You become a Predacon
After a few years after Emmeila, Leila and Penny got married you decided that you wanted to become a Predacon. Naturally Predaking was against the idea at first, but after you convinced him that it would mean that you didn't have to get old and die he was okay with it. So when Predaking somehow contacted Shockwave you both went to meet up with him.
"Is this going to hurt?" You asked Shockwave nervously as he put you in a giant tank.
"No, you will not be in any pain. But this process will take a while." Shockwave told you.
"That's fine." You said quietly.
"I love you, Y/n. I will be here when you're done." Predaking said.
"Thank you." You said as Shockwave closed the tank and filled it with liquid.
~ About six weeks later ~
After about six weeks you had successfully become a female Predacon. When Shockwave drained the tank and opened it Predaking caught you in his arms. Your new body looked simallar to Predaking's, but you had F/c armor with S/f/c highlights. And you were a little bit smaller.
"She's online and her spark is healthy." Shockwave said as he scanned you.
"Will she be able to transform?" Predaking asked Shockwave.
"Yes, she will. But only when she is ready." Shockwave replied.
After a while you finally opened your O/c optics and saw Predaking. You felt dizzy, but you muzzled him with your helm. He thought that your F/c armor with S/f/c highlights suited you. He could hardly wait for you to learn how to transform.
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