KAMEELA felt shaken and slowly sits on the nearest sofa to her,she looked at her sister and mother, she's afraid of her dad more than anything,she cursed quietly when her mom move closer to her
"What's your problem Kameela?"the elderly woman asked quietly,Kameela character is an exact opposite of her mom's,while her mom is a quiet and easy going type,Kameela is always where trouble finds her
"Nothing mom,I didn't know the time was gone"Kameela replied in an exhausted kind of way
"It's not about being late,I'm talking about the way you are,I didn't raise you up to become a tyrant look at your elder sister and your elder brother,look at your younger sister,why have you decided to be the black sheep of the family"the woman said her eyes getting moistened and Hiqmah her eldest daughter went closer to her hugging her and slowly rubbing circles on her back,she's a replica of her mom but physically and character wise
"Mom,it's not my fault trouble finds me and I need your help with dad please"Kameela said and her mother's lips turn into a thin line trying to control the anger radiating from her
"You know your dad and you know no one can change his mind,I don't think I will be of any help to you"her mom replied awhile later
"Please mom just talk to him,I don't know what he is planning to do to discipline me"Kameela said to her mother
"You should go and pray first, I will set your dinner for you"her mother says and she stood up hugging her before her mother leaves
"Kameela,you should listen to mom and stop all this,you're not a baby anymore you're an adult and you can't keep doing this when you reach your husband's house"Hiqmah said and Kameela huffs
"Is that why you keep on taking shits Nazir throws at you"Kameela gave her sister a savage reply her hands wrapped across her chest
"Kameela! What do this have to do with Nazir?"Hiqmah asked tears threatening to fall from her eyes
"You have your own issue to solve like your boyfriend or whatever you call him,solve that first before barging into mine"Kameela replied taking her bag taking quick steps to her room
She dropped her bag on her bed sighing and suddenly grew tired,she went to take a very cool shower performing her salat and she remembered the little misunderstanding she had with her sister and squeeze her shut thinking about what she said was wrong
She wore her night gown leaving her room and knocked on her sister's door
"Come in"she heard Hiqmah's small voice say and she slowly open the door to her room
Her heart broke into pieces when she met her sister crying and it hurts more when she knew she's the cause of it
"I'm sorry big sister"she said sitting on her bed beside her before slowly engulfing her in a hug making Hiqmah bursting into more cries
"I'm so sorry sister,I know I'm wrong and what I said is a sour point for you"Kameela said and her sister hug her back and she gently place her head on her sister's shoulder
"Nazir have not always been like this,there was a time he was faithful and sweet,maybe everything changed because I'm too soft and he knows I'm not going anywhere,I can't even think about starting a new relationship with anyone right now and I understand you perfectly,I'm not angry at you I'm just angry at the fact I can't take huge step to fight for myself"Hiqmah said making Kameela feel guilty the more
"I'm sorry"she murmured on her sister's shoulder
"It's fine,I should give you your dinner"Hiqmah said standing up taking her short hijab beside her on the bed
Kameela stood up too and follow her sister to the kitchen,she sat on a stool and her sister went to microwave her dinner for her,she thanked her when she served her her dinner and Hiqmah went to the fridge grabbing a very cool apple eating it while Kameela eats her dinner
"How was work?"Hiqmah asked
"Hectic and annoying,I'm just tired of working under Mr Majeed,I wish dad will just transfer me back to his company"Kameela said and Hiqmah chuckled
"He might soon"Hiqmah said standing up to get a glass of holandia yoghurt from the fridge
"How sure are you?"Kameela asked
"I'm not really sure but dad is planning on signing a huge contract with a big company and he needs help"Hiqmah said
"Which company?"Kameela asked
"I don't know yet but I do know it's going to be a great impact on ours,I met him discussing about it in his office today at work"Hiqmah answered
"Wow! That's going to be nice,just too bad I'm not part of the family business"Kameela said standing up and grabbing her plate with her,she kept it on the zinc and wash it putting it back at its rightful place
"Don't worry,it's just time and also I discovered you didn't take anything before leaving the house this morning"Hiqmah said throwing away the apple seeds on the dust bin
"Yeah I was late and I don't need another scolding to start the day"Kameela replied stretching her body like a cat visibly tired
"Don't worry I will prepare you enough food to take before going to work tomorrow"Hiqmah said and Kameela smiled
"Would be glad,Ya Allah! I just remembered I have some office work to do and I feel so tired"Kameela said trying to rush out and complete her work while Hiqmah stopped her
"Don't bother stressing yourself Kameela,you can go to bed I will surely help you with the work"Hiqmah said and Kameela nodded in disagreement
"You should be tired too it's not like you don't go to work"Kameela said and her sister smiled
"I'm not sleepy yet,don't worry I will get the work done neatly for you"
"Thanks"Kameela said yawning going back to her room and her sister followed her "here it is"she says handing the files over to her sister
