.
"Are you filled in yet?" I grab a pole, trying to fight off the demon myself, somehow getting the upper hand.
Jace joins in, as we fought the demon off together, Jace saving my ass here and there due to my training being so little. As Jace finishes the demon off, the demon stings him, Jace letting go of his stick, as I use the pole in my hands to end it, hitting the demon as hard as I could.
I fell beside Jace, Jace pulling off the blazer, holding his neck, "Jace- Jace-"
Jace gasps for air, "Where's my stele?"
"It didn't come through with you." I huff, rubbing his back.
"You're gonna need more than a stele for that." Magnus walks over and looks at the demon sting.
"Will Portaling him back to his own body cure him?" I question.
"No, blood travels with you." Magnus told us, "It's why your angelic powers still work here. The demon venom is in his blood."
I began, "Then we have to get him back to the Institute in our dimension-"
Jace grunts, "No, we've gotta find Valentine."
"Jace, you're in no condition to fight right now- I'm not risking this-" I shook my head in denial.
Jace's breathing was ragged, "We might not get another chance, Zee. This is too important."
"I found it!" Magnus calls us from a few feet away from us.
"Come on." I pull Jace up, letting him lean into me, walking over to Magnus.
Magnus reaches for the portal shard, as I hand it to him immediately. He uses his magic after putting the piece to the wall, the portal opening up.
Jace looks at him, "You'll have to destroy the Portal after we go through."
"Why?" Magnus questions.
"To secure your dimension from all sides." Jace breathes out, "Otherwise, if it stays open, you'll be vulnerable to demon attacks again."
"I'll take care of it and the malodorous monstrosity on that table." Magnus nods, then looks at me, "Thank you."
I stammer, "I should be thanking you."
"No, you gave me back a life. I won't forget it." He told me, "Now, go."
Jace looks at me, panting, "Think of your father."
I nod, Valentine crossing my mind, as I walked right into the portal.
The minute we were out of the portal, we were back in our normal clothes, Jace falling onto the ground in pain.
"Jace-" I fell to my knees, as he groans in pain, breathing heavily, "It's okay. I'm here, it's okay-"
"No going back now." He forcefully pulled the sting out, grunting, grabbing his stele, waving it over the healing rune.
"Magnus was right. It's not working-" I said.
"It's enough." He grunts, as I helped him up.
I looked around, holding my blade ready, "This is what I saw-"
I stop, noticing many needles and fluids, "What is all this?"
"The makings of an army." Jace picks up a syringe then drops it, huffing, "There's no one here."
"Did Meliorn lie to us-" I began to question, only to be cut off by a muffled scream.
I shot Jace a look, before rushing toward where the sound came from, stopping right in my tracks when my eyes landed on where the scream came from.
I felt like I had lost all oxygen, fear and shock in my eyes.
There was my mother, chained up completely, her eyes wide at the sight of me, looking weak, a cloth tied around her mouth.
"Jace!" I shrieked his name, calling for him, dropping my blade, rushing toward her, untying the cloth.
Jace rushes over, holding his blade up, "Who is that?"
"Mom-" I threw the cloth somewhere, grabbing out my stele, "Mom-"
"Zee-" She was shaky, her eyes glued to me in surprise and shock, "You shouldn't be here-"
"You can explain everything later-" I dismiss, looking for my stele.
"What're you doing here-" Her voice was soft, tears flooding her eyes, "You need to go- you need to go now- before he shows up-"
"No-" I use my stele to break the chains, the shape engraved where it was tied due to how tie it was, "Listen- I don't know what the hell is going on, but you're coming with me-"
"Zee-" Jace began.
I look back at him instantly, tears flooding my eyes, "I'm not leaving without her."
Jace nods, as I helped my mom up, grabbing my blade.
"I can't believe I'm actually looking at you-" She weakly said, "I thought he got to you- he's-"
"Mom- we can talk when we get out of here." I pull her along with me, a banging at the door catching all of us off guard.
"Zee- get behind me." Jace guards me quickly, despite the venom in his veins.
Jace opens the door quickly, Jace letting his guard down instantly, staring in surprise, "It can't be. It can't be-"
I held my mother's hand, staring between the man and Jace, "What?"
"You died-" Jace started to tear up, "I saw it."
"Jace?" The man said softly, "Jace- is it really you?"
"Jace, who the hell is that? How do you know him?" I question, guarding my mother in fear she would be taken away from me again.
Jace looks at me, letting out a shaky breath, "He's my father."
authors note:
yes everyone margaret's very much alive and it is really herrr
sooo, jace and zee found their parents, yet jocelyn is still gone
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