He proposes
One day Predaking asked you to go out on a walk with him shortly after you got home from work. You couldn't help but say yes. It weather was good, a light breeze blew your H/l H/c hair backwards a little. As you walked along side his holoform you could tell that he was really nervous about something.
"Y/n, there has been something that I've been meaning to ask you." Predaking said as he stopped walking.
"Okay, go ahead." You said as you smiled.
Predaking then got in front of you and kneeled. When he pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it you gasped. Inside the box was the most beautiful engagement ring that you had ever seen.
"Y/n, you are the most beautiful and kind human that I have ever met. Even though I am concidered a beast to most people you see me as much more. Before I met you I thought that no one could truly love me, but after I met you I realized that you are the one who gave me a chance. I can not imagine living without you by my side. F/n, M/n, L/n, will you do me the honor of being my Queen?" Predaking asked you.
"Yes Predaking, I will!" You said happily as he put the engagement ring on your ring finger.
Predaking then stood up and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. Neither of you could have been happier.
Your engagement ring
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