"You're welcome"Hiqmah said before going back to her room and Kameela locked the door slumping on her bed
The morning came sooner than expected,Kameela stood up adjusting her room curtain she forgot to adjust last night,she went to the bathroom performing her morning rituals and came back to perform her salat and also reciting surahtul Mariam
She gently placed her Qur'an in it's original place stretching and yawning before dressing up in a straight blue long skirt and match it up with a white shiffon top and also wrapped a white and blue veil to cover her head up after applying gel on the front of her hair
She took her purse checking to make sure everything she needed was intact before leaving her room going straight to the kitchen to find her sister still on her night gown preparing breakfast
"Ain't you going to work?"Kameela asked sitting on one of the stool
"Good morning to you too"Hiqmah said shoving a fried egg in Kameela's mouth and she chew slowly "take your breakfast first,I already prepare lunch for you,I will be going back to my room to get prepared for work"
"Ok Sisi,thanks for taking care of me"Kameela said smiling sheepishly
"You're always welcome baby"Hiqmah said chuckling before hearing someone entering the kitchen,they turn to meet their younger sister yawning
"Nyené(morning)"Zafurah said stretching and Hiqmah tsk
"Have you perform your salat?"Hiqmah asked and Zafurah nodded before grabbing a plate to take her own breakfast
"This is delicious"Zafurah said and Kameela giggles,she stood up kissing her elder sister in the cheek who in turn handed over her lunch pack to her
"I love you and Zafurah be a good girl at school"Kameela said
"I should be telling you that"Zafurah replied and Hiqmah bursted out laughing while Kameela only huffed leaving the kitchen
She met her parents in the sitting room greeted them before leaving the house
She arrived at work and met her colleagues,they greeted themselves good morning before Kameela went to her office,Miss Rafaht her co worker came to meet her in her office
"Good morning Kameela"she greeted
"Good morning"Kameela replied smiling
"Well I wanted to tell you we will be holding a confluence meeting in less than an hour,you should get yourself ready because one of the major shareholder of this company will be visiting the company today"Rafaht said and Kameela nodded
"Thank you"she says before Rafaht left her office,she stood up arranging her office when she heard a short knock on her door before Mr Majeed entered the office
"Good morning sir"Kameela greeted dusting an imaginary dirt from her skirt
"Morning,I'm sure you're done with the paper works"Mr Majeed said
"Yes sir"Kameela replied
"Good! Give them to me I have to go through it before the meeting holds,the reports is the reason for the meeting we will be having"Mr Majeed said and Kameela remembered she didn't take it back from her sister
"Uhm sir! I forgot it at home"she replied closing her eyes momentarily waiting for reigns of insult
"What! What do you mean by you forgot it? What kind of a worker are you Kameela? Ya Allah! Just go back home and get them to me I don't care how you do it,I need those papers in less than ten minutes"Mr Majeed shouted and this time around Kameela didn't have comebacks
The man left the office angrily and Kameela took her car key rushing out of the building,she took her car putting it in a high speed trying to get home as fast as she can before she mistakenly hit her car with someone's own,she stopped driving immediately coming out of the car to check on the other driver
"I'm sorry I was in haste"Kameela said as soon as she sees the other driver,the driver was a tall dark slim man and an handsome one too,the other door of the car open and a petite dark lady came out of it,she was wearing a pink gown with white veils and colourless eye glass and a brown skinned man stepped out at the door at the back which Kameela identify immediately
"Nazir!"she said stepping closer to the man with anger visible in her face
"Kameela"the man said and the other two look at him surprised at the recognition
"Don't you dare Kameela me! You womaniser!"Kameela said taking a step forward
"Hey! Lady calm down,you're met to be apologising for brushing my fiancee car"The other lady in their midst said
"You better mind your business!"Kameela warned and the girl charge towards her
"What kind of a girl are you? You lack manners!"the other lady said and her fiance pull her towards him
"Mansurah it's okay"the tall man said
"What's your problem Kameela,look at the way you act,who will marry a mad woman like you,you don't even look like Hiqmah's sister at all"Nazir said and Kameela got much more angry
"You call me mad woman?! In fact you and your entire generation is mad,is that the reason you cheat on my sister and hurt her feelings time to time,she's just too simple to deal with you and thank God she has me to put you in your place!"Kameela yelled angrily
"Oh I'm a cheater right? No problem! Have you been able to find yourself a cheater talkless of an holy man,you should work on yourself Kameela because you always succeed on giving an awful first impression"Nazir said equally angry,Kameela wanted to give him a savage reply when her phone started ringing and she took it to see it's Mr Majeed,she cursed silently before putting the phone in silent
"You're lucky I'm in haste!"she said turning around entering her car before speeding away
